MenuTabBase MenuTabBase 0 0 923 649 unnamed 0 layout5 unnamed textLabel1 TDE menu style: comboMenuStyle Kickoff Trinity Classic m_comboMenuStyle spacer4 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 m_kmenuGroup TDE Menu unnamed layout7 unnamed kcfg_MenuEntryFormat 0 Menu item format: true Here you can choose how menu entries are shown. unnamed m_formatSimple &Name only When this option is selected, items in the TDE Menu will appear with the application's name next to the icon. m_formatNameDesc Name - &Description true When this option is selected, items in the TDE Menu will appear with the application's name and a brief description next to the icon. m_formatDescOnly D&escription only When this option is selected, items in the TDE Menu will appear with the application's brief description next to the icon. m_formDescName NoFocus Des&cription (Name) When this option is selected, items in the TDE Menu will appear with a brief description and the application's name in brackets next to the icon. m_editKMenuButton Edit &TDE Menu Start the editor for the TDE Menu. Here you can add, edit, remove and hide applications. btnCustomKMenuIcon Change menu icon Allows you to choose a different icon for the TDE menu. false Spacer10 Vertical Expanding 20 0 Optional Menus true true m_subMenus 7 7 0 1 0 0 true This is a list of the dynamic menus that can be displayed in the TDE menu in addition to the normal applications. Use the checkboxes to add or remove menus. Layout5 m_openOnHover Open menu on mouse hover kcfg_UseTooltip Show T&ooltip false <qt>When this option is selected, a tooltip appears when hovering the mouse pointer over Application Launcher Menu items. Enabling this option also requires that tooltips are enabled in the Panels->Appearance configuration dialog. kcfg_UseSidePixmap Show side ima&ge true <qt>When this option is selected an image will appear down the left-hand side of the TDE Menu. The image will be tinted according to your color settings. <p><b>Tip</b>: You can customize the image that appears in the TDE Menu by putting an image file called kside.png and a tileable image file called kside_tile.png in $TDEHOME/share/apps/kicker/pics.</qt> kcfg_UseTopPixmap Show top ima&ge true <qt>When this option is selected an image will appear on top of the TDE Menu. The image will be tinted according to your color settings. <p><b>Tip</b>: You can customize the image that appears in the TDE Menu by putting image files called kside_top_left.png and kside_top_right.png, and a tileable image file called kside_top_tile.png in $TDEHOME/share/apps/kicker/pics.</qt> kcfg_ShowKMenuText Display text in menu button true <qt>When this option is selected the text below will be shown in the TDE Menu button. unnamed 0 TextLabel1_3_3_2 4 1 0 0 Text: kcfg_KMenuText 35 TextLabel1_3_3_2 4 1 0 0 Font: kcfg_ButtonFont spacer6 Vertical Expanding 20 20 spacer8 Vertical MinimumExpanding 20 0 unnamed 0 m_browserGroup QuickBrowser Menus unnamed Layout3 unnamed m_maxQuickBrowserItemsLabel Ma&ximum number of entries: kcfg_MaxEntries2 When browsing directories that contain a lot of files, the QuickBrowser can sometimes hide your whole desktop. Here you can limit the number of entries shown at a time in the QuickBrowser. This is particularly useful for low screen resolutions. kcfg_MaxEntries2 30 10 100 When browsing directories that contain a lot of files, the QuickBrowser can sometimes hide your whole desktop. Here you can limit the number of entries shown at a time in the QuickBrowser. This is particularly useful for low screen resolutions. kcfg_ShowHiddenFiles Show hidden fi&les true If this option is enabled, hidden files (i.e. files beginning with a dot) will be shown in the QuickBrowser menus. kcfg_ShowOpenInTerminal Sho&w open in terminal fi&les true If this option is enabled, an Open in Terminal entry will be shown in the QuickBrowser menus. Spacer7 Horizontal Expanding 20 0 m_recentGroup Recent Documents Menu unnamed Layout3 unnamed m_maxRecentDocumentsItemsLabel &Maximum number of entries: maxrecentdocs This sets the maximum number of recently accessed documents stored for fast retrieval. maxrecentdocs 10 0 100 This sets the maximum number of recently accessed documents stored for fast retrieval. Spacer7 Horizontal Expanding 20 0 m_pRecentOrderGroup QuickStart Menu Items unnamed Layout4 unnamed TextLabel2 Maxim&um number of entries: kcfg_NumVisibleEntries This option allows you to define the maximum number of applications that should be displayed in the QuickStart menu area. kcfg_NumVisibleEntries 5 0 20 This option allows you to define how many applications should be displayed at most in the QuickStart menu area. kcfg_RecentVsOften Show the &applications most recently used true When this option is selected the QuickStart menu area will be filled with the applications you have used most recently. m_showFrequent Show the applications most fre&quently used When this option is selected the QuickStart menu area will be filled with the applications you use most frequently. Spacer8 Horizontal Expanding 20 0 m_pSearchGroup TDE Menu Search unnamed kcfg_UseSearchBar Show search field in TDE Menu true <qt>When this option is selected a text-based search field will appear in the TDE Menu.</qt> m_searchShortcutLayout unnamed searchShortcutLabel Search shortcut: From here you can change the keyboard shortcut which triggers the search line in the TDE Menu. m_searchShortcut From here you can change the keyboard shortcut which triggers the search line in the TDE Menu. Spacer8 Horizontal Expanding 20 0 m_formatSimple m_formatNameDesc m_formDescName kcfg_UseSidePixmap m_editKMenuButton m_subMenus kcfg_ShowHiddenFiles kcfg_ShowOpenInTerminal kcfg_MaxEntries2 kcfg_RecentVsOften m_showFrequent kcfg_NumVisibleEntries kdialog.h knuminput.h kpushbutton.h tdefontrequester.h tdelistview.h kkeybutton.h kcfg_UseSearchBar toggled(bool) m_searchShortcut setEnabled(bool)