/* images.cpp ** ** Copyright (C) 2000,2001 by Bernhard Rosenkraenzer ** ** Contributions by M. Laurent and W. Bastian. ** */ /* ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program in a file called COPYING; if not, write to ** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, ** MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* ** Bug reports and questions can be sent to kde-devel@kde.org */ #include "images.moc" #include #include #include #include #ifdef USE_KDE #include "kde/InputBox.h" #include "kde/Details.h" #else #include "qt/InputBox.h" #include "qt/Details.h" #endif Images::Images(liloconf *l, TQWidget *parent, const char *name):TQWidget(parent, name) { current=""; previous=""; // Using TQString::null gives problems! lilo=l; layout=new TQHBoxLayout(this); layout->setMargin(SPACE_MARGIN); layout->setSpacing(SPACE_INSIDE); images=new TQListBox(this); layout->addWidget(images, 1); connect(images, TQT_SIGNAL(highlighted(const TQString &)), TQT_SLOT(imageSelected(const TQString &))); TQWhatsThis::add(images, _("This is the list of kernels and operating systems you can currently boot. Select which one you want to edit here.")); parameters=new TQVBox(this); parameters->setMargin(SPACE_MARGIN); parameters->setSpacing(SPACE_INSIDE); layout->addWidget(parameters, 2); image=new EditWidget(_("&Kernel:"), "", true, parameters); TQWhatsThis::add(image, _("Enter the filename of the kernel you want to boot here.")); connect(image, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString &)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(configChanged())); label=new EditWidget(_("&Label:"), "", false, parameters); TQWhatsThis::add(label, _("Enter the label (name) of the kernel you want to boot here.")); connect(label, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString &)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(configChanged())); root=new EditWidget(_("&Root filesystem:"), "", true, parameters); TQWhatsThis::add(root, _("Enter the root filesystem (i.e. the partition that will be mounted as / at boot time) for the kernel you want to boot here.")); connect(root, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString &)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(configChanged())); initrd=new EditWidget(_("&Initial ramdisk:"), "", true, parameters); TQWhatsThis::add(initrd, _("If you want to use an initial ramdisk (initrd) for this kernel, enter its filename here. Leave this field blank if you don't intend to use an initial ramdisk for this kernel.")); connect(initrd, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString &)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(configChanged())); append=new EditWidget(_("E&xtra parameters:"), "", false, parameters); TQWhatsThis::add(append, _("Enter any extra parameters you wish to pass to the kernel here. Usually, this can be left blank.
This sets the append option in lilo.conf.")); connect(append, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString &)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(configChanged())); actions=new TQVBox(this); actions->setMargin(SPACE_MARGIN); actions->setSpacing(SPACE_INSIDE); layout->addWidget(actions); dflt=new TQPushButton(_("Set &Default"), actions); TQWhatsThis::add(dflt, _("Boot this kernel/OS if the user doesn't make a different choice")); connect(dflt, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(dfltClicked())); details=new TQPushButton(_("De&tails"), actions); TQWhatsThis::add(details, _("This button brings up a dialog box with further, less commonly used, options.")); connect(details, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(detailsClicked())); probe=new TQPushButton(_("&Probe"), actions); connect(probe, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(probeClicked())); TQWhatsThis::add(probe, _("Automatically generate a (hopefully) reasonable lilo.conf for your system")); check=new TQPushButton(_("&Check Configuration"), actions); connect(check, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(checkClicked())); TQWhatsThis::add(check, _("Run LILO in test mode to see if the configuration is ok")); addKrnl=new TQPushButton(_("Add &Kernel..."), actions); connect(addKrnl, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(addKrnlClicked())); TQWhatsThis::add(addKrnl, _("Add a new Linux kernel to the boot menu")); addOS=new TQPushButton(_("Add Other &OS..."), actions); connect(addOS, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(addOSClicked())); TQWhatsThis::add(addOS, _("Add a non-Linux OS to the boot menu")); remove=new TQPushButton(_("&Remove Entry"), actions); connect(remove, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(removeClicked())); TQWhatsThis::add(remove, _("Remove entry from the boot menu")); update(); } Images::~Images() { delete probe; } void Images::update() // SLOT { int selection=images->currentItem(); if(selection==-1) selection=0; String dflt=lilo->dflt(); String entry; StringList imgs=lilo->entries(); images->clear(); for(StringList::const_iterator it=imgs.begin(); it!