/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "konq_listview.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static TQString retrieveExtraEntry( KFileItem* fileitem, int numExtra ) { /// ######## SLOOOOW TDEIO::UDSEntry::ConstIterator it = fileitem->entry().begin(); const TDEIO::UDSEntry::ConstIterator end = fileitem->entry().end(); int n = 0; for( ; it != end; ++it ) { if ((*it).m_uds == TDEIO::UDS_EXTRA) { ++n; if ( n == numExtra ) { return (*it).m_str; } } } return TQString::null; } /************************************************************** * * KonqListViewItem * **************************************************************/ KonqListViewItem::KonqListViewItem( KonqBaseListViewWidget *_listViewWidget, KonqListViewItem * _parent, KFileItem* _fileitem ) : KonqBaseListViewItem( _listViewWidget, _parent, _fileitem ), m_pixmaps( listView()->columns() ) { updateContents(); } KonqListViewItem::KonqListViewItem( KonqBaseListViewWidget *_listViewWidget, KFileItem* _fileitem ) : KonqBaseListViewItem( _listViewWidget, _fileitem ), m_pixmaps( listView()->columns() ) { updateContents(); } KonqListViewItem::~KonqListViewItem() { for ( TQValueVector::iterator it = m_pixmaps.begin(), itEnd = m_pixmaps.end(); it != itEnd; ++it ) delete *it; } void KonqListViewItem::updateContents() { // Set the pixmap setDisabled( m_bDisabled ); // Set the text of each column setText( 0, m_fileitem->text() ); // The order is: .dir (0), dir (1), .file (2), file (3) sortChar = S_ISDIR( m_fileitem->mode() ) ? 1 : 3; if ( m_fileitem->text()[0] == '.' ) --sortChar; //now we have the first column, so let's do the rest int numExtra = 1; for ( unsigned int i=0; iNumberOfAtoms; i++ ) { ColumnInfo *tmpColumn=&m_pListViewWidget->columnConfigInfo()[i]; if (tmpColumn->displayThisOne) { switch (tmpColumn->udsId) { case TDEIO::UDS_USER: setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn,m_fileitem->user()); break; case TDEIO::UDS_GROUP: setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn,m_fileitem->group()); break; case TDEIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE: setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn,m_fileitem->mimeComment()); break; case TDEIO::UDS_MIME_TYPE: setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn,m_fileitem->mimetype()); break; case TDEIO::UDS_URL: setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn,m_fileitem->url().prettyURL()); break; case TDEIO::UDS_LINK_DEST: setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn,m_fileitem->linkDest()); break; case TDEIO::UDS_SIZE: if ( m_pListViewWidget->m_pSettings->fileSizeInBytes() ) setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn,TDEGlobal::locale()->formatNumber( m_fileitem->size(),0)+" "); else setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn,TDEIO::convertSize(m_fileitem->size())+" "); break; case TDEIO::UDS_ACCESS: setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn,m_fileitem->permissionsString()); break; case TDEIO::UDS_MODIFICATION_TIME: case TDEIO::UDS_ACCESS_TIME: case TDEIO::UDS_CREATION_TIME: { TQDateTime dt; time_t _time = m_fileitem->time( tmpColumn->udsId ); if ( _time != 0 ) { dt.setTime_t( _time ); setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn,TDEGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(dt)); } } break; case TDEIO::UDS_EXTRA: { const TQString entryStr = retrieveExtraEntry( m_fileitem, numExtra ); if ( tmpColumn->type == TQVariant::DateTime ) { TQDateTime dt = TQT_TQDATETIME_OBJECT(TQDateTime::fromString( entryStr, Qt::ISODate )); setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn, TDEGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(dt)); } else // if ( tmpColumn->type == TQVariant::String ) setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn, entryStr); ++numExtra; break; } default: break; }; }; }; } void KonqListViewItem::setDisabled( bool disabled ) { KonqBaseListViewItem::setDisabled( disabled ); int iconSize = m_pListViewWidget->iconSize(); iconSize = iconSize ? iconSize : TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->currentSize( KIcon::Small ); // Default = small setPixmap( 0, m_fileitem->pixmap( iconSize, state() ) ); } void KonqListViewItem::setActive( bool active ) { if ( m_bActive == active ) return; //#### Optimize away repaint if possible, like the iconview does? KonqBaseListViewItem::setActive( active ); int iconSize = m_pListViewWidget->iconSize(); iconSize = iconSize ? iconSize : TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->currentSize( KIcon::Small ); // Default = small setPixmap( 0, m_fileitem->pixmap( iconSize, state() ) ); } void KonqListViewItem::setPixmap( int column, const TQPixmap& pm ) { if ( column < 0 ) return; const TQPixmap *current = pixmap( column ); if ( ( pm.isNull() && !current ) || ( current && pm.serialNumber() == current->serialNumber() ) ) return; int oldWidth = current ? current->width() : 0; int oldHeight = current ? current->height() : 0; if ( (int)m_pixmaps.size() <= column ) m_pixmaps.resize( column+1 ); delete current; m_pixmaps[column] = pm.isNull() ? 0 : new TQPixmap( pm ); int newWidth = pm.isNull() ? 0 : pm.width(); int newHeight = pm.isNull() ? 0 : pm.height(); // If the height or width have changed then we're going to have to repaint // this whole thing. Fortunately since most of the calls are coming from // setActive() this is the uncommon case. if ( oldWidth != newWidth || oldHeight != newHeight ) { setup(); widthChanged( column ); invalidateHeight(); return; } // If we're just replacing the icon with another one its size -- i.e. a // "highlighted" icon, don't bother repainting the whole widget. TQListView *lv = m_pListViewWidget; int decorationWidth = lv->treeStepSize() * ( depth() + ( lv->rootIsDecorated() ? 1 : 0 ) ); int x = lv->header()->sectionPos( column ) + decorationWidth + lv->itemMargin(); int y = lv->itemPos( this ); int w = newWidth; int h = height(); lv->repaintContents( x, y, w, h ); } const TQPixmap* KonqListViewItem::pixmap( int column ) const { bool ok; if ((int)m_pixmaps.count() <= column) return 0; TQPixmap *pm = m_pixmaps.at( column, &ok ); if( !ok ) return 0; return pm; } int KonqBaseListViewItem::compare( TQListViewItem* item, int col, bool ascending ) const { KonqListViewItem* k = static_cast( item ); if ( sortChar != k->sortChar ) // Dirs are always first, even when sorting in descending order return !ascending ? k->sortChar - sortChar : sortChar - k->sortChar; int numExtra = 0; for ( unsigned int i=0; iNumberOfAtoms; i++ ) { ColumnInfo *cInfo = &m_pListViewWidget->columnConfigInfo()[i]; if ( cInfo->udsId == TDEIO::UDS_EXTRA ) ++numExtra; if ( col == cInfo->displayInColumn ) { switch ( cInfo->udsId ) { case TDEIO::UDS_MODIFICATION_TIME: case TDEIO::UDS_ACCESS_TIME: case TDEIO::UDS_CREATION_TIME: { time_t t1 = m_fileitem->time( cInfo->udsId ); time_t t2 = k->m_fileitem->time( cInfo->udsId ); return ( t1 > t2 ) ? 1 : ( t1 < t2 ) ? -1 : 0; } case TDEIO::UDS_SIZE: { TDEIO::filesize_t s1 = m_fileitem->size(); TDEIO::filesize_t s2 = k->m_fileitem->size(); return ( s1 > s2 ) ? 1 : ( s1 < s2 ) ? -1 : 0; } case TDEIO::UDS_EXTRA: { if ( cInfo->type & TQVariant::DateTime ) { const TQString entryStr1 = retrieveExtraEntry( m_fileitem, numExtra ); TQDateTime dt1 = TQT_TQDATETIME_OBJECT(TQDateTime::fromString( entryStr1, Qt::ISODate )); const TQString entryStr2 = retrieveExtraEntry( k->m_fileitem, numExtra ); TQDateTime dt2 = TQT_TQDATETIME_OBJECT(TQDateTime::fromString( entryStr2, Qt::ISODate )); return ( dt1 > dt2 ) ? 1 : ( dt1 < dt2 ) ? -1 : 0; } } default: break; } break; } } if ( m_pListViewWidget->caseInsensitiveSort() ) return text( col ).lower().localeAwareCompare( k->text( col ).lower() ); else { return m_pListViewWidget->m_pSettings->caseSensitiveCompare( text( col ), k->text( col ) ); } } void KonqListViewItem::paintCell( TQPainter *_painter, const TQColorGroup & _cg, int _column, int _width, int _alignment ) { TQColorGroup cg( _cg ); if ( _column == 0 ) { _painter->setFont( m_pListViewWidget->itemFont() ); } cg.setColor( TQColorGroup::Text, m_pListViewWidget->itemColor() ); TDEListView *lv = static_cast< TDEListView* >( listView() ); const TQPixmap *pm = TQT_TQPIXMAP_CONST(lv->viewport()->paletteBackgroundPixmap()); if ( _column == 0 && isSelected() && !lv->allColumnsShowFocus() ) { int newWidth = width( lv->fontMetrics(), lv, _column ); if ( newWidth > _width ) newWidth = _width; if ( pm && !pm->isNull() ) { cg.setBrush( TQColorGroup::Base, TQBrush( backgroundColor(_column), *pm ) ); TQPoint o = _painter->brushOrigin(); _painter->setBrushOrigin( o.x() - lv->contentsX(), o.y() - lv->contentsY() ); const TQColorGroup::ColorRole crole = TQPalette::backgroundRoleFromMode( lv->viewport()->backgroundMode() ); _painter->fillRect( newWidth, 0, _width - newWidth, height(), cg.brush( crole ) ); _painter->setBrushOrigin( o ); } else { _painter->fillRect( newWidth, 0, _width - newWidth, height(), backgroundColor(_column) ); } _width = newWidth; } TDEListViewItem::paintCell( _painter, cg, _column, _width, _alignment ); } void KonqListViewItem::paintFocus( TQPainter * _painter, const TQColorGroup & cg, const TQRect & _r ) { TQRect r( _r ); TQListView *lv = static_cast< TQListView * >( listView() ); r.setWidth( width( lv->fontMetrics(), lv, 0 ) ); if ( r.right() > lv->header()->sectionRect( 0 ).right() ) r.setRight( lv->header()->sectionRect( 0 ).right() ); TQListViewItem::paintFocus( _painter, cg, r ); } const char* KonqBaseListViewItem::makeAccessString( const mode_t mode) { static char buffer[ 12 ]; char uxbit,gxbit,oxbit; if ( (mode & (S_IXUSR|S_ISUID)) == (S_IXUSR|S_ISUID) ) uxbit = 's'; else if ( (mode & (S_IXUSR|S_ISUID)) == S_ISUID ) uxbit = 'S'; else if ( (mode & (S_IXUSR|S_ISUID)) == S_IXUSR ) uxbit = 'x'; else uxbit = '-'; if ( (mode & (S_IXGRP|S_ISGID)) == (S_IXGRP|S_ISGID) ) gxbit = 's'; else if ( (mode & (S_IXGRP|S_ISGID)) == S_ISGID ) gxbit = 'S'; else if ( (mode & (S_IXGRP|S_ISGID)) == S_IXGRP ) gxbit = 'x'; else gxbit = '-'; if ( (mode & (S_IXOTH|S_ISVTX)) == (S_IXOTH|S_ISVTX) ) oxbit = 't'; else if ( (mode & (S_IXOTH|S_ISVTX)) == S_ISVTX ) oxbit = 'T'; else if ( (mode & (S_IXOTH|S_ISVTX)) == S_IXOTH ) oxbit = 'x'; else oxbit = '-'; buffer[0] = ((( mode & S_IRUSR ) == S_IRUSR ) ? 'r' : '-' ); buffer[1] = ((( mode & S_IWUSR ) == S_IWUSR ) ? 'w' : '-' ); buffer[2] = uxbit; buffer[3] = ((( mode & S_IRGRP ) == S_IRGRP ) ? 'r' : '-' ); buffer[4] = ((( mode & S_IWGRP ) == S_IWGRP ) ? 'w' : '-' ); buffer[5] = gxbit; buffer[6] = ((( mode & S_IROTH ) == S_IROTH ) ? 'r' : '-' ); buffer[7] = ((( mode & S_IWOTH ) == S_IWOTH ) ? 'w' : '-' ); buffer[8] = oxbit; buffer[9] = 0; return buffer; } KonqBaseListViewItem::KonqBaseListViewItem(KonqBaseListViewWidget *_listViewWidget, KFileItem* _fileitem) :TDEListViewItem(_listViewWidget) ,sortChar(0) ,m_bDisabled(false) ,m_bActive(false) ,m_fileitem(_fileitem) ,m_pListViewWidget(_listViewWidget) {} KonqBaseListViewItem::KonqBaseListViewItem(KonqBaseListViewWidget *_listViewWidget, KonqBaseListViewItem *_parent, KFileItem* _fileitem) :TDEListViewItem(_parent) ,sortChar(0) ,m_bDisabled(false) ,m_bActive(false) ,m_fileitem(_fileitem) ,m_pListViewWidget(_listViewWidget) {} KonqBaseListViewItem::~KonqBaseListViewItem() { if (m_pListViewWidget->m_activeItem == this) m_pListViewWidget->m_activeItem = 0; if (m_pListViewWidget->m_dragOverItem == this) m_pListViewWidget->m_dragOverItem = 0; if (m_pListViewWidget->m_selected) m_pListViewWidget->m_selected->removeRef(this); } TQRect KonqBaseListViewItem::rect() const { TQRect r = m_pListViewWidget->itemRect(this); return TQRect( m_pListViewWidget->viewportToContents( r.topLeft() ), TQSize( r.width(), r.height() ) ); } void KonqBaseListViewItem::mimetypeFound() { // Update icon setDisabled( m_bDisabled ); uint done = 0; KonqBaseListViewWidget * lv = m_pListViewWidget; for (unsigned int i=0; iNumberOfAtoms && done < 2; i++) { ColumnInfo *tmpColumn=&lv->columnConfigInfo()[i]; if (lv->columnConfigInfo()[i].udsId==TDEIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE && tmpColumn->displayThisOne) { setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn, m_fileitem->mimeComment()); done++; } if (lv->columnConfigInfo()[i].udsId==TDEIO::UDS_MIME_TYPE && tmpColumn->displayThisOne) { setText(tmpColumn->displayInColumn, m_fileitem->mimetype()); done++; } } }