path: root/doc/glossary/tdeprintingglossary.docbook
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authorTimothy Pearson <>2011-11-06 15:56:34 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <>2011-11-06 15:56:34 -0600
commitb529f046c9a64ac5fcfa60747af940cf972b3ebc (patch)
tree83c28cf7fa8fed1960ebd3924b579e7ed8c95cc6 /doc/glossary/tdeprintingglossary.docbook
parent6508fe4c40c60fd7a43bd3d9e19b762e10ea3f53 (diff)
Actually move the kde files that were renamed in the last commit
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/glossary/tdeprintingglossary.docbook')
1 files changed, 1387 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/glossary/tdeprintingglossary.docbook b/doc/glossary/tdeprintingglossary.docbook
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a0f35a34
--- /dev/null
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+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE glossary PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
+"customization/dtd/kdex.dtd" [
+<!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
+<!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY glossary-tdeprinting SYSTEM "tdeprintingglossary.docbook">
+<glossary id="glossary">
+ <glossdiv id="glossdiv-printing">
+ <title>Printing</title>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-acl">
+ <glossterm><acronym>ACLs</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>A</emphasis>ccess
+ <emphasis>C</emphasis>ontrol <emphasis>L</emphasis>ists;
+ ACLs are used to check for the access by a given
+ (authenticated) user. A first rough support for ACLs
+ for printing is available from &CUPS;; this will be refined
+ in future versions. </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-authentication">Authentication</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-appsocketprotocol">
+ <glossterm>AppSocket Protocol</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>AppSocket is a protocol for the transfer of
+ print data, also frequently called "Direct TCP/IP Printing".
+ &Hewlett-Packard; have taken AppSocket, added a few minor
+ extensions around it and been very successful in renaming
+ and marketing it under the brand "&HP; JetDirect"...</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-hpjetdirectprotocol">&HP; JetDirect Protocol</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-directtcpipprinting">Direct TCP/IP Printing</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-apsfilter">
+ <glossterm>APSfilter</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>APSfilter is used mainly in the context of "classical"
+ &UNIX; printing (BSD-style LPD). It is a sophisticated shell script,
+ disguised as an "all-in-one" filtering program. In reality,
+ APSfilter calls "real filters" to do the jobs needed. It sends
+ printjobs automatically through these other filters, based on an
+ initial file-type analysis of the printfile.
+ It is written and maintained by Andreas Klemm.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ It is
+ similar to Magicfilter and mostly uses Ghostscript for file conversions.
+ Some Linux Distributions (like &SuSE;) use APSfilter, others
+ Magicfilter (like &RedHat;), some have both for preference selection
+ (like *BSD).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ &CUPS; has <emphasis>no</emphasis> need for APSfilter,
+ as it runs its own file type recognition (based on &MIME; types)
+ and applies its own filtering logic.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ghostscript">Ghostscript</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-magicfilter">Magicfilter</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-mimetypes">&MIME;-Types</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-printcap">printcap</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-authentication">
+ <glossterm>Authentication</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Proving the identity of a certain person (maybe via username/password
+ or by means of a certificate) is often called authentication. Once you are
+ authenticated, you may or may not get access to a requested ressource,
+ possibly based on ACLs.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-acl">ACLs</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-bidirectionalcommunication">
+ <glossterm>Bi-directional communication</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>In the context of printing, a server or a host may receive additional
+ information sent back from the printer (status messages &etc;), either
+ upon a query or unrequested. AppSocket ( = &HP; JetDirect), &CUPS; and IPP
+ support bi-directional communication, LPR/LPD and BSD-style printing
+ do not...</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-appsocketprotocol">AppSocket Protocol</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups">&CUPS;</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-directtcpipprinting">Direct TCP/IP Printing</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-hpjetdirectprotocol">&HP; JetDirect</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ipp">IPP</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-lprlpd">LPR/LPD</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-bsdstyleprinting">
+ <glossterm>BSD-style Printing</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Generic term for different variants of the traditional &UNIX;
+ printing method. Its first version appeared in the early 70s on
+ BSD &UNIX; and was formally described in <ulink url="">RFC 1179</ulink> only as late
+ as 1990.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ At the time when BSD "remote" printing was first designed, printers
+ were serially or otherwise directly connected devices to a host
+ (with the Internet hardly consisting of more than 100 nodes!); printers
+ used hole-punched, continuous paper, fed through by a tractor
+ mechanism, with simple rows of ASCII text mechanically hammered on to
+ the medium, drawn from a cardboard box beneath the table. It came out
+ like a zig-zag folded paper "snake". Remote printing consisted of a
+ neighboring host in the next room sending a file
+ asking for printout.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ How technology has changed! Printers generally use cut-sheet media, they have
+ built-in intelligence to compute the raster images of pages after pages
+ that are sent to them using one of the powerful page description
+ languages (PDL). Many are network nodes in their own right,
+ with CPU, RAM, a hard disk and their own Operation System, and
+ are hooked to a net with potentially millions of users...
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ It is a vast proof of the flexible &UNIX; concept for doing things,
+ that it made "Line Printing" reliably work even under these modern
+ conditions. But time has finally come now to go for something new
+ -- the IPP.
+ It is strong proof of the flexibility of &UNIX;; that "Line Printing" works
+ reliably, even under these modern conditions. But time has finally come now
+ to go for something new -- the IPP.
