path: root/knetworkconf/knetworkconf/knetworkconf.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'knetworkconf/knetworkconf/knetworkconf.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1186 deletions
diff --git a/knetworkconf/knetworkconf/knetworkconf.cpp b/knetworkconf/knetworkconf/knetworkconf.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f0df35d..0000000
--- a/knetworkconf/knetworkconf/knetworkconf.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1186 +0,0 @@
- knetworkconf.cpp - description
- -------------------
- begin : Sun Jan 12 8:54:19 UTC 2003
- copyright : (C) 2003 by Juan Luis Baptiste
- email :
- ***************************************************************************/
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
- * (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#include <kiconloader.h>
-#include "knetworkconf.h"
-KNetworkConf::KNetworkConf(TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : DCOPObject("KNetworkConfIface"), KNetworkConfDlg(parent, name)
- netInfo = 0L;
- makeButtonsResizeable();
- config = new KNetworkConfigParser();
- klvCardList->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true);
- klvKnownHosts->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true);
- klvProfilesList->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true);
- klvProfilesList->setRenameable(0,true);
- klvProfilesList->setRenameable(1,true);
- TQToolTip::remove( static_cast<TQListView*>(klvProfilesList) );
- tooltip = new KProfilesListViewToolTip(klvProfilesList);
- //Connect signals emmitted by the backend to know when data is ready to be painted.
- connect(config,TQT_SIGNAL(readyLoadingNetworkInfo()),this,TQT_SLOT(getNetworkInfoSlot()));
- connect(config,TQT_SIGNAL(readyLoadingNetworkInfo()),this,TQT_SLOT(showMainWindow()));
- connect(config,TQT_SIGNAL(readyLoadingNetworkInfo()),this,TQT_SLOT(enableSignals()));
- connect(config, TQT_SIGNAL(setReadOnly(bool)),this,TQT_SLOT(setReadOnlySlot(bool)));
- connect(klvCardList,
- TQT_SIGNAL(contextMenu(KListView*,TQListViewItem*,const TQPoint&)),
- this,
- TQT_SLOT(showInterfaceContextMenuSlot(KListView*,TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&)));
- // Register with DCOP - No longer needed as now we are a kcontrol module?
- if ( !kapp->dcopClient()->isRegistered() ) {
- kapp->dcopClient()->registerAs( "knetworkconf" );
- kapp->dcopClient()->setDefaultObject( objId() );
- }
- //Temporarly added while gst supports routing option.
-// cbEnableRouting->hide();
- delete config;
-void KNetworkConf::getNetworkInfoSlot()
- netInfo = config->getNetworkInfo();
- if (netInfo == NULL)
- {
- KMessageBox::error(this,
- i18n("Could not load network configuration information."),
- i18n("Error Reading Configuration File"));
- //kapp->quit();
- //exit(1);
- }
- else
- {
- //TQPtrList<KNetworkInterface> deviceList;
- routingInfo = netInfo->getRoutingInfo();
- dnsInfo = netInfo->getDNSInfo();
- profilesList = netInfo->getProfilesList();
- loadNetworkDevicesInfo();
- loadRoutingInfo();
- loadDNSInfo();
- loadNetworkProfiles();
- nameServersModified = false;
- devicesModified = false;
- modified = false;
-// kpbApply->setEnabled(false);
- }
- Fill the Listview with the info of the network interfaces.
-void KNetworkConf::loadNetworkDevicesInfo()
- KNetworkInterface *device;
- TQPixmap activeEthernetDeviceImg(locate("icon","hicolor/22x22/actions/network_connected_lan_knc.png"));
- TQPixmap inactiveEthernetDeviceImg(locate("icon","hicolor/22x22/actions/network_disconnected_lan.png"));
- TQPixmap activeWirelessDeviceImg(locate("icon","hicolor/22x22/actions/network_traffic_wlan.png"));
- TQPixmap inactiveWirelessDeviceImg(locate("icon","hicolor/22x22/actions/network_disconnected_wlan.png"));
- klvCardList->clear();
- TQPtrList<KNetworkInterface> deviceList = netInfo->getDeviceList();
- for (device = deviceList.first(); device; device =
- {
- if ( device->getType() != "loopback" )
- {
- if (klvCardList->findItem(device->getDeviceName(),0,CaseSensitive|ExactMatch) == 0)
- {
- TQListViewItem * item = new TQListViewItem( klvCardList, 0 );
- if (device->isActive())
- {
- if (device->getType() == "ethernet")
- item->setPixmap(0,activeEthernetDeviceImg);
- else if (device->getType() == "wireless")
- item->setPixmap(0,activeWirelessDeviceImg);
- item->setText(3,i18n("Enabled"));
- item->setPixmap(3,SmallIcon("ok"));
- }
- else
- {
- if (device->getType() == "ethernet")
- item->setPixmap(0,inactiveEthernetDeviceImg);
- else if (device->getType() == "wireless")
- item->setPixmap(0,inactiveWirelessDeviceImg);
- item->setText(3,i18n("Disabled"));
- item->setPixmap(3,SmallIcon("stop"));
- if (device->getBootProto().lower() == "dhcp")
- item->setText(1,"");
- }
- item->setText(0,device->getDeviceName());
- item->setText(1,device->getIpAddress());
- if (device->getBootProto() == "none")
- item->setText(2,i18n("Manual"));
- else
- item->setText(2,device->getBootProto());
- item->setText(4,device->getDescription());
- TQStringList l = deviceNamesList.grep(device->getDeviceName());
- if (l.size() == 0)
- deviceNamesList.append(device->getDeviceName());
- }
- }
- }
-/** Terminates the application
- */
-void KNetworkConf::quitSlot(){
- int code = 0;
