/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2005 Christoph Cullmann This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "katesession.h" #include "katesession.moc" #include "kateapp.h" #include "katemainwindow.h" #include "katedocmanager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // FIXME general: need to keep doc list and current session's m_documents in synchro // all the time (doc open, doc closed, doc renamed) // String constants namespace { // Kate session const char *KS_COUNT = "Count"; const char *KS_DOCCOUNT = "Document count"; const char *KS_DOCLIST = "Document list"; const char *KS_GENERAL = "General"; const char *KS_NAME = "Name"; const char *KS_OPENDOC = "Open Documents"; const char *KS_READONLY = "ReadOnly"; const char *KS_UNNAMED = "Unnamed"; // Kate session manager const char *KSM_DIR = "kate/sessions"; const char *KSM_FILE = "sessions.list"; const char *KSM_SESSIONS_COUNT = "Sessions count"; const char *KSM_ACTIVE_SESSION_ID = "Active session id"; const char *KSM_SESSIONS_LIST = "Sessions list"; } KateSession::KateSession(const TQString &sessionName, const TQString &filename, bool isFullName) : m_sessionName(sessionName), m_filename(filename), m_isFullName(isFullName), m_readOnly(false), m_docCount(0), m_documents(), m_config(NULL) { if (m_isFullName && TDEGlobal::dirs()->exists(m_filename)) { // Create config object if the session file already exists m_config = new KSimpleConfig(m_filename, m_readOnly); m_config->setGroup(KS_GENERAL); // Session name if (m_sessionName.isEmpty()) { m_sessionName = m_config->readEntry(KS_NAME, i18n(KS_UNNAMED)); } // Read only m_readOnly = m_config->readBoolEntry(KS_READONLY, false); m_config->setReadOnly(m_readOnly); // Document list if (m_config->hasGroup(KS_DOCLIST)) { // Read new style document list (from TDE R14.1.0) m_config->setGroup(KS_DOCLIST); m_docCount = m_config->readNumEntry(KS_DOCCOUNT, 0); for (int i=0; ireadEntry(TQString("URL_%1").arg(i)); if (!urlStr.isEmpty()) { // Filter out empty URLs m_documents.append(urlStr); } } } else { // Create document list from old session configuration // to effortlessly import existing sessions m_config->setGroup(KS_OPENDOC); m_docCount = m_config->readNumEntry(KS_COUNT, 0); for (int i=0; isetGroup(TQString("Document %1").arg(i)); TQString urlStr = m_config->readEntry("URL"); if (!urlStr.isEmpty()) { // Filter out empty URLs m_documents.append(urlStr); } } } // Update document count again, in case empty URLs were found m_docCount = static_cast(m_documents.count()); } if (m_sessionName.isEmpty()) { m_sessionName = i18n(KS_UNNAMED); } // FIXME: needs to make sure doc list and m_documents are in synchro here } //------------------------------------ KateSession::~KateSession() { if (m_config) { delete m_config; } } //------------------------------------ void KateSession::setSessionName(const TQString &sessionName) { m_sessionName = sessionName; if (m_sessionName.isEmpty()) { m_sessionName = i18n(KS_UNNAMED); } } //------------------------------------ void KateSession::setReadOnly(bool readOnly) { m_readOnly = readOnly; if (m_config) { m_config->setReadOnly(m_readOnly); } } //------------------------------------ void KateSession::save(bool saveDocList) { if (m_readOnly) return; if (!m_isFullName) { // create a new session filename int s = time(0); TQCString tname; TQString tmpName; while (true) { tname.setNum(s++); KMD5 md5(tname); tmpName = m_filename + TQString("%1.katesession").arg(md5.hexDigest().data()); if (!TDEGlobal::dirs()->exists(tmpName)) { m_filename = tmpName; m_isFullName = true; break; } } } if (!m_config) { m_config = new KSimpleConfig(m_filename); } if (m_config->hasGroup(KS_GENERAL)) { m_config->deleteGroup(KS_GENERAL); } m_config->setGroup(KS_GENERAL); m_config->writeEntry(KS_NAME, m_sessionName); m_config->writeEntry(KS_READONLY, m_readOnly); if (m_config->hasGroup(KS_DOCLIST)) { m_config->deleteGroup(KS_DOCLIST); } m_config->setGroup(KS_DOCLIST); m_config->writeEntry(KS_DOCCOUNT, m_docCount); for (int i=0; iwriteEntry(TQString("URL_%1").arg(i), m_documents[i]); } if (saveDocList) { KateDocManager::self()->saveDocumentList(m_config); } m_config->sync(); } //------------------------------------ void KateSession::activate() { KateDocManager::self()->closeAllDocuments(); Kate::Document::setOpenErrorDialogsActivated(false); if (m_config) { KateApp::self()->documentManager()->restoreDocumentList(m_config); } Kate::Document::setOpenErrorDialogsActivated(true); } //------------------------------------ KateSessionManager *KateSessionManager::ksm_instance = NULL; //------------------------------------ KateSessionManager* KateSessionManager::self() { if (!KateSessionManager::ksm_instance) { KateSessionManager::ksm_instance = new KateSessionManager(); } return KateSessionManager::ksm_instance; } //------------------------------------ KateSessionManager::KateSessionManager() : m_baseDir(locateLocal("data", KSM_DIR)+"/"), m_configFile(m_baseDir + KSM_FILE), m_sessionsCount(0), m_activeSessionId(-1), m_sessions(), m_config(NULL) { m_sessions.setAutoDelete(true); if (TDEGlobal::dirs()->exists(m_configFile)) { // Read new style configuration (from TDE R14.1.0) m_config = new KSimpleConfig(m_configFile); m_config->setGroup(KSM_SESSIONS_LIST); m_sessionsCount = m_config->readNumEntry(KSM_SESSIONS_COUNT, 0); m_activeSessionId = m_config->readNumEntry(KSM_ACTIVE_SESSION_ID, -1); for (int i=0; ireadEntry(TQString("URL_%1").arg(i)); if (!urlStr.isEmpty() && TDEGlobal::dirs()->exists(urlStr)) { // Filter out empty URLs or non existing sessions m_sessions.append(new KateSession(TQString::null, urlStr, true)); } } } else { // Create sessions list from session files // to effortlessly import existing sessions TQDir sessionDir(m_baseDir, "*.katesession"); for (unsigned int i=0; i(m_sessions.count()); if (m_activeSessionId < 0 || m_activeSessionId >= m_sessionsCount) { m_activeSessionId = 0; // Invalid active session was detected. Use first in the list } m_sessions[m_activeSessionId]->activate(); } //------------------------------------ KateSessionManager::~KateSessionManager() { saveConfig(); if (m_config) { delete m_config; } if (!m_sessions.isEmpty()) { m_sessions.clear(); } } //------------------------------------ void KateSessionManager::saveConfig() { if (!m_config) { m_config = new KSimpleConfig(m_configFile); } if (m_config->hasGroup(KSM_SESSIONS_LIST)) { m_config->deleteGroup(KSM_SESSIONS_LIST); } m_config->setGroup(KSM_SESSIONS_LIST); m_config->writeEntry(KSM_SESSIONS_COUNT, m_sessionsCount); m_config->writeEntry(KSM_ACTIVE_SESSION_ID, m_activeSessionId); for (int i=0; isave(i == m_activeSessionId); m_config->writeEntry(TQString("URL_%1").arg(i), m_sessions[i]->getSessionFilename()); } m_config->sync(); } //------------------------------------ bool KateSessionManager::activateSession(int sessionId, bool saveCurr) { if (sessionId == m_activeSessionId) { return true; } // First check if all documents can be closed safely if (KateApp::self()->activeMainWindow()) { if (!KateApp::self()->activeMainWindow()->queryClose_internal()) return false; } m_sessions[m_activeSessionId]->save(true); m_sessions[sessionId]->activate(); m_activeSessionId = sessionId; return true; } //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ // Michele - to be removed with OldKateSession bool operator<( const OldKateSession::Ptr& a, const OldKateSession::Ptr& b ) { return a->sessionName().lower() < b->sessionName().lower(); } OldKateSession::OldKateSession (OldKateSessionManager *manager, const TQString &fileName, const TQString &name) : m_sessionFileRel (fileName) , m_sessionName (name) , m_documents (0) , m_manager (manager) , m_readConfig (0) , m_writeConfig (0) { init (); } void OldKateSession::init () { // given file exists, use it to load some stuff ;) if (!m_sessionFileRel.isEmpty() && TDEGlobal::dirs()->exists(sessionFile ())) { KSimpleConfig config (sessionFile (), true); if (m_sessionName.isEmpty()) { // get the name out of the file if (m_sessionFileRel == "default.katesession") m_sessionName = i18n("Default Session"); else { config.setGroup ("General"); m_sessionName = config.readEntry ("Name", i18n ("Unnamed Session")); } } // get the document count config.setGroup ("Open Documents"); m_documents = config.readUnsignedNumEntry("Count", 0); return; } // filename not empty, create the file // anders: When will this ever happen??? if (!m_sessionFileRel.isEmpty()) { kdDebug(13001)<<"Kate::Session: initializing unexisting file!"<sessionsDir() + "/" + m_sessionFileRel; } bool OldKateSession::create (const TQString &name, bool force) { if (!force && (name.isEmpty() || !m_sessionFileRel.isEmpty())) return false; delete m_writeConfig; m_writeConfig = 0; delete m_readConfig; m_readConfig = 0; m_sessionName = name; // get a usable filename int s = time(0); TQCString tname; while (true) { tname.setNum (s++); KMD5 md5 (tname); m_sessionFileRel = TQString ("%1.katesession").arg (md5.hexDigest().data()); if (!TDEGlobal::dirs()->exists(sessionFile ())) break; } // create the file, write name to it! KSimpleConfig config (sessionFile ()); config.setGroup ("General"); config.writeEntry ("Name", m_sessionName); config.sync (); // reinit ourselfs ;) init (); return true; } bool OldKateSession::rename (const TQString &name) { if (name.isEmpty () || m_sessionFileRel.isEmpty() || m_sessionFileRel == "default.katesession") return false; m_sessionName = name; TDEConfig config (sessionFile (), false, false); config.setGroup ("General"); config.writeEntry ("Name", m_sessionName); config.sync (); return true; } TDEConfig *OldKateSession::configRead () { if (m_sessionFileRel.isEmpty()) return 0; if (m_readConfig) return m_readConfig; return m_readConfig = new KSimpleConfig (sessionFile (), true); } TDEConfig *OldKateSession::configWrite () { if (m_sessionFileRel.isEmpty()) return 0; if (m_writeConfig) return m_writeConfig; m_writeConfig = new KSimpleConfig (sessionFile ()); m_writeConfig->setGroup ("General"); m_writeConfig->writeEntry ("Name", m_sessionName); return m_writeConfig; } OldKateSessionManager::OldKateSessionManager (TQObject *parent) : TQObject (parent) , m_sessionsDir (locateLocal( "data", "kate/sessions")) , m_activeSession (new OldKateSession (this, "", "")) { kdDebug() << "LOCAL SESSION DIR: " << m_sessionsDir << endl; // create dir if needed TDEGlobal::dirs()->makeDir (m_sessionsDir); } OldKateSessionManager::~OldKateSessionManager() { } OldKateSessionManager *OldKateSessionManager::self() { return KateApp::self()->oldSessionManager (); } void OldKateSessionManager::dirty (const TQString &) { updateSessionList (); } void OldKateSessionManager::updateSessionList () { m_sessionList.clear (); // Let's get a list of all session we have atm TQDir dir (m_sessionsDir, "*.katesession"); bool foundDefault = false; for (unsigned int i=0; i < dir.count(); ++i) { OldKateSession *session = new OldKateSession (this, dir[i], ""); m_sessionList.append (session); kdDebug () << "FOUND SESSION: " << session->sessionName() << " FILE: " << session->sessionFile() << endl; if (!foundDefault && (dir[i] == "default.katesession")) foundDefault = true; } // add default session, if not there if (!foundDefault) m_sessionList.append (new OldKateSession (this, "default.katesession", i18n("Default Session"))); qHeapSort(m_sessionList); } void OldKateSessionManager::activateSession (OldKateSession::Ptr