/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (c) 2000 Matthias Hoelzer-Kluepfel This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kio_man.h" #include "kio_man.moc" #include "man2html.h" #include #include #include using namespace KIO; MANProtocol *MANProtocol::_self = 0; #define SGML2ROFF_DIRS "/usr/lib/sgml" /* * Drop trailing ".section[.gz]" from name */ static void stripExtension( TQString *name ) { int pos = name->length(); if ( name->tqfind(".gz", -3) != -1 ) pos -= 3; else if ( name->tqfind(".z", -2, false) != -1 ) pos -= 2; else if ( name->tqfind(".bz2", -4) != -1 ) pos -= 4; else if ( name->tqfind(".bz", -3) != -1 ) pos -= 3; if ( pos > 0 ) pos = name->tqfindRev('.', pos-1); if ( pos > 0 ) name->truncate( pos ); } static bool parseUrl(const TQString& _url, TQString &title, TQString §ion) { section = TQString::null; TQString url = _url; if (url.at(0) == '/') { if (KStandardDirs::exists(url)) { title = url; return true; } else { // If the directory does not exist, then it is perhaps a normal man page kdDebug(7107) << url << " does not exist" << endl; } } while (url.at(0) == '/') url.remove(0,1); title = url; int pos = url.tqfind('('); if (pos < 0) return true; title = title.left(pos); section = url.mid(pos+1); section = section.left(section.length()-1); return true; } MANProtocol::MANProtocol(const TQCString &pool_socket, const TQCString &app_socket) : TQObject(), SlaveBase("man", pool_socket, app_socket) { assert(!_self); _self = this; const TQString common_dir = KGlobal::dirs()->findResourceDir( "html", "en/common/kde-common.css" ); const TQString strPath=TQString( "file:%1/en/common" ).arg( common_dir ); m_htmlPath=strPath.local8Bit(); // ### TODO encode for HTML m_cssPath=strPath.local8Bit(); // ### TODO encode for CSS section_names << "1" << "2" << "3" << "3n" << "3p" << "4" << "5" << "6" << "7" << "8" << "9" << "l" << "n"; m_manCSSFile = locate( "data", "kio_man/kio_man.css" ); } MANProtocol *MANProtocol::self() { return _self; } MANProtocol::~MANProtocol() { _self = 0; } void MANProtocol::parseWhatIs( TQMap &i, TQTextStream &t, const TQString &mark ) { TQRegExp re( mark ); TQString l; while ( !t.atEnd() ) { l = t.readLine(); int pos = re.search( l ); if (pos != -1) { TQString names = l.left(pos); TQString descr = l.mid(pos + re.matchedLength()); while ((pos = names.tqfind(",")) != -1) { i[names.left(pos++)] = descr; while (names[pos] == ' ') pos++; names = names.mid(pos); } i[names] = descr; } } } bool MANProtocol::addWhatIs(TQMap &i, const TQString &name, const TQString &mark) { TQFile f(name); if (!f.open(IO_ReadOnly)) return false; TQTextStream t(&f); parseWhatIs( i, t, mark ); return true; } TQMap MANProtocol::buildIndexMap(const TQString §ion) { TQMap i; TQStringList man_dirs = manDirectories(); // Supplementary places for whatis databases man_dirs += m_mandbpath; if (man_dirs.tqfind("/var/cache/man")==man_dirs.end()) man_dirs << "/var/cache/man"; if (man_dirs.tqfind("/var/catman")==man_dirs.end()) man_dirs << "/var/catman"; TQStringList names; names << "whatis.db" << "whatis"; TQString mark = "\\s+\\(" + section + "[a-z]*\\)\\s+-\\s+"; for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it_dir = man_dirs.begin(); it_dir != man_dirs.end(); ++it_dir ) { if ( TQFile::exists( *it_dir ) ) { TQStringList::ConstIterator it_name; for ( it_name = names.begin(); it_name != names.end(); it_name++ ) { if (addWhatIs(i, (*it_dir) + "/" + (*it_name), mark)) break; } if ( it_name == names.end() ) { KProcess proc; proc << "whatis" << "-M" << (*it_dir) << "-w" << "*"; myStdStream = TQString::null; connect( &proc, TQT_SIGNAL( receivedStdout(KProcess *, char *, int ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotGetStdOutput( KProcess *, char *, int ) ) ); proc.start( KProcess::Block, KProcess::Stdout ); TQTextStream t( &myStdStream, IO_ReadOnly ); parseWhatIs( i, t, mark ); } } } return i; } TQStringList MANProtocol::manDirectories() { checkManPaths(); // // Build a list of man directories including translations // TQStringList man_dirs; for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it_dir = m_manpath.begin(); it_dir != m_manpath.end(); it_dir++ ) { // Translated pages in "/" if the directory // exists TQStringList languages = KGlobal::locale()->languageList(); for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it_lang = languages.begin(); it_lang != languages.end(); it_lang++ ) { if ( !