- connect( config, TQT_SIGNAL(readyLoadingNetworkInfo()), this, TQT_SLOT(quitSlot()) );
- if (modified)
- {
- code = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(this,
- i18n("The new configuration has not been saved.\nDo you want to apply changes before quitting?"),
- i18n("New Configuration Not Saved"),KStdGuiItem::apply(),KStdGuiItem::quit());
- if (code == KMessageBox::Yes)
- saveInfoSlot();
- else if (code == KMessageBox::No)
- kapp->quit();
- }
- else
- kapp->quit();
-/** Enables the configure and remove buttons. */
-void KNetworkConf::enableButtonsSlot(){
- if (!readOnly)
- {
- kpbConfigureNetworkInterface->setEnabled(true);
- TQListViewItem *item = klvCardList->currentItem();
- TQString currentDevice = item->text(0);
- KNetworkInterface *dev = getDeviceInfo(currentDevice);
- if (dev->isActive())
- {
- kpbUpButton->setEnabled(false);
- kpbDownButton->setEnabled(true);
- }
- else
- {
- kpbUpButton->setEnabled(true);
- kpbDownButton->setEnabled(false);
- }
- }
-/** opens the add server dialog. */
-void KNetworkConf::addServerSlot(){
- KAddDNSServerDlg addDlg(this, 0);
- addDlg.exec();
- if(addDlg.modified())
- {
- klbDomainServerList->insertItem(addDlg.kleNewServer->text());
- nameServersModified = true;
- enableApplyButtonSlot();
- }
-/** opens the edit server dialog. */
-void KNetworkConf::editServerSlot(){
- KAddDNSServerDlg dlg(this, 0);
- if (klbDomainServerList->currentItem() >= 0)
- {
- int currentPos = klbDomainServerList->currentItem();
- dlg.setCaption(i18n("Edit Server"));
- TQListBoxItem *item = klbDomainServerList->item(currentPos);
- TQString currentText = item->text();
- dlg.kleNewServer->setText(currentText);
- dlg.kpbAddServer->setText(i18n("&OK"));
- dlg.exec();
- if(dlg.modified())
- {
- klbDomainServerList->changeItem(dlg.kleNewServer->text(),currentPos);
- nameServersModified = true;
- enableApplyButtonSlot();
- }
- }
-/** Pops up the window for adding a new interface. */
-void KNetworkConf::configureDeviceSlot(){
- TQListViewItem *item = klvCardList->currentItem();
- KWirelessInterface *wifiDev = NULL;
- //KAddDeviceContainer *configDlg = new KAddDeviceContainer(this,0);
- KAddDeviceContainer configDlg(this,0);
- if (item != NULL)
- {
- TQString currentDevice = item->text(0);
- configDlg.setCaption(i18n("Configure Device %1").arg(currentDevice));
- KNetworkInterface *dev = getDeviceInfo(currentDevice);
- KAddDeviceDlgExtension *advancedOptions = (KAddDeviceDlgExtension *)configDlg.extension();
- if (dev->getBootProto() == "none")
- {
- configDlg.addDlg->rbBootProtoManual->setChecked(true);
- configDlg.addDlg->rbBootProtoAuto->setChecked(false);
- }
- else if (dev->getBootProto().lower() == "dhcp")
- {
- configDlg.addDlg->kcbAutoBootProto->setCurrentItem(0);
- configDlg.addDlg->rbBootProtoManual->setChecked(false);
- configDlg.addDlg->rbBootProtoAuto->setChecked(true);
- configDlg.addDlg->kleIPAddress->setEnabled(false);
- configDlg.addDlg->kcbNetmask->setEnabled(false);
- configDlg.kpbAdvanced->setEnabled(false);
- }
- else if (dev->getBootProto().lower() == "bootp")
- {
- configDlg.addDlg->kcbAutoBootProto->setCurrentItem(1);
- configDlg.addDlg->rbBootProtoManual->setChecked(false);
- configDlg.addDlg->rbBootProtoAuto->setChecked(true);
- configDlg.kpbAdvanced->setEnabled(false);
- }
- if (dev->getOnBoot() == "yes")
- configDlg.addDlg->kcbstartAtBoot->setChecked(true);
- else
- {
- configDlg.addDlg->kcbstartAtBoot->setChecked(false);
- }
- configDlg.addDlg->kleIPAddress->setText(dev->getIpAddress());
- advancedOptions->kleDescription->setText(dev->getDescription());
- if (!dev->getBroadcast().isEmpty())
- advancedOptions->kleBroadcast->setText(dev->getBroadcast());
- else
- advancedOptions->kleBroadcast->setText(KAddressValidator::calculateBroadcast(dev->getIpAddress(),dev->getNetmask()));
- advancedOptions->kleGateway->setText(dev->getGateway());
- if (!dev->getNetmask().isEmpty())
- configDlg.addDlg->kcbNetmask->setCurrentText(dev->getNetmask());
- if (readOnly)
- {
- configDlg.addDlg->kcbAutoBootProto->setEnabled(false);
- configDlg.addDlg->kcbstartAtBoot->setEnabled(false);
- advancedOptions->gbAdvancedDeviceInfo->setEnabled(false);
- }
- //If the interface is wireless, then add the wireless configuration widget
- if (dev->getType() == WIRELESS_IFACE_TYPE){
- wifiDev = static_cast<KWirelessInterface*>(dev);
- configDlg.addWirelessWidget();
- configDlg.extDlg->kleEssid->setText(wifiDev->getEssid());
- configDlg.extDlg->kleWepKey->setText(wifiDev->getWepKey());
- if (wifiDev->getKeyType() == WIRELESS_WEP_KEY_TYPE_ASCII)
- configDlg.extDlg->qcbKeyType->setCurrentItem(0);
- else if (wifiDev->getKeyType() == WIRELESS_WEP_KEY_TYPE_HEXADECIMAL)
- configDlg.extDlg->qcbKeyType->setCurrentItem(1);
- }
- configDlg.addButtons();
- //Disable Apply button so it only is enabled when a change is made
- configDlg.kpbApply->setEnabled(false);
- configDlg.exec();
- if (configDlg.modified())
- {
- if(configDlg.addDlg->rbBootProtoManual->isChecked())
- {
- item->setText(2,i18n("Manual"));
- dev->setBootProto("none");
- }
- //If the selected boot protocol is dhcp or bootp (Auto), then we don't need the
- //past IP address, netmask, network and broadcast, as a new one will be assigned by
- //the dhcp server.
