OptionsDlgWidget Michael Pyne OptionsDlgWidget 0 0 325 332 Options Widget unnamed layout4 unnamed 0 layout5 unnamed _defaultTapeSize 96 0 4096 This setting determines the capacity that KDat assumes your backup tapes to be. This is used when formatting the tapes. _tapeBlockSize 96 0 262144 Tape drives read and write data in individual blocks. This setting controls the size of each block, and should be set to your tape drive's block size. For floppy tape drives this should be set to <b>10240</b> bytes. MB GB _defaultTapeSizeUnits This option chooses whether the default tape size to the left is in megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB). textLabel3 bytes textLabel2 Tape block size: _tapeBlockSize textLabel1 Default tape size: _defaultTapeSize layout1 unnamed browseTarCommand ... Browse for the tar command. _tapeDevice The location in the filesystem of the <em>non-rewinding</em> tape device. The default is <b>/dev/tape</b>. textLabel5 Tar command: _tarCommand browseTapeDevice ... Browse for the tape device. _tarCommand This setting controls the command that KDat uses to perform the tape backup. The full path should be given. The default is <b>tar</b>. textLabel4 Tape device: _tapeDevice buttonGroup1 Tape Drive Options unnamed _loadOnMount Load tape on mount <qt>Issue an <tt>mtload</tt> command prior to mounting the tape.</qt> This command issues an <tt>mtload</tt> command to the tape device before trying to mount it. This is required by some tape drives. _lockOnMount Lock tape drive on mount Disable the eject button after mounting the tape. This option makes KDat try to disable the eject button on the tape drive after the tape has been mounted. This doesn't work for all tape drives. _ejectOnUnmount Eject tape on unmount Try to eject the tape after it is unmounted. Don't use this for ftape. Try to eject the tape after it has been unmounted. This option should not be used for floppy-tape drives. _variableBlockSize Variable block size Enable variable-block size support in the tape drive. Some tape drives support different sizes of the data block. With this option, KDat will attempt to enable that support. You must still specify the block size. spacer1 Vertical Expanding 20 0 _defaultTapeSize valueChanged(int) OptionsDlgWidget slotValueChanged() _tapeBlockSize valueChanged(int) OptionsDlgWidget slotValueChanged() _defaultTapeSizeUnits activated(int) OptionsDlgWidget slotValueChanged() _tapeDevice textChanged(const TQString&) OptionsDlgWidget slotValueChanged() _tarCommand textChanged(const TQString&) OptionsDlgWidget slotValueChanged() _loadOnMount toggled(bool) OptionsDlgWidget slotValueChanged() _lockOnMount toggled(bool) OptionsDlgWidget slotValueChanged() _ejectOnUnmount toggled(bool) OptionsDlgWidget slotValueChanged() _variableBlockSize toggled(bool) OptionsDlgWidget slotValueChanged() browseTapeDevice clicked() OptionsDlgWidget slotBrowseTapeDevice() browseTarCommand clicked() OptionsDlgWidget slotBrowseTarCommand() tdeapplication.h tdefiledialog.h kmessagebox.h kglobal.h kdialog.h OptionsDlgWidget.ui.h doBrowseTapeDevice() doBrowseTarCommand() valueChanged() slotValueChanged() slotBrowseTapeDevice() slotBrowseTarCommand()