

 Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org>

 Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.



#include <config.h>

#include "conditions.h"

#include <typeinfo>

#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <fixx11h.h>

#include "action_data.h"

namespace KHotKeys

// Condition

Condition::Condition( Condition_list_base* parent_P )
    : _parent( parent_P )
    if( _parent )
        _parent->append( this );

Condition::Condition( TDEConfig&, Condition_list_base* parent_P )
    : _parent( parent_P )
    if( _parent )
        _parent->append( this );

Condition* Condition::create_cfg_read( TDEConfig& cfg_P, Condition_list_base* parent_P )
    TQString type = cfg_P.readEntry( "Type" );
    if( type == "ACTIVE_WINDOW" )
        return new Active_window_condition( cfg_P, parent_P );
    if( type == "EXISTING_WINDOW" )
        return new Existing_window_condition( cfg_P, parent_P );
    if( type == "NOT" )
        return new Not_condition( cfg_P, parent_P );
    if( type == "AND" )
        return new And_condition( cfg_P, parent_P );
    if( type == "OR" )
        return new Or_condition( cfg_P, parent_P );
    kdWarning( 1217 ) << "Unknown Condition type read from cfg file\n";
    return NULL;

    if( _parent )
        _parent->remove( this );

void Condition::cfg_write( TDEConfig& cfg_P ) const
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Type", "ERROR" );

void Condition::updated() const
    if( !khotkeys_active())
    assert( _parent != NULL );

void Condition::debug( int depth_P )
    char tmp[ 1024 ];
    int i;
    for( i = 0;
         i < depth_P;
         ++i )
        tmp[ i ] = ' ';
    tmp[ i ] = '\0';
    kdDebug( 1217 ) << tmp << description() << ":(" << this << ")" << endl;

void Condition::debug_list( const TQPtrList< Condition >& list_P, int depth_P )
    char tmp[ 1024 ];
    int i;
    for( i = 0;
         i < depth_P;
         ++i )
        tmp[ i ] = ' ';
    tmp[ i ] = '\0';
    for( TQPtrListIterator< Condition > it( list_P );
         ++it )
        (*it)->debug( depth_P + 1 );

// Condition_list_base

Condition_list_base::Condition_list_base( TDEConfig& cfg_P, Condition_list_base* parent_P )
    : Condition( parent_P )
    TQString save_cfg_group = cfg_P.group();
    int cnt = cfg_P.readNumEntry( "ConditionsCount", 0 );
    for( int i = 0;
         i < cnt;
         ++i )
        cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group + TQString::number( i ));
        (void) Condition::create_cfg_read( cfg_P, this );
    cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group );

    while( !isEmpty())
        Condition* c = getFirst();
        remove( c );
        delete c;
void Condition_list_base::cfg_write( TDEConfig& cfg_P ) const
    TQString save_cfg_group = cfg_P.group();
    int i = 0;
    for( Iterator it( *this );
         ++it, ++i )
        cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group + TQString::number( i ));
        it.current()->cfg_write( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "ConditionsCount", i );

bool Condition_list_base::accepts_children() const
    return true;

void Condition_list_base::debug( int depth_P )
    char tmp[ 1024 ];
    int i;
    for( i = 0;
         i < depth_P;
         ++i )
        tmp[ i ] = ' ';
    tmp[ i ] = '\0';
    kdDebug( 1217 ) << tmp << typeid( *this ).name() << ":(" << this << ")" << endl;
    debug_list( *this, depth_P + 1 );

// Condition_list

Condition_list::Condition_list( TDEConfig& cfg_P, Action_data_base* data_P )
    : Condition_list_base( cfg_P, NULL ), data( data_P )
    _comment = cfg_P.readEntry( "Comment" );

void Condition_list::cfg_write( TDEConfig& cfg_P ) const
    base::cfg_write( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Comment", comment());

Condition_list* Condition_list::copy( Action_data_base* data_P ) const
    Condition_list* ret = new Condition_list( comment(), data_P );
    for( Iterator it( *this );
         ++it )
        ret->append( it.current()->copy( ret ));
    return ret;

bool Condition_list::match() const
    if( count() == 0 ) // no conditions to match => ok
        return true;
    for( Iterator it( *this );
         ++it )
        if( it.current()->match()) // OR
            return true;
    return false;

void Condition_list::updated() const
    if( !khotkeys_active())
//    base::updated(); no need to, doesn't have parent

// CHECKME tohle je drobet hack, jeste to zvazit
void Condition_list::set_data( Action_data_base* data_P )
    assert( data == NULL || data == data_P );
    data = data_P;

const TQString Condition_list::description() const
    assert( false );
    return TQString::null;

Condition_list* Condition_list::copy( Condition_list_base* ) const
    assert( false );
    return NULL;

// Active_window_condition

Active_window_condition::Active_window_condition( TDEConfig& cfg_P, Condition_list_base* parent_P )
    : Condition( cfg_P, parent_P )
    TQString save_cfg_group = cfg_P.group();
    cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group + "Window" );
    _window = new Windowdef_list( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group );

void Active_window_condition::init()
    connect( windows_handler, TQT_SIGNAL( active_window_changed( WId )),
        this, TQT_SLOT( active_window_changed( WId )));

bool Active_window_condition::match() const
    return is_match;

void Active_window_condition::set_match()
    is_match = window()->match( Window_data( windows_handler->active_window()));
    kdDebug( 1217 ) << "Active_window_condition::set_match :" << is_match << endl;

void Active_window_condition::cfg_write( TDEConfig& cfg_P ) const
    base::cfg_write( cfg_P );
    TQString save_cfg_group = cfg_P.group();
    cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group + "Window" );
    window()->cfg_write( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Type", "ACTIVE_WINDOW" ); // overwrites value set in base::cfg_write()