- else if (configDlg.addDlg->rbBootProtoAuto->isChecked())
- {
- if (configDlg.addDlg->kcbAutoBootProto->currentText() != dev->getBootProto())
- {
- dev->setIpAddress("");
- configDlg.addDlg->kleIPAddress->setText("");
- dev->setGateway("");
- dev->setNetmask("");
- dev->setNetwork("");
- dev->setBroadcast("");
- }
- item->setText(2,configDlg.addDlg->kcbAutoBootProto->currentText());
- dev->setBootProto(configDlg.addDlg->kcbAutoBootProto->currentText());
- }
- item->setText(1,configDlg.addDlg->kleIPAddress->text());
- item->setText(4,advancedOptions->kleDescription->text());
- if (valuesChanged(dev,
- configDlg.addDlg->kcbAutoBootProto->currentText(),
- configDlg.addDlg->kcbNetmask->currentText(),
- configDlg.addDlg->kleIPAddress->text(),
- advancedOptions->kleGateway->text(),
- configDlg.addDlg->kcbstartAtBoot->isChecked(),
- advancedOptions->kleDescription->text(),
- advancedOptions->kleBroadcast->text()))
- {
- dev->setIpAddress(configDlg.addDlg->kleIPAddress->text().stripWhiteSpace());
- dev->setGateway(advancedOptions->kleGateway->text().stripWhiteSpace());
- dev->setNetmask(configDlg.addDlg->kcbNetmask->currentText().stripWhiteSpace());
- TQString network = KAddressValidator::calculateNetwork(dev->getIpAddress().stripWhiteSpace(),dev->getNetmask().stripWhiteSpace());
- dev->setNetwork(network);
- TQString broadcast = advancedOptions->kleBroadcast->text().stripWhiteSpace();
- if (broadcast.isEmpty())
- broadcast = KAddressValidator::calculateBroadcast(dev->getIpAddress().stripWhiteSpace(),dev->getNetmask().stripWhiteSpace());
- dev->setBroadcast(broadcast);
- dev->setDescription(advancedOptions->kleDescription->text());
- if (configDlg.addDlg->kcbstartAtBoot->isChecked())
- dev->setOnBoot("yes");
- else
- dev->setOnBoot("no");
- }
- //If the interface is wireless, then save the wireless configuration options
- if (dev->getType() == WIRELESS_IFACE_TYPE){
- wifiDev->setEssid(configDlg.extDlg->kleEssid->text());
- wifiDev->setWepKey(configDlg.extDlg->kleWepKey->password());
- wifiDev->setKeyType(configDlg.extDlg->qcbKeyType->currentText());
- dev = wifiDev;
- }
- devicesModified = true;
- enableApplyButtonSlot();
- }
- }
-/**Returns the info of the network device 'device or NULL if not found.'*/
-KNetworkInterface * KNetworkConf::getDeviceInfo(TQString device){
- TQPtrList<KNetworkInterface> deviceList = netInfo->getDeviceList();
- TQPtrListIterator<KNetworkInterface> i(deviceList);
- KNetworkInterface *temp;
- while ((temp = i.current()) != 0)
- {
- if (temp->getDeviceName() == device)
- {
- return temp;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- return NULL;
-/**Returns the name of the network device that corresponds to the IP address 'ipAddr' or NULL if not found.'*/
-TQString KNetworkConf::getDeviceName(TQString ipAddr){
- TQPtrList<KNetworkInterface> deviceList = netInfo->getDeviceList();
- TQPtrListIterator<KNetworkInterface> i(deviceList);
- KNetworkInterface *temp;
- while ((temp = i.current()) != 0)
- {
- if (temp->getIpAddress().compare(ipAddr) == 0)
- {
- return temp->getDeviceName();
- }
- ++i;
- }
- return NULL;
-/** Looks in the output returned by ifconfig to see if there are the devices up or down.*/
-void KNetworkConf::readFromStdout(){
- commandOutput = "";
- commandOutput += procUpdateDevice->readStdout();
-/** Loads the info about the default gateway and host and domain names. */
-void KNetworkConf::loadRoutingInfo(){
- //routingInfo = config->getNetworkInfoSlot();
- if (!routingInfo->getGateway().isEmpty())
- kleDefaultRoute->setText(routingInfo->getGateway());
- else
- {
- //Take the default gateway from the gateway field of the default gateway interface
- //because some platforms (Debian-like ones) seems that don't handle the concept of a default
- //gateway, instead a gateway per interface.
