// -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 8; -*- /*************************************************************************** nsstacktabwidget.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Sat 07.09.2002 copyright : (C) 2002-2004 Marcus Camen email : mcamen@mcamen.de ***************************************************************************/ /* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sidebarsettings.h" #include "configfeeds.h" #include "nsstacktabwidget.h" namespace KSB_News { NSStackTabWidget::NSStackTabWidget(TQWidget *tqparent, const char *name, TQPixmap appIcon) : TQWidget(tqparent, name) { currentPage = 0; tqlayout = new TQVBoxLayout(this); pagesheader.setAutoDelete(TRUE); pages.setAutoDelete(TRUE); // about dialog m_aboutdata = new KAboutData("konq_sidebarnews", I18N_NOOP("Newsticker"), KDE::versionString(), I18N_NOOP("RSS Feed Viewer"), KAboutData::License_LGPL, I18N_NOOP("(c) 2002-2004, the Sidebar Newsticker developers")); m_aboutdata->addAuthor("Marcus Camen", I18N_NOOP("Maintainer"), "mcamen@mcamen.de"); m_aboutdata->addAuthor("Frerich Raabe", "librss", "raabe@kde.org"); m_aboutdata->addAuthor("Ian Reinhart Geiser", "dcoprss", "geiseri@kde.org"); m_aboutdata->addAuthor("Joseph Wenninger", I18N_NOOP("Idea and former maintainer"), "jowenn@kde.org"); m_aboutdata->setProductName("konqueror/sidebar newsticker"); m_about = new KAboutApplication(m_aboutdata, this); // bugreport dialog m_bugreport = new KBugReport(0, true, m_aboutdata); // popup menu popup = new KPopupMenu(this); popup->insertItem(KStdGuiItem::configure().iconSet(), i18n("&Configure Newsticker..."), this, TQT_SLOT(slotConfigure())); popup->insertItem(SmallIconSet("reload"), i18n("&Reload"), this, TQT_SLOT(slotRefresh())); popup->insertItem(KStdGuiItem::close().iconSet(), KStdGuiItem::close().text(), this, TQT_SLOT(slotClose())); popup->insertSeparator(); // help menu helpmenu = new KPopupMenu(this); helpmenu->insertItem(appIcon, i18n("&About Newsticker"), this, TQT_SLOT(slotShowAbout())); helpmenu->insertItem(i18n("&Report Bug..."), this, TQT_SLOT(slotShowBugreport())); popup->insertItem(KStdGuiItem::help().iconSet(), KStdGuiItem::help().text(), helpmenu); // read configuration from disk and initialize widget m_our_rsssources = SidebarSettings::sources(); } void NSStackTabWidget::addStackTab(NSPanel *nsp, TQWidget *page) { TQPushButton *button = new TQPushButton(this); button->setText(KStringHandler::rPixelSqueeze(nsp->title(), button->fontMetrics(), button->width() - 4 )); button->tqsetSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Preferred, TQSizePolicy::Preferred)); connect(button, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(buttonClicked())); TQToolTip::add(button, nsp->title()); // eventFiler for the title button button->installEventFilter(this); TQScrollView *sv = new TQScrollView(this); sv->setResizePolicy(TQScrollView::AutoOneFit); sv->addChild(page); sv->setFrameStyle(TQFrame::NoFrame); page->show(); pagesheader.insert(nsp, button); pages.insert(nsp, sv); tqlayout->addWidget(button); tqlayout->addWidget(sv); button->show(); if (pages.count() == 1) { currentPage = sv; sv->show(); } else { sv->hide(); } } void NSStackTabWidget::delStackTab(NSPanel *nsp) { pages.remove(nsp); pagesheader.remove(nsp); if (pages.count() >= 1) { TQPtrDictIterator it(pages); TQWidget *previousPage = currentPage; currentPage = it.current(); if (currentPage != previousPage) currentPage->show(); } } void NSStackTabWidget::updateTitle(NSPanel *nsp) { TQPushButton *pb = (TQPushButton *)pagesheader.find(nsp); if (! pb->pixmap()) pb->setText(nsp->title()); } void NSStackTabWidget::updatePixmap(NSPanel *nsp) { TQPushButton *pb = (TQPushButton *)pagesheader.find(nsp); TQPixmap pixmap = nsp->pixmap(); if ((pixmap.width() > 88) || (pixmap.height() > 31)) { TQImage image = pixmap.convertToImage(); pixmap.convertFromImage(image.smoothScale(88, 31, TQ_ScaleMin)); } pb->setPixmap(pixmap); } void NSStackTabWidget::buttonClicked() { TQPushButton *pb = (TQPushButton*)sender(); NSPanel *nsp = NULL; // Which NSPanel belongs to pb TQPtrDictIterator