/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2000,2001 Carsten Pfeiffer 2000 David Faure This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "history_module.h" #include "history_settings.h" static KStaticDeleter sd; KonqSidebarHistorySettings * KonqSidebarHistoryModule::s_settings = 0L; KonqSidebarHistoryModule::KonqSidebarHistoryModule( KonqSidebarTree * parentTree, const char *name ) : TQObject( 0L, name ), KonqSidebarTreeModule( parentTree ), m_dict( 349 ), m_topLevelItem( 0L ), m_dlg( 0L ), m_initialized( false ) { if ( !s_settings ) { sd.setObject( s_settings, new KonqSidebarHistorySettings( 0, "history settings" )); s_settings->readSettings( true ); } connect( s_settings, TQ_SIGNAL( settingsChanged() ), TQ_SLOT( slotSettingsChanged() )); m_dict.setAutoDelete( true ); m_currentTime = TQDateTime::currentDateTime(); TDEConfig *kc = TDEGlobal::config(); TDEConfigGroupSaver cs( kc, "HistorySettings" ); m_sortsByName = kc->readEntry( "SortHistory", "byDate" ) == "byName"; KonqHistoryManager *manager = KonqHistoryManager::kself(); connect( manager, TQ_SIGNAL( loadingFinished() ), TQ_SLOT( slotCreateItems() )); connect( manager, TQ_SIGNAL( cleared() ), TQ_SLOT( clear() )); connect( manager, TQ_SIGNAL( entryAdded( const KonqHistoryEntry * ) ), TQ_SLOT( slotEntryAdded( const KonqHistoryEntry * ) )); connect( manager, TQ_SIGNAL( entryRemoved( const KonqHistoryEntry *) ), TQ_SLOT( slotEntryRemoved( const KonqHistoryEntry *) )); connect( parentTree, TQ_SIGNAL( expanded( TQListViewItem * )), TQ_SLOT( slotItemExpanded( TQListViewItem * ))); m_collection = new TDEActionCollection( this, "history actions" ); (void) new TDEAction( i18n("New &Window"), "window-new", 0, this, TQ_SLOT( slotNewWindow() ), m_collection, "open_new"); (void) new TDEAction( i18n("&Remove Entry"), "edit-delete", 0, this, TQ_SLOT( slotRemoveEntry() ), m_collection, "remove"); (void) new TDEAction( i18n("C&lear History"), "history_clear", 0, this, TQ_SLOT( slotClearHistory() ), m_collection, "clear"); (void) new TDEAction( i18n("&Preferences..."), "configure", 0, this, TQ_SLOT( slotPreferences()), m_collection, "preferences"); TDERadioAction *sort; sort = new TDERadioAction( i18n("By &Name"), 0, this, TQ_SLOT( slotSortByName() ), m_collection, "byName"); sort->setExclusiveGroup("SortGroup"); sort->setChecked( m_sortsByName ); sort = new TDERadioAction( i18n("By &Date"), 0, this, TQ_SLOT( slotSortByDate() ), m_collection, "byDate"); sort->setExclusiveGroup("SortGroup"); sort->setChecked( !m_sortsByName ); m_folderClosed = SmallIcon( "folder" ); m_folderOpen = SmallIcon( "folder_open" ); slotSettingsChanged(); // read the settings } KonqSidebarHistoryModule::~KonqSidebarHistoryModule() { HistoryItemIterator it( m_dict ); TQStringList openGroups; while ( it.current() ) { if ( it.current()->isOpen() ) openGroups.append( it.currentKey() ); ++it; } TDEConfig *kc = TDEGlobal::config(); TDEConfigGroupSaver cs( kc, "HistorySettings" ); kc->writeEntry("OpenGroups", openGroups); kc->sync(); } void KonqSidebarHistoryModule::slotSettingsChanged() { KonqSidebarHistoryItem::setSettings( s_settings ); tree()->triggerUpdate(); } void KonqSidebarHistoryModule::slotCreateItems() { TQApplication::setOverrideCursor( KCursor::waitCursor() ); clear(); KonqSidebarHistoryItem *item; KonqHistoryEntry *entry; KonqHistoryList entries( KonqHistoryManager::kself()->entries() ); KonqHistoryIterator it( entries ); m_currentTime = TQDateTime::currentDateTime(); // the group item and the item of the serverroot '/' get a fav-icon // if available. All others get the protocol icon. while ( (entry = it.current()) ) { KonqSidebarHistoryGroupItem *group = getGroupItem( entry->url ); item = new KonqSidebarHistoryItem( entry, group, m_topLevelItem ); ++it; } TDEConfig *kc = TDEGlobal::config(); TDEConfigGroupSaver cs( kc, "HistorySettings" ); TQStringList openGroups = kc->readListEntry("OpenGroups"); TQStringList::Iterator it2 = openGroups.begin(); KonqSidebarHistoryGroupItem *group; while ( it2 != openGroups.end() ) { group = m_dict.find( *it2 ); if ( group ) group->setOpen( true ); ++it2; } TQApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); m_initialized = true; } // deletes the listview items but does not affect the history backend void KonqSidebarHistoryModule::clear() { m_dict.clear(); } void KonqSidebarHistoryModule::slotEntryAdded( const KonqHistoryEntry *entry ) { if ( !m_initialized ) return; m_currentTime = TQDateTime::currentDateTime(); KonqSidebarHistoryGroupItem *group = getGroupItem( entry->url ); KonqSidebarHistoryItem *item = group->findChild( entry ); if ( !item ) item = new KonqSidebarHistoryItem( entry, group, m_topLevelItem ); else item->update( entry ); // TQListView scrolls when calling sort(), so we have to hack around that // (we don't want no scrolling every time an entry is added) KonqSidebarTree *t = tree(); t->lockScrolling( true ); group->sort(); m_topLevelItem->sort(); tqApp->processOneEvent(); t->lockScrolling( false ); } void KonqSidebarHistoryModule::slotEntryRemoved( const KonqHistoryEntry *entry ) { if ( !m_initialized ) return; TQString groupKey = groupForURL( entry->url ); KonqSidebarHistoryGroupItem *group = m_dict.find( groupKey ); if ( !group ) return; delete group->findChild( entry ); if ( group->childCount() == 0 ) m_dict.remove( groupKey ); } void KonqSidebarHistoryModule::addTopLevelItem( KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem * item ) { m_topLevelItem = item; } bool KonqSidebarHistoryModule::handleTopLevelContextMenu( KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem *, const TQPoint& pos ) { showPopupMenu( ModuleContextMenu, pos ); return true; } void KonqSidebarHistoryModule::showPopupMenu() { showPopupMenu( EntryContextMenu | ModuleContextMenu, TQCursor::pos() ); } void KonqSidebarHistoryModule::showPopupMenu( int which, const TQPoint& pos ) { TQPopupMenu *sortMenu = new TQPopupMenu; m_collection->action("byName")->plug( sortMenu ); m_collection->action("byDate")->plug( sortMenu ); TQPopupMenu *menu = new TQPopupMenu; if ( which & EntryContextMenu ) { m_collection->action("open_new")->plug( menu ); menu->insertSeparator(); m_collection->action("remove")->plug( menu ); } m_collection->action("clear")->plug( menu ); menu->insertSeparator(); menu->insertItem( i18n("Sort"), sortMenu ); menu->insertSeparator(); m_collection->action("preferences")->plug( menu ); menu->exec( pos ); delete menu; delete sortMenu; } void KonqSidebarHistoryModule::slotNewWindow() { kdDebug(1201)<<"void KonqSidebarHistoryModule::slotNewWindow()"<selectedItem(); KonqSidebarHistoryItem *hi = dynamic_cast( item ); if ( hi ) { kdDebug(1201)<<"void KonqSidebarHistoryModule::slotNewWindow(): emitting createNewWindow"<createNewWindow( hi->url() ); } } void KonqSidebarHistoryModule::slotRemoveEntry() { TQListViewItem *item = tree()->selectedItem(); KonqSidebarHistoryItem *hi = dynamic_cast( item ); if ( hi ) // remove a single entry KonqHistoryManager::kself()->emitRemoveFromHistory( hi->externalURL()); else { // remove a group of entries KonqSidebarHistoryGroupItem *gi = dynamic_cast( item ); if ( gi ) gi->remove(); } } void KonqSidebarHistoryModule::slotPreferences() { // Run the history sidebar settings. KRun::run( "tdecmshell kcmhistory", KURL::List() ); } void KonqSidebarHistoryModule::slotSortByName() { m_sortsByName = true; sortingChanged(); } void KonqSidebarHistoryModule::slotSortByDate() { m_sortsByName = false; sortingChanged(); } void KonqSidebarHistoryModule::sortingChanged() { m_topLevelItem->sort(); TDEConfig *kc = TDEGlobal::config(); TDEConfigGroupSaver cs( kc, "HistorySettings" ); kc->writeEntry( "SortHistory", m_sortsByName ? "byName" : "byDate" ); kc->sync(); } void KonqSidebarHistoryModule::slotItemExpanded( TQListViewItem *item ) { if ( item == m_topLevelItem && !m_initialized ) slotCreateItems(); } void KonqSidebarHistoryModule::groupOpened( KonqSidebarHistoryGroupItem *item, bool open ) { if ( item->hasFavIcon() ) return; if ( open ) item->setPixmap( 0, m_folderOpen ); else item->setPixmap( 0, m_folderClosed ); } KonqSidebarHistoryGroupItem * KonqSidebarHistoryModule::getGroupItem( const KURL& url ) { const TQString& groupKey = groupForURL( url ); KonqSidebarHistoryGroupItem *group = m_dict.find( groupKey ); if ( !group ) { group = new KonqSidebarHistoryGroupItem( url, m_topLevelItem ); TQString icon = KonqFavIconMgr::iconForURL( url.url() ); if ( icon.isEmpty() ) group->setPixmap( 0, m_folderClosed ); else group->setFavIcon( SmallIcon( icon ) ); group->setText( 0, groupKey ); m_dict.insert( groupKey, group ); } return group; } void KonqSidebarHistoryModule::slotClearHistory() { KGuiItem guiitem = KStdGuiItem::clear(); guiitem.setIconSet( SmallIconSet("history_clear")); if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( tree(), i18n("Do you really want to clear " "the entire history?"), i18n("Clear History?"), guiitem ) == KMessageBox::Continue ) KonqHistoryManager::kself()->emitClear(); } extern "C" { TDE_EXPORT KonqSidebarTreeModule* create_konq_sidebartree_history(KonqSidebarTree* par, const bool) { return new KonqSidebarHistoryModule(par); } } #include "history_module.moc"