- KNetworkInterface *device;
- TQString defaultGwDevice = routingInfo->getGatewayDevice();
- TQPtrList<KNetworkInterface> deviceList = netInfo->getDeviceList();
- for (device = deviceList.first(); device; device =
- {
- if ( device->getDeviceName() == defaultGwDevice )
- {
- if ( !device->getGateway().isEmpty() )
- {
- kleDefaultRoute->setText(device->getGateway());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- kcbGwDevice->clear();
- kcbGwDevice->insertStringList(deviceNamesList);
- if (!routingInfo->getGatewayDevice().isEmpty())
- kcbGwDevice->setCurrentText(routingInfo->getGatewayDevice());
-/* if (routingInfo->isForwardIPv4Enabled().compare("yes") == 0)
- cbEnableRouting->setChecked(true);
- else
- cbEnableRouting->setChecked(false);*/
-void KNetworkConf::loadDNSInfo(){
- TQStringList nameServers;
- if (dnsInfo == NULL)
- KMessageBox::error(this,i18n("Could not open file '/etc/resolv.conf' for reading."),
- i18n("Error Loading Config Files"));
- else
- {
- kleHostName->setText(dnsInfo->getMachineName());
- kleDomainName->setText(dnsInfo->getDomainName());
- klbDomainServerList->clear();
- nameServers = dnsInfo->getNameServers();
- for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = nameServers.begin(); it != nameServers.end(); ++it)
- {
- klbDomainServerList->insertItem(*it);
- }
- klvKnownHosts->clear();
- knownHostsList = dnsInfo->getKnownHostsList();
- TQPtrListIterator<KKnownHostInfo> it(knownHostsList);
- KKnownHostInfo *host;
- while ((host = it.current()) != 0)
- {
- ++it;
- if (!(host->getIpAddress().isEmpty()))
- {
- TQListViewItem * item = new TQListViewItem( klvKnownHosts, 0 );
- item->setText(0,host->getIpAddress());
- TQStringList aliasesList = host->getAliases();
- TQString aliases;
- for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = aliasesList.begin(); it != aliasesList.end(); ++it )
- {
- aliases += *it+" ";
- }
- item->setText(1,aliases);
- }
- }
- }
-void KNetworkConf::loadNetworkProfiles(){
- TQPtrListIterator<KNetworkInfo> it(profilesList);
- KNetworkInfo *profile = NULL;
- klvProfilesList->clear();
- while ((profile = it.current()) != 0)
- {
- ++it;
- if (!profile->getProfileName().isEmpty())
- {
- TQListViewItem * item = new TQListViewItem( klvProfilesList, 0 );
- item->setText(0,profile->getProfileName());
- }
- }
-/** Shows the help browser. Hopefully some day it will be one :-). */
-void KNetworkConf::helpSlot(){
- kapp->invokeHelp();
-/** No descriptions */
-void KNetworkConf::aboutSlot(){
- KAboutApplication *about = new KAboutApplication(kapp->aboutData(),0);
- // about->setLogo(locate("icon","knetworkconf.png"));
- //tqDebug("locate icon= %s",locate("icon","knetworkconf.png").latin1());
- about->show();
-/** No descriptions */
-void KNetworkConf::enableApplyButtonSlot(){
- //if (!readOnly)
- //kpbApply->setEnabled(true);
- modified = true;
- emit networkStateChanged(true);
-/** Puts the application in read-only mode. This happens when the user runing
-the application t root. */
-void KNetworkConf::setReadOnly(bool state){
- KNetworkConf::readOnly = state;
-/** No descriptions */
-void KNetworkConf::enableApplyButtonSlot(const TQString &text){
- enableApplyButtonSlot();
-/** No descriptions */
-void KNetworkConf::enableApplyButtonSlot(bool){
- enableApplyButtonSlot();
-/** No descriptions */
-void KNetworkConf::removeServerSlot(){
- if (klbDomainServerList->currentItem() >= 0)
- {
- klbDomainServerList->removeItem(klbDomainServerList->currentItem());
- enableApplyButtonSlot();
- }
-void KNetworkConf::moveUpServerSlot(){
- int curPos = klbDomainServerList->currentItem();
- int antPos = klbDomainServerList->currentItem() - 1;
- if (antPos >= 0)
- {
- TQListBoxItem *current = klbDomainServerList->item(curPos);
- TQListBoxItem *ant = current->prev();
- TQString antText = ant->text();
- klbDomainServerList->removeItem(antPos);
- klbDomainServerList->insertItem(antText,curPos);
- enableApplyButtonSlot();
- }
-void KNetworkConf::moveDownServerSlot(){
- int curPos = klbDomainServerList->currentItem();
- unsigned nextPos = klbDomainServerList->currentItem() + 1;
- if (curPos != -1)
- {
- if (klbDomainServerList->count() >= nextPos)
- {
- TQListBoxItem *current = klbDomainServerList->item(curPos);
- TQString curText = current->text();
- klbDomainServerList->removeItem(curPos);
- klbDomainServerList->insertItem(curText,nextPos);
- klbDomainServerList->setSelected(nextPos,true);
- enableApplyButtonSlot();
- }
- }
-/** Disables all buttons a line edit widgets when the user has read only access. */
-void KNetworkConf::disableAll(){
- kleHostName->setReadOnly(true);
- kleDomainName->setReadOnly(true);
- tlDomainName->setEnabled(false);
- tlHostName->setEnabled(false);
- disconnect(klvCardList,TQT_SIGNAL(doubleClicked(TQListViewItem *)),this,TQT_SLOT(configureDeviceSlot()));
- klvCardList->setEnabled(false);
- kpbUpButton->setEnabled(false);
- kpbDownButton->setEnabled(false);
- kpbConfigureNetworkInterface->setEnabled(false);
- gbDefaultGateway->setEnabled(false);
- gbDNSServersList->setEnabled(false);
- gbKnownHostsList->setEnabled(false);
-// gbNetworkOptions->setEnabled(false);
-/** Saves all the modified info of devices, routes,etc. */
