KFireSaverSetup KFireSaverSetup 0 0 375 344 1 1 0 0 KFireSaver Setup unnamed 0 useButton &Load KDE (default) Elegant White Quick Simple Enhanced Reality Hypnotic Illusions presetCombo 3 0 0 0 presetLabel Preset: spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 201 31 tabWidget Rounded tab Preview unnamed spacer162 Horizontal Expanding 30 220 spacer161 Horizontal Expanding 30 210 layout118 unnamed spacer162_2 Horizontal Expanding 43 180 previewFrame 240 180 240 180 StyledPanel Sunken preview window Here is the preview (if it is not detached) unnamed previewLabel false P R E V I E W AlignCenter spacer161_2 Horizontal Expanding 30 180 detachBox &Show in separate window applyButton &Apply && Update tab Show unnamed layS1 unnamed showLabel1 1 5 0 0 Show type: Simple Show Completely Random Only Change Color Only Change Fireworks showCombo spacer25 Horizontal Expanding 260 21 layS2 unnamed showLabel2 Number of fireworks: showLabel3 few fireworksSlider 3 0 0 0 0 10 1 4 Horizontal showLabel4 more spacer6_2 Horizontal Expanding 125 21 layS2_2 unnamed particlesLabel1 Size of particles: particlesLabel2 small particlesSlider 3 0 0 0 -5 5 1 Horizontal particlesLabel3 big spacer6_2_2 Horizontal Expanding 125 21 bottomfireBox Use bottom fire true layS3 unnamed spacer7 Horizontal Fixed 16 20 bottomfireLabel1 Color: bottomfireColorButton Select the color spacer4 Horizontal Expanding 309 21 soundsBox Enable sounds overheadBox Limit overload (recommended) frameskipBox Realtime fps adjust (recommended) spacerT2 Vertical Expanding 31 20 TabPage Fireworks unnamed spacerT3 Vertical Expanding 21 0 layF2 unnamed whiteBox Blinding white purpleBox Velvet purple seagreenBox Deep-sea green redBox Deep red combosBox Multicolor try bi-color fireworks This allow a random creation of fireworks that explodes in 2 colors blueBox Boring blue spacer7_2_5_2_2 Horizontal Fixed 16 80 orangeBox Hot orange greenBox Purest green colorsLabel1 Colors fireworksLabel1 Fireworks layF1 unnamed fire3Box Flames ring try me fire6Box Atomic splitter try me fire5Box Sparkling fall try me fire1Box Classic try me fire2Box Only explosion try me spacer7_2_5_2 Horizontal Fixed 16 80 fire8Box false 255 0 0 SuperNova try me fire7Box Toxic spirals try me fire4Box Flames world try me TabPage Specials unnamed spacerT4 Vertical MinimumExpanding 41 20 logosBox Logos true Watch exploding images Enable images explosion. logosFrame NoFrame Plain unnamed 0 spacer46 Horizontal Fixed 16 70 layP1 unnamed logosIconsBox KDE icons Enables KDE Icons Enables random KDE Icons explosions. logosTuxBox Tux false Enables Tux Enables random Tux explosions. logosDetailBox Reduce detail useful for increasing speed When enabled speeds up logo explosion but reduces quality. logosKonquiBox Konqui Enables Konqui Enables random Konqui explosions. layP2 unnamed frequencyLabel Frequency: neverLabel sometimes logosSlider 3 0 0 0 10 1 5 Horizontal oftenLabel often spacer18 Horizontal Expanding 91 21 starsFrame NoFrame Raised unnamed 0 spacer7_2_5 Horizontal Fixed 16 50 layP3 unnamed starsFlickerBox Flickering enables a natural 'flicker' effect This option produces a sort of vibration in the lightness of the star. starsGradientBox Red-blue gradient emulate horizon coloring Gives lower stars a reddish tint. layP4 unnamed textLabel4_5 Number: textLabel3_2_6 less starsSlider 3 0 0 0 10 1 5 Horizontal textLabel3_2_2_5 more spacer6_5 Horizontal Expanding 149 21 starsBox Stars true Watch the stars Enable stars in the sky. writingsBox Writings true Watch the stars Enable stars in the sky. TabPage Effects unnamed flashBox Flash screen on explosions true layE2 unnamed spacer7_2_3 Horizontal Fixed 16 20 fadeLabel1 Intensity: fadeLabel2 small fadeSlider 3 0 0 0 9 1 3 Horizontal fadeLabel3 hypnotic spacer6_3 Horizontal Expanding 131 21 flaresBox Mega flares true layE3 unnamed spacer7_2_4 Horizontal Fixed 16 20 flaresLabel1 Dimension: flaresLabel2 small flaresSlider 3 0 0 0 10 1 5 Horizontal flaresLabel3 big spacer6_4 Horizontal Expanding 117 21 trailBox Fireworks leave a particle trail not yet ported not yet ported layE1 unnamed spacer7_2 Horizontal Fixed 16 20 flashLabel1 Flash opacity: flashLabel2 min flashSlider 3 0 0 0 10 1 5 Horizontal flashLabel3 max spacer6 Horizontal Expanding 110 21 fadeBox Fade effect true lightBox Spherical light after explosion warning, this can shock your mind :-) Multiplies the scale factor for particles near you, resulting in a colorful experience. spacerT5 Vertical Expanding 31 20 logosBox toggled(bool) logosFrame setEnabled(bool) starsBox toggled(bool) starsFrame setEnabled(bool) bottomfireBox toggled(bool) bottomfireLabel1 setEnabled(bool) bottomfireBox toggled(bool) bottomfireColorButton setEnabled(bool) flashBox toggled(bool) flashLabel1 setEnabled(bool) flashBox toggled(bool) flashLabel2 setEnabled(bool) flashBox toggled(bool) flashLabel3 setEnabled(bool) flashBox toggled(bool) flashSlider setEnabled(bool) fadeBox toggled(bool) fadeLabel1 setEnabled(bool) fadeBox toggled(bool) fadeLabel2 setEnabled(bool) fadeBox toggled(bool) fadeLabel3 setEnabled(bool) fadeBox toggled(bool) fadeSlider setEnabled(bool) flaresBox toggled(bool) flaresLabel1 setEnabled(bool) flaresBox toggled(bool) flaresLabel2 setEnabled(bool) flaresBox toggled(bool) flaresLabel3 setEnabled(bool) flaresBox toggled(bool) flaresSlider setEnabled(bool) useButton clicked() KFireSaverSetup useButton_clicked() applyButton clicked() KFireSaverSetup applyButton_clicked() detachBox clicked() KFireSaverSetup updatePreview() presetCombo useButton tabWidget showCombo fireworksSlider particlesSlider bottomfireBox bottomfireColorButton soundsBox overheadBox frameskipBox fire1Box fire2Box fire3Box fire4Box fire5Box fire6Box fire7Box fire8Box whiteBox blueBox seagreenBox purpleBox orangeBox redBox greenBox combosBox logosBox logosKonquiBox logosTuxBox logosIconsBox logosDetailBox logosSlider starsBox starsFlickerBox starsGradientBox starsSlider lightBox flashBox flashSlider fadeBox fadeSlider flaresBox flaresSlider trailBox firesaver.h firesaversetup.ui.h KFireSaver * fireSaverWidget; applyButton_clicked() updatePreview() writeConfig() readConfig() useButton_clicked() init() destroy() kcolorbutton.h