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ipp">IPP</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups">&CUPS;</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-lprlpd">LPR/LPD printing</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-cups">
+ <glossterm>&CUPS;</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>C</emphasis>ommon
+ <emphasis>U</emphasis>NIX <emphasis>P</emphasis>rinting
+ <emphasis>S</emphasis>ystem; &CUPS; is the most modern &UNIX; and Linux
+ printing system, also providing cross-platform print services
+ to &Microsoft; &Windows; and Apple &MacOS; clients. Based on IPP, it does
+ away with all the pitfalls of old-style BSD printing,
+ providing authentication, encryption and ACLs, plus many more
+ features. At the same time it is backward-compatible enough
+ to serve all legacy clients that are not yet up to IPP, via
+ LPR/LPD (BSD-style).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ &CUPS; is able to control any &PostScript; printer by
+ utilizing the vendor-supplied PPD (PostScript Printer
+ Description file), targeted originally for &Microsoft; Windows NT
+ printing only. &kde; Printing is most powerful if based on
+ &CUPS;.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-acl">ACLs</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-authentication">Authentication</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-bsdstyleprinting">BSD-style printing</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ipp">IPP</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-tdeprint">KDEPrint</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-lprlpd">LPR/LPD</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ppd">PPD</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-cupsfaq">
+ <glossterm><acronym>&CUPS;-FAQ</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Currently only available in German (translation is on the way),
+ the <ulink url="">&CUPS;-FAQ</ulink>
+ is a valuable resource to answer many questions that anyone new to
+ &CUPS; printing might have at first.
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-tdeprinthandbook">KDEPrint Handbook</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-cups-o-matic">
+ <glossterm>&CUPS;-O-Matic</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>&CUPS;-O-Matic was the first "Third Party" plugin for
+ the &CUPS; printing software. It is available on the <ulink
+ url="">
+ website</ulink> to provide an online PPD-generating service.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Together with the companion <application>cupsomatic</application> Perl-Script,
+ that needs to be installed as an additional &CUPS; backend,
+ it redirects output from the native <application>pstops</application> filter into
+ a chain of suitable Ghostscript filters. Upon completion, it
+ passes the resulting data back to a &CUPS; "backend" for sending
+ to the printer.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In this way, &CUPS;-O-Matic enables support for any printer known to
+ have worked previously in a "classical" Ghostscript environment.
+ If no native &CUPS; support for that printer is in sight... &CUPS;-O-Matic
+ is now replaced by the more capable PPD-O-Matic.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cupsomatic">cupsomatic</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-PPD-O-Matic">PPD-O-Matic</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-foomatic">Foomatic</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-cupsomatic">
+ <glossterm>cupsomatic</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>The Perl script <application>cupsomatic</application> (plus a working Perl installation
+ on your system) is needed to make any &CUPS;-O-Matic (or PPD-O-Matic)
+ generated PPD work with &CUPS;. It was written by Grant Taylor, author of
+ the Linux Printing HOWTO and Maintainer of the <ulink
+ url="">printer
+ database</ulink> at the website.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups-o-matic">&CUPS;-O-Matic</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-foomatic">Foomatic</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cupsomatic">cupsomatic</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-daemon">
+ <glossterm><acronym>Daemon</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>D</emphasis>isk
+ <emphasis>a</emphasis>nd <emphasis>e</emphasis>xecution
+ <emphasis>mon</emphasis>itor; <acronym>Daemons</acronym> are present
+ on all &UNIX; systems to perform tasks independent of user
+ intervention. Readers more familiar with &Microsoft; &Windows; might
+ want to compare daemons and the tasks they are responsible
+ with "services".
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ One example of a daemon present on most
+ legacy &UNIX; systems is the LPD (Line Printer Daemon); &CUPS; is
+ widely seen as the successor to LPD in the &UNIX; world and
+ it also operates through a daemon. </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-spooling">SPOOLing</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-databaselinuxprinting">
+ <glossterm>Database,</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Already years ago, when Linux printing was still really difficult
+ (only command line printing was known to most Linux users, no device
+ specific print options were available for doing the jobs), Grant Taylor,
+ author of the "Linux Printing HOWTO", collected most of the available
+ information about printers, drivers and filters in his database.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ With the emerging
+ &CUPS; concept, extending the use of PPDs even to non-PostScript printers,
+ he realized the potential of this database: if one puts the different
+ datablobs (with content that could be described along the lines
+ "Which device prints with which Ghostscript or other
+ filter?", "How well?", and "What command line switches are available?") into
+ PPD-compatible files, he could have all the power of &CUPS; on top of
+ the traditional printer "drivers".
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ This has now developed into a broader
+ concept, known as "Foomatic". Foomatic extends the capabilities
+ of spoolers other than &CUPS; (LPR/LPD, LPRng, PDQ, PPR) to a certain
+ degree ("stealing" some concepts from &CUPS;). The Linuxprinting
+ Database is not a Linux-only stop -- people running other &UNIX;
+ based OSes (like *BSD or &MacOS; X) will also find valuable information
+ and software there.