(*it_lang).isEmpty() && (*it_lang) != TQString("C") ) { TQString dir = (*it_dir) + '/' + (*it_lang); struct stat sbuf; if ( ::stat( TQFile::encodeName( dir ), &sbuf ) == 0 && S_ISDIR( sbuf.st_mode ) ) { const TQString p = TQDir(dir).canonicalPath(); if (!man_dirs.tqcontains(p)) man_dirs += p; } } } // Untranslated pages in "" const TQString p = TQDir(*it_dir).canonicalPath(); if (!man_dirs.tqcontains(p)) man_dirs += p; } return man_dirs; } TQStringList MANProtocol::findPages(const TQString &_section, const TQString &title, bool full_path) { TQString section = _section; TQStringList list; // kdDebug() << "findPages '" << section << "' '" << title << "'\n"; if (title.at(0) == '/') { list.append(title); return list; } const TQString star( "*" ); // // Find man sections in this directory // TQStringList sect_list; if ( section.isEmpty() ) section = star; if ( section != star ) { // // Section given as argument // sect_list += section; while (section.at(section.length() - 1).isLetter()) { section.truncate(section.length() - 1); sect_list += section; } } else { sect_list += section; } TQStringList man_dirs = manDirectories(); // // Find man pages in the sections listed above // for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it_sect = sect_list.begin(); it_sect != sect_list.end(); it_sect++ ) { TQString it_real = (*it_sect).lower(); // // Find pages // for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it_dir = man_dirs.begin(); it_dir != man_dirs.end(); it_dir++ ) { TQString man_dir = (*it_dir); // // Sections = all sub directories "man*" and "sman*" // DIR *dp = ::opendir( TQFile::encodeName( man_dir ) ); if ( !dp ) continue; struct dirent *ep; const TQString man = TQString("man"); const TQString sman = TQString("sman"); while ( (ep = ::readdir( dp )) != 0L ) { const TQString file = TQFile::decodeName( ep->d_name ); TQString sect = TQString::null; if ( file.startsWith( man ) ) sect = file.mid(3); else if (file.startsWith(sman)) sect = file.mid(4); if (sect.lower()==it_real) it_real = sect; // Only add sect if not already contained, avoid duplicates if (!sect_list.tqcontains(sect) && _section.isEmpty()) { kdDebug() << "another section " << sect << endl; sect_list += sect; } } ::closedir( dp ); if ( *it_sect != star ) { // in that case we only look around for sections const TQString dir = man_dir + TQString("/man") + (it_real) + '/'; const TQString sdir = man_dir + TQString("/sman") + (it_real) + '/'; findManPagesInSection(dir, title, full_path, list); findManPagesInSection(sdir, title, full_path, list); } } } // kdDebug(7107) << "finished " << list << " " << sect_list << endl; return list; } void MANProtocol::findManPagesInSection(const TQString &dir, const TQString &title, bool full_path, TQStringList &list) { kdDebug() << "findManPagesInSection " << dir << " " << title << endl; bool title_given = !title.isEmpty(); DIR *dp = ::opendir( TQFile::encodeName( dir ) ); if ( !dp ) return; struct dirent *ep; while ( (ep = ::readdir( dp )) != 0L ) { if ( ep->d_name[0] != '.' ) { TQString name = TQFile::decodeName( ep->d_name ); // check title if we're looking for a specific page if ( title_given ) { if ( !name.startsWith( title ) ) { continue; } else { // beginning matches, do a more thorough check... TQString tmp_name = name; stripExtension( &tmp_name ); if ( tmp_name != title ) continue; } } if ( full_path ) name.prepend( dir ); list += name ; } } ::closedir( dp ); } void MANProtocol::output(const char *insert) { if (insert) { m_outputBuffer.writeBlock(insert,strlen(insert)); } if (!insert || m_outputBuffer.at() >= 2048) { m_outputBuffer.close(); data(m_outputBuffer.buffer()); m_outputBuffer.setBuffer(TQByteArray()); m_outputBuffer.open(IO_WriteOnly); } } // called by man2html char *read_man_page(const char *filename) { return MANProtocol::self()->readManPage(filename); } // called by man2html void output_real(const char *insert) { MANProtocol::self()->output(insert); } static TQString text2html(const TQString& txt) { TQString reply = txt; reply = reply.tqreplace('&', "&"); reply = reply.tqreplace('<', "<"); reply = reply.tqreplace('>', ">"); reply = reply.tqreplace('"', "&dquot;"); reply = reply.tqreplace('\'', """); return reply; } void MANProtocol::get(const KURL& url ) { kdDebug(7107) << "GET " << url.url() << endl; TQString title, section; if (!parseUrl(url.path(), title, section)) { showMainIndex(); return; } // see if an index was requested if (url.query().isEmpty() && (title.isEmpty() || title == "/" || title == ".")) { if (section == "index" || section.isEmpty()) showMainIndex(); else showIndex(section); return; } // tell the mimetype mimeType("text/html"); const TQStringList foundPages=findPages(section, title); bool pageFound=true; if (foundPages.isEmpty()) { outputError(i18n("No man page matching to %1 found.

" "Check that you have not mistyped the name of the page that you want.\n" "Be careful that you must take care about upper case and lower case characters!
" "If everything looks correct, then perhaps you need to set a better search path " "for man pages, be it by the environment variable MANPATH or a matching file " "in the directory /etc .").arg(text2html(title))); pageFound=false; } else if (foundPages.count()>1) { pageFound=false; //check for the case that there is foo.1 and foo.1.gz found: // ### TODO make it more generic (other extensions) if ((foundPages.count()==2) && (((foundPages[0]+".gz") == foundPages[1]) || (foundPages[0] == (foundPages[1]+".gz")))) pageFound=true; else outputMatchingPages(foundPages); } //yes, we found exactly one man page if (pageFound) { setResourcePath(m_htmlPath,m_cssPath); m_outputBuffer.open(IO_WriteOnly); const TQCString filename=TQFile::encodeName(foundPages[0]); char *buf = readManPage(filename); if (!buf) { outputError(i18n("Open of %1 failed.").arg(title)); finished(); return; } // will call output_real scan_man_page(buf); delete [] buf; output(0); // flush m_outputBuffer.close(); data(m_outputBuffer.buffer()); m_outputBuffer.setBuffer(TQByteArray()); // tell we are done data(TQByteArray()); } finished(); } void MANProtocol::slotGetStdOutput(KProcess* /* p */, char *s, int len) { myStdStream += TQString::fromLocal8Bit(s, len); } void MANProtocol::slotGetStdOutputUtf8(KProcess* /* p */, char *s, int len) { myStdStream += TQString::fromUtf8(s, len); } char *MANProtocol::readManPage(const char *_filename) { TQCString filename = _filename; char *buf = NULL; /* Determine type of man page file by checking its path. Determination by * MIME type with KMimeType doesn't work reliablely. E.g., Solaris 7: * /usr/man/sman7fs/pcfs.7fs -> text/x-csrc : WRONG * If the path name constains the string sman, assume that it's SGML and * convert it to roff format (used on Solaris). */ //TQString file_mimetype = KMimeType::findByPath(TQString(filename), 0, false)->name(); if (filename.tqcontains("sman", false)) //file_mimetype == "text/html" || ) { myStdStream =TQString::null; KProcess proc; /* Determine path to sgml2roff, if not already done. */ getProgramPath(); proc << mySgml2RoffPath << filename; TQApplication::connect(&proc, TQT_SIGNAL(receivedStdout (KProcess *, char *, int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotGetStdOutput(KProcess *, char *, int))); proc.start(KProcess::Block, KProcess::All); const