-void KNetworkConf::saveInfoSlot(){
- config->setProgramVersion(getVersion());
- if (!KAddressValidator::isValidIPAddress(kleDefaultRoute->text()) && (!(kleDefaultRoute->text().isEmpty())))
- {
- KMessageBox::error(this,i18n("The default Gateway IP address is invalid."),i18n("Invalid IP Address"));
- }
- else
- {
- //Update DNS info
- routingInfo->setDomainName(kleDomainName->text());
- routingInfo->setHostName(kleHostName->text());
- dnsInfo->setDomainName(kleDomainName->text());
- dnsInfo->setMachineName(kleHostName->text());
- dnsInfo->setNameServers(getNamserversList(klbDomainServerList));
- dnsInfo->setKnownHostsList(getKnownHostsList(klvKnownHosts));
- //Update routing info
- routingInfo->setGateway(kleDefaultRoute->text());
- if (routingInfo->getGateway().isEmpty())
- routingInfo->setGatewayDevice("");
- if (!kleDefaultRoute->text().isEmpty())
- routingInfo->setGatewayDevice(kcbGwDevice->currentText());
- //Save all info
- //netInfo->setDeviceList(deviceList);
- netInfo->setRoutingInfo(routingInfo);
- netInfo->setDNSInfo(dnsInfo);
- //Add the default gateway to the gateway field of the default gateway interface
- //because some platforms (Debian-like ones) get the default gateway from there
- //instead from the default gateway field. funny huh?
- KNetworkInterface *device;
- TQString defaultGwDevice = routingInfo->getGatewayDevice();
- TQString defaultGwAddress = routingInfo->getGateway();
- TQPtrList<KNetworkInterface> deviceList = netInfo->getDeviceList();
- for (device = deviceList.first(); device; device =
- {
- if ( device->getGateway().length() == 0 )
- {
- if ( device->getDeviceName() == defaultGwDevice )
- {
- device->setGateway(defaultGwAddress);
- }
- }
- }
- config->saveNetworkInfo(netInfo);
- modified = false;
- }
-/** Creates a TQStringList with the IP addresses contained in the TQListBox of name servers. */
-TQStringList KNetworkConf::getNamserversList(KListBox * serverList){
- TQStringList list;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < serverList->count(); i++)
- {
- list.append(serverList->text(i));
- }
- return list;
-/** Creates a TQPtrList<KKownHostInfo> with the info contained in the KListView of name servers. */
-TQPtrList<KKnownHostInfo> KNetworkConf::getKnownHostsList(KListView * hostsList){
- TQPtrList<KKnownHostInfo> list;
- TQListViewItem *it = hostsList->firstChild();
- for (int i = 0; i < hostsList->childCount(); i++)
- {
- KKnownHostInfo *host = new KKnownHostInfo();
- if (!(it->text(0).isEmpty()))
- {
- host->setIpAddress(it->text(0));
-// host->setHostName(it->text(1));
- host->setAliases(TQStringList::split(" ",it->text(1)));
- it = it->nextSibling();
- list.append(host);
- }
- }
- return list;
-TQString KNetworkConf::getVersion(){
- return version;
-void KNetworkConf::setVersion(TQString ver){
- KNetworkConf::version = ver;
-/** Changes the state of device 'dev' to DEVICE_UP or DEVICE_DOWN.
-Return true on success, false on failure. */
-void KNetworkConf::changeDeviceState(const TQString &dev, int state){
- // If the text "Changing device state" is user visible it cannot be the
- // name parameter to the constructor.
- KInterfaceUpDownDlg* dialog = new KInterfaceUpDownDlg(this,"Changing device state");
- if (state == DEVICE_UP)
- dialog->label->setText(i18n("Enabling interface <b>%1</b>").arg(dev));
- else
- dialog->label->setText(i18n("Disabling interface <b>%1</b>").arg(dev));
- dialog->setModal(true);
- dialog->show();
- procDeviceState = new TQProcess(TQT_TQOBJECT(this));
- TQString cmd;
- procDeviceState->addArgument( locate("data",BACKEND_PATH) );
- //If the platform couldn't be autodetected specify it manually
- if (netInfo->getPlatformName() != TQString())
- {
- procDeviceState->addArgument( "--platform" );
- procDeviceState->addArgument( netInfo->getPlatformName() );
- }
- procDeviceState->addArgument( "-d" );
- if (state == DEVICE_UP)
- procDeviceState->addArgument("enable_iface::"+dev+"::1" );
- else if (state == DEVICE_DOWN)
- procDeviceState->addArgument("enable_iface::"+dev+"::0" );
- connect( procDeviceState, TQT_SIGNAL(readyReadStdout()),this, TQT_SLOT(readFromStdoutUpDown()) );
- connect( procDeviceState, TQT_SIGNAL(readyReadStderr()),this, TQT_SLOT(readFromStdErrUpDown()) );
- connect( procDeviceState, TQT_SIGNAL(processExited()),this, TQT_SLOT(verifyDeviceStateChanged()) );
- connect( procDeviceState, TQT_SIGNAL(processExited()), dialog, TQT_SLOT(close()) );
- currentDevice = dev;
- commandOutput = "";
- if ( !procDeviceState->start() )
- {
- // error handling
- KMessageBox::error(this,
- i18n("Could not launch backend to change network device state. You will have to do it manually."),
- i18n("Error"));
- dialog->close();
- }
-void KNetworkConf::readFromStdoutUpDown(){
- commandOutput.append(procDeviceState->readStdout());
-void KNetworkConf::verifyDeviceStateChanged(){
- KNetworkInterface *dev;
- TQPixmap activeEthernetDeviceImg(BarIcon("network_connected_lan_knc"));
- TQPixmap inactiveEthernetDeviceImg(BarIcon("network_disconnected_lan"));
- TQPixmap activeWirelessDeviceImg(BarIcon("network_traffic_wlan"));
- TQPixmap inactiveWirelessDeviceImg(BarIcon("network_disconnected_wlan"));
- commandOutput = commandOutput.section('\n',1);