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-foomatic">Foomatic</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-linuxprintingdatabase">Linuxprinting database</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-directtcpipprinting">
+ <glossterm>Direct TCP/IP Printing</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>This is a method that often uses TCP/IP port 9100 to connect
+ to the printer. It works with many modern network printers and has
+ a few advantages over LPR/LPD, as it is faster and provides some
+ "backchannel feedback data" from the printer to the host sending
+ the job.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-appsocketprotocol">AppSocket Protocol</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-hpjetdirectprotocol">&HP; JetDirect Protocol</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-drivers">
+ <glossterm>Drivers, Printer Drivers</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>The term "printer drivers", used in the same sense
+ as on the &Microsoft; &Windows; platform, is not entirely applicable
+ to a Linux or &UNIX; platform. A "driver" functionality
+ is supplied on &UNIX; by different modular components working
+ together. At the core of the printer drivers are "filters". Filters convert
+ print files from a given input format to another format that is acceptable
+ to the target printer. In many cases filters may be connected to a whole
+ filter "chain", where only the result of the last conversion is sent to the
+ printer. The actual transfer of the print data to the device is performed by
+ a "backend".
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-filter">Filter</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ppd">PPDs</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-easysoftwareproducts">
+ <glossterm>Easy Software Products</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Mike Sweet's company, which has contributed a few substantial
+ software products towards the Free Software community; amongst
+ them the initial version of <ulink
+ url="">Gimp-Print,</ulink> the <ulink
+ url="">EPM software packaging</ulink> tool
+ and <ulink url="">HTMLDOC</ulink>
+ (used by the "Linux Documentation Project" to build the PDF versions
+ of the HOWTOs) -- but most importantly: <ulink
+ url="">&CUPS;</ulink> (the 'Common &UNIX; Printing
+ System').
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ ESP finance themselves by selling a commercial version
+ of &CUPS;, called <ulink url="">ESP PrintPro,</ulink>
+ that includes some professional enhancements.
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups">&CUPS;</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-espprintpro">ESP PrintPro</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-esp">ESP</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-gimpprint">Gimp-Print</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-encryption">
+ <glossterm>Encryption</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Encryption of confidential data is an all-important issue if
+ you transfer it over the Internet or even within intranets.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Printing
+ via traditional protocols is not encrypted at all -- it is very easy
+ to tap and eavesdrop &eg; into &PostScript; or PCL data transfered
+ over the wire.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Therefore, in the design of IPP, provision was made for the easy
+ plugin of encryption mechanisms (which can be provided by the same
+ means as the encryption standards for HTTP traffic: SSL and TLS).</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-authentication">Authentication</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups">&CUPS;</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ipp">IPP</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ssl">SSL</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-tls">TLS</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-epson">
+ <glossterm><acronym>Epson</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Epson inkjets are among the best supported models by Free software
+ drivers, as the company was not necessarily as secretive about their
+ devices and handed technical specification documents to developers.
+ The excellent print quality achieved by Gimp-Print on the Stylus
+ series of printers can be attributed to this openness.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ They have also
+ contracted Easy Software Products to maintain an enhanced version
+ of Ghostscript ("ESP GhostScript") for improved support of their
+ printer portfolio.
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ghostscript">ESP Ghostscript</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-escapesequence">
+ <glossterm>Escape Sequences</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>The first ever printers printed ASCII data only. To
+ initiate a new line, or eject a page, they included special
+ command sequences, often carrying a leading [ESC]-character.
+ &HP; evolved this concept through its series of PCL language
+ editions until today, having now developed a full-blown
+ Page Description Language (PDL) from these humble beginnings.
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pcl">PCL</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pdl">PDL</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-escp">
+ <glossterm><acronym>ESC/P</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>E</emphasis>pson
+ <emphasis>S</emphasis>tandard <emphasis>C</emphasis>odes for
+ <emphasis>P</emphasis>rinters. Besides &PostScript; and PCL, Epson's ESC/P
+ printer language is one of the best known.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pcl">PCL</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript">&PostScript;</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-hpgl">hpgl</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-esp">
+ <glossterm><acronym>ESP</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>E</emphasis>asy
+ <emphasis>S</emphasis>oftware <emphasis>P</emphasis>roducts;
+ the company that developed &CUPS; (the "Common &UNIX; Printing System").
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-easysoftwareproducts">Easy Software Products</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups">&CUPS;</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-espprintpro">ESP PrintPro</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-espghostscript">
+ <glossterm><acronym>ESP</acronym> Ghostscript</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>A Ghostscript version that is maintained by Easy Software
+ Products. It includes pre-compiled Gimp-Print drivers for
+ many inkjets (plus some other goodies). ESP Ghostscript
+ will produce photographic quality prints in many cases, especially
+ with the Epson Stylus model series. ESP Ghostscript is GPL-software.
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-easysoftwareproducts">Easy Software Products</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups">&CUPS;</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-espprintpro">ESP PrintPro</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-espprintpro">
+ <glossterm><acronym>ESP</acronym> PrintPro</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para> This professional enhancement to &CUPS; (the "Common &UNIX;
+ Printing System") is sold by the developers
+ of &CUPS; complete with more than 2,300 printer drivers for several commercial
+ &UNIX; platforms. <ulink url="">ESP PrintPro</ulink>
+ is supposed to work "out of the box" with little or no configuration
+ for users or admins. ESP also sell support contracts for
+ &CUPS; and PrintPro. These sales help to feed the programmers who
+ develop the Free version of &CUPS;.
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups">&CUPS;</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-filter">
+ <glossterm>Filter</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Filters, in general, are programs that take some input
+ data, work on it and pass it on as their output data. Filters
+ may or may not change the data.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Filters in the context of printing, are programs that convert
+ a given file (destined for printing, but not suitable in the
+ format it is presently) into a printable format. Sometimes
+ whole "filter chains" have to be constructed to achieve the
+ goal, piping the output of one filter as the input to the next.