TQCString cstr=myStdStream.latin1(); const int len = cstr.size()-1; buf = new char[len + 4]; tqmemmove(buf + 1, cstr.data(), len); buf[0]=buf[len]='\n'; // Start and end with a end of line buf[len+1]=buf[len+2]='\0'; // Two additional NUL characters at end } else { if (TQDir::isRelativePath(filename)) { kdDebug(7107) << "relative " << filename << endl; filename = TQDir::cleanDirPath(lastdir + "/" + filename).utf8(); if (!KStandardDirs::exists(filename)) { // exists perhaps with suffix lastdir = filename.left(filename.tqfindRev('/')); TQDir mandir(lastdir); mandir.setNameFilter(filename.mid(filename.tqfindRev('/') + 1) + ".*"); filename = lastdir + "/" + TQFile::encodeName(mandir.entryList().first()); } kdDebug(7107) << "resolved to " << filename << endl; } lastdir = filename.left(filename.tqfindRev('/')); myStdStream = TQString::null; KProcess proc; /* TODO: detect availability of 'man --recode' so that this can go * upstream */ proc << "man" << "--recode" << "UTF-8" << filename; TQApplication::connect(&proc, TQT_SIGNAL(receivedStdout (KProcess *, char *, int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotGetStdOutputUtf8(KProcess *, char *, int))); proc.start(KProcess::Block, KProcess::All); const TQCString cstr=myStdStream.utf8(); const int len = cstr.size()-1; buf = new char[len + 4]; tqmemmove(buf + 1, cstr.data(), len); buf[0]=buf[len]='\n'; // Start and end with a end of line buf[len+1]=buf[len+2]='\0'; // Two NUL characters at end } return buf; } void MANProtocol::outputError(const TQString& errmsg) { TQByteArray array; TQTextStream os(array, IO_WriteOnly); os.setEncoding(TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8); os << "" << endl; os << "" << endl; os << "" << i18n("Man output") << "\n" << endl; if ( !m_manCSSFile.isEmpty() ) os << "" << endl; os << "" << endl; os << i18n("

KDE Man Viewer Error

") << errmsg << "" << endl; os << "" << endl; data(array); } void MANProtocol::outputMatchingPages(const TQStringList &matchingPages) { TQByteArray array; TQTextStream os(array, IO_WriteOnly); os.setEncoding(TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8); os << "" << endl; os << "\n"<" << i18n("Man output") <<"" << endl; if ( !m_manCSSFile.isEmpty() ) os << "" << endl; os << "" <

" << i18n("There is more than one matching man page."); os << "

    \n"; int acckey=1; for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = matchingPages.begin(); it != matchingPages.end(); ++it) { os<<"
  • "<< *it <<"
    \n"; acckey++; } os << "
\n"; os << "
\n"; os << "

" << i18n("Note: if you read a man page in your language," " be aware it can contain some mistakes or be obsolete." " In case of doubt, you should have a look at the English version.") << "

"; os << "\n"<" << endl; os << "" << endl; os << "" << i18n("UNIX Manual Index") << "" << endl; if (!m_manCSSFile.isEmpty()) os << "" << endl; os << "" << endl; os << "

" << i18n("UNIX Manual Index") << "

" << endl; // ### TODO: why still the environment variable const TQString sectList = getenv("MANSECT"); TQStringList sections; if (sectList.isEmpty()) sections = buildSectionList(manDirectories()); else sections = TQStringList::split(':', sectList); os << "" << endl; TQStringList::ConstIterator it; for (it = sections.begin(); it != sections.end(); ++it) os << "" << endl; os << "
" << i18n("Section ") << *it << "  " << sectionName(*it) << "
