/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2000 David Faure 2000 Carsten Pfeiffer 2003 Waldo Bastian This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "konq_sidebartreemodule.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const int autoOpenTimeout = 750; getModule KonqSidebarTree::getPluginFactory(TQString name) { if (!pluginFactories.contains(name)) { KLibLoader *loader = KLibLoader::self(); TQString libName = pluginInfo[name]; KLibrary *lib = loader->library(TQFile::encodeName(libName)); if (lib) { // get the create_ function TQString factory = "create_" + libName; void *create = lib->symbol(TQFile::encodeName(factory)); if (create) { getModule func = (getModule)create; pluginFactories.insert(name, func); kdDebug()<<"Added a module"<findAllResources("data","konqsidebartng/dirtree/*.desktop",false,true); for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it=list.begin();it!=list.end();++it) { KSimpleConfig ksc(*it); ksc.setGroup("Desktop Entry"); TQString name = ksc.readEntry("X-TDE-TreeModule"); TQString libName = ksc.readEntry("X-TDE-TreeModule-Lib"); if ((name.isEmpty()) || (libName.isEmpty())) {kdWarning()<<"Bad Configuration file for a dirtree module "<<*it<m_dropMode = SidebarTreeMode; loadModuleFactories(); setAcceptDrops( true ); viewport()->setAcceptDrops( true ); m_lstModules.setAutoDelete( true ); setSelectionMode( TQListView::Single ); setDragEnabled(true); m_part = parent; m_animationTimer = new TQTimer( this ); connect( m_animationTimer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotAnimation() ) ); m_currentBeforeDropItem = 0; m_dropItem = 0; m_bOpeningFirstChild=false; addColumn( TQString::null ); header()->hide(); setTreeStepSize(15); m_autoOpenTimer = new TQTimer( this ); connect( m_autoOpenTimer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotAutoOpenFolder() ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( doubleClicked( TQListViewItem * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotDoubleClicked( TQListViewItem * ) ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( mouseButtonPressed(int, TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&, int)), this, TQT_SLOT( slotMouseButtonPressed(int, TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&, int)) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( mouseButtonClicked( int, TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&, int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotSidebarMouseButtonClicked( int, TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&, int ) ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( returnPressed( TQListViewItem * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotDoubleClicked( TQListViewItem * ) ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( selectionChanged() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotSelectionChanged() ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(itemRenamed(TQListViewItem*, const TQString &, int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotItemRenamed(TQListViewItem*, const TQString &, int))); /* assert( m_part->getInterfaces()->getInstance()->dirs ); TQString dirtreeDir = m_part->getInterfaces()->getInstance()->dirs()->saveLocation( "data", "konqueror/dirtree/" ); */ // assert( TDEGlobal::dirs() ); // TQString dirtreeDir = part->getInterfaces()->getInstance()->dirs()->saveLocation( "data", "konqueror/dirtree/" ); if (virt==VIRT_Folder) { m_dirtreeDir.dir.setPath(TDEGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("data","konqsidebartng/virtual_folders/"+path+"/")); m_dirtreeDir.relDir=path; } else m_dirtreeDir.dir.setPath( path ); kdDebug(1201)<setOpen(true); m_bOpeningFirstChild = false; } setFrameStyle( TQFrame::ToolBarPanel | TQFrame::Raised ); } KonqSidebarTree::~KonqSidebarTree() { clearTree(); delete d; } void KonqSidebarTree::itemDestructed( KonqSidebarTreeItem *item ) { stopAnimation(item); if (item == m_currentBeforeDropItem) { m_currentBeforeDropItem = 0; } } void KonqSidebarTree::setDropFormats(const TQStringList &formats) { d->m_dropFormats = formats; } void KonqSidebarTree::clearTree() { m_lstModules.clear(); m_topLevelItems.clear(); m_mapCurrentOpeningFolders.clear(); m_currentBeforeDropItem = 0; clear(); if (m_dirtreeDir.type==VIRT_Folder) { setRootIsDecorated( true ); } else { setRootIsDecorated( false ); } } void KonqSidebarTree::followURL( const KURL &url ) { // Maybe we're there already ? KonqSidebarTreeItem *selection = static_cast( selectedItem() ); if (selection && selection->externalURL().equals( url, true )) { ensureItemVisible( selection ); return; } kdDebug(1201) << "KonqDirTree::followURL: " << url.url() << endl; TQPtrListIterator topItem ( m_topLevelItems ); for (; topItem.current(); ++topItem ) { if ( topItem.current()->externalURL().isParentOf( url ) ) { topItem.current()->module()->followURL( url ); return; // done } } kdDebug(1201) << "KonqDirTree::followURL: Not found" << endl; } void KonqSidebarTree::contentsDragEnterEvent( TQDragEnterEvent *ev ) { m_dropItem = 0; m_currentBeforeDropItem = selectedItem(); // Save the available formats m_lstDropFormats.clear(); for( int i = 0; ev->format( i ); i++ ) if ( *( ev->format( i ) ) ) m_lstDropFormats.append( ev->format( i ) ); } void KonqSidebarTree::contentsDragMoveEvent( TQDragMoveEvent *e ) { TQListViewItem *item = itemAt( contentsToViewport( e->pos() ) ); // Accept drops on the background, if URLs if ( !item && m_lstDropFormats.contains("text/uri-list") ) { m_dropItem = 0; e->acceptAction(); if (selectedItem()) setSelected( selectedItem(), false ); // no item selected return; } if (item && static_cast(item)->acceptsDrops( m_lstDropFormats )) { d->m_dropMode = SidebarTreeMode; if ( !item->isSelectable() ) { m_dropItem = 0; m_autoOpenTimer->stop(); e->ignore(); return; } e->acceptAction(); setSelected( item, true ); if ( item != m_dropItem ) { m_autoOpenTimer->stop(); m_dropItem = item; m_autoOpenTimer->start( autoOpenTimeout ); } } else { d->m_dropMode = TDEListViewMode; TDEListView::contentsDragMoveEvent(e); } } void KonqSidebarTree::contentsDragLeaveEvent( TQDragLeaveEvent *ev ) { // Restore the current item to what it was before the dragging (#17070) if ( m_currentBeforeDropItem ) setSelected( m_currentBeforeDropItem, true ); else setSelected( m_dropItem, false ); // no item selected m_currentBeforeDropItem = 0; m_dropItem = 0; m_lstDropFormats.clear(); if (d->m_dropMode == TDEListViewMode) { TDEListView::contentsDragLeaveEvent(ev); } } void KonqSidebarTree::contentsDropEvent( TQDropEvent *ev ) { if (d->m_dropMode == SidebarTreeMode) { m_autoOpenTimer->stop(); if ( !selectedItem() ) { // KonqOperations::doDrop( 0L, m_dirtreeDir.dir, ev, this ); KURL::List urls; if ( KURLDrag::decode( ev, urls ) ) { for(KURL::List::ConstIterator it = urls.begin(); it != urls.end(); ++it) { addURL(0, *it); } } } else { KonqSidebarTreeItem *selection = static_cast( selectedItem() ); selection->drop( ev ); } } else { TDEListView::contentsDropEvent(ev); } } static TQString findUniqueFilename(const TQString &path, TQString filename) { if (filename.endsWith(".desktop")) filename.truncate(filename.length()-8); TQString name = filename; int n = 2; while(TQFile::exists(path + filename + ".desktop")) { filename = TQString("%2_%1").arg(n++).arg(name); } return path+filename+".desktop"; } void KonqSidebarTree::addURL(KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem* item, const KURL & url) { TQString path; if (item) path = item->path(); else path = m_dirtreeDir.dir.path(); KURL destUrl; if (url.isLocalFile() && url.fileName().endsWith(".desktop")) { TQString filename = findUniqueFilename(path, url.fileName()); destUrl.setPath(filename); TDEIO::NetAccess::copy(url, destUrl, this); } else { TQString name = url.host(); if (name.isEmpty()) name = url.fileName(); TQString filename = findUniqueFilename(path, name); destUrl.setPath(filename); KDesktopFile cfg(filename); cfg.writeEntry("Encoding", "UTF-8"); cfg.writeEntry("Type","Link"); cfg.writeEntry("URL", url.url()); TQString icon = "folder"; if (!url.isLocalFile()) icon = KMimeType::favIconForURL(url); if (icon.isEmpty()) icon = KProtocolInfo::icon( url.protocol() ); cfg.writeEntry("Icon", icon); cfg.writeEntry("Name", name); cfg.writeEntry("Open", false); cfg.sync(); } KDirNotify_stub allDirNotify( "*", "KDirNotify*" ); destUrl.setPath( destUrl.directory() ); allDirNotify.FilesAdded( destUrl ); if (item) item->setOpen(true); } bool KonqSidebarTree::acceptDrag(TQDropEvent* e) const { // for TDEListViewMode... for( int i = 0; e->format( i ); i++ ) if ( d->m_dropFormats.contains(e->format( i ) ) ) return true; return false; } TQDragObject* KonqSidebarTree::dragObject() { KonqSidebarTreeItem* item = static_cast( selectedItem() ); if ( !item ) return 0; TQDragObject* drag = item->dragObject( viewport(), false ); if ( !drag ) return 0; const TQPixmap *pix = item->pixmap(0); if ( pix && drag->pixmap().isNull() ) drag->setPixmap( *pix ); return drag; } void KonqSidebarTree::leaveEvent( TQEvent *e ) { TDEListView::leaveEvent( e ); // emitStatusBarText( TQString::null ); } void KonqSidebarTree::slotDoubleClicked( TQListViewItem *item ) { //kdDebug(1201) << "KonqSidebarTree::slotDoubleClicked " << item << endl; if ( !item ) return; if ( !static_cast(item)->isClickable() ) return; slotExecuted( item ); item->setOpen( !item->isOpen() ); } void KonqSidebarTree::slotExecuted( TQListViewItem *item ) { kdDebug(1201) << "KonqSidebarTree::slotExecuted " << item << endl; if ( !item ) return; if ( !static_cast(item)->isClickable() ) return; KonqSidebarTreeItem *dItem = static_cast( item ); KParts::URLArgs args; args.serviceType = dItem->externalMimeType(); args.trustedSource = true; KURL externalURL = dItem->externalURL(); if ( !externalURL.isEmpty() ) { openURLRequest( externalURL, args ); } } void KonqSidebarTree::slotMouseButtonPressed( int _button, TQListViewItem* _item, const TQPoint&, int col ) { KonqSidebarTreeItem * item = static_cast( _item ); if (_button == Qt::RightButton) { if ( item && col < 2) { item->setSelected( true ); item->rightButtonPressed(); } } } // This is named slotSidebarMouseButtonClicked() so as not to conflict with slotMouseButtonClicked() // If the same name is used, both slots will be disconnected whenever mouse settings are loaded // See tdelistview.cpp slotSettingsChanged() and Bug 1515 for details void KonqSidebarTree::slotSidebarMouseButtonClicked(int _button, TQListViewItem* _item, const TQPoint&, int col) { KonqSidebarTreeItem * item = static_cast(_item); if(_item && col < 2) { switch( _button ) { case Qt::LeftButton: slotExecuted( item ); break; case Qt::MidButton: item->middleButtonClicked(); break; } } } void KonqSidebarTree::slotAutoOpenFolder() { m_autoOpenTimer->stop(); if ( !m_dropItem || m_dropItem->isOpen() ) return; m_dropItem->setOpen( true ); m_dropItem->repaint(); } void KonqSidebarTree::rescanConfiguration() { kdDebug(1201) << "KonqSidebarTree::rescanConfiguration()" << endl; m_autoOpenTimer->stop(); clearTree(); if (m_dirtreeDir.type==VIRT_Folder) { kdDebug(1201)<<"KonqSidebarTree::rescanConfiguration()-->scanDir"<loadTopLevel"<( selectedItem() ); if ( item ) item->itemSelected(); /* else -- doesn't seem to happen {} */ } } void KonqSidebarTree::FilesAdded( const KURL & dir ) { kdDebug(1201) << "KonqSidebarTree::FilesAdded " << dir.url() << endl; if ( m_dirtreeDir.dir.isParentOf( dir ) ) // We use a timer in case of DCOP re-entrance.. TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, TQT_SLOT( rescanConfiguration() ) ); } void KonqSidebarTree::FilesRemoved( const KURL::List & urls ) { //kdDebug(1201) << "KonqSidebarTree::FilesRemoved " << urls.count() << endl; for ( KURL::List::ConstIterator it = urls.begin() ; it != urls.end() ; ++it ) { //kdDebug(1201) << "KonqSidebarTree::FilesRemoved " << (*it).prettyURL() << endl; if ( m_dirtreeDir.dir.isParentOf( *it ) ) { TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, TQT_SLOT( rescanConfiguration() ) ); kdDebug(1201) << "KonqSidebarTree::FilesRemoved done" << endl; return; } } } void KonqSidebarTree::FilesChanged( const KURL::List & urls ) { //kdDebug(1201) << "KonqSidebarTree::FilesChanged" << endl; // not same signal, but same implementation FilesRemoved( urls ); } void KonqSidebarTree::scanDir( KonqSidebarTreeItem *parent, const TQString &path, bool isRoot ) { TQDir dir( path ); if ( !dir.isReadable() ) return; kdDebug(1201) << "scanDir " << path << endl; TQStringList entries = dir.entryList( TQDir::Files ); TQStringList dirEntries = dir.entryList( TQDir::Dirs | TQDir::NoSymLinks ); dirEntries.remove( "." ); dirEntries.remove( ".." ); if ( isRoot ) { bool copyConfig = ( entries.count() == 0 && dirEntries.count() == 0 ); if (!copyConfig) { // Check version number // Version 1 was the dirtree of KDE 2.0.x (no versioning at that time, so default) // Version 2 includes the history // Version 3 includes the bookmarks // Version 4 includes lan.desktop and floppy.desktop, Alex // Version 5 includes the audiocd browser // Version 6 includes the printmanager and lan browser // Version 7 includes TDE specific changes to network places const int currentVersion = 7; TQString key = TQString::fromLatin1("X-TDE-DirTreeVersionNumber"); KSimpleConfig versionCfg( path + "/.directory" ); int versionNumber = versionCfg.readNumEntry( key, 1 ); kdDebug(1201) << "KonqSidebarTree::scanDir found version " << versionNumber << endl; if ( versionNumber < currentVersion ) { versionCfg.writeEntry( key, currentVersion ); versionCfg.sync(); copyConfig = true; } } if (copyConfig) { // We will copy over the configuration for the dirtree, from the global directory TQStringList dirtree_dirs = TDEGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("data","konqsidebartng/virtual_folders/"+m_dirtreeDir.relDir+"/"); // TQString dirtree_dir = TDEGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("data","konqsidebartng/virtual_folders/"+m_dirtreeDir.relDir+"/").last(); // most global // kdDebug(1201) << "KonqSidebarTree::scanDir dirtree_dir=" << dirtree_dir << endl; /* // debug code TQStringList blah = m_part->getInterfaces->getInstance