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ghostscript">Ghostscript</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-rip">RIP</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-foomatic">
+ <glossterm>Foomatic</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Foomatic started out as the wrapper name for a set of
+ different tools available from <ulink
+ url=""></ulink>
+ These tools aimed to make the usage of traditional
+ Ghostscript and other print filters easier for users and
+ extend the filters' capabilities by adding more command line
+ switches or explain the driver's execution data.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Foomatic's different incarnations are &CUPS;-O-Matic, PPD-O-Matic,
+ PDQ-O-Matic, LPD-O-Matic, PPR-O-Matic, MF-O-Matic and
+ Direct-O-Matic. All of these allow the generation
+ of appropriate printer configuration files online, by simply
+ selection the suitable model and suggested (or alternate) driver
+ for that machine.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ More recently, Foomatic gravitated towards becoming a "meta-spooling"
+ system, that allows configuration of the underlying print subsystem
+ through a unified set of commands (however, this is much more
+ complicated than KDEPrint's &GUI; interface, which performs a similar
+ task with regards to different print subsystems). </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups-o-matic">&CUPS;-O-Matic</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-PPD-O-Matic">PPD-O-Matic</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cupsomatic">cupsomatic</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-ghostscript">
+ <glossterm>Ghostscript</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Ghostscript is a &PostScript; Raster Image Processor (RIP) in software, originally
+ developed by L. Peter Deutsch. There is always a <acronym>GPL</acronym> version
+ of Ghostscript available for free usage and distribution
+ (mostly 1 year old) while
+ the current version is commercially sold under another license.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Ghostscript is widely used inside the Linux and &UNIX; world
+ for transforming &PostScript; into raster data suitable
+ for sending to non-&PostScript; devices.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript">&PostScript;</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-rip">RIP</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-gimpprint">
+ <glossterm>Gimp-Print</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Contrary to its name, Gimp-Print is no longer
+ just the plugin to be used for printing from the popular
+ Gimp program -- its codebase can also serve to be compiled
+ into...
+ <!--
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ *...a set of PPDs and associated filters that integrate seamlessly
+ into &CUPS;, supporting around 130 different printer models, providing
+ photographic output quality in many cases;
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ *...a Ghostscript filter that can be used with any other
+ program that needs a software-RIP;
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ *...a library that can be used by other software applications
+ in need of rasterization functions.
+after 4 hours fiddling, I
+could not get those s!@*#?
+<itemizedlist> to pass
+through the meinproc checks.
+For the time being I gave up
+on it and handle it differently
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>...a set of PPDs and associated filters that integrate seamlessly
+ into &CUPS;, supporting around 130 different printer models, providing
+ photografic output quality in many cases;</listitem>
+ <listitem>...a Ghostscript filter that can be used with any other
+ program that needs a software-RIP;</listitem>
+ <listitem>...a library that can be used by other software applications
+ in need of rasterization functions.</listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-lexmark">Lexmark Drivers</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-rip">RIP</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ghostscript">Ghostscript</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-hp">
+ <glossterm><acronym>&HP;</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>H</emphasis>ewlett-<emphasis>Packard</emphasis>;
+ one of the first companies to distribute their own Linux printer
+ drivers. -- More recently, the Company has released their
+ "HPIJS" package of drivers, including source code and a Free license.
+ This is the first printer manufacturer to do so. HPIJS supports most
+ current models of HP Ink- and DeskJets.
+ </para>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-hpgl">
+ <glossterm><acronym>&HP;/GL</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>&HP;</emphasis>
+ <emphasis>G</emphasis>raphical <emphasis>L</emphasis>anguage;
+ a &HP; printer language mainly used for plotters; many CAD
+ (Computer Aided Design) software programs output &HP;/GL files for
+ printing.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-escp">ESC/P</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pcl">PCL</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript">&PostScript;</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-hpjetdirectprotocol">
+ <glossterm>&HP; JetDirect Protocol</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>A term branded by &HP; to describe their implementation
+ of print data transfer to the printer via an otherwise "AppSocket" or
+ "Direct TCP/IP Printing" named protocol.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-appsocketprotocol">AppSocket Protocol</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-directtcpipprinting">Direct TCP/IP Printing</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-ietf">
+ <glossterm><acronym>IETF</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>I</emphasis>nternet
+ <emphasis>E</emphasis>ngineering <emphasis>T</emphasis>ask
+ <emphasis>F</emphasis>orce; an assembly of Internet, software
+ and hardware experts that discuss
+ new networking technologies and very often arrive at
+ conclusions that are regarded by many as standards. "TCP/IP"
+ is the most famous example.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ IETF standards, as well as
+ drafts, discussions, ideas and useful tutorials, are
+ put in writing in the famous series of "RFCs", which
+ are available to the public and included in most Linux and
+ BSD distributions.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ipp">IPP</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pwg">PWG</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-rfc">RFC</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-ipp">
+ <glossterm><acronym>IPP</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>I</emphasis>nternet
+ <emphasis>P</emphasis>rinting <emphasis>P</emphasis>rotocol;
+ defined in a series of RFCs accepted by the IETF with
+ status "proposed standard"; was designed
+ by the PWG. -- IPP is a completely new design for network printing,
+ but it utilizes a very well-known and proven method for the
+ actual data transfer: HTTP 1.1! By not "re-inventing the wheel",
+ and basing itself on an existing and robust Internet standard,
+ IPP is able to relatively easily bolt other HTTP-compatible standard
+ mechanisms into its framework:
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ * Basic, Digest or Certificate authentication
+ mechanisms;
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ * SSL or TLS for encryption of transferred
+ data;
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ * LDAP for directory services (to publish
+ data on printers, device-options, drivers, costs or
+ also to the network; or to check for passwords while
+ performing authentication).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>Basic, Digest or Certificate authentication
+ mechanisms</listitem>
+ <listitem>SSL or TLS for encryption of transferred
+ data</listitem>
+ <listitem>LDAP for directory services (to publish
+ data on printers, device-options, drivers, costs or
+ elso to the network; or to check for passwords while
+ conducting authentication)</listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups">&CUPS;</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pwg">PWG</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ietf">IETF</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-rfc">RFC</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-tls">TLS</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-tdeprint">
+ <glossterm><acronym>KDEPrint</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>The new printing functionality of &kde; since version 2.2
+ consists of several modules that translate the features and settings
+ of different available print subsystems (&CUPS;, BSD-style LPR/LPD, RLPR...)