=imgs.end(); it++) { if(*it==dflt) entry=*it + " (default)"; else entry=*it; images->insertItem(entry.cstr()); } if((unsigned int)selection>images->count()) selection=images->count(); images->setSelected(selection, true); imageSelected(images->text(selection)); } void Images::probeClicked() // SLOT { lilo->probe(); update(); emit configChanged(); } void Images::dfltClicked() // SLOT { if (images->currentItem() < 0) return; lilo->setDefault(images->currentText().replace(TQRegExp(" (default)", true, true), "").latin1()); update(); emit configChanged(); } void Images::detailsClicked() // SLOT { liloimage *l=lilo->images[current.latin1()]; Details *d = new Details(l, this); if(d->exec()==TQDialog::Accepted) { String tmp; tmp=l->grep("^[ \t]*read-only[ \t]*"); if(d->isReadOnly() && tmp.empty()) l->insert(l->end(), "\tread-only"); else if(!d->isReadOnly() && !tmp.empty()) l->remove(tmp); l->set("vga", d->vgaMode().latin1(), true, true, "\t"); tmp=l->grep("^[ \t]*unsafe[ \t]*"); if(d->isUnsafe() && tmp.empty()) l->insert(l->end(), "\tunsafe"); else if(!d->isUnsafe() && !tmp.empty()) l->remove(tmp); tmp=l->grep("^[ \t]*lock[ \t]*"); if(d->isLocked() && tmp.empty()) l->insert(l->end(), "\tlock"); else if(!d->isLocked() && !tmp.empty()) l->remove(tmp); tmp=l->grep("^[ \t]*restricted[ \t]*"); if(d->isRestricted() && tmp.empty()) l->insert(l->end(), "\trestricted"); else if(!d->isRestricted() && !tmp.empty()) l->remove(tmp); if(d->isRestricted() || d->usePassword()) l->set("password", d->Password().latin1(), true, true, "\t"); l->set("password", d->Password().latin1(), true, true, "\t"); emit configChanged(); } delete d; } void Images::checkClicked() // SLOT { TQString LiloOut=lilo->liloOut().cstr(); if(lilo->isOk()) { LiloOut=_("Configuration ok. LILO said:\n")+LiloOut; InformationOK(this, LiloOut, _("Configuration OK"), "lilo-config.confOK"); } else { LiloOut=_("Configuration NOT ok. LILO said:\n")+LiloOut; ErrorOK(this, _("Configuration NOT ok"), LiloOut); } } void Images::addKrnlClicked() // SLOT { InputBox::entries e; InputBox::entry l0={ _("&Kernel filename:"), "", true, _("Enter the filename of the kernel you want to boot here.") }; InputBox::entry l1={ _("&Label:"), "", false, _("Enter the label (name) of the kernel you want to boot here.") }; InputBox::entry l2={ _("&Root filesystem:"), "", true, _("Enter the root filesystem (i.e. the partition that will be mounted as / at boot time) for the kernel you want to boot here.") }; InputBox::entry l3={ _("&Initial ramdisk:"), "", true, _("If you want to use an initial ramdisk (initrd) for this kernel, enter its filename here. Leave this field blank if you don't intend to use an initial ramdisk for this kernel.") }; e.insert(e.end(), l0); e.insert(e.end(), l1); e.insert(e.end(), l2); e.insert(e.end(), l3); InputBox *label=new InputBox(e, this); if(label->exec()==TQDialog::Accepted) { TQStringList s=label->text(); TQStringList::Iterator it=s.begin(); String kernel=(*it).latin1(); it++; String label=(*it).latin1(); it++; String root=(*it).latin1(); it++; String initrd=(*it).latin1(); lilo->addLinux(label, kernel, root, initrd); update(); emit configChanged(); } delete label; } void Images::addOSClicked() // SLOT { InputBox::entries e; InputBox::entry l0={_("Boot from dis&k:"), "", true, _("Enter the partition containing the operating system you'd like to boot here.") }; InputBox::entry l1={_("&Label:"), "", false, _("Enter the label (name) of the operating system here.") }; e.insert(e.end(), l0); e.insert(e.end(), l1); InputBox *label=new InputBox(e, this); if(label->exec()==TQDialog::Accepted) { TQStringList s=label->text(); TQStringList::Iterator it=s.begin(); String disk=(*it).latin1(); it++; String label=(*it).latin1(); lilo->addOther(label, disk); update(); emit configChanged(); } delete label; } void Images::removeClicked() // SLOT { if(images->currentItem()==-1) return; TQString s=images->currentText(); if(s.right(10)==" (default)") s=s.left(s.length()-10); if (s.isNull()) s = ""; lilo->images.remove(s.latin1()); previous=""; current=""; update(); emit configChanged(); } TQString value(TQString const &s) { TQString r=s.mid(s.find('=')+1).simplifyWhiteSpace(); if(r.left(1)=="\"") r=r.mid(1); if(r.right(1)=="\"") r=r.left(r.length()-1); if (r.isNull()) r = ""; return r; } void Images::imageSelected(const TQString &i) // SLOT { bool blocked = signalsBlocked(); blockSignals(true); TQString s=i; if(s.right(10)==" (default)") s=s.left(s.length()-10); if(previous!=s && !previous.isEmpty()) { previous=s; saveChanges(); } else if(previous.isEmpty()) previous=s; if (s.isNull()) s = ""; current=s; liloimage *l=lilo->images[s.latin1()]; if(l) { TQString img=value(l->grep("^[ \t]*(image|other)[ \t]*=").cstr()); image->setText(img); label->setText(s); if(l->isLinux()) { image->setLabel(_("&Kernel:")); String rt=l->grep("^[ \t]*root[ \t]*="); if(!rt.empty()) root->setText(value(rt.cstr())); else root->setText(""); String rd=l->grep("^[ \t]*initrd[ \t]*="); if(!rd.empty()) initrd->setText(value(rd.cstr())); else initrd->setText(""); append->setText(l->get("append").cstr()); root->show(); initrd->show(); append->show(); } else { image->setLabel(_("Dis&k:")); root->hide(); initrd->hide(); append->hide(); } } blockSignals(blocked); } void Images::saveChanges() // SLOT { if(!current.isEmpty()) { liloimage *l=lilo->images[current.latin1()]; if(l) { l->set("image", image->text().latin1(), true, true); l->set("label", label->text().latin1(), true, true, "\t"); l->set("root", root->text().latin1(), true, true, "\t"); l->set("initrd", initrd->text().latin1(), true, true, "\t"); l->set("append", append->text().latin1(), true, true, "\t"); } } } void Images::makeReadOnly() { images->setEnabled( false ); image->setEnabled( false ); label->setEnabled( false ); root->setEnabled( false ); initrd->setEnabled( false ); append->setEnabled( false ); dflt->setEnabled( false ); details->setEnabled( false ); probe->setEnabled( false ); check->setEnabled( false ); addKrnl->setEnabled( false ); addOS->setEnabled( false ); remove->setEnabled( false ); }