#! /usr/bin/env python import os import sys import exif def compose(delta, old): map=[0, 4, 2, 6, 5, 1, 7, 3] unmap=[1, 6, 3, 8, 2, 5, 4, 7] x = map[delta-1] y = map[old-1] z = ((x^y)&4) + ((y+(x&3)*(((y&4)>>1)+1))&3) return unmap[z] def deg2o(d): map={90:6, 270:8, 180:3} if map.has_key(d): return map[d] else: return 0 if len(sys.argv) < 2: print 'Usage: %s [[+]orientnum] file\n' % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) try: if len(sys.argv) == 2: filename=sys.argv[1] file=open(filename, "r"); else: filename=sys.argv[2] mod=sys.argv[1] fd = os.open(filename, os.O_RDWR) file=os.fdopen(fd,'r') # check file exists and is readable file.read(1) file.seek(0,0) except: print 'Cannot open', filename sys.exit(1) tags=exif.process_file(file,0,1) if not tags: print 'no EXIF information in', filename sys.exit(1) if not tags.has_key('Exif Offset') \ or not tags.has_key('Image Orientation'): print 'cannot get orientation info in', filename sys.exit(1) exifp = tags['Exif Offset'] endian = tags['Exif Endian'] tagp = tags['Image Orientation'].field_offset orientp = exifp + tagp if endian == 'M': # MM byte order orientp += 1 file.seek(orientp) o = ord(file.read(1)) if o < 1 or o > 8: print 'orientation out of range', o sys.exit(1) if len(sys.argv) == 2: print 'orientation is', o sys.exit(0) try: if mod[0] == '+': deltao = int(mod) if 1 <= deltao and deltao <= 8: newo = compose(deltao, o) elif deg2o(deltao) != 0: newo = compose(deg2o(deltao), o) else: print 'cannot understand orientation modification', mod sys.exit(1) # it will still hit the except ... how to fix? else: newo = int(mod) except: print 'expected numeric orientation and got',mod sys.exit(1) if newo < 1 or newo > 8: newo = deg2o(newo) if newo == 0: print 'cannot understand orientation', deltao sys.exit(1) os.lseek(fd,orientp,0) os.write(fd,chr(newo)) # Thumbnail orientation : thumb_ifdp = 0 if tags.has_key('Thumbnail Orientation'): thumb_tagp = tags['Thumbnail Orientation'].field_offset thumb_orientp = exifp + thumb_tagp if endian == 'M': # MM byte order thumb_orientp += 1 os.lseek(fd,thumb_orientp,0) os.write(fd,chr(newo)) print 'orientation changed from', o, 'to', newo