it(pagesheader); for (; it.current(); ++it) { TQPushButton *currentWidget = (TQPushButton *)it.current(); if (currentWidget == pb) nsp = (NSPanel *)it.currentKey(); } if (! nsp) return; // Find current ScrollView TQWidget *sv = pages.find(nsp); // Change visible page if (currentPage != sv) { nsp->refresh(); if (currentPage) currentPage->hide(); currentPage = sv; currentPage->show(); } } bool NSStackTabWidget::eventFilter(TQObject *obj, TQEvent *ev) { if (ev->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonPress && ((TQMouseEvent *)ev)->button() == Qt::RightButton) { m_last_button_rightclicked = (TQPushButton *)obj; popup->exec(TQCursor::pos()); return true; } else if (ev->type() == TQEvent::Resize) { TQPushButton *pb = (TQPushButton *)obj; const TQPixmap *pm = pb->pixmap(); if ( ! pm ) { // Which NSPanel belongs to pb NSPanel *nsp = NULL; TQPtrDictIterator it(pagesheader); for (; it.current(); ++it) { TQPushButton *currentWidget = (TQPushButton *)it.current(); if (currentWidget == pb) nsp = (NSPanel *)it.currentKey(); } pb->setText(KStringHandler::rPixelSqueeze(nsp->title(), pb->fontMetrics(), pb->width() - 4 )); } return true; } return false; // pass through event } void NSStackTabWidget::slotConfigure() { // An instance of your dialog could be already created and could be // cached, in which case you want to display the cached dialog // instead of creating another one if (KConfigDialog::showDialog("settings")) return; // KConfigDialog didn't find an instance of this dialog, so lets create it m_confdlg = new KConfigDialog(this, "settings", SidebarSettings::self(), KDialogBase::Plain, KDialogBase::Ok|KDialogBase::Cancel| \ KDialogBase::Default| \ KDialogBase::Apply, KDialogBase::Ok, true); ConfigFeeds *conf_widget = new ConfigFeeds(0, "feedcfgdlg"); m_confdlg->addPage(conf_widget, i18n("RSS Settings"), TQString()); // User edited the configuration - update your local copies of the // configuration data connect(m_confdlg, TQT_SIGNAL(settingsChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotConfigure_okClicked())); m_confdlg->show(); } void NSStackTabWidget::slotConfigure_okClicked() { DCOPRef rss_document("rssservice", "RSSService"); // remove old sources and old stack tabs TQStringList::iterator it; for (it = m_our_rsssources.begin(); it != m_our_rsssources.end(); ++it) { rss_document.call("remove", (*it)); } // read list of sources m_our_rsssources = SidebarSettings::sources(); // add new sources and new stack tabs for (it = m_our_rsssources.begin(); it != m_our_rsssources.end(); ++it) { rss_document.call("add", (*it)); } // save configuration to disk SidebarSettings::setSources(m_our_rsssources); SidebarSettings::writeConfig(); } void NSStackTabWidget::slotShowAbout() { m_about->show(); } void NSStackTabWidget::slotShowBugreport() { m_bugreport->show(); } void NSStackTabWidget::slotRefresh() { NSPanel *nsp = NULL; // find appendant NSPanel TQPtrDictIterator it(pagesheader); for (; it.current(); ++it) { TQPushButton *currentWidget = (TQPushButton *)it.current(); if (currentWidget == m_last_button_rightclicked) nsp = (NSPanel *)it.currentKey(); } if (! nsp) { return; } else { nsp->refresh(); } } void NSStackTabWidget::slotClose() { NSPanel *nsp = NULL; // find appendant NSPanel TQPtrDictIterator it(pagesheader); for (; it.current(); ++it) { TQPushButton *currentWidget = (TQPushButton *)it.current(); if (currentWidget == m_last_button_rightclicked) nsp = (NSPanel *)it.currentKey(); } if (! nsp) { return; } else { // TODO: check, if rssservice is available // deregister RSS source and save configuration to disk m_our_rsssources.remove(nsp->key()); SidebarSettings::setSources(m_our_rsssources); SidebarSettings::writeConfig(); DCOPRef rss_document("rssservice", "RSSService"); rss_document.call("remove", nsp->key()); } } bool NSStackTabWidget::isEmpty() const { return pagesheader.isEmpty(); } bool NSStackTabWidget::isRegistered(const TQString &key) { m_our_rsssources = SidebarSettings::sources(); if (m_our_rsssources.findIndex(key) == -1) return false; else return true; } } // namespace KSB_News; #include "nsstacktabwidget.moc"