/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Michele Calgaro partially based on previous work from Copyright (C) 2005 Christoph Cullmann This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef __KATE_SESSION_H__ #define __KATE_SESSION_H__ #include "katemain.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class KateViewSpace; class KDirWatch; class KPushButton; class TDEListView; class TQCheckBox; //BEGIN KateSession class KateSession { public: /** * create a new session and read the config from fileName if it exists * @param sessionName session name * @param fileName file where session config is saved to/restored from * @param isFullName true -> filename is a full filename, used to load/save the session configuration * false -> filename is a folder name. This is used for new unsaved sessions * to inject the location where the configuration file should be saved */ KateSession(const TQString &sessionName, const TQString &fileName, bool isFullName); /** * Destructor */ ~KateSession(); /** * @return the session name */ const TQString& getSessionName() const { return m_sessionName; } /** * Set the new session name * @param sessionName the new session name */ void setSessionName(const TQString &sessionName); /** * @return whether the session is read only or not */ bool isReadOnly() const { return m_readOnly; } /** * Set session read only status * @param readOnly if true, the session config can not be saved to file */ void setReadOnly(bool readOnly); /** * @return the session filename if available, otherwise the null string */ const TQString& getSessionFilename() const { return m_isFullName ? m_filename : TQString::null; } /** * @return the number of documents in the session */ int getDocCount() const { return m_documents.count(); } /** * Save session info * @param saveGUIInfo if true, save also the information about the GUI elements */ void save(bool saveGUIInfo); /** * Activate the session */ void activate(); private: friend class KateViewSpace; /** * @return the session config object */ TDEConfig* getConfig() { return m_config; } TQString m_sessionName; TQString m_filename; bool m_isFullName; // true -> m_filename is a full filename // false -> m_filename is a folder name. bool m_readOnly; TQStringList m_documents; // document URLs KSimpleConfig *m_config; // session config }; //END KateSession //BEGIN KateSessionManager //FIXME (advanced) //There should be only one session manager regardless of how many instances of Kate are running. //Changes should propagate to all session panels. Different Kate instances should run different //sessions. If the user switches to a session already opened in another Kate instance, the current //session should be saved and then the focus switched to the other instance. //This would allow a safe use of multiple Kate instances without overwriting session information //among them. Currently the last instance to be closed will overwrite the information previously //saved by other Kate instances. class KateSessionManager : public TQObject { Q_OBJECT public: enum { INVALID_SESSION = -1 }; /** * get a pointer to the unique KateSessionManager instance. * If the manager does not exist yet, create it. */ static KateSessionManager* self(); /** * Destructor */ ~KateSessionManager(); /** * Save session manager info */ void saveConfig(); /** * @return the active session id */ int getActiveSessionId() const { return m_activeSessionId; } /** * @return the active session name */ const TQString& getActiveSessionName() /*FIXME const*/ { return m_sessions[m_activeSessionId]->getSessionName(); } /** * @return a reference to the active session */ KateSession* getActiveSession() { return m_sessions[m_activeSessionId]; } /** * Return the session id of the first session whose name matches the * provided one. In case multiple sessions share the same name, * the id of the first one found will be returned. * @param name the session name to look for * @return the session id of the matching session if it is found, * otherwise KateSessionManager::INVALID_SESSION. */ int getSessionIdFromName(const TQString &name); /** * @return a reference to the sessions list */ TQPtrList& getSessionsList() { return m_sessions; } /** * Activate the selected session. * @param sessionId the id of the session to activate * @param saveCurr if true, save the current session before activating the new one * @return whether the session was activated or not */ bool activateSession(int sessionId, bool saveCurr = true); /** * Create a new session and activate it if required * @param sessionName