+ into nice &kde; desktop &GUI; windows and dialogs to ease their
+ usage.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Most important for day-to-day usage is "kprinter", the new
+ &GUI; print command. -- Note: KDEPrint does <emphasis>not</emphasis> implement its own
+ spooling mechanism or its own &PostScript; processing; for this it
+ relies on the selected <emphasis>print subsystem</emphasis>
+ -- however it does add some functionality of its own on top of this
+ foundation...
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-bsdstyleprinting">BSD-style printing</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups">&CUPS;</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-kprinter">kprinter</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-tdeprinthandbook">KDEPrint Handbook</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-tdeprinthandbook">
+ <glossterm><acronym>KDEPrint Handbook...</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para> the name of the reference document that describes KDEPrint
+ functions to users and administrators. You can load it into Konqueror by
+ typing "help:/tdeprint" into the address field. The <ulink
+ url="">KDEPrint website</ulink>
+ is the resource for updates to this documentation, as well as PDF
+ versions suitable for printing it. It is authored and maintained by Kurt
+ Pfeifle.
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cupsfaq">&CUPS;-FAQ</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-kprinter">
+ <glossterm>kprinter</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para><emphasis>kprinter</emphasis> is the new powerful
+ print utility that is natively used by all &kde; applications.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Contrary to some common misconceptions,
+ <emphasis>kprinter</emphasis> is <emphasis>not</emphasis> a &CUPS;-only tool,
+ but supports different print subsystems. You can even switch
+ to a different print subsystem "on the fly", in between two jobs,
+ without re-configuration. Of course, due to the powerful
+ features of &CUPS;, <emphasis>kprinter</emphasis> is
+ best suited for use with a &CUPS; frontend.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis>kprinter</emphasis> is the successor
+ to "qtcups", which is no longer being actively maintained. It has
+ inherited all the best features of qtcups and added several new ones.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ MOST IMPORTANT: you can use <emphasis>kprinter</emphasis>
+ with all its features in all non-&kde; applications that allow
+ a customized print command, like gv, Acrobat Reader, Netscape,
+ Mozilla, Galeon, StarOffice, OpenOffice and all GNOME programs.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <emphasis>kprinter</emphasis> can act as a "standalone"
+ utility, started from an X-Terminal or a "Mini-CLI" to
+ print many different files, from different folders, with different
+ formats, in one job and simultaneously, without the need to first open the
+ files in the applications! (File formats supported this way are &PostScript;,
+ PDF, International and ASCII Text, as well as many different popular graphic
+ formats, such as PNG, TIFF, JPEG, PNM, Sun RASTER, &etc;)
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-qtcups">QtCUPS</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-lexmark">
+ <glossterm><acronym>Lexmark</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>was one of the first companies to distribute their own Linux printer
+ drivers for some of their models. However, those drivers are binary only
+ (no source code available), and therefore cannot be used to integrate into
+ other Free printing software projects.
+ </para>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-linuxprintingorg">
+ <glossterm></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para> = not just for Linux; all &UNIX;-like OS-es,
+ like *BSD and commercial Unices may find useful printing
+ information on this site. This web site is the home for the interesting
+ Foomatic project, that strives to develop the "Meta Print Spool and Driver
+ Configuration Toolset" (being able to configure, through one common
+ interface, different print subsystems and their required drivers) with the
+ ability to transfer all queues, printers and configuration files seamlessly
+ to another spooler without new configuration effort. -- Also, they maintain
+ the Printing Database; a collection of driver and device information that
+ enables everybody to find the most current information about printer models,
+ and also generate online the configuration files for any
+ spooler/driver/device combo known to work with one of the common Linux or
+ &UNIX; print subsystems.
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-linuxprintingdatabase">Linuxprinting database</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-linuxprintingdatabase">
+ <glossterm><acronym> Database</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>....Database containing printers and drivers that are suitable
+ for them... ...a lot of information and documentation to be found...
+ is now also providing some tools and utilities for easing the integration
+ of those drivers into a given system... ...the "Foomatic" family
+ of utilities; being the toolset to make use of the database
+ for most of the commonly used print subsystems, for generating "on the fly"
+ working configurations for your printer model.