- if (commandErrOutput.length() > 0)
- {
- KMessageBox::error(this,
- i18n("There was an error changing the device's state. You will have to do it manually."),
- i18n("Could Not Change Device State"));
- }
- else if (commandOutput == "\n<!-- GST: end of request -->")
- {
- TQListViewItem *item = klvCardList->findItem(currentDevice,0,ExactMatch);
- if (item != NULL)
- {
- dev = getDeviceInfo(currentDevice);
- if (!dev->isActive())
- {
- dev->setActive(true);
- if (dev->getType() == "ethernet")
- item->setPixmap(0,activeEthernetDeviceImg);
- else if (dev->getType() == "wireless")
- item->setPixmap(0,activeWirelessDeviceImg);
- item->setText(3,i18n("Enabled"));
- item->setPixmap(3,SmallIcon("ok"));
-// config->runDetectionScript(netInfo->getPlatformName());
- config->listIfaces(netInfo->getPlatformName());
-// item->setText(1,dev->getIpAddress());
- }
- else
- {
- dev->setActive(false);
- if (dev->getType() == "ethernet")
- item->setPixmap(0,inactiveEthernetDeviceImg);
- else if (dev->getType() == "wireless")
- item->setPixmap(0,inactiveWirelessDeviceImg);
- item->setText(3,i18n("Disabled"));
- item->setPixmap(3,SmallIcon("stop"));
- if (dev->getBootProto().lower() == "dhcp")
- item->setText(1,"");
- }
- enableButtonsSlot();
- }
- }
-/** Returns a list of strings of all the configured devices. */
-TQStringList KNetworkConf::getDeviceList(){
- TQStringList list;
- KNetworkInterface * device;
- TQPtrList<KNetworkInterface> deviceList = netInfo->getDeviceList();
- for (device = deviceList.first(); device; device =
- {
- list.append(device->getDeviceName());
- }
- return list;
-/** No descriptions */
-bool KNetworkConf::valuesChanged(KNetworkInterface *dev,
- TQString bootProto,
- TQString netmask,
- TQString ipAddr,
- TQString gateway,
- bool onBoot,
- TQString desc,
- TQString broadcast){
- if ((dev->getBootProto() != bootProto) ||
- (dev->getNetmask() != netmask) ||
- (dev->getIpAddress() != ipAddr) ||
- (dev->getGateway() != gateway) ||
- ((dev->getOnBoot() == "yes") && !(onBoot)) ||
- ((dev->getOnBoot() == "no") && (onBoot)) ||
- (dev->getDescription() != desc) ||
- (dev->getBroadcast() != broadcast))
- return true;
- else
- return false;
-/** Sets the TQPushButton::autoResize() in true for all buttons. */
-void KNetworkConf::makeButtonsResizeable(){
- kpbConfigureNetworkInterface->setAutoResize(true);
- kcbGwDevice->setAutoResize(true);
- kpbAddDomainServer->setAutoResize(true);
- kpbEditDomainServer->setAutoResize(true);
- kpbRemoveDomainServer->setAutoResize(true);
- kpbUpButton->setAutoResize(true);
- kpbDownButton->setAutoResize(true);
- kpbAddKnownHost->setAutoResize(true);
- kpbEditKnownHost->setAutoResize(true);
- kpbRemoveKnownHost->setAutoResize(true);
-void KNetworkConf::enableInterfaceSlot()
- if (modified) {
- if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this,
- i18n("The new configuration has not been saved.\nApply changes?"),
- i18n("New Configuration Not Saved"),
- KStdGuiItem::apply()) == KMessageBox::Continue)
- saveInfoSlot();
- else
- return;
- }
- KNetworkInterface *dev = getDeviceInfo(klvCardList->currentItem()->text(0));
- if (dev->isActive())
- changeDeviceState(dev->getDeviceName(),DEVICE_DOWN);
- else
- changeDeviceState(dev->getDeviceName(),DEVICE_UP);
-void KNetworkConf::disableInterfaceSlot()
- if (modified) {
- if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this,
- i18n("The new configuration has not been saved.\nApply changes?"),
- i18n("New Configuration Not Saved"),
- KStdGuiItem::apply()) == KMessageBox::Continue)
- saveInfoSlot();
- else
- return;
- }
- KNetworkInterface *dev = getDeviceInfo(klvCardList->currentItem()->text(0));
- if (dev->isActive())
- changeDeviceState(dev->getDeviceName(),DEVICE_DOWN);
- else
- changeDeviceState(dev->getDeviceName(),DEVICE_UP);
-/** Adds a new host to the KListView that has the known hosts. */
-void KNetworkConf::addKnownHostSlot(){
- KAddKnownHostDlg dlg(this,0);
- dlg.setCaption(i18n("Add New Static Host"));
- TQString aliases;
- dlg.exec();
- if (!dlg.kleIpAddress->text().isEmpty() && dlg.klbAliases->firstItem() > 0 )
- {
- TQListViewItem * item = new TQListViewItem( klvKnownHosts, 0 );
- item->setText(0,dlg.kleIpAddress->text());
- for ( uint i = 0; i < dlg.klbAliases->count(); i++ )
- aliases += dlg.klbAliases->text(i) + " ";
- item->setText(1,aliases);
- enableApplyButtonSlot();
- }
-/** Removes a known host from the list view */
-void KNetworkConf::removeKnownHostSlot()
- if (klvKnownHosts->currentItem() != 0)
- {
- klvKnownHosts->removeItem(klvKnownHosts->currentItem());
- enableApplyButtonSlot();
- }
-/** Edits the info about a known host. */
-void KNetworkConf::editKnownHostSlot()
- KAddKnownHostDlg dlg(this,0);
- dlg.setCaption(i18n("Edit Static Host"));
- TQListViewItem *item = klvKnownHosts->currentItem();
- dlg.kleIpAddress->setText(item->text(0));
- TQStringList aliases = TQStringList::split( " ", item->text(1) );
- int n = 0;
- for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = aliases.begin(); it != aliases.end(); ++it, ++n )
- {
- TQString alias = *it;
- dlg.klbAliases->insertItem(alias,n);
- }
- dlg.exec();
- TQString _aliases;