new session name * @param activate if true, activate the new session after creation * @return the id of the newly created session */ int newSession(const TQString &sessionName = TQString::null, bool activate = true); /** * Restore the last saved session. Can only be used before * any other session has been activated, i.e. on Kate's startup * @return whether the session was activated or not */ bool restoreLastSession(); /** * Saves the active session */ void saveActiveSession() { m_sessions[m_activeSessionId]->save(true); } /** * Delete the specified session * @param sessionId the id of the session to delete * @return whether the session has been deleted or not */ bool deleteSession(int sessionId); signals: /** * Emitted once a session has been activated * @param newSessionId the id of the previous active session * @param oldSessionId the id of the new active session */ void sessionActivated(int newSessionId, int oldSessionId); /** * Emitted once a session has been created * @param sessionId the id of the new session */ void sessionCreated(int sessionId); /** * Emitted once a session has been deleted * @param sessionId the id of the deleted session */ void sessionDeleted(int sessionId); private: KateSessionManager(); TQString m_baseDir; // folder where session files are stored TQString m_configFile; // file where the session list config is stored int m_activeSessionId; // index of the active session bool m_firstActivation; // true until at least one session has been activated TQPtrList m_sessions; // session list KSimpleConfig *m_config; // session manager config static KateSessionManager *ksm_instance; // the only KateSessionManager instance }; //END KateSessionManager //BEGIN KateSessionChooserItem class KateSessionChooserItem : public TDEListViewItem { public: KateSessionChooserItem(TQListView *listview, const TQString &sessionName, const TQString &nDoc, int sessionId) : TDEListViewItem(listview, sessionName, nDoc), m_sessionId(sessionId) {} int getSessionId() { return m_sessionId; } void setSessionId(int sessionId) { m_sessionId = sessionId; } protected: int m_sessionId; }; //END KateSessionChooserItem //BEGIN KateSessionChooser class KateSessionChooser : public KDialogBase { Q_OBJECT public: enum Result { RESULT_NO_OP = TQDialog::Rejected, RESULT_OPEN_EXISTING, RESULT_OPEN_NEW, RESULT_QUIT_KATE }; KateSessionChooser(TQWidget *parent); ~KateSessionChooser() {} int getSelectedSessionId(); // return the session id of the selected session protected slots: void slotUser1(); // open existing session void slotUser2(); // open new session void slotUser3(); // quit kate void slotSelectionChanged(); // list selection has changed protected: TDEListView *m_listview; }; //BEGIN KateSessionChooser //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ class OldKateSessionManager; class OldKateSession : public TDEShared { public: /** * Define a Shared-Pointer type */ typedef TDESharedPtr Ptr; public: /** * create a session from given file * @param fileName session filename, relative * @param name session name * @param manager pointer to the manager */ OldKateSession ( OldKateSessionManager *manager, const TQString &fileName, const TQString &name ); /** * init the session object, after construction or create */ void init (); /** * destruct me */ ~OldKateSession (); /** * session filename, absolute, calculated out of relative filename + session dir * @return absolute path to session file */ TQString sessionFile () const; /** * relative session filename * @return relative filename for this session */ const TQString &sessionFileRelative () const { return m_sessionFileRel; } /** * session name * @return name for this session */ const TQString &sessionName () const { return m_sessionName; } /** * is this a valid session? if not, don't use any session if this is * the active one */ bool isNew () const { return m_sessionName.isEmpty(); } /** * create the session file, if not existing * @param name name for this session * @param force force to create new file * @return true if created, false if no creation needed */ bool create ( const TQString &name, bool force = false ); /** * rename this session * @param name new name * @return success */ bool rename ( const TQString &name ); /** * config to read * on first access, will create the config object, delete will be done automagic * return 0 if we have no file to read config from atm * @return config to read from */ TDEConfig *configRead (); /** * config to write * on first access, will create the config object, delete will be done automagic * return 0 if we have no file to write config to atm * @return config to write from */ TDEConfig *configWrite (); /** * count of documents in this session * @return documents count */ unsigned int documents () const { return m_documents; } private: /** * session filename, in local location we can write to * relative filename to the session dirs :) */ TQString m_sessionFileRel; /** * session name, extracted from the file, to display to the user */ TQString m_sessionName; /** * number of document of this session */ unsigned int m_documents; /** * OldKateSessionMananger */ OldKateSessionManager *m_manager; /** * simpleconfig to read from */ KSimpleConfig *m_readConfig; /** * simpleconfig to write to */ KSimpleConfig *m_writeConfig; }; typedef TQValueList OldKateSessionList; class OldKateSessionManager : public TQObject { Q_OBJECT public: OldKateSessionManager ( TQObject *parent ); ~OldKateSessionManager(); /** * allow access to this :) * @return instance of the session manager */ static OldKateSessionManager *self(); /** * allow access to the session list * kept up to date by watching the dir */ inline OldKateSessionList & sessionList () { updateSessionList (); return m_sessionList; } /** * activate a session * first, it will look if a session with this name exists in list * if yes, it will use this session, else it will create a new session file * @param session session to activate * @param closeLast try to close last session or not? * @param saveLast try to save last session or not? * @param loadNew load new session stuff? */ void activateSession ( OldKateSession::Ptr session, bool closeLast = true, bool saveLast = true, bool loadNew = true ); /** * create a new session * @param name session name */ OldKateSession::Ptr createSession ( const TQString &name ); /** * return session with given name * if no existing session matches, create new one with this name * @param name session name */ OldKateSession::Ptr giveSession ( const TQString &name ); /** * save current session * for sessions without filename: save nothing * @param tryAsk should we ask user if needed? * @param rememberAsLast remember this session as last used? * @return success */ bool saveActiveSession ( bool tryAsk = false, bool rememberAsLast = false ); /** * return the current active session * sessionFile == empty means we have no session around for this instance of kate * @return session active atm */ inline OldKateSession::Ptr activeSession () { return m_activeSession; } /** * session dir * @return global session dir */ inline const TQString &sessionsDir () const { return m_sessionsDir; } /** * initial session chooser, on app start * @return success, if false, app should exit */ bool chooseSession (); public slots: /** * try to start a new session * asks user first for name */ void sessionNew (); /** * try to open a existing session */ void sessionOpen (); /** * try to save current session */ void sessionSave (); /** * try to save as current session */ void sessionSaveAs (); /** * show dialog to manage our sessions */ void sessionManage (); private slots: void dirty ( const TQString &path ); public: /** * trigger update of session list */ void updateSessionList (); private: /** * absolute path to dir in home dir where to store the sessions */ TQString m_sessionsDir; /** * list of current available sessions */ OldKateSessionList m_sessionList; /** * current active session */ OldKateSession::Ptr m_activeSession; }; class OldKateSessionOpenDialog : public KDialogBase { Q_OBJECT public: OldKateSessionOpenDialog ( TQWidget *parent ); ~OldKateSessionOpenDialog (); OldKateSession::Ptr selectedSession (); enum { resultOk, resultCancel }; protected slots: /** * cancel pressed */ void slotUser1 (); /** * ok pressed */ void slotUser2 (); private: TDEListView *m_sessions; }; class OldKateSessionManageDialog : public KDialogBase { Q_OBJECT public: OldKateSessionManageDialog ( TQWidget *parent ); ~OldKateSessionManageDialog (); protected slots: /** * close pressed */ void slotUser1 (); /** * selection has changed */ void selectionChanged (); /** * try to rename session */ void rename (); /** * try to delete session */ void del (); private: /** * update our list */ void updateSessionList (); private: TDEListView *m_sessions; KPushButton *m_rename; KPushButton *m_del; }; class OldKateSessionsAction : public TDEActionMenu { Q_OBJECT public: OldKateSessionsAction ( const TQString& text, TQObject* parent = 0, const char* name = 0 ); ~OldKateSessionsAction () {;}; public slots: void slotAboutToShow(); void openSession ( int i ); }; #endif