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-foomatic">Foomatic</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-lprlpd">
+ <glossterm><acronym>LPR/LPD</acronym> printing</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>LPR == some people translate <emphasis>L</emphasis>ine
+ <emphasis>P</emphasis>rinting <emphasis>R</emphasis>equest, others:
+ <emphasis>L</emphasis>ine <emphasis>P</emphasis>rinter
+ <emphasis>R</emphasis>emote.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-bsdstyleprinting">BSD-style printing</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-magicfilter">
+ <glossterm>Magicfilter</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Similarly to the APSfilter program, Magicfilter
+ provides automatic file type recognition functions and, base
+ on that, automatic file conversion to a printable format,
+ depending on the target printer.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-apsfilter">APSfilter</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-mimetypes">
+ <glossterm>&MIME;-Types</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>M</emphasis>ultipurpose (or
+ Multimedia) <emphasis>I</emphasis>nternet <emphasis>M</emphasis>ail
+ <emphasis>E</emphasis>xtensions; &MIME;-Types were first used to allow
+ the transport of binary data (like mail attachments containing
+ graphics) over mail connections that were normally only transmitting
+ ASCII characters: the data had to be encoded into an ASCII representation.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Later this concept was extended to describe a data format in
+ a platform independent, but at the same time non-ambiguous, way.
+ From &Windows; everybody knows the .doc extensions for &Microsoft; Word files.
+ This is handled ambiguously on the &Windows; platform: .doc extensions are also
+ used for simple text files or for Adobe Framemaker files. And if a real
+ Word file is renamed with a different extension, it can no longer be
+ opened by the program.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ &MIME; typed files carry a recognition string with them, describing
+ their file format based on <emphasis>main_category/sub_category</emphasis>.
+ Inside IPP, print files are also described using the &MIME; type scheme.
+ &MIME; types are registered with the IANA (Internet Assigning Numbers
+ <emphasis>Association</emphasis>) to keep them unambiguous.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ &CUPS; has some &MIME; types of its own registered, like
+ <emphasis>application/vnd.cups-raster</emphasis> (for the &CUPS;-internal
+ raster image format).
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups">&CUPS;</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-easysoftwareproducts">Easy Software Products</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-espprintpro">ESP PrintPro</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-gimpprint">Gimp-Print</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-pcl">
+ <glossterm><acronym>PCL</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>P</emphasis>rinter
+ <emphasis>C</emphasis>ontrol <emphasis>L</emphasis>anguage;
+ developed by &HP;. PCL started off in version 1 as a simple
+ command set for ASCII printing; now,
+ in its versions PCL6 and PCL-X, it is capable of printing graphics
+ and color -- but outside the &Microsoft; &Windows; realm and &HP-UX;
+ (&HP;'s own brand of &UNIX;), it is not commonly used...</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-escp">ESC/P</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-hpgl">&HP;/GL</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pdl">PDL</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript">&PostScript;</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-pdl">
+ <glossterm><acronym>PDL</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>P</emphasis>age
+ <emphasis>D</emphasis>escription <emphasis>L</emphasis>anguage;
+ PDLs describe, in an abstract way, the graphical representation
+ of a page. - Before it is actually transferred into
+ toner or ink laid down on to paper, a PDL needs to be
+ "interpreted" first. In &UNIX;, the most important PDL
+ is &PostScript;.
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-escp">ESC/P</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-hpgl">&HP;/GL</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pcl">PCL</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript">&PostScript;</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-pixel">
+ <glossterm>Pixel</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>Pic</emphasis>ture
+ <emphasis>El</emphasis>ement; this term describes the smallest
+ part of a raster picture (either as printed on paper
+ or as displayed on a monitor by cathode rays or LCD elements). As
+ any graphical or image representation on those types of output
+ devices is composed of pixels, the values of "ppi" (pixel per inch)
+ and &dpi; (dots per inch) are one important parameter for the
+ overall quality and resolution of an image.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-filter">Filter</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ghostscript">Ghostscript</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript">&PostScript;</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-raster">Raster</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-pjl">
+ <glossterm><acronym>PJL</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>P</emphasis>rint
+ <emphasis>J</emphasis>ob <emphasis>L</emphasis>anguage;
+ developed by &HP; to control and influence default and per-job
+ settings of a printer. It may not only be used
+ for &HP;'s own (PCL-)printers; also many &PostScript;
+ and other printers understand PJL commands sent to them
+ inside a print job, or in a separate signal.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pcl">PCL</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-postscript">
+ <glossterm>&PostScript;</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>&PostScript; (often shortened to "PS") is the de-facto
+ standard in the &UNIX; world for printing files. It was
+ developed by Adobe and licensed to printer manufacturers
+ and software companies.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ As the &PostScript; specifications were
+ published by Adobe, there are also "Third Party" implementations
+ of &PostScript; generating and &PostScript; interpreting software
+ available (one of the best-known in the Free software world
+ being Ghostscript, a powerful PS-interpreter).
