/* * Copyright (C) 2003 by Unai Garro * Copyright (C) 2004 by Enrico Ros * Copyright (C) 2004 by Stephan Kulow * Copyright (C) 2004 by Oswald Buddenhagen * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* * Generic Kdm Item */ //#define DRAW_OUTLINE 1 // for debugging only #include "kdmitem.h" #include "kdmlayout.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DRAW_OUTLINE # include #endif KdmItem::KdmItem( KdmItem *parent, const QDomNode &node, const char *name ) : QObject( parent, name ) , boxManager( 0 ) , fixedManager( 0 ) , image( 0 ) , myWidget( 0 ) , myLayoutItem( 0 ) , buttonParent( 0 ) { // Set default layout for every item currentManager = MNone; pos.x = pos.y = 0; pos.width = pos.height = 1; pos.xType = pos.yType = pos.wType = pos.hType = DTnone; pos.anchor = "nw"; isShown = InitialHidden; // Set defaults for derived item's properties properties.incrementalPaint = false; state = Snormal; // The "toplevel" node (the screen) is really just like a fixed node if (!parent || !parent->inherits( "KdmItem" )) { setFixedLayout(); return; } // Read the mandatory Pos tag. Other tags such as normal, prelighted, // etc.. are read under specific implementations. QDomNodeList childList = node.childNodes(); for (uint nod = 0; nod < childList.count(); nod++) { QDomNode child = childList.item( nod ); QDomElement el = child.toElement(); QString tagName = el.tagName(), attr; if (tagName == "pos") { parseAttribute( el.attribute( "x", QString::null ), pos.x, pos.xType ); parseAttribute( el.attribute( "y", QString::null ), pos.y, pos.yType ); parseAttribute( el.attribute( "width", QString::null ), pos.width, pos.wType ); parseAttribute( el.attribute( "height", QString::null ), pos.height, pos.hType ); pos.anchor = el.attribute( "anchor", "nw" ); } } QDomNode tnode = node; id = tnode.toElement().attribute( "id", QString::number( (ulong)this, 16 ) ); // Tell 'parent' to add 'me' to its children KdmItem *parentItem = static_cast( parent ); parentItem->addChildItem( this ); } KdmItem::~KdmItem() { delete boxManager; delete fixedManager; delete image; } void KdmItem::update() { } void KdmItem::needUpdate() { emit needUpdate( area.x(), area.y(), area.width(), area.height() ); } void KdmItem::show( bool force ) { if (isShown != InitialHidden && !force) return; QValueList::Iterator it; for (it = m_children.begin(); it != m_children.end(); ++it) (*it)->show(); isShown = Shown; if (myWidget) myWidget->show(); // XXX showing of layouts not implemented, prolly pointless anyway needUpdate(); } void KdmItem::hide( bool force ) { if (isShown == ExplicitlyHidden) return; if (isShown == InitialHidden && force) { isShown = ExplicitlyHidden; return; // no need for further action } QValueList::Iterator it; for (it = m_children.begin(); it != m_children.end(); ++it) (*it)->hide(); isShown = force ? ExplicitlyHidden : InitialHidden; if (myWidget) myWidget->hide(); // XXX hiding of layouts not implemented, prolly pointless anyway needUpdate(); } void KdmItem::inheritFromButton( KdmItem *button ) { if (button) buttonParent = button; QValueList::Iterator it; for (it = m_children.begin(); it != m_children.end(); ++it) (*it)->inheritFromButton( button ); } KdmItem * KdmItem::findNode( const QString &_id ) const { if (id == _id) return const_cast( this ); QValueList::ConstIterator it; for (it = m_children.begin(); it != m_children.end(); ++it) { KdmItem *t = (*it)->findNode( _id ); if (t) return t; } return 0; } void KdmItem::setWidget( QWidget *widget ) { // delete myWidget; -- themer->widget() owns the widgets myWidget = widget; if (isHidden()) myWidget->hide(); else myWidget->show(); // Remove borders so that it blends