- if (!dlg.kleIpAddress->text().isEmpty() && dlg.klbAliases->firstItem() > 0 )
- {
- TQListViewItem * item = klvKnownHosts->currentItem();
- item->setText(0,dlg.kleIpAddress->text());
- for ( uint i = 0; i < dlg.klbAliases->count(); i++ )
- _aliases += dlg.klbAliases->text(i) + " ";
- item->setText(1,_aliases);
- enableApplyButtonSlot();
- }
-/** Shows the main window after the network info has been loaded. */
-void KNetworkConf::showMainWindow()
- show();
-/** No descriptions */
-void KNetworkConf::readFromStdErrUpDown()
- commandErrOutput.append(procDeviceState->readStderr());
-/** Sees if a device is active or not in the ifconfig output. Not very nice, but it works. Inthe future, this has to be managed by gst. */
-bool KNetworkConf::isDeviceActive(const TQString &device, const TQString &ifconfigOutput){
- TQString temp = ifconfigOutput.section(device,1,1);
- if (temp.isEmpty())
- return false;
- else
- {
- TQString temp2 = temp.section("UP",0,0); //two firts lines of the device info.
- TQString temp3 = temp2.section("\n",0,0); //Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:00:21:C5:99:A0
- TQString temp4 = temp2.section("\n",1,1); //inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
- temp3 = temp3.stripWhiteSpace();
- temp4 = temp4.stripWhiteSpace();
- TQString temp5 = temp3.section(" ",4,4); //00:00:21:C5:99:A0
- TQString temp6 = temp4.section(" ",1,1); // addr:
- temp6 = temp6.section(":",1,1); //
- TQString temp7 = temp4.section(" ",3,3); //Bcast:
- temp7 = temp7.section(":",1,1); //
- TQString temp8 = temp4.section(" ",5,5); // Mask:
- temp8 = temp8.section(":",1,1); //
- //If the ip address is empty it must be a dhcp interface, so fill these fields:
- if (temp6.isEmpty())
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-void KNetworkConf::setReadOnlySlot(bool state)
- state = !state;
- gbDefaultGateway->setEnabled(state);
- kleDomainName->setEnabled(state);
- kleHostName->setEnabled(state);
- gbDNSServersList->setEnabled(state);
- gbKnownHostsList->setEnabled(state);
- klvCardList->setEnabled(state);
- kpbUpButton->setEnabled(state);
- kpbDownButton->setEnabled(state);
- kpbConfigureNetworkInterface->setEnabled(state);
-/*Shows a context menu when right-clicking in the interface list*/
-void KNetworkConf::showInterfaceContextMenuSlot(KListView* lv, TQListViewItem* lvi, const TQPoint& pt)
- KPopupMenu *context = new KPopupMenu( this );
- TQ_CHECK_PTR( context );
- context->insertItem( "&Enable Interface", this, TQT_SLOT(enableInterfaceSlot()));
- context->insertItem( "&Disable Interface", this, TQT_SLOT(disableInterfaceSlot()));
- TQListViewItem *item = klvCardList->currentItem();
- TQString currentDevice = item->text(0);
- KNetworkInterface *dev = getDeviceInfo(currentDevice);
- if (dev->isActive())
- {
- context->setItemEnabled(0,false);
- context->setItemEnabled(1,true);
- }
- else
- {
- context->setItemEnabled(0,true);
- context->setItemEnabled(1,false);
- }
- context->insertSeparator(2);
- context->insertItem( "&Configure Interface...", this, TQT_SLOT(configureDeviceSlot()));
- context->popup(pt);
- //context->insertItem( "About &TQt", this, TQT_SLOT(aboutTQt()) );
-void KNetworkConf::enableSignals()
- tooltip->setProfiles(netInfo->getProfilesList());
- connect(kleDefaultRoute,TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString&)),this,TQT_SLOT(enableApplyButtonSlot(const TQString&)));
- connect(kleDomainName,TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString&)),this,TQT_SLOT(enableApplyButtonSlot(const TQString&)));
- connect(kleHostName,TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString&)),this,TQT_SLOT(enableApplyButtonSlot(const TQString&)));
-void KNetworkConf::enableProfileSlot()
- //Get selected profile
- TQListViewItem *item = klvProfilesList->currentItem();
- if (item != NULL)
- {
- TQString selectedProfile = item->text(0);
- //And search for it in the profiles list
- KNetworkInfo *profile = getProfile(netInfo->getProfilesList(),selectedProfile);
- if (profile != NULL)
- {
- profile->setProfilesList(netInfo->getProfilesList());
- config->saveNetworkInfo(profile);
- modified = false;
- //connect( config, TQT_SIGNAL(readyLoadingNetworkInfo()), this, TQT_SLOT(showSelectedProfile(selectedProfile)) );
- }
- else
- KMessageBox::error(this,
- i18n("Could not load the selected Network Profile."),
- i18n("Error Reading Profile"));
- }
-KNetworkInfo *KNetworkConf::getProfile(TQPtrList<KNetworkInfo> profilesList, TQString selectedProfile)
- TQPtrListIterator<KNetworkInfo> it(profilesList);
- KNetworkInfo *net = NULL;
- while ((net = it.current()) != 0)
- {
- ++it;
- if (net->getProfileName() == selectedProfile)
- break;
- }
- return net;
-void KNetworkConf::createProfileSlot()
- if (!netInfo)
- return;
- bool ok;
- TQString newProfileName = KInputDialog::getText(i18n("Create New Network Profile"),
- i18n("Name of new profile:"),
- TQString(), &ok, this );
- if ( ok && !newProfileName.isEmpty() )
- {
- TQPtrList<KNetworkInfo> profiles = netInfo->getProfilesList();
- KNetworkInfo *currentProfile = getProfile(profiles,newProfileName);
- KNetworkInfo *newProfile = new KNetworkInfo();
- //If there isn't a profile with the new name we add it to the list.