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-escp">ESC/P</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-hpgl">&HP;/GL</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pcl">PCL</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ppd">PPD</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-ppd">
+ <glossterm><acronym>PPD</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>P</emphasis>ostScript
+ <emphasis>P</emphasis>rinter <emphasis>D</emphasis>escription;
+ PPDs are ASCII files storing all information about the special
+ capabilities of a printer, plus definitions of the (PostScript-
+ or PJL-) commands to call on a certain capability (like print
+ duplexing).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ As the explanation of the acronym reveals, PPDs were originally
+ only used for &PostScript; printers. &CUPS; has extended the
+ PPD concept to all types of printers.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ PPDs for &PostScript; printers are provided by the printer
+ vendors. They can be used with &CUPS; and KDEPrint to have access
+ to the full features of any &PostScript; printer. The KDEPrint Team
+ recommends using a PPD originally intended for use with
+ &Microsoft; Windows NT.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ PPDs for non-PostScript printers <emphasis>need</emphasis> a
+ companion "filter" to process the &PostScript; print files into
+ a format digestible for the non-PostScript target device. Those
+ PPD/filter combos are not (yet) available from the vendors. After
+ the initiative by the &CUPS; developers to utilize PPDs, the Free
+ Software community was creative enough to quickly come up with
+ support for most of the currently used printer models, through
+ PPDs and classical Ghostscript filters. But note: the printout
+ quality varies from "hi-quality photographic output" (using
+ Gimp-Print with most Epson inkjets) to "hardly readable" (using
+ Foomatic-enabled Ghostscript filters for models rated as
+ "paperweight" in the database).
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups">&CUPS;</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-linuxprintingorg"></glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript">&PostScript;</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-PPD-O-Matic">
+ <glossterm>PPD-O-Matic</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>PPD-O-Matic is a set of Perl scripts that run on the
+ web server and can be used online to generate PPDs for any printer that is known
+ to print with Ghostscript.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ These PPDs can be hooked up to &CUPS;/KDEPrint, as well as
+ used inside PPD-aware applications like StarOffice to determine all different
+ parameters of your printjobs. It is now recommended, in most cases, to
+ use "PPD-O-Matic" instead of the older &CUPS;-O-Matic.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To generate a PPD, go to the <ulink
+ url="">printer
+ database</ulink>, select your printer model, follow
+ the link to show the available Ghostscript filters for that printer, select
+ one, click "generate" and finally save the file to your local system.
+ Be sure to read the instructions. Make sure that your local system
+ does indeed have Ghostscript and the filter, which you chose
+ before generating the PPD, installed.
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript">&PostScript;</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups-o-matic">&CUPS;-O-Matic</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-linuxprintingorg"></glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-foomatic">Foomatic</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-printcap">
+ <glossterm>printcap</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>In BSD-style print systems, the "printcap" file holds
+ the configuration information; the printing daemon reads this file
+ to determine which printers are available, what filters are to be
+ user for each, where the spooling folder is located,
+ if there are banner pages to be used, and so on...
+ Some applications also depend on read access to the printcap
+ file, to obtain the names of available printers. </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-bsdstyleprinting">BSD-style printing</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-printermib">
+ <glossterm>Printer-<acronym>MIB</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for
+ <emphasis>Printer</emphasis>-<emphasis>M</emphasis>anagement
+ <emphasis>I</emphasis>nformation <emphasis>B</emphasis>ase; the
+ Printer-MIB defines a set of parameters that are to be
+ stored inside the printer for access
+ through the network. This is useful if many (in some cases, literally
+ thousands) network printers are managed centrally
+ with the help of SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol).</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pwg">PWG</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-snmp">SNMP</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-pwg">
+ <glossterm><acronym>PWG</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for
+ <emphasis>P</emphasis>rinter <emphasis>W</emphasis>orking
+ <emphasis>G</emphasis>roup; the PWG is a loose grouping of
+ representatives of the printer industry that has, in the past
+ years, developed different standards
+ in relation to network printing. These were later accepted by the
+ IETF as RFC standards, like the "Printer-MIB" and the IPP.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript">&PostScript;</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ipp">IPP</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-printermib">Printer-MIB</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-snmp">SNMP</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-printkioslave">
+ <glossterm>print:/ KIO Slave</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>You can use a syntax of "print:/..." to get quick access
+ to KDEPrint resources. Typing "print:/manager" as a Konqueror URL
+ address gives administrative access to KDEPrint. Konqueror uses &kde;'s
+ famous "KParts" technology to achieve that. </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ioslave">IO Slave</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-kparts">KParts</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-printerdatabase">
+ <glossterm>Printer Database</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-linuxprintingdatabase">Linuxprinting Database</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-qtcups">
+ <glossterm><acronym>Qt&CUPS;</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Qt&CUPS; and KUPS were the predecessors of KDEPrint; they are now
+ deprecated and no longer maintained. What was good in qtcups is all inherited
+ by "kprinter", the new KDE print dialog (which is much improved over qtcups);
+ what you liked about kups is now all in the KDEPrint Manager (accessible
+ via the KDE Control Center or via the URL "print:/manager" from Konqueror) --
+ with more functionality and less bugs... Its former developer, Michael Goffioul, is now
+ the developer of KDEPrint -- a very nice and productive guy and quick bug fixer...
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-kprinter">kprinter</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-raster">
+ <glossterm>Raster Image</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Every picture on a physical medium
+ is composed of a pattern of discrete dots in different colors and (maybe)
+ sizes. This is called a "raster image".
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ This is as opposed to a "vector image"
+ where the graphic is described in terms of continuous curves, shades,
+ forms and filled areas, represented by mathematical formula. Vector images
+ normally have a smaller file size and may be scaled in size
+ without any loss of information and quality --- but they cannot be
+ output directly, but always have to be "rendered" or "rasterized"
+ first to the given resolution that the output device is capable of...