" << endl; // print footer os << "" << endl; data(array); finished(); } void MANProtocol::constructPath(TQStringList& constr_path, TQStringList constr_catmanpath) { TQMap manpath_map; TQMap mandb_map; // Add paths from /etc/man.conf // // Explicit manpaths may be given by lines starting with "MANPATH" or // "MANDATORY_MANPATH" (depending on system ?). // Mappings from $PATH to manpath are given by lines starting with // "MANPATH_MAP" TQRegExp manpath_regex( "^MANPATH\\s" ); TQRegExp mandatory_regex( "^MANDATORY_MANPATH\\s" ); TQRegExp manpath_map_regex( "^MANPATH_MAP\\s" ); TQRegExp mandb_map_regex( "^MANDB_MAP\\s" ); //TQRegExp section_regex( "^SECTION\\s" ); TQRegExp space_regex( "\\s+" ); // for parsing manpath map TQFile mc("/etc/man.conf"); // Caldera if (!mc.exists()) mc.setName("/etc/manpath.config"); // SuSE, Debian if (!mc.exists()) mc.setName("/etc/man.config"); // Mandrake if (mc.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { TQTextStream is(&mc); is.setEncoding(TQTextStream::Locale); while (!is.eof()) { const TQString line = is.readLine(); if ( manpath_regex.search(line, 0) == 0 ) { const TQString path = line.mid(8).stripWhiteSpace(); constr_path += path; } else if ( mandatory_regex.search(line, 0) == 0 ) { const TQString path = line.mid(18).stripWhiteSpace(); constr_path += path; } else if ( manpath_map_regex.search(line, 0) == 0 ) { // The entry is "MANPATH_MAP " const TQStringList mapping = TQStringList::split(space_regex, line); if ( mapping.count() == 3 ) { const TQString dir = TQDir::cleanDirPath( mapping[1] ); const TQString mandir = TQDir::cleanDirPath( mapping[2] ); manpath_map[ dir ] = mandir; } } else if ( mandb_map_regex.search(line, 0) == 0 ) { // The entry is "MANDB_MAP " const TQStringList mapping = TQStringList::split(space_regex, line); if ( mapping.count() == 3 ) { const TQString mandir = TQDir::cleanDirPath( mapping[1] ); const TQString catmandir = TQDir::cleanDirPath( mapping[2] ); mandb_map[ mandir ] = catmandir; } } /* sections are not used else if ( section_regex.tqfind(line, 0) == 0 ) { if ( !conf_section.isEmpty() ) conf_section += ':'; conf_section += line.mid(8).stripWhiteSpace(); } */ } mc.close(); } // Default paths static const char *manpaths[] = { "/usr/X11/man", "/usr/X11R6/man", "/usr/man", "/usr/local/man", "/usr/exp/man", "/usr/openwin/man", "/usr/dt/man", "/opt/freetool/man", "/opt/local/man", "/usr/tex/man", "/usr/www/man", "/usr/lang/man", "/usr/gnu/man", "/usr/share/man", "/usr/motif/man", "/usr/titools/man", "/usr/sunpc/man", "/usr/ncd/man", "/usr/newsprint/man", NULL }; int i = 0; while (manpaths[i]) { if ( constr_path.tqfindIndex( TQString( manpaths[i] ) ) == -1 ) constr_path += TQString( manpaths[i] ); i++; } // Directories in $PATH // - if a manpath mapping exists, use that mapping // - if a directory "/man" or "/../man" exists, add it // to the man path (the actual existence check is done further down) if ( ::getenv("PATH") ) { const TQStringList path = TQStringList::split( ":", TQString::fromLocal8Bit( ::getenv("PATH") ) ); for ( TQStringList::const_iterator it = path.begin(); it != path.end(); ++it ) { const TQString dir = TQDir::cleanDirPath( *it ); TQString mandir = manpath_map[ dir ]; if ( !mandir.isEmpty() ) { // a path mapping exists if ( constr_path.tqfindIndex( mandir ) == -1 ) constr_path += mandir; } else { // no manpath mapping, use "/man" and "/../man" mandir = dir + TQString( "/man" ); if ( constr_path.tqfindIndex( mandir ) == -1 ) constr_path += mandir; int pos = dir.tqfindRev( '/' ); if ( pos > 0 ) { mandir = dir.left( pos ) + TQString("/man"); if ( constr_path.tqfindIndex( mandir ) == -1 ) constr_path += mandir; } } TQString catmandir = mandb_map[ mandir ]; if ( !mandir.isEmpty() ) { if ( constr_catmanpath.tqfindIndex( catmandir ) == -1 ) constr_catmanpath += catmandir; } else { // What is the default mapping? catmandir = mandir; catmandir.tqreplace("/usr/share/","/var/cache/"); if ( constr_catmanpath.tqfindIndex( catmandir ) == -1 ) constr_catmanpath += catmandir; } } } } void MANProtocol::checkManPaths() { static bool inited = false; if (inited) return; inited = true; const TQString manpath_env = TQString::fromLocal8Bit( ::getenv("MANPATH") ); //TQString mansect_env = TQString::fromLocal8Bit( ::getenv("MANSECT") ); // Decide if $MANPATH is enough on its own or if it should be merged // with the constructed path. // A $MANPATH starting or ending with ":", or containing "::", // should be merged with the constructed path. bool construct_path = false; if ( manpath_env.isEmpty() || manpath_env[0] == ':' || manpath_env[manpath_env.length()-1] == ':' || manpath_env.tqcontains( "::" ) ) { construct_path = true; // need to read config file } // Constucted man path -- consists of paths from // /etc/man.conf // default dirs // $PATH TQStringList constr_path; TQStringList constr_catmanpath; // catmanpath TQString conf_section; if ( construct_path ) { constructPath(constr_path, constr_catmanpath); } m_mandbpath=constr_catmanpath; // Merge $MANPATH with the constructed path to form the // actual manpath. // // The merging syntax with ":" and "::" in $MANPATH will be // satisfied if any empty string in path_list_env (there // should be 1 or 0) is replaced by the constructed path. const TQStringList path_list_env = TQStringList::split( ':', manpath_env , true ); for ( TQStringList::const_iterator it = path_list_env.begin(); it != path_list_env.end(); ++it ) { struct stat sbuf; TQString dir = (*it); if ( !dir.isEmpty() ) { // Add dir to the man path if it exists if ( m_manpath.tqfindIndex( dir ) == -1 ) { if ( ::stat( TQFile::encodeName( dir ), &sbuf ) == 0 && S_ISDIR( sbuf.st_mode ) ) { m_manpath += dir; } } } else { // Insert constructed path ($MANPATH was empty, or // there was a ":" at an end or "::") for ( TQStringList::Iterator it2 = constr_path.begin(); it2 != constr_path.end(); it2++ ) { dir = (*it2); if ( !dir.isEmpty() ) { if ( m_manpath.tqfindIndex( dir ) == -1 ) { if ( ::stat( TQFile::encodeName( dir ), &sbuf ) == 0 && S_ISDIR( sbuf.st_mode ) ) { m_manpath += dir; } } } } } } /* sections are not used // Sections TQStringList m_mansect = TQStringList::split( ':', mansect_env, true ); const char* default_sect[] = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "n", 0L }; for ( int i = 0; default_sect[i] != 0L; i++ ) if ( m_mansect.tqfindIndex( TQString( default_sect[i] ) ) == -1 ) m_mansect += TQString( default_sect[i] ); */ } //#define _USE_OLD_CODE #ifdef _USE_OLD_CODE #warning "using old code" #else // Define this, if you want to compile with qsort from stdlib.h // else the Qt Heapsort will be used. // Note, qsort seems to be a bit faster (~10%) on a large man section // eg. man section 3 #define _USE_QSORT // Setup my own structure, with char pointers. // from now on only pointers are copied, no strings // // containing the whole path string, // the beginning of the man page name // and the length of the name struct man_index_t { char *manpath; // the full path including man file const char *manpage_begin; // pointer to the begin of the man file name in the path int manpage_len; // len of the man file name }; typedef man_index_t *man_index_ptr; #ifdef _USE_QSORT int compare_man_index(const void *s1, const void *s2) { struct man_index_t *m1 = *(struct man_index_t **)s1; struct man_index_t *m2 = *(struct man_index_t **)s2; int i; // Compare the names of the pages // with the shorter length. // Man page names are not '\0' terminated, so // this is a bit tricky if ( m1->manpage_len > m2->manpage_len) { i = qstrnicmp( m1->manpage_begin, m2->manpage_begin, m2->manpage_len); if (!i) return 1; return i; } if ( m1->manpage_len < m2->manpage_len) { i = qstrnicmp( m1->manpage_begin, m2->manpage_begin, m1->manpage_len); if (!i) return -1; return i; } return qstrnicmp( m1->manpage_begin, m2->manpage_begin, m1->manpage_len); } #else /* !