fish &Joerg.Walter; &Joerg.Walter.mail; &Brad.Hards; &Brad.Hards.mail; 2005-02-29 1.1.2 Allows you to access another computer's files using the SEcure Shell (SSH) protocol. The remote computer needs to be running the SSH daemon, but the remainder of the protocol uses standard commandline tools as discussed below. You can use the fish tdeioslave like this: fish://hostname or fish://username@hostname. You need to use double forward slashes. You can omit the username (and the trailing @ symbol) if you have the same username on both computers. You can add a password in the format: fish://username:password@hostname but it is not necessary as you will be prompted for one if it is not supplied. If you are running the SSH daemon on a non-standard port, you can specify that port using the normal &URL; syntax as shown below: fish://hostname:portnumber. Fish should work with any roughly POSIX compatible &UNIX; based remote computer. It uses the shell commands cat, chgrp, chmod, chown, cp, dd, env, expr, grep, ls, mkdir, mv, rm, rmdir, sed, and wc. Fish starts /bin/sh as its shell and expects it to be a Bourne shell (or compatible, like bash). If the sed and file commands are available, as well as a /etc/apache/magic file with &MIME; type signatures, these will be used to guess &MIME; types. If Perl is available on the remote machine, it will be used instead. Then only env and /bin/sh are needed. Using Perl has the additional benefit of being faster. Fish may even work on &Windows; machines, if tools like Cygwin are installed. All the above utilities must be in the system PATH, and the initial shell must be able to process the command echo FISH:;/bin/sh correctly.