TaskbarConfigUI TaskbarConfigUI 0 0 817 828 Taskbar unnamed 5 layout3 unnamed localConfigWarning <b>NOTE:</b> Currently you are editing the taskbar configuration for <b>only</b> this taskbar. globalConfigWarning <b>NOTE: Currently you are editing the global taskbar configuration.</b><br>To change the configuration of a specific taskbar (when using multiple taskbars), use the corresponding Configure Taskbar menu option, located in the taskbar handle popup menu. kcfg_UseGlobalSettings Use global floating taskbar configuration true Selecting this option causes the taskbar to use the global taskbar configuration. globalConfigReload Overwrite current configuration with the current global floating taskbar configuration globalConfigEdit Edit global floating taskbar configuration localLikeGlobalSpacer Vertical Maximum 20 1 tabs 5 3 0 0 tab &Tasks unnamed grpDisplay 5 4 0 0 Display unnamed kcfg_ShowAllWindows &Show windows from all desktops Alt+S true Turning this option off will cause the taskbar to display <b>only</b> the windows on the current desktop. By default, this option is selected and all windows are shown. kcfg_SortByDesktop Sort windows by desk&top Alt+T true Selecting this option causes the taskbar to show windows in order of the desktop they appear on. By default this option is selected. kcfg_ShowOnlyIconified Show o&nly minimized windows Alt+N Select this option if you want the taskbar to display <b>only</b> minimized windows. By default, this option is not selected and the taskbar will show all windows. kSeparator5 spacer23 Horizontal Expanding 31 20 showTaskStatesLabel 250 0 &Show tasks with state: kcfg_ShowTaskStates kcfg_ShowTaskStates 7 0 0 0 250 0 The taskbar can show and/or hide tasks based on their current process state. Select <em>Any</em> to show all tasks regardless of current state. spacer2_2_3 Horizontal Fixed 20 20 showAllScreens Show windows from all sc&reens Alt+R true Turning this option off will cause the taskbar to display <b>only</b> windows which are on the same Xinerama screen as the taskbar. By default, this option is selected and all windows are shown. grpSortGroup 5 4 0 0 Sorting and grouping unnamed spacer2_2 Horizontal Fixed 20 20 kcfg_AllowDragAndDropReArrange &Allow taskbar items to be rearranged using drag and drop Alt+A true Turning this option on will allow tasks on the taskbar to be manually rearranged using drag and drop. kcfg_SortByApp Sort alphabeticall&y by application name Alt+Y true kSeparator6 groupTasksLabel 250 0 &Group similar tasks: kcfg_GroupTasks kcfg_GroupTasks 7 0 0 0 300 0 The taskbar can group similar windows into single buttons. When one of these window group buttons are clicked on a menu appears showing all the windows in that group. This can be especially useful with the <em>Show all windows</em> option. You can set the taskbar to <strong>Never</strong> group windows, to <strong>Always</strong> group windows or to group windows only <strong>When the Taskbar is Full</strong>. By default the taskbar groups windows when it is full. spacer23_2 Horizontal Expanding 31 20 spacer16 Vertical Minimum 20 20 TabPage &Appearance unnamed spacer21 Vertical Minimum 20 20 grpTaskbarColors 3 4 0 0 Colors unnamed spacer2_2_2 Horizontal Fixed 20 20 kcfg_UseCustomColors true Use &custom colors Alt+C true layout19 unnamed activeTaskTextColorLabel 1 5 0 0 Active task te&xt color: kcfg_ActiveTaskTextColor taskBackgroundColorLabel 1 5 0 0 &Background color: kcfg_TaskBackgroundColor kcfg_InactiveTaskTextColor kcfg_ActiveTaskTextColor kcfg_TaskBackgroundColor inactiveTaskTextColorLabel 1 5 0 0 Inacti&ve task text color: kcfg_InactiveTaskTextColor grpAppearanceMisc 1 5 0 0 Miscellaneous unnamed kcfg_ShowWindowListBtn Show window list &button Alt+B true Selecting this option causes the taskbar to display a button that, when clicked, shows a list of all windows in a popup menu. kcfg_MaximumButtonWidth px 500 10 200 maxButtonWidthLabel Maximum button width: grpIconsNText 7 5 0 0 Icons unnamed kcfg_DisplayIconsNText 5 0 0 0 Choose taskbar display mode among <strong>Icons and text</strong>, <strong>Text only</strong> and <strong>Icons only</strong>. displayIconsNTextLabel 1 5 0 0 100 0 Dis&play: kcfg_DisplayIconsNText kcfg_ShowThumbnails Show thumbnails on hover (needs TWin compositor enabled) kcfg_ThumbnailMaxDimension false px 500 50 100 spacer2_2_2_3 Horizontal Fixed 20 20 thumbMaxDimensionLabel false Maximum dimension: smallIcons Small icons true grpTaskbarStyle 7 4 0 0 Button style unnamed textLabel1 Taskbar style: appearance appearance 5 0 0 0 customAppearance false StyledPanel Raised unnamed kcfg_HaloText Draw halo around text true kcfg_DrawButtons Always draw items as buttons spacer2_2_2_3_3 Horizontal Fixed 20 20 kcfg_ShowButtonOnHover Draw items as buttons on hover tab A&ctions unnamed actionsGroup 5 1 0 0 Mouse Actions unnamed leftButtonLabel &Left button: kcfg_LeftButtonAction kcfg_LeftButtonAction 7 0 0 0 middleButtonLabel &Middle button: kcfg_MiddleButtonAction kcfg_MiddleButtonAction 7 0 0 0 kcfg_RightButtonAction 7 0 0 0 rightButtonLabel Right b&utton: kcfg_RightButtonAction kcfg_CycleWheel Cycle through windows with mouse wheel true spacer11 Vertical Fixed 20 21 spacer35 Vertical Minimum 20 20 kcfg_ShowThumbnails toggled(bool) kcfg_ThumbnailMaxDimension setEnabled(bool) kcfg_UseCustomColors toggled(bool) kcfg_InactiveTaskTextColor setEnabled(bool) kcfg_UseCustomColors toggled(bool) kcfg_ActiveTaskTextColor setEnabled(bool) kcfg_UseCustomColors toggled(bool) kcfg_TaskBackgroundColor setEnabled(bool) kcfg_ShowThumbnails toggled(bool) thumbMaxDimensionLabel setEnabled(bool) kcfg_SortByApp toggled(bool) kcfg_AllowDragAndDropReArrange setDisabled(bool) kcfg_DrawButtons toggled(bool) kcfg_ShowButtonOnHover setDisabled(bool) kcfg_HaloText toggled(bool) kcfg_ShowButtonOnHover setDisabled(bool) kcfg_ShowAllWindows toggled(bool) kcfg_SortByDesktop setEnabled(bool) kcolorbutton.h kdialog.h kseparator.h tdefontcombo.h klineedit.h tdefontrequester.h tqtabwidget.h