_USE_QSORT */ #warning using heapsort // Set up my own man page list, // with a special compare function to sort itself typedef TQPtrList QManIndexListBase; typedef TQPtrListIterator QManIndexListIterator; class QManIndexList : public QManIndexListBase { public: private: int compareItems( TQPtrCollection::Item s1, TQPtrCollection::Item s2 ) { struct man_index_t *m1 = (struct man_index_t *)s1; struct man_index_t *m2 = (struct man_index_t *)s2; int i; // compare the names of the pages // with the shorter length if (m1->manpage_len > m2->manpage_len) { i = qstrnicmp(m1->manpage_begin, m2->manpage_begin, m2->manpage_len); if (!i) return 1; return i; } if (m1->manpage_len > m2->manpage_len) { i = qstrnicmp(m1->manpage_begin, m2->manpage_begin, m1->manpage_len); if (!i) return -1; return i; } return qstrnicmp(m1->manpage_begin, m2->manpage_begin, m1->manpage_len); } }; #endif /* !_USE_QSORT */ #endif /* !_USE_OLD_CODE */ void MANProtocol::showIndex(const TQString& section) { TQByteArray array; TQTextStream os(array, IO_WriteOnly); os.setEncoding(TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8); // print header os << "" << endl; os << "" << endl; os << "" << i18n("UNIX Manual Index") << "" << endl; if ( !m_manCSSFile.isEmpty() ) os << "" << endl; os << "" << endl; os << "
" << endl; os << "

" << i18n( "Index for Section %1: %2").arg(section).arg(sectionName(section)) << "

" << endl; // compose list of search paths ------------------------------------------------------------- checkManPaths(); infoMessage(i18n("Generating Index")); // search for the man pages TQStringList pages = findPages( section, TQString::null ); TQMap indexmap = buildIndexMap(section); // print out the list os << "" << endl; #ifdef _USE_OLD_CODE pages.sort(); TQMap pagemap; TQStringList::ConstIterator page; for (page = pages.begin(); page != pages.end(); ++page) { TQString fileName = *page; stripExtension( &fileName ); pos = fileName.tqfindRev('/'); if (pos > 0) fileName = fileName.mid(pos+1); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) pagemap[fileName] = *page; } for (TQMap::ConstIterator it = pagemap.begin(); it != pagemap.end(); ++it) { os << "" << endl; } #else /* ! _USE_OLD_CODE */ #ifdef _USE_QSORT int listlen = pages.count(); man_index_ptr *indexlist = new man_index_ptr[listlen]; listlen = 0; #else /* !_USE_QSORT */ QManIndexList manpages; manpages.setAutoDelete(TRUE); #endif /* _USE_QSORT */ TQStringList::const_iterator page; for (page = pages.begin(); page != pages.end(); ++page) { // I look for the beginning of the man page name // i.e. "bla/pagename.3.gz" by looking for the last "/" // Then look for the end of the name by searching backwards // for the last ".", not counting zip extensions. // If the len of the name is >0, // store it in the list structure, to be sorted later char *manpage_end; struct man_index_t *manindex = new man_index_t; manindex->manpath = strdup((*page).utf8()); manindex->manpage_begin = strrchr(manindex->manpath, '/'); if (manindex->manpage_begin) { manindex->manpage_begin++; assert(manindex->manpage_begin >= manindex->manpath); } else { manindex->manpage_begin = manindex->manpath; assert(manindex->manpage_begin >= manindex->manpath); } // Skip extension ".section[.gz]" char *begin = (char*)(manindex->manpage_begin); int len = strlen( begin ); char *end = begin+(len-1); if ( len >= 3 && strcmp( end-2, ".gz" ) == 0 ) end -= 3; else if ( len >= 2 && strcmp( end-1, ".Z" ) == 0 ) end -= 2; else if ( len >= 2 && strcmp( end-1, ".z" ) == 0 ) end -= 2; else if ( len >= 4 && strcmp( end-3, ".bz2" ) == 0 ) end -= 4; while ( end >= begin && *end != '.' ) end--; if ( end < begin ) manpage_end = 0; else manpage_end = end; if (NULL == manpage_end) { // no '.' ending ??? // set the pointer past the end of the filename manindex->manpage_len = (*page).length(); manindex->manpage_len -= (manindex->manpage_begin - manindex->manpath); assert(manindex->manpage_len >= 0); } else { manindex->manpage_len = (manpage_end - manindex->manpage_begin); assert(manindex->manpage_len >= 0); } if (0 < manindex->manpage_len) { #ifdef _USE_QSORT indexlist[listlen] = manindex; listlen++; #else /* !_USE_QSORT */ manpages.append(manindex); #endif /* _USE_QSORT */ } } // // Now do the sorting on the page names // and the printout afterwards // While printing avoid duplicate man page names // struct man_index_t dummy_index = {0l,0l,0}; struct man_index_t *last_index = &dummy_index; #ifdef _USE_QSORT // sort and print qsort(indexlist, listlen, sizeof(struct man_index_t *), compare_man_index); TQChar firstchar, tmp; TQString indexLine="