- if (currentProfile == NULL)
- {
- TQListViewItem *newItem = new TQListViewItem( klvProfilesList,newProfileName);
- //memcpy(newProfile,netInfo,sizeof(netInfo) + sizeof(KRoutingInfo) + sizeof(KDNSInfo));
- //Is there a better way to copy an object? the above memcpy doesn't do the trick
- newProfile->setProfileName(newProfileName);
- newProfile->setDNSInfo(netInfo->getDNSInfo());
- newProfile->setDeviceList(netInfo->getDeviceList());
- newProfile->setNetworkScript(netInfo->getNetworkScript());
- newProfile->setPlatformName(netInfo->getPlatformName());
- newProfile->setProfilesList(netInfo->getProfilesList());
- newProfile->setRoutingInfo(netInfo->getRoutingInfo());
- profiles.append(newProfile);
- netInfo->setProfilesList(profiles);
- enableApplyButtonSlot();
- }
- else
- KMessageBox::error(this,
- i18n("There is already another profile with that name."),
- i18n("Error"));
- }
-/*void KNetworkConf::updateProfileNameSlot(TQListViewItem *item)
- TQString newName = item->text(0);
- if (newName.isEmpty())
- KMessageBox::error(this,
- i18n("The profile name can't be left blank."),
- i18n("Error"));
- else
- {
- KNetworkInfo *currentProfile = getProfile(netInfo->getProfilesList(),newName);
- KNetworkInfo *newProfile = new KNetworkInfo();
- //If there is a profile with that name we rename it to the new name.
- if (currentProfile != NULL)
- {
- currentProfile->setProfileName(item->text(0));
- modified = false;
- enableApplyButtonSlot();
- }
- }
-void KNetworkConf::removeProfileSlot()
- TQListViewItem *item= klvProfilesList->selectedItem();
- if (item != NULL)
- {
-/* if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this,
- i18n("Are you sure you want to delete the selected network profile?"),
- i18n("Delete Profile"),KStdGuiItem::del()) == KMessageBox::Continue)*/
- {
- TQString selectedProfile = item->text(0);
- TQPtrList<KNetworkInfo> profiles = netInfo->getProfilesList();
- KNetworkInfo *profileToDelete = NULL;
- for ( profileToDelete = profiles.first(); profileToDelete; profileToDelete = )
- {
- TQString profileName = profileToDelete->getProfileName();
- if (profileName == selectedProfile)
- {
- profiles.remove(profileToDelete);
- netInfo->setProfilesList(profiles);
- klvProfilesList->takeItem(item);
- modified = false;
- enableApplyButtonSlot();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void KNetworkConf::updateProfileSlot()
- TQListViewItem *item= klvProfilesList->selectedItem();
- if (item != NULL)
- {
- TQString selectedProfile = item->text(0);
- TQPtrList<KNetworkInfo> profiles = netInfo->getProfilesList();
- KNetworkInfo *profileToUpdate = NULL;
- KNetworkInfo *newProfile = new KNetworkInfo();
- for ( profileToUpdate = profiles.first(); profileToUpdate; profileToUpdate = )
- {
- TQString profileName = profileToUpdate->getProfileName();
- if (profileName == selectedProfile)
- {
- tqDebug("profile updated");
- newProfile->setProfileName(profileName);
- newProfile->setDNSInfo(netInfo->getDNSInfo());
- newProfile->setDeviceList(netInfo->getDeviceList());
- newProfile->setNetworkScript(netInfo->getNetworkScript());
- newProfile->setPlatformName(netInfo->getPlatformName());
- newProfile->setProfilesList(netInfo->getProfilesList());
- newProfile->setRoutingInfo(netInfo->getRoutingInfo());
- profileToUpdate = netInfo;
- int curPos =;
- // profileToUpdate->setProfileName(profileName);
- profiles.remove();
- profiles.insert(curPos,newProfile);
- netInfo->setProfilesList(profiles);
- modified = false;
- enableApplyButtonSlot();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-#include "knetworkconf.moc"