&Pamela.Roberts; 2003-11-06 3.2 Command Reference The shortcut key combinations shown in this chapter are the default ones. They can of course be changed. Special Shortcuts There are some useful shortcuts that are not shown in any of the menus: F6 Sets the focus to the text entry box in the Location Toolbar. &Ctrl;] Activate the next tab page. &Ctrl;[ Activate the previous tab page. The Menubar Note that some menu entries only appear when they are applicable to the file you currently have open in &konqueror;. For example, the EditFind... item will not appear when you are viewing the contents of a directory. The <guimenu>Location</guimenu> Menu &Ctrl;N Location New Window Open another &konqueror; window. &Ctrl;&Shift;N Location New Tab Open another &konqueror; tab, containing a blank page. &Ctrl;D Location Duplicate Window Open another &konqueror; window, duplicating the current one. &Ctrl;O Location Open Location... Open a folder or file by entering its path (for example /home/pam or /home/pam/fred.txt) in a simple dialog box. Location Send Link Send an email containing a link to the current location. Location Send File Send an email containing the selected file as an attachment. Location Save Background Image As... Only applies if you are viewing a web page with a background image. Opens the Save As dialog box to let you save the background image file to your own computer. &Ctrl;S Location Save As... Only applies if you are viewing a document or web page, uses the Save As... dialog box to let you save a copy to your own computer. Location Save Frame As... Similar to Save As... but for use with a web site that uses frames. &Ctrl;P Location Print... Print. Location Print Frame Print selected frame of a Web page. Location Open With Netscape/Mozilla Open the web page you are viewing in &konqueror; with &Netscape;/Mozilla as well. &Ctrl;Q Location Quit Close down this instance of &konqueror;. The <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> Menu Most items in the Menubar Edit menu can also be found by &RMB; clicking on a free area of a view. &Ctrl;Z Edit Undo Sometimes lets you reverse a mistaken action. &Ctrl;X Edit Cut Puts selected item(s) into the clipboard. If you then do a a Paste the item(s) will be moved from the original location to the new one. &Ctrl;C Edit Copy Copy selected item(s) to the clipboard. &Ctrl;V Edit Paste Paste item(s) from clipboard to the currently viewed folder. F2 Edit Rename Lets you rename a file or folder without having to open the Properties... dialog box. Delete Edit Move to Trash Move selected item(s) to the Trash folder. &Shift;Delete Edit Delete Delete the selected item(s). F7 Edit Copy Files Copy the selected item(s) to another folder. Edit Move Files Move the selected item(s) to another folder. Edit Create New Create a link to an application, URL, Floppy or &CD-ROM; device, or create a new Folder or text or &HTML; file. See the Create New...section for more details. Edit Edit File Type... Open the Edit File Type dialog box Edit Properties.. Open the Edit Properties dialog box EditSelection Contains a number of options for changing the items selected in the &konqueror; window: &Ctrl;+ Edit Selection Select... Together with the Unselect..., Unselect All and Invert Selection commands, this provides an easy and powerful way of selecting multiple files. It brings up a simple dialog box where you can enter a file name using the wild card characters * and ?, for example entering *.html will select all files ending with .html while ?a* will select all files which have the letter a as the second character in their filename. &Ctrl;- Edit Selection Unselect... Unselect files or folders via a dialog similar to the one used by Select.... &Ctrl;U Edit Selection Unselect All Unselect all selected files or folders. &Ctrl;* Edit Selection Invert Selection Invert current selection. &Ctrl;A Edit Selection Select All Selects all text in an &HTML; page or in a text page being previewed, you can then Copy it and Paste it into a text editor. &Ctrl;F Edit Find... Find a text string in a text page you are previewing or in an &HTML; page. F3 Edit Find Next Find the next occurrence of the text string in the text or &HTML; page. Edit Go to Line... Go to a particular line number in a text page you are previewing. The <guimenu>View</guimenu> Menu View View Mode... Selects Icon, MultiColumn, Tree, Detailed List or Text view mode. View Use index.html If a selected folder contains a file index.html, it will be opened as a web page rather than showing the folder as a list of files. View Lock to current location Lock to current location. View Unlock all views Unlock all views. View Link View Link current view to others in a multiple view window. F5 View Reload Reload. Esc View Stop Stop load (particularly useful when web browsing). View Icon Size Select size of icons used when viewing a folder in Icon Mode. View Sort Choose order in which items are presented in the window when in Icon or MultiColumn View mode. View Case Insensitive Sort Choose whether the sort order in Tree, Detailed List or Text View modes is case sensitive. &Ctrl;U View View Document Source View document source text. Only available if you are viewing a document or &HTML; page. View View Frame Source View frame source text Only applies if you are viewing a web site that uses frames. Similar to View Document Source. &Ctrl;I View View Document Information View document information, such as title, &URL;, and &HTTP; headers used in retrieving the document. Only available if you are viewing an &HTML; page. View Security... Tells you whether the current browser connection is secured with SSL and lets you bring up the Cryptography Configuration... dialog