\n"; if (indexlist[0]->manpage_len>0) { firstchar=TQChar((indexlist[0]->manpage_begin)[0]).lower(); const TQString appendixstr = TQString( " [%3]\n" ).arg(firstchar).arg(firstchar).arg(firstchar); indexLine.append(appendixstr); } os << "
" << endl; for (int i=0; imanpage_begin" has not, // so do compare at most "manindex->manpage_len" of the strings. if (last_index->manpage_len == manindex->manpage_len && !tqstrncmp(last_index->manpage_begin, manindex->manpage_begin, manindex->manpage_len) ) { continue; } tmp=TQChar((manindex->manpage_begin)[0]).lower(); if (firstchar != tmp) { firstchar = tmp; os << "" << endl; const TQString appendixstr = TQString( " [%3]\n" ).arg(firstchar).arg(firstchar).arg(firstchar); indexLine.append(appendixstr); } os << "" << endl; last_index = manindex; } indexLine.append(""); for (int i=0; imanpath); // allocated by strdup delete indexlist[i]; } delete [] indexlist; #else /* !_USE_QSORT */ manpages.sort(); // using for (QManIndexListIterator mit(manpages); mit.current(); ++mit ) { struct man_index_t *manindex = mit.current(); // tqstrncmp(): // "last_man" has already a \0 string ending, but // "manindex->manpage_begin" has not, // so do compare at most "manindex->manpage_len" of the strings. if (last_index->manpage_len == manindex->manpage_len && !tqstrncmp(last_index->manpage_begin, manindex->manpage_begin, manindex->manpage_len) ) { continue; } os << "" << endl; last_index = manindex; } #endif /* _USE_QSORT */ #endif /* _USE_OLD_CODE */ os << "
\n" << it.key() << "  " << (indexmap.tqcontains(it.key()) ? indexmap[it.key()] : "" ) << "
\n " << firstchar <<"\n
\n " << firstchar << "\n
manpath << "\">\n"; ((char *)manindex->manpage_begin)[manindex->manpage_len] = '\0'; os << manindex->manpage_begin << "  " << (indexmap.tqcontains(manindex->manpage_begin) ? indexmap[manindex->manpage_begin] : "" ) << "
manpath << "\">\n"; manindex->manpage_begin[manindex->manpage_len] = '\0'; os << manindex->manpage_begin << "  " << (indexmap.tqcontains(manindex->manpage_begin) ? indexmap[manindex->manpage_begin] : "" ) << "
" << endl; os << indexLine << endl; // print footer os << "" << endl; infoMessage(TQString::null); mimeType("text/html"); data(array); finished(); } void MANProtocol::listDir(const KURL &url) { kdDebug( 7107 ) << "ENTER listDir: " << url.prettyURL() << endl; TQString title; TQString section; if ( !parseUrl(url.path(), title, section) ) { error( KIO::ERR_MALFORMED_URL, url.url() ); return; } TQStringList list = findPages( section, TQString::null, false ); UDSEntryList uds_entry_list; UDSEntry uds_entry; UDSAtom uds_atom; uds_atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_NAME; // we only do names... uds_entry.append( uds_atom ); TQStringList::Iterator it = list.begin(); TQStringList::Iterator end = list.end(); for ( ; it != end; ++it ) { stripExtension( &(*it) ); uds_entry[0].m_str = *it; uds_entry_list.append( uds_entry ); } listEntries( uds_entry_list ); finished(); } void MANProtocol::getProgramPath() { if (!mySgml2RoffPath.isEmpty()) return; mySgml2RoffPath = KGlobal::dirs()->findExe("sgml2roff"); if (!mySgml2RoffPath.isEmpty()) return; /* sgml2roff isn't found in PATH. Check some possible locations where it may be found. */ mySgml2RoffPath = KGlobal::dirs()->findExe("sgml2roff", TQString(SGML2ROFF_DIRS)); if (!mySgml2RoffPath.isEmpty()) return; /* Cannot find sgml2roff programm: */ outputError(i18n("Could not find the sgml2roff program on your system. Please install it, if necessary, and extend the search path by adjusting the environment variable PATH before starting KDE.")); finished(); exit(); }