nicely with the theme background QFrame* frame = ::qt_cast( widget ); if (frame) frame->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); myWidget->setGeometry(area); connect( myWidget, SIGNAL(destroyed()), SLOT(widgetGone()) ); } void KdmItem::widgetGone() { myWidget = 0; } void KdmItem::setLayoutItem( QLayoutItem *item ) { myLayoutItem = item; // XXX hiding not supported - it think it's pointless here if (myLayoutItem->widget()) connect( myLayoutItem->widget(), SIGNAL(destroyed()), SLOT(layoutItemGone()) ); else if (myLayoutItem->layout()) connect( myLayoutItem->layout(), SIGNAL(destroyed()), SLOT(layoutItemGone()) ); } void KdmItem::layoutItemGone() { myLayoutItem = 0; } /* This is called as a result of KdmLayout::update, and directly on the root */ void KdmItem::setGeometry( const QRect &newGeometry, bool force ) { kdDebug() << " KdmItem::setGeometry " << id << newGeometry << endl; // check if already 'in place' if (!force && area == newGeometry) return; area = newGeometry; if (myWidget) myWidget->setGeometry( newGeometry ); if (myLayoutItem) myLayoutItem->setGeometry( newGeometry ); // recurr to all boxed children if (boxManager && !boxManager->isEmpty()) boxManager->update( newGeometry, force ); // recurr to all fixed children if (fixedManager && !fixedManager->isEmpty()) fixedManager->update( newGeometry, force ); // TODO send *selective* repaint signal } void KdmItem::paint( QPainter *p, const QRect &rect ) { if (isHidden()) return; if (myWidget || (myLayoutItem && myLayoutItem->widget())) return; if (area.intersects( rect )) { QRect contentsRect = area.intersect( rect ); contentsRect.moveBy( QMIN( 0, -area.x() ), QMIN( 0, -area.y() ) ); drawContents( p, contentsRect ); } #ifdef DRAW_OUTLINE // Draw bounding rect for this item p->setPen( Qt::white ); p->drawRect( area ); #endif if (myLayoutItem) return; // Dispatch paint events to children QValueList::Iterator it; for (it = m_children.begin(); it != m_children.end(); ++it) (*it)->paint( p, rect ); } KdmItem *KdmItem::currentActive = 0; void KdmItem::mouseEvent( int x, int y, bool pressed, bool released ) { if (buttonParent && buttonParent != this) { buttonParent->mouseEvent( x, y, pressed, released ); return; } ItemState oldState = state; if (area.contains( x, y )) { if (released && oldState == Sactive) { if (buttonParent) emit activated( id ); state = Sprelight; currentActive = 0; } else if (pressed || currentActive == this) { state = Sactive; currentActive = this; } else if (!currentActive) state = Sprelight; else state = Snormal; } else { if (released) currentActive = 0; if (currentActive == this) state = Sprelight; else state = Snormal; } if (!buttonParent) { QValueList::Iterator it; for (it = m_children.begin(); it != m_children.end(); ++it) (*it)->mouseEvent( x, y, pressed, released ); } if (oldState != state) statusChanged(); } void KdmItem::statusChanged() { if (buttonParent == this) { QValueList::Iterator it; for (it = m_children.begin(); it != m_children.end(); ++it) { (*it)->state = state; (*it)->statusChanged(); } } } // BEGIN protected inheritable QSize KdmItem::sizeHint() { if (myWidget) return myWidget->size(); if (myLayoutItem) return myLayoutItem->sizeHint(); int w = pos.wType == DTpixel ? kAbs( pos.width ) : -1, h = pos.hType == DTpixel ? kAbs( pos.height ) : -1; return QSize( w, h ); } QRect KdmItem::placementHint( const QRect &parentRect ) { QSize hintedSize = sizeHint(); QSize boxHint; int x = parentRect.left(), y = parentRect.top(), w = parentRect.width(), h = parentRect.height(); kdDebug() << "KdmItem::placementHint parentRect=" << id << parentRect << " hintedSize=" << hintedSize << endl; // check if width