box. Left clicking on the Menubar padlock icon does the same thing. View Set Encoding Set encoding Allows you to choose the character encoding used to display &HTML; pages. Auto is usually the best choice. View Preview Lets you choose to show thumbnails of images, text files or &HTML; pages instead of the normal icons in Icon or MultiColumn View modes. View Show Hidden Files Show hidden (dot) files. View Show details... Lets you choose which file and folder details are shown in Tree, Detailed List and Text views. View Background Color... Select background color for the File Manager mode. View Background Image... Select background image for the File Manager mode. The <guimenu>Go</guimenu> Menu &Alt;Up Arrow Go Up Go up a level in the folder hierarchy. &Alt;Left Arrow Go Back Go back to the previous view. &Alt;Right Arrow Go Forward You can only go forward if you've just gone back. &Ctrl;Home Go Home URL Go to your home folder. Go Applications Open the folder holding your applications. Go Trash Open your Trash folder in a separate window. Go Templates Open the Templates folder in a separate window. Go Autostart Open your Autostart folder in a separate window. Go Most Often Visited Displays a submenu showing the &URL;s you visit most often. Selecting one of these will make &konqueror; open that &URL;. The <guimenu>Bookmarks</guimenu> Menu See the section Using Bookmarks in this manual for a fuller description of these menu items. &Ctrl;B Bookmarks Add Bookmark Add current selection to your bookmarks. Bookmarks Bookmark Tabs as Folder... Create a bookmark folder containing links to all of the &URL;s currently open in &konqueror; tabs. Bookmarks Edit Bookmarks... Open the Bookmark Editor. Bookmarks New Bookmark Folder... Create a new folder in your Bookmarks folder. The <guimenu>Tools</guimenu> Menu &Alt;F2 Tools Run Command... Run a program by entering its name in a simple dialog box. &Ctrl;T Tools Open Terminal Open a &konsole; terminal window. Tools Find File... Open the &kfind; application. If you have &konqueror; plugins installed there will be additional entries in the Tools menu. See the &konqueror; Plugins chapter for further details. The <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> Menu See also the section Saving Settings and Profiles. &Ctrl;M Settings Show Menubar Show/Hide the menubar. Settings Toolbars Opens a sub menu where you can choose to show or hide the various Toolbars. &Ctrl;&Shift; F Settings Full Screen Mode Changes &konqueror; to full screen mode, in which the &konqueror; window takes up the whole screen, and does not have the usual window decorations. To exit full screen mode, click on the Exit Full Screen Mode icon on the toolbar, or press &Ctrl;&Shift; F. Settings View Properties Saved in Folder Save View properties to current folder. If this is selected, a .directory file will be written in the current directory storing the settings you last used to view the directory. These settings are then loaded when you open the directory in &konqueror;. Settings Remove Folder Properties Remove settings stored in folder by View Properties Saved in Folder. Settings Load View Profile Load the settings associated with a particular view profile. Settings Save View Profile "ProfileName"... Save the current settings to the current view profile. Settings Configure View Profiles... Lets you change an existing view profile or create a new one. Settings Configure Shortcuts... Lets you see and change &konqueror;'s shortcut key bindings, i.e. the associations between actions such as Copy and keys or combinations of keys such a &Ctrl;V. If you do this take care not to duplicate an existing shortcut. Settings Configure Toolbars... Lets you configure the Main, Extra and Location Toolbars. See the section Changing Bars. Settings Configure &konqueror;... Lets you configure the File manager, File Associations, Browser, Internet Keywords, Cookies, Proxies, Cryptography, User Agent, or Toolbars by bringing up the appropriate dialog box. Settings Configure Spell Checking... Displays the spell checking configuration dialog box, in which you can change settings associated with spell checking in &konqueror;. The <guimenu>Window</guimenu> Menu &Ctrl;&Shift;L Window Split View Left/Right Split View Left/Right. &Ctrl;&Shift;T Window Split View Top/Bottom Split View Top/Bottom. &Ctrl;&Shift;R Window Remove Active View Remove Active View. &Ctrl;&Shift;N Window New Tab Open a new, empty, tab page. &Ctrl;&Shift;D Window Duplicate Current Tab Open a duplicate tab page. &Ctrl;&Shift;B Window Detach Current Tab Show the current tab page in a new instance of &konqueror;. &Ctrl;W Window Close Current Tab Close the current tab page. &Ctrl;&Shift;Left Window Move Tab Left Move the current tab one place left in the list of tabs. &Ctrl;&Shift;Left Window Move Tab Right Move the current tab one place right in the list of tabs. Window Show Terminal Emulator Open a small text terminal view at the bottom of the main window. F9 Window Show Navigation Panel Toggles the display of the &konqueror; navigation panel. See . The <guimenu>Help</guimenu> Menu Help &konqueror; Handbook View this document. &Shift;F1 Help What's This? Draws a question mark (?) beside the mouse pointer, clicking on a window item such as the Stop button will then display a brief explanation. See Tooltips and What's This? . Help &konqueror; Introduction Revisit the introductory pages that you got when &konqueror; was first started. Help Report Bug... Report bug. Help About &konqueror;... Display some brief information about &konqueror;'s version number, authors and license agreement. Help About KDE... Show some information about the version of &kde; that you are running.