/* * shortcuts.cpp * * Copyright (c) 1999 Matthias Hoelzer-Kluepfel * Copyright (c) 2001 Ellis Whitehead * * Requires the Qt widget libraries, available at no cost at * http://www.troll.no/ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "shortcuts.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ShortcutsModule::ShortcutsModule( TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQWidget( parent, name ) { initGUI(); } ShortcutsModule::~ShortcutsModule() { delete m_pListGeneral; delete m_pListSequence; delete m_pListApplication; } // Called when [Reset] is pressed void ShortcutsModule::load() { kdDebug(125) << "ShortcutsModule::load()" << endl; slotSchemeCur(); } // When [Apply] or [OK] are clicked. void ShortcutsModule::save() { kdDebug(125) << "ShortcutsModule::save()" << endl; // FIXME: This isn't working. Why? -- ellis, 2002/01/27 // Check for old group, if( TDEGlobal::config()->hasGroup( "Keys" ) ) { TDEGlobal::config()->deleteGroup( "Keys", true, true ); } TDEGlobal::config()->sync(); m_pkcGeneral->commitChanges(); m_pkcSequence->commitChanges(); m_pkcApplication->save(); m_actionsGeneral.writeActions( "Global Shortcuts", 0, true, true ); m_actionsSequence.writeActions( "Global Shortcuts", 0, true, true ); KIPC::sendMessageAll( KIPC::SettingsChanged, TDEApplication::SETTINGS_SHORTCUTS ); } void ShortcutsModule::defaults() { m_pkcGeneral->allDefault(); m_pkcSequence->allDefault(); m_pkcApplication->allDefault(); } TQString ShortcutsModule::quickHelp() const { return i18n("

Key Bindings

Using key bindings you can configure certain actions to be" " triggered when you press a key or a combination of keys, e.g. Ctrl+C is normally bound to" " 'Copy'. TDE allows you to store more than one 'scheme' of key bindings, so you might want" " to experiment a little setting up your own scheme while you can still change back to the" " TDE defaults.

In the tab 'Global Shortcuts' you can configure non-application specific" " bindings like how to switch desktops or maximize a window. In the tab 'Application Shortcuts'" " you will find bindings typically used in applications, such as copy and paste."); } void ShortcutsModule::initGUI() { TQString kde_winkeys_env_dir = TDEGlobal::dirs()->localtdedir() + "/env/"; kdDebug(125) << "A-----------" << endl; TDEAccelActions* keys = &m_actionsGeneral; // see also TDEShortcutsModule::init() below !!! #define NOSLOTS #define KICKER_ALL_BINDINGS #include "../../twin/twinbindings.cpp" #include "../../kicker/kicker/core/kickerbindings.cpp" #include "../../kicker/taskbar/taskbarbindings.cpp" #include "../../kdesktop/kdesktopbindings.cpp" #include "../../klipper/klipperbindings.cpp" kdDebug(125) << "B-----------" << endl; m_actionsSequence.init( m_actionsGeneral ); kdDebug(125) << "C-----------" << endl; createActionsGeneral(); kdDebug(125) << "D-----------" << endl; createActionsSequence(); kdDebug(125) << "E-----------" << endl; kdDebug(125) << "F-----------" << endl; TQVBoxLayout* pVLayout = new TQVBoxLayout( this, KDialog::marginHint() ); pVLayout->addSpacing( KDialog::marginHint() ); // (o) [Current ] ( ) New TQHBoxLayout *pHLayout = new TQHBoxLayout( pVLayout, KDialog::spacingHint() ); TQButtonGroup* pGroup = new TQButtonGroup( this ); pGroup->hide(); m_prbPre = new TQRadioButton( "", this ); connect( m_prbPre, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotSchemeCur()) ); pGroup->insert( m_prbPre ); pHLayout->addWidget( m_prbPre ); m_pcbSchemes = new KComboBox( this ); m_pcbSchemes->setMinimumWidth( 100 ); m_pcbSchemes->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Preferred, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ); connect( m_pcbSchemes, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotSelectScheme(int)) ); pHLayout->addWidget( m_pcbSchemes ); pHLayout->addSpacing( KDialog::marginHint() ); m_pbtnRemove = new TQPushButton( i18n("&Remove"), this ); m_pbtnRemove->setEnabled( false ); connect( m_pbtnRemove, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotRemoveScheme()) ); TQWhatsThis::add( m_pbtnRemove, i18n("Click here to remove the selected key bindings scheme. You cannot" " remove the standard system-wide schemes 'Current scheme' and 'TDE default'.") ); pHLayout->addWidget( m_pbtnRemove ); pHLayout->addSpacing( KDialog::marginHint() * 3 ); m_prbNew = new TQRadioButton( i18n("New scheme"), this ); m_prbNew->setEnabled( false ); pGroup->insert( m_prbNew ); pHLayout->addWidget( m_prbNew ); m_pbtnSave = new TQPushButton( i18n("&Save..."), this ); m_pbtnSave->setEnabled( false ); TQWhatsThis::add( m_pbtnSave, i18n("Click here to add a new key bindings scheme. You will be prompted for a name.") ); connect( m_pbtnSave, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotSaveSchemeAs()) ); pHLayout->addWidget( m_pbtnSave ); pHLayout->addStretch( 1 ); m_pTab = new TQTabWidget( this ); m_pTab->setMargin( KDialog::marginHint() ); pVLayout->addWidget( m_pTab ); // See if ~/.trinity/env/win-key.sh exists TQFile f( kde_winkeys_env_dir + "win-key.sh" ); if ( f.exists() == false ) { // No, it does not, so Win is a modifier m_bUseRmWinKeys = true; } else { // Yes, it does, so Win is a key m_bUseRmWinKeys = false; } m_pListGeneral = new TDEAccelShortcutList( m_actionsGeneral, true ); m_pkcGeneral = new KKeyChooser( m_pListGeneral, this, KKeyChooser::Global, false ); m_pkcGeneral->resize (m_pkcGeneral->sizeHint() ); if (system("xmodmap 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null") == 0) { m_useRmWinKeys = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Use Win key as modifier (uncheck to bind Win key to Menu)"), this ); m_useRmWinKeys->resize( m_useRmWinKeys->sizeHint() ); m_useRmWinKeys->setChecked( m_bUseRmWinKeys ); pVLayout->addWidget( m_useRmWinKeys, 1, 0 ); connect( m_useRmWinKeys, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotUseRmWinKeysClicked()) ); } m_pTab->addTab( m_pkcGeneral, i18n("&Global Shortcuts") ); connect( m_pkcGeneral, TQT_SIGNAL(keyChange()), TQT_SLOT(slotKeyChange()) ); m_pListSequence = new TDEAccelShortcutList( m_actionsSequence, true ); m_pkcSequence = new KKeyChooser( m_pListSequence, this, KKeyChooser::Global, false ); m_pTab->addTab( m_pkcSequence, i18n("Shortcut Se&quences") ); connect( m_pkcSequence, TQT_SIGNAL(keyChange()), TQT_SLOT(slotKeyChange()) ); m_pListApplication = new TDEStdAccel::ShortcutList; m_pkcApplication = new KKeyChooser( m_pListApplication, this, KKeyChooser::Standard, false ); m_pTab->addTab( m_pkcApplication, i18n("App&lication Shortcuts") ); connect( m_pkcApplication, TQT_SIGNAL(keyChange()), TQT_SLOT(slotKeyChange()) ); kdDebug(125) << "G-----------" << endl; readSchemeNames(); kdDebug(125) << "I-----------" << endl; slotSchemeCur(); kdDebug(125) << "J-----------" << endl; } void ShortcutsModule::createActionsGeneral() { TDEAccelActions& actions = m_actionsGeneral; for( uint i = 0; i < actions.count(); i++ ) { TQString sConfigKey = actions[i].name(); //kdDebug(125) << "sConfigKey: " << sConfigKey << endl; int iLastSpace = sConfigKey.findRev( ' ' ); bool bIsNum = false; if( iLastSpace >= 0 ) sConfigKey.mid( iLastSpace+1 ).toInt( &bIsNum ); //kdDebug(125) << "sConfigKey: " << sConfigKey // << " bIsNum: " << bIsNum << endl; if( bIsNum && !sConfigKey.contains( ':' ) ) { actions[i].setConfigurable( false ); actions[i].setName( TQString::null ); } } } void ShortcutsModule::createActionsSequence() { TDEAccelActions& actions = m_actionsSequence; for( uint i = 0; i < actions.count(); i++ ) { TQString sConfigKey = actions[i].name(); //kdDebug(125) << "sConfigKey: " << sConfigKey << endl; int iLastSpace = sConfigKey.findRev( ' ' ); bool bIsNum = false; if( iLastSpace >= 0 ) sConfigKey.mid( iLastSpace+1 ).toInt( &bIsNum ); //kdDebug(125) << "sConfigKey: " << sConfigKey // << " bIsNum: " << bIsNum << endl; if( !bIsNum && !sConfigKey.contains( ':' ) ) { actions[i].setConfigurable( false ); actions[i].setName( TQString::null ); } } } void ShortcutsModule::readSchemeNames() { TQStringList schemes = TDEGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("data", "kcmkeys/*.kksrc"); m_pcbSchemes->clear(); m_rgsSchemeFiles.clear(); i18n("User-Defined Scheme"); m_pcbSchemes->insertItem( i18n("Current Scheme") ); m_rgsSchemeFiles.append( "cur" ); // This for system files for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = schemes.begin(); it != schemes.end(); ++it) { // KPersonalizer relies on .kksrc files containing all the keyboard shortcut // schemes for various setups. It also requires the TDE defaults to be in // a .kksrc file. The TDE defaults shouldn't be listed here. //if( r.search( *it ) != -1 ) // continue; KSimpleConfig config( *it, true ); config.setGroup( "Settings" ); TQString str = config.readEntry( "Name" ); m_pcbSchemes->insertItem( str ); m_rgsSchemeFiles.append( *it ); } } void ShortcutsModule::resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent * ) { //m_pTab->setGeometry(0,0,width(),height()); } void ShortcutsModule::slotSchemeCur() { kdDebug(125) << "ShortcutsModule::slotSchemeCur()" << endl; //m_pcbSchemes->setCurrentItem( 0 ); slotSelectScheme(); } void ShortcutsModule::slotKeyChange() { kdDebug(125) << "ShortcutsModule::slotKeyChange()" << endl; m_prbNew->setEnabled( true ); m_prbNew->setChecked( true ); m_pbtnSave->setEnabled( true ); emit changed( true ); } void ShortcutsModule::slotSelectScheme( int ) { i18n("Your current changes will be lost if you load another scheme before saving this one."); kdDebug(125) << "ShortcutsModule::slotSelectScheme( " << m_pcbSchemes->currentItem() << " )" << endl; TQString sFilename = m_rgsSchemeFiles[ m_pcbSchemes->currentItem() ]; if( sFilename == "cur" ) { // TODO: remove nulls params m_pkcGeneral->syncToConfig( "Global Shortcuts", 0, true ); m_pkcSequence->syncToConfig( "Global Shortcuts", 0, true ); m_pkcApplication->syncToConfig( "Shortcuts", 0, false ); } else { KSimpleConfig config( sFilename ); config.setGroup( "Settings" ); //m_sBaseSchemeFile = config.readEntry( "Name" ); // If the user's keyboard layout doesn't support the Win key, // but this layout scheme requires it, if( !KKeyNative::keyboardHasWinKey() && config.readBoolEntry( "Uses Win Modifier", false ) ) { // TODO: change "Win" to Win's label. int ret = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( this, i18n("This scheme requires the \"%1\" modifier key, which is not " "available on your keyboard layout. Do you wish to view it anyway?" ) .arg(i18n("Win")) ); if( ret == KMessageBox::Cancel ) return; } m_pkcGeneral->syncToConfig( "Global Shortcuts", &config, true ); m_pkcSequence->syncToConfig( "Global Shortcuts", &config, true ); m_pkcApplication->syncToConfig( "Shortcuts", &config, false ); } m_prbPre->setChecked( true ); m_prbNew->setEnabled( false ); m_pbtnSave->setEnabled( false ); emit changed(true); } void ShortcutsModule::slotSaveSchemeAs() { TQString sName, sFile; bool bNameValid, ok; int iScheme = -1; sName = m_pcbSchemes->currentText(); do { bNameValid = true; sName = KInputDialog::getText( i18n( "Save Key Scheme" ), i18n( "Enter a name for the key scheme:" ), sName, &ok, this ); if( ok ) { sName = sName.simplifyWhiteSpace(); sFile = sName; int ind = 0; while( ind < (int) sFile.length() ) { // parse the string for first white space ind = sFile.find(" "); if( ind == -1 ) { ind = sFile.length(); break; } // remove from string sFile.remove( ind, 1 ); // Make the next letter upper case TQString s = sFile.mid( ind, 1 ); s = s.upper(); sFile.replace( ind, 1, s ); } iScheme = -1; for( int i = 0; i < (int) m_pcbSchemes->count(); i++ ) { if( sName.lower() == (m_pcbSchemes->text(i)).lower() ) { iScheme = i; int result = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( 0, i18n("A key scheme with the name '%1' already exists;\n" "do you want to overwrite it?\n").arg(sName), i18n("Save Key Scheme"), i18n("Overwrite")); bNameValid = (result == KMessageBox::Continue); } } } else return; } while( !bNameValid ); disconnect( m_pcbSchemes, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSelectScheme(int)) ); TQString kksPath = TDEGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation( "data", "kcmkeys/" ); TQDir dir( kksPath ); if( !dir.exists() && !dir.mkdir( kksPath ) ) { tqWarning("TDEShortcutsModule: Could not make directory to store user info."); return; } sFile.prepend( kksPath ); sFile += ".kksrc"; if( iScheme == -1 ) { m_pcbSchemes->insertItem( sName ); //m_pcbSchemes->setFocus(); m_pcbSchemes->setCurrentItem( m_pcbSchemes->count()-1 ); m_rgsSchemeFiles.append( sFile ); } else { //m_pcbSchemes->setFocus(); m_pcbSchemes->setCurrentItem( iScheme ); } KSimpleConfig *config = new KSimpleConfig( sFile ); config->setGroup( "Settings" ); config->writeEntry( "Name", sName ); delete config; saveScheme(); connect( m_pcbSchemes, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotSelectScheme(int)) ); slotSelectScheme(); } void ShortcutsModule::saveScheme() { TQString sFilename = m_rgsSchemeFiles[ m_pcbSchemes->currentItem() ]; KSimpleConfig config( sFilename ); m_pkcGeneral->commitChanges(); m_pkcSequence->commitChanges(); m_pkcApplication->commitChanges(); m_pListGeneral->writeSettings( "Global Shortcuts", &config, true ); m_pListSequence->writeSettings( "Global Shortcuts", &config, true ); m_pListApplication->writeSettings( "Shortcuts", &config, true ); } void ShortcutsModule::slotRemoveScheme() { } void ShortcutsModule::slotUseRmWinKeysClicked() { TQString kde_winkeys_env_dir = TDEGlobal::dirs()->localtdedir() + "/env/"; // See if ~/.trinity/env/win-key.sh exists TQFile f( kde_winkeys_env_dir + "win-key.sh" ); if ( f.exists() == false ) { // No, it does not, so Win is currently a modifier if (m_useRmWinKeys->isChecked() == false) { // Create the file if ( f.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { TQTextStream stream( &f ); stream << "xmodmap -e 'keycode 133=Menu'" << "\n"; stream << "xmodmap -e 'keycode 134=Menu'" << "\n"; f.close(); system("xmodmap -e 'keycode 133=Menu'"); system("xmodmap -e 'keycode 134=Menu'"); } } } else { // Yes, it does, so Win is currently a key m_bUseRmWinKeys = false; if (m_useRmWinKeys->isChecked() == true) { // Remove the file f.remove(); // Update key mappings system("xmodmap -e 'keycode 133=Super_L'"); system("xmodmap -e 'keycode 134=Super_R'"); } } } #include "shortcuts.moc"