or height are set to "box" if (pos.wType == DTbox || pos.hType == DTbox) { if (myLayoutItem || myWidget) boxHint = hintedSize; else { if (!boxManager) return parentRect; boxHint = boxManager->sizeHint(); } kdDebug() << " => boxHint " << boxHint << endl; } if (pos.xType == DTpixel) x += pos.x; else if (pos.xType == DTnpixel) x = parentRect.right() - pos.x; else if (pos.xType == DTpercent) x += int( parentRect.width() / 100.0 * pos.x ); if (pos.yType == DTpixel) y += pos.y; else if (pos.yType == DTnpixel) y = parentRect.bottom() - pos.y; else if (pos.yType == DTpercent) y += int( parentRect.height() / 100.0 * pos.y ); if (pos.wType == DTpixel) w = pos.width; else if (pos.wType == DTnpixel) w -= pos.width; else if (pos.wType == DTpercent) w = int( parentRect.width() / 100.0 * pos.width ); else if (pos.wType == DTbox) w = boxHint.width(); else if (hintedSize.width() > 0) w = hintedSize.width(); else w = 0; if (pos.hType == DTpixel) h = pos.height; else if (pos.hType == DTnpixel) h -= pos.height; else if (pos.hType == DTpercent) h = int( parentRect.height() / 100.0 * pos.height ); else if (pos.hType == DTbox) h = boxHint.height(); else if (hintedSize.height() > 0) h = hintedSize.height(); else h = 0; // defaults to center int dx = -w / 2, dy = -h / 2; // anchor the rect to an edge / corner if (pos.anchor.length() > 0 && pos.anchor.length() < 3) { if (pos.anchor.find( 'n' ) >= 0) dy = 0; if (pos.anchor.find( 's' ) >= 0) dy = -h; if (pos.anchor.find( 'w' ) >= 0) dx = 0; if (pos.anchor.find( 'e' ) >= 0) dx = -w; } // KdmItem *p = static_cast( parent() ); kdDebug() << "KdmItem::placementHint " << id << " x=" << x << " dx=" << dx << " w=" << w << " y=" << y << " dy=" << dy << " h=" << h << " " << parentRect << endl; y += dy; x += dx; // Note: no clipping to parent because this broke many themes! return QRect( x, y, w, h ); } // END protected inheritable void KdmItem::addChildItem( KdmItem *item ) { m_children.append( item ); switch (currentManager) { case MNone: // fallback to the 'fixed' case setFixedLayout(); case MFixed: fixedManager->addItem( item ); break; case MBox: boxManager->addItem( item ); break; } // signal bounce from child to parent connect( item, SIGNAL(needUpdate( int, int, int, int )), SIGNAL(needUpdate( int, int, int, int )) ); connect( item, SIGNAL(activated( const QString & )), SIGNAL(activated( const QString & )) ); } void KdmItem::parseAttribute( const QString &s, int &val, enum DataType &dType ) { if (s.isEmpty()) return; int p; if (s == "box") { // box value dType = DTbox; val = 0; } else if ((p = s.find( '%' )) >= 0) { // percent value dType = DTpercent; QString sCopy = s; sCopy.remove( p, 1 ); sCopy.replace( ',', '.' ); val = (int)sCopy.toDouble(); } else { // int value dType = DTpixel; QString sCopy = s; if (sCopy.at( 0 ) == '-') { sCopy.remove( 0, 1 ); dType = DTnpixel; } sCopy.replace( ',', '.' ); val = (int)sCopy.toDouble(); } } void KdmItem::parseFont( const QString &s, QFont &font ) { int splitAt = s.findRev( ' ' ); if (splitAt < 1) return; font.setFamily( s.left( splitAt ) ); int fontSize = s.mid( splitAt + 1 ).toInt(); if (fontSize > 1) font.setPointSize( fontSize ); } void KdmItem::parseColor( const QString &s, QColor &color ) { if (s.at( 0 ) != '#') return; bool ok; QString sCopy = s; int hexColor = sCopy.remove( 0, 1 ).toInt( &ok, 16 ); if (ok) color.setRgb( hexColor ); } void KdmItem::setBoxLayout( const QDomNode &node ) { if (!boxManager) boxManager = new KdmLayoutBox( node ); currentManager = MBox; } void KdmItem::setFixedLayout( const QDomNode &node ) { if (!fixedManager) fixedManager = new KdmLayoutFixed( node ); currentManager = MFixed; } #include "kdmitem.moc"