#!/bin/bash echo 'Network backend updating script of KNetworkConf' echo if [ $# -eq 0 ] then echo "Use: $0 src_path dest_path" echo exit 1 fi if [ "$1" = "" ] then echo 'You have to specify the source directory of the new scripts' echo exit 1 elif [ "$2" = "" ] then echo 'You have to specify the destination directory for the new scripts' echo exit 1 fi if [ ! -d $1 ] then echo "$1 Isn't a directory" echo exit 1 elif [ ! -d $2 ] then echo "$2 Isn't a directory" echo exit 1 fi diractual=`pwd` cd $1; cp -f AUTHORS debug.pl.in file.pl.in general.pl.in guess_system.sh mkinstalldirs network-conf.in network.pl.in NEWS parse.pl.in platform.pl.in README tqreplace.pl.in report.pl.in service-list.pl.in service.pl.in system-tools-backends.pc.in type1inst util.pl.in xml.pl.in process.pl.in $2 echo echo 'Ready, dont forget to check configure.in.in or Makefile.am to see if they need further updating.' echo