Active_window_condition* Active_window_condition::copy( Condition_list_base* parent_P ) const
Condition* Active_window_condition::copy( Condition_list_base* parent_P ) const
    return new Active_window_condition( window()->copy(), parent_P );

const TQString Active_window_condition::description() const
    return i18n( "Active window: " ) + window()->comment();

void Active_window_condition::active_window_changed( WId )

    disconnect( windows_handler, NULL, this, NULL );
    delete _window;

// Existing_window_condition

Existing_window_condition::Existing_window_condition( TDEConfig& cfg_P, Condition_list_base* parent_P )
    : Condition( cfg_P, parent_P )
    TQString save_cfg_group = cfg_P.group();
    cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group + "Window" );
    _window = new Windowdef_list( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group );

void Existing_window_condition::init()
    connect( windows_handler, TQT_SIGNAL( window_added( WId )), this, TQT_SLOT( window_added( WId )));
    connect( windows_handler, TQT_SIGNAL( window_removed( WId )), this, TQT_SLOT( window_removed( WId )));

bool Existing_window_condition::match() const
    return is_match;

void Existing_window_condition::set_match( WId w_P )
    if( w_P != None && !is_match )
        is_match = window()->match( Window_data( w_P ));
        is_match = windows_handler->find_window( window()) != None;
    kdDebug( 1217 ) << "Existing_window_condition::set_match :" << is_match << endl;

void Existing_window_condition::cfg_write( TDEConfig& cfg_P ) const
    base::cfg_write( cfg_P );
    TQString save_cfg_group = cfg_P.group();
    cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group + "Window" );
    window()->cfg_write( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.setGroup( save_cfg_group );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Type", "EXISTING_WINDOW" ); // overwrites value set in base::cfg_write()

Existing_window_condition* Existing_window_condition::copy( Condition_list_base* parent_P ) const
Condition* Existing_window_condition::copy( Condition_list_base* parent_P ) const
    return new Existing_window_condition( window()->copy(), parent_P );

const TQString Existing_window_condition::description() const
    return i18n( "Existing window: " ) + window()->comment();

void Existing_window_condition::window_added( WId w_P )
    set_match( w_P );

void Existing_window_condition::window_removed( WId )

    disconnect( windows_handler, NULL, this, NULL );
    delete _window;

// Not_condition

Not_condition::Not_condition( TDEConfig& cfg_P, Condition_list_base* parent_P )
    : Condition_list_base( cfg_P, parent_P )
    // CHECKME kontrola poctu ?

bool Not_condition::match() const
    return condition() ? !condition()->match() : false;

void Not_condition::cfg_write( TDEConfig& cfg_P ) const
    base::cfg_write( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Type", "NOT" ); // overwrites value set in base::cfg_write()

Not_condition* Not_condition::copy( Condition_list_base* parent_P ) const
    Not_condition* ret = new Not_condition( parent_P );
    if( condition())
        ret->append( condition()->copy( ret ));
    return ret;

const TQString Not_condition::description() const
    return i18n( "Not_condition", "Not" );

bool Not_condition::accepts_children() const
    return count() == 0;

// And_condition

And_condition::And_condition( TDEConfig& cfg_P, Condition_list_base* parent_P )
    : Condition_list_base( cfg_P, parent_P )
    // CHECKME kontrola poctu ?

bool And_condition::match() const
    for( Iterator it( *this );
         ++it )
        if( !it.current()->match()) // AND
            return false;
    return true; // all true (or empty)

void And_condition::cfg_write( TDEConfig& cfg_P ) const
    base::cfg_write( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Type", "AND" ); // overwrites value set in base::cfg_write()

And_condition* And_condition::copy( Condition_list_base* parent_P ) const
    And_condition* ret = new And_condition( parent_P );
    for( Iterator it( *this );
         ++it )
        ret->append( (*it)->copy( ret ));
    return ret;

const TQString And_condition::description() const
    return i18n( "And_condition", "And" );

// Or_condition

Or_condition::Or_condition( TDEConfig& cfg_P, Condition_list_base* parent_P )
    : Condition_list_base( cfg_P, parent_P )
    // CHECKME kontrola poctu ?

bool Or_condition::match() const
    if( count() == 0 ) // empty => ok
        return true;
    for( Iterator it( *this );
         ++it )
        if( it.current()->match()) // OR
            return true;
    return false;

void Or_condition::cfg_write( TDEConfig& cfg_P ) const
    base::cfg_write( cfg_P );
    cfg_P.writeEntry( "Type", "OR" ); // overwrites value set in base::cfg_write()

Or_condition* Or_condition::copy( Condition_list_base* parent_P ) const
    Or_condition* ret = new Or_condition( parent_P );
    for( Iterator it( *this );
         ++it )
        ret->append( (*it)->copy( ret ));
    return ret;

const TQString Or_condition::description() const
    return i18n( "Or_condition", "Or" );

} // namespace KHotKeys

#include "conditions.moc"