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The rasterization is done by a Raster Image Processor (RIP,
+ often the Ghostscript software) or some other filtering
+ instance.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pixel">Pixel</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ghostscript">Ghostscript</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript">&PostScript;</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-filter">Filter</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-rip">RIP</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-rip">
+ <glossterm><acronym>RIP</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for
+ <emphasis>R</emphasis>aster <emphasis>I</emphasis>mage
+ <emphasis>P</emphasis>rocess(or); if used in the context of
+ printing, "RIP" means a hardware or software
+ instance that converts &PostScript; (or other print formats
+ that are represented in one of the non-Raster PDLs) into a
+ raster image format in such a way that it is acceptable
+ for the "marking engine" of the printer.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ &PostScript; printers
+ contain their own PostScript-RIPs. A RIP may or may not be located
+ inside a printer.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For many &UNIX; systems, Ghostscript is the package that provides
+ a "RIP in software", running on the host computer, and pre-digesting
+ the &PostScript; or other data to become ready to be sent to the
+ printing device (hence you may perceive a "grain of truth" in the
+ slogan "Ghostscript turns your printer into a &PostScript;
+ machine", which of course is not correct in the true sense of the
+ meaning).</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-filter">Filter</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ghostscript">Ghostscript</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript">&PostScript;</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pdl">PDL</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-raster">Raster</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-rlpr">
+ <glossterm><acronym>RLPR</acronym> (Remote LPR)</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>R</emphasis>emote
+ <emphasis>L</emphasis>ine <emphasis>P</emphasis>rinting
+ <emphasis>R</emphasis>equest; this is a BSD-style printing system,
+ that needs no root privileges to be installed, and no "printcap" to
+ work: all parameters may be specified on the command
+ line.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ RLPR comes in handy for many laptop users who are
+ working in frequently changing environments. This is because it
+ may be installed concurrently with every other printing
+ sub system, and allows a very flexible and quick
+ way to install a printer for direct access via LPR/LPD.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ KDEPrint
+ has an "Add Printer Wizard" to make RLPR usage even easier.
+ The kprinter command allows switching to RLPR "on
+ the fly" at any time.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-tdeprint">KDEPrint</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-kprinter">kprinter</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-printcap">printcap</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-snmp">
+ <glossterm><acronym>SNMP</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>S</emphasis>imple
+ <emphasis>N</emphasis>etwork <emphasis>M</emphasis>anagement
+ <emphasis>P</emphasis>rotocol; SNMP is widely used to control
+ all types of network node (Hosts, Routers, Switches, Gateways,
+ Printers...) remotely.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pwg">PWG</glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-printermib">Printer-MIB</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-ssl">
+ <glossterm><acronym>SSL(3)</acronym> encryption</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>S</emphasis>ecure
+ <emphasis>S</emphasis>ocket <emphasis>L</emphasis>ayer;
+ <acronym>SSL</acronym> is a proprietary encryption method for data
+ transfer over HTTP that was developed by Netscape. It is now being
+ replaced by an IETF standard named TLS.
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-tls"><acronym>TLS</acronym></glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-spooling">
+ <glossterm><acronym>SPOOL</acronym>ing</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>S</emphasis>ynchronous
+ <emphasis>P</emphasis>eripheral <emphasis>O</emphasis>perations
+ <emphasis>O</emphasis>n<emphasis>L</emphasis>ine;
+ <acronym>SPOOL</acronym>ing enables printing applications
+ (and users) to continue their work
+ as the job is being taken care of by a system <acronym>daemon</acronym>,
+ which stores the file at a temporary location until the printer is ready
+ to print. </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-daemon"><acronym>Daemon</acronym></glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-tls">
+ <glossterm><acronym>TLS</acronym> encryption</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>T</emphasis>ransport
+ <emphasis>L</emphasis>ayer <emphasis>S</emphasis>ecurity;
+ <acronym>TLS</acronym> is an encryption standard for
+ data transfered over HTTP 1.1; it is defined in RFC 2246;
+ although based on the former SSL development
+ (from Netscape) it is not fully compatible with it.
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ssl"><acronym>SSL(3)</acronym></glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-systemVstyleprinting">
+ <glossterm>System V-style printing</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>This is the second flavor of traditional &UNIX;
+ printing (as opposed to BSD-style printing). It uses
+ a different command set (lp, lpadmin,...) to BSD,
+ but is not fundamentally different from it. However, the
+ gap between the two is big enough to make the two
+ incompatible, so that a BSD-client cannot simply print
+ to a System V style print server without additional
+ tweaking... IPP is supposed to resolve this weakness
+ and more.
+ </para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-bsdstyleprinting"><acronym>BSD-style printing</acronym></glossseealso>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ipp"><acronym>IPP</acronym></glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-turboprint">
+ <glossterm>TurboPrint</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Shareware software providing photo quality printing for many
+ inkjet printers. It is useful if you are unable to find a driver for your
+ printer and may be hooked into either a traditional Ghostscript system
+ or a modern &CUPS; system.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-gimpprint">Gimp-Print</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-xpp">
+ <glossterm><acronym>XPP</acronym></glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>X</emphasis>
+ <emphasis>P</emphasis>rinting <emphasis>P</emphasis>anel;
+ <acronym>XPP</acronym> was the first Free
+ graphical print command for &CUPS;, written by Till Kamppeter,
+ and in some ways a model for the "kprinter" utility in &kde;.</para>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-1">
+ <glossterm>xxxx</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-1">xyz</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-3">
+ <glossterm>xxxx</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-1">xyz</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ <glossentry id="gloss-4">
+ <glossterm>xxxx</glossterm>
+ <glossdef><para>.</para>
+ <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-1">xyz</glossseealso>
+ </glossdef>
+ </glossentry>
+ </glossdiv>