session, bool closeLast, bool saveLast, bool loadNew) { // don't reload. // ### comparing the pointers directly is b0rk3d :( if ( ! session->sessionName().isEmpty() && session->sessionName() == m_activeSession->sessionName() ) return; // try to close last session if (closeLast) { if (KateApp::self()->activeMainWindow()) { if (!KateApp::self()->activeMainWindow()->queryClose_internal()) return; } } // save last session or not? if (saveLast) saveActiveSession (true); // really close last if (closeLast) { KateDocManager::self()->closeAllDocuments (); } // set the new session m_activeSession = session; if (loadNew) { // open the new session Kate::Document::setOpenErrorDialogsActivated (false); TDEConfig *sc = activeSession()->configRead(); if (sc) KateApp::self()->documentManager()->restoreDocumentList (sc); // if we have no session config object, try to load the default // (anonymous/unnamed sessions) if ( ! sc ) sc = new KSimpleConfig( sessionsDir() + "/default.katesession" ); // window config if (sc) { TDEConfig *c = KateApp::self()->config(); c->setGroup("General"); if (c->readBoolEntry("Restore Window Configuration", true)) { // a new, named session, read settings of the default session. if ( ! sc->hasGroup("Open MainWindows") ) sc = new KSimpleConfig( sessionsDir() + "/default.katesession" ); sc->setGroup ("Open MainWindows"); unsigned int wCount = sc->readUnsignedNumEntry("Count", 1); for (unsigned int i=0; i < wCount; ++i) { if (i >= KateApp::self()->mainWindows()) { KateApp::self()->newMainWindow(sc, TQString ("MainWindow%1").arg(i)); } else { sc->setGroup(TQString ("MainWindow%1").arg(i)); KateApp::self()->mainWindow(i)->readProperties (sc); } } if (wCount > 0) { while (wCount < KateApp::self()->mainWindows()) { KateMainWindow *w = KateApp::self()->mainWindow(KateApp::self()->mainWindows()-1); KateApp::self()->removeMainWindow (w); delete w; } } } } Kate::Document::setOpenErrorDialogsActivated (true); } } OldKateSession::Ptr OldKateSessionManager::createSession (const TQString &name) { OldKateSession::Ptr s = new OldKateSession (this, "", ""); s->create (name); return s; } OldKateSession::Ptr OldKateSessionManager::giveSession (const TQString &name) { if (name.isEmpty()) return new OldKateSession (this, "", ""); updateSessionList(); for (unsigned int i=0; i < m_sessionList.count(); ++i) { if (m_sessionList[i]->sessionName() == name) return m_sessionList[i]; } return createSession (name); } bool OldKateSessionManager::saveActiveSession (bool tryAsk, bool rememberAsLast) { if (tryAsk) { // app config TDEConfig *c = KateApp::self()->config(); c->setGroup("General"); TQString sesExit (c->readEntry ("Session Exit", "save")); if (sesExit == "discard") return true; if (sesExit == "ask") { KDialogBase* dlg = new KDialogBase(i18n ("Save Session?") , KDialogBase::Yes | KDialogBase::No , KDialogBase::Yes, KDialogBase::No ); bool dontAgain = false; int res = KMessageBox::createKMessageBox(dlg, TQMessageBox::Question, i18n("Save current session?"), TQStringList(), i18n("Do not ask again"), &dontAgain, KMessageBox::Notify); // remember to not ask again with right setting if (dontAgain) { c->setGroup("General"); if (res == KDialogBase::No) c->writeEntry ("Session Exit", "discard"); else c->writeEntry ("Session Exit", "save"); } if (res == KDialogBase::No) return true; } } TDEConfig *sc = activeSession()->configWrite(); if (!sc) return false; KateDocManager::self()->saveDocumentList (sc); sc->setGroup ("Open MainWindows"); sc->writeEntry ("Count", KateApp::self()->mainWindows ()); // save config for all windows around ;) for (unsigned int i=0; i < KateApp::self()->mainWindows (); ++i ) { sc->setGroup(TQString ("MainWindow%1").arg(i)); KateApp::self()->mainWindow(i)->saveProperties (sc); } sc->sync(); if (rememberAsLast) { TDEConfig *c = KateApp::self()->config(); c->setGroup("General"); c->writeEntry ("Last Session", activeSession()->sessionFileRelative()); c->sync (); } return true; } bool OldKateSessionManager::chooseSession () { bool success = true; // app config TDEConfig *c = KateApp::self()->config(); c->setGroup("General"); // get last used session, default to default session TQString lastSession (c->readEntry ("Last Session", "default.katesession")); TQString sesStart (c->readEntry ("Startup Session", "manual")); // uhh, just open last used session, show no chooser if (sesStart == "last") { activateSession (new OldKateSession (this, lastSession, ""), false, false); return success; } // start with empty new session if (sesStart == "new") { activateSession (new OldKateSession (this, "", ""), false, false); return success; } OldKateSessionChooser *chooser = new OldKateSessionChooser (0, lastSession); bool retry = true; int res = 0; while (retry) { res = chooser->exec (); switch (res) { case OldKateSessionChooser::resultOpen: { OldKateSession::Ptr s = chooser->selectedSession (); if (!s) { KMessageBox::error (chooser, i18n("No session selected to open."), i18n ("No Session Selected")); break; } activateSession (s, false, false); retry = false; break; } // exit the app lateron case OldKateSessionChooser::resultQuit: success = false; retry = false; break; default: activateSession (new OldKateSession (this, "", ""), false, false); retry = false; break; } } // write back our nice boolean :) if (success && chooser->reopenLastSession ()) { c->setGroup("General"); if (res == OldKateSessionChooser::resultOpen) c->writeEntry ("Startup Session", "last"); else if (res == OldKateSessionChooser::resultNew) c->writeEntry ("Startup Session", "new"); c->sync (); } delete chooser; return success; } void OldKateSessionManager::sessionNew () { activateSession (new OldKateSession (this, "", "")); } void OldKateSessionManager::sessionOpen () { OldKateSessionOpenDialog *chooser = new OldKateSessionOpenDialog (0); int res = chooser->exec (); if (res == OldKateSessionOpenDialog::resultCancel) { delete chooser; return; } OldKateSession::Ptr s = chooser->selectedSession (); if (s) activateSession (s); delete chooser; } void OldKateSessionManager::sessionSave () { // if the active session is valid, just save it :) if (saveActiveSession ()) return; bool ok = false; TQString name = KInputDialog::getText (i18n("Specify Name for Current Session"), i18n("Session name:"), "", &ok); if (!ok) return; if (name.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error (0, i18n("To save a new session, you must specify a name."), i18n ("Missing Session Name")); return; } activeSession()->create (name); saveActiveSession (); } void OldKateSessionManager::sessionSaveAs () { bool ok = false; TQString name = KInputDialog::getText (i18n("Specify New Name for Current Session"), i18n("Session name:"), "", &ok); if (!ok) return; if (name.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error (0, i18n("To save a session, you must specify a name."), i18n ("Missing Session Name")); return; } activeSession()->create (name, true); saveActiveSession (); } void OldKateSessionManager::sessionManage () { OldKateSessionManageDialog *dlg = new OldKateSessionManageDialog (0); dlg->exec (); delete dlg; } //BEGIN CHOOSER DIALOG class OldKateSessionChooserItem : public TQListViewItem { public: OldKateSessionChooserItem (TDEListView *lv, OldKateSession::Ptr s) : TQListViewItem (lv, s->sessionName()) , session (s) { TQString docs; docs.setNum (s->documents()); setText (1, docs); } OldKateSession::Ptr session; }; OldKateSessionChooser::OldKateSessionChooser (TQWidget *parent, const TQString &lastSession) : KDialogBase ( parent , "" , true , i18n ("Session Chooser") , KDialogBase::User1 | KDialogBase::User2 | KDialogBase::User3 , KDialogBase::User2 , true , KStdGuiItem::quit () , KGuiItem (i18n ("Open Session"), "document-open") , KGuiItem (i18n ("New Session"), "document-new") ) { TQHBox *page = new TQHBox (this); page->setMinimumSize (400, 200); setMainWidget(page); TQHBox *hb = new TQHBox (page); hb->setSpacing (KDialog::spacingHint()); TQLabel *label = new TQLabel (hb); label->setPixmap (UserIcon("sessionchooser")); label->setFrameStyle (TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken); TQVBox *vb = new TQVBox (hb); vb->setSpacing (KDialog::spacingHint()); m_sessions = new TDEListView (vb); m_sessions->addColumn (i18n("Session Name")); m_sessions->addColumn (i18n("Open Documents")); m_sessions->setResizeMode (TQListView::AllColumns); m_sessions->setSelectionMode (TQListView::Single); m_sessions->setAllColumnsShowFocus (true); connect (m_sessions, TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(selectionChanged())); connect (m_sessions, TQT_SIGNAL(doubleClicked(TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint &, int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotUser2())); OldKateSessionList &slist (OldKateSessionManager::self()->sessionList()); for (unsigned int i=0; i < slist.count(); ++i) { OldKateSessionChooserItem *item = new OldKateSessionChooserItem (m_sessions, slist[i]); if (slist[i]->sessionFileRelative() == lastSession) m_sessions->setSelected (item, true); } m_useLast = new TQCheckBox (i18n ("&Always use this choice"), vb); setResult (resultNone); // trigger action update selectionChanged (); } OldKateSessionChooser::~OldKateSessionChooser () { } OldKateSession::Ptr OldKateSessionChooser::selectedSession () { OldKateSessionChooserItem *item = (OldKateSessionChooserItem *) m_sessions->selectedItem (); if (!item) return 0; return item->session; } bool OldKateSessionChooser::reopenLastSession () { return m_useLast->isChecked (); } void OldKateSessionChooser::slotUser2 () { done (resultOpen); } void OldKateSessionChooser::slotUser3 () { done (resultNew); } void OldKateSessionChooser::slotUser1 () { done (resultQuit); } void OldKateSessionChooser::selectionChanged () { enableButton (KDialogBase::User2, m_sessions->selectedItem ()); } //END CHOOSER DIALOG //BEGIN OPEN DIALOG OldKateSessionOpenDialog::OldKateSessionOpenDialog (TQWidget *parent) : KDialogBase ( parent , "" , true , i18n ("Open Session") , KDialogBase::User1 | KDialogBase::User2 , KDialogBase::User2 , false , KStdGuiItem::cancel () , KGuiItem( i18n("&Open"), "document-open") ) { TQHBox *page = new TQHBox (this); page->setMinimumSize (400, 200); setMainWidget(page); TQHBox *hb = new TQHBox (page); TQVBox *vb = new TQVBox (hb); m_sessions = new TDEListView (vb); m_sessions->addColumn (i18n("Session Name")); m_sessions->addColumn (i18n("Open Documents")); m_sessions->setResizeMode (TQListView::AllColumns); m_sessions->setSelectionMode (TQListView::Single); m_sessions->setAllColumnsShowFocus (true); connect (m_sessions, TQT_SIGNAL(doubleClicked(TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint &, int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotUser2())); OldKateSessionList &slist (OldKateSessionManager::self()->sessionList()); for (unsigned int i=0; i < slist.count(); ++i) { new OldKateSessionChooserItem (m_sessions, slist[i]); } setResult (resultCancel); } OldKateSessionOpenDialog::~OldKateSessionOpenDialog () { } OldKateSession::Ptr OldKateSessionOpenDialog::selectedSession () { OldKateSessionChooserItem *item = (OldKateSessionChooserItem *) m_sessions->selectedItem (); if (!item) return 0; return item->session; } void OldKateSessionOpenDialog::slotUser1 () { done (resultCancel); } void OldKateSessionOpenDialog::slotUser2 () { done (resultOk); } //END OPEN DIALOG //BEGIN MANAGE DIALOG OldKateSessionManageDialog::OldKateSessionManageDialog (TQWidget *parent) : KDialogBase ( parent , "" , true , i18n ("Manage Sessions") , KDialogBase::User1 , KDialogBase::User1 , false , KStdGuiItem::close () ) { TQHBox *page = new TQHBox (this); page->setMinimumSize (400, 200); setMainWidget(page); TQHBox *hb = new TQHBox (page); hb->setSpacing (KDialog::spacingHint()); m_sessions = new TDEListView (hb); m_sessions->addColumn (i18n("Session Name")); m_sessions->addColumn (i18n("Open Documents")); m_sessions->setResizeMode (TQListView::AllColumns); m_sessions->setSelectionMode (TQListView::Single); m_sessions->setAllColumnsShowFocus (true); connect (m_sessions, TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(selectionChanged())); updateSessionList (); TQWidget *vb = new TQWidget (hb); TQVBoxLayout *vbl = new TQVBoxLayout (vb); vbl->setSpacing (KDialog::spacingHint()); m_rename = new KPushButton (i18n("&Rename..."), vb); connect (m_rename, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(rename())); vbl->addWidget (m_rename); m_del = new KPushButton (KStdGuiItem::del (), vb); connect (m_del, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(del())); vbl->addWidget (m_del); vbl->addStretch (); // trigger action update selectionChanged (); } OldKateSessionManageDialog::~OldKateSessionManageDialog () { } void OldKateSessionManageDialog::slotUser1 () { done (0); } void OldKateSessionManageDialog::selectionChanged () { OldKateSessionChooserItem *item = (OldKateSessionChooserItem *) m_sessions->selectedItem (); m_rename->setEnabled (item && item->session->sessionFileRelative() != "default.katesession"); m_del->setEnabled (item && item->session->sessionFileRelative() != "default.katesession"); } void OldKateSessionManageDialog::rename () { OldKateSessionChooserItem *item = (OldKateSessionChooserItem *) m_sessions->selectedItem (); if (!item || item->session->sessionFileRelative() == "default.katesession") return; bool ok = false; TQString name = KInputDialog::getText (i18n("Specify New Name for Session"), i18n("Session name:"), item->session->sessionName(), &ok); if (!ok) return; if (name.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error (0, i18n("To save a session, you must specify a name."), i18n ("Missing Session Name")); return; } item->session->rename (name); updateSessionList (); } void OldKateSessionManageDialog::del () { OldKateSessionChooserItem *item = (OldKateSessionChooserItem *) m_sessions->selectedItem (); if (!item || item->session->sessionFileRelative() == "default.katesession") return; TQFile::remove (item->session->sessionFile()); OldKateSessionManager::self()->updateSessionList (); updateSessionList (); } void OldKateSessionManageDialog::updateSessionList () { m_sessions->clear (); OldKateSessionList &slist (OldKateSessionManager::self()->sessionList()); for (unsigned int i=0; i < slist.count(); ++i) { new OldKateSessionChooserItem (m_sessions, slist[i]); } } //END MANAGE DIALOG OldKateSessionsAction::OldKateSessionsAction(const TQString& text, TQObject* parent, const char* name ) : TDEActionMenu(text, parent, name) { connect(popupMenu(),TQT_SIGNAL(aboutToShow()),this,TQT_SLOT(slotAboutToShow())); } void OldKateSessionsAction::slotAboutToShow() { popupMenu()->clear (); OldKateSessionList &slist (OldKateSessionManager::self()->sessionList()); for (unsigned int i=0; i < slist.count(); ++i) { popupMenu()->insertItem ( slist[i]->sessionName(), this, TQT_SLOT (openSession (int)), 0, i ); } } void OldKateSessionsAction::openSession (int i) { OldKateSessionList &slist (OldKateSessionManager::self()->sessionList()); if ((uint)i >= slist.count()) return; OldKateSessionManager::self()->activateSession(slist[(uint)i]); } // kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on; mixed-indent off;