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diff --git a/doc/kpager/index.docbook b/doc/kpager/index.docbook new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e2779abf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/kpager/index.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,381 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" ?> +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" +"dtd/kdex.dtd" [ + <!ENTITY kappname "&kpager;"> + <!ENTITY package "kdebase"> + <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE"> + <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE" > <!-- change language only here --> +]> + +<book lang="&language;"> + +<bookinfo> +<title>The &kpager; Handbook</title> + +<authorgroup> +<author>&Dirk.Doerflinger; &Dirk.Doerflinger.mail;</author> + +<othercredit role="developer"> +&Antonio.Larrosa.Jimenez; &Antonio.Larrosa.Jimenez.mail; +<!-- <contrib>Developer</contrib> --> +</othercredit> + +<othercredit role="developer"> +&Matthias.Elter; +&Matthias.Elter.mail; +<!-- <contrib>Developer</contrib> --> +</othercredit> + +<othercredit role="developer"> +&Matthias.Ettrich; &Matthias.Ettrich.mail; +<!-- <contrib>Developer</contrib> --> +</othercredit> + +<!-- TRANS:ROLES_OF_TRANSLATORS --> + +</authorgroup> + +<copyright> +<year>2000</year> +<holder>&Dirk.Doerflinger;</holder> +</copyright> + +<legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice> + +<date>2001-01-28</date> +<releaseinfo>0.02.00</releaseinfo> + +<abstract> +<para> +&kpager; gives you a thumbnail view of all virtual desktops. +</para> +</abstract> + +<keywordset> +<keyword>KDE</keyword> +<keyword>pager</keyword> +<keyword>kpager</keyword> +<keyword>desktop</keyword> +<keyword>overview</keyword> +</keywordset> + +</bookinfo> + +<chapter id="introduction"> +<title>Introduction</title> + +<para>&kpager; gives you a thumbnail sketch of all your desktops. It is a handy +tool to let you see, resize or close windows on any desktop and move windows +around within or between desktops. </para> + +</chapter> + + +<chapter id="using-kpager"> +<title>Using &kpager;</title> + +<screenshot> +<screeninfo>Here's a screenshot of &kpager;</screeninfo> + <mediaobject> + <imageobject> + <imagedata fileref="screenshot.png" format="PNG"/> + </imageobject> + <textobject> + <phrase>Screenshot</phrase> + </textobject> + </mediaobject> +</screenshot> + +<sect1 id="kpager-features"> +<title>More &kpager; features</title> + +<para>&kpager; can show all virtual desktops and the applications within them. +It +can be used to chose an application or even to move applications within virtual +desktops or to others.</para> + +</sect1> +</chapter> + +<chapter id="commands"> +<title>Command Reference</title> + +<sect1 id="kpager-mainwindow"> +<title>The main &kpager; window</title> + +<sect2> +<title>Using the mouse</title> + +<para>In &kpager; you can activate applications by clicking them with the +<mousebutton>left</mousebutton> button.</para> + +<para>The <mousebutton>middle</mousebutton> button of the mouse can be used for +dragging applications within &kpager;. Applications can either be moved within a +virtual desktop or to another one.</para> + +<para>Clicking the <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> mouse button anywhere in +&kpager; will open a context menu.</para> + +</sect2> + +<sect2> +<title>The Context Menu</title> + +<para>The context menu depends on where the <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> +mouse button is clicked: If it is clicked on the empty background of &kpager;, +it +only has two items: <guimenuitem>Configure KPager</guimenuitem> and +<guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem>. Otherwise, if clicked on a window, there are +also the name and the icon of the application, and +<guimenuitem>Minimize</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Maximize</guimenuitem>, +<guimenuitem>To Desktop</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Close</guimenuitem> are +displayed. See below for a detailed description of the menu items.</para> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term><menuchoice> +<guimenuitem>Maximize</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></term> +<listitem><para><action>Maximizes the application window to the whole +desktop. This item only appears if right clicked on an application +window.</action></para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><menuchoice> +<guimenuitem>Minimize</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></term> +<listitem><para><action>Iconifies the application. This item only appears if +right clicked on an application window.</action></para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><menuchoice> +<guimenuitem>To Desktop</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></term> +<listitem><para><action>Sends the application window to the chosen virtual +desktop. This item only appears if right clicked on an application +window.</action></para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><menuchoice> +<guimenuitem>Close</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></term> +<listitem><para><action>Closes the clicked application. This item only appears +if right clicked on an application window.</action></para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><menuchoice> +<guimenuitem>Configure Pager</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></term> +<listitem><para><action>Opens</action> the <link +linkend="kpager-settings">settings +dialog</link>.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><menuchoice> +<guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></term> +<listitem><para><action>Quits</action> &kpager;.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> + + +</sect2> +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="kpager-settings"> +<title>The Settings Dialog</title> + +<screenshot> +<screeninfo>Here's a screenshot of the settings dialog</screeninfo> + <mediaobject> + <imageobject> + <imagedata fileref="settings.png" format="PNG"/> + </imageobject> + <textobject> + <phrase>Screenshot</phrase> + </textobject> + </mediaobject> +</screenshot> + +<para>In the settings dialog you will find five check boxes and two groups of +radio buttons.</para> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Enable Window Dragging</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>If this box is checked, you can drag windows inside of &kpager; +with the &MMB;. +Windows can be dragged over the desktop or even to another +desktop.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Show Name</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>If this box is checked, the names of the desktops are shown in +the main view of &kpager;.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Show Number</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>If this box is checked, the numbers of the desktops are shown in +the main view of &kpager;. If it is checked together with the <guilabel>Show +Name</guilabel> box, the name is displayed with ordinals, <abbrev>e.g.</abbrev> +<guilabel>1. Desktop</guilabel>.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Show Background</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>If this box is checked, the wallpaper of each desktop - if set - +will be shown as backgrounds in &kpager;, too.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Show Windows</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>If this box is checked, the applications on the desktops are +shown in &kpager; as small views. Otherwise, &kpager; will remain empty, just +for +choosing the virtual desktops.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Type of Window</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>This group of radio buttons sets the kind of view for the +application window views. <guilabel>Plain</guilabel> will show just empty +rectangles with the proportions of the application window, +<guilabel>Icon</guilabel> will show them with their standard icon and +<guilabel>Pixmap</guilabel> with a small view of the contents of the application +window. Note that using the pixmap mode is only recommended for very fast +machines.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Layout</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>In this group the layout of the &kpager; main view can be +set. <guilabel>Classical</guilabel> will show &kpager; in a 2xn grid like pager +applications in some other window managers, <guilabel>Horizontal</guilabel> will +show the virtual desktops in a horizontal view and <guilabel>Vertical</guilabel> +in a vertical row, which may perfectly fit on the side of the +desktop.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> + +</sect1> + +</chapter> + +<chapter id="faq"> +<title>Questions and Answers</title> + +<qandaset id="faq-questions"> +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Why could I need &kpager;?</para> +</question> +<answer><para>&kpager; can be used as an alternative to the pager applet in the +panel. It has the advantage of being resizeable and within this able to show +icon or pixmap views of the running applications, move the windows across +desktops and run outside of the panel.</para></answer> +</qandaentry> +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>How can I change the behavior of &kpager;?</para> +</question> +<answer><para>Clicking the <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> mouse button +anywhere within &kpager; lets you chose <guilabel>Configure</guilabel> from the +context menu for displaying the <link linkend="kpager-settings">settings +dialog</link></para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Windows are transparent by default, how do I turn this off?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Currently, you cannot turn that option off within the config dialog, but +you can do it manually like this:</para> + +<para>Open the file <filename>$KDEHOME/share/config/kpagerrc</filename> with any +text editor like &kedit; or <application>vi</application>. If you have no +rights to write that file, you may need to do it as root or contact your system +administrator. In this file you will have to add a new key with the name +<userinput>windowTransparentMode</userinput> with a number as value. Values +are:</para> + +<simplelist> +<member>0 - No transparent windows at all.</member> +<member>1 - Only maximized windows are transparent.</member> +<member>2 - all windows are transparent (default).</member> +</simplelist> + +</answer> +</qandaentry> +</qandaset> +</chapter> + +<chapter id="credits"> + + +<title>Credits and License</title> + +<para> +&kpager; +</para> + +<para> +Program copyright 2000 Antonio Larrosa <email>larrosa@kde.org</email> +</para> + +<para> +Documentation copyright 2000 by Dirk Doerflinger +<email>ddoerflinger@web.de</email> +</para> + +&underFDL; +&underGPL; + +</chapter> + +<appendix id="installation"> +<title>Installation</title> + +<sect1 id="getting-kpager"> +<title>How to obtain &kpager;</title> + +&install.intro.documentation; + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="requirements"> +<title>Requirements</title> + +<para>As &kpager; is part of the &package; package, you will just need an +installation of the main &kde; packages.</para> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="compilation"> +<title>Compilation and Installation</title> + +&install.compile.documentation; + +</sect1> + +</appendix> + +&documentation.index; + +</book> + +<!-- +Local Variables: +mode: sgml +sgml-minimize-attributes: nil +sgml-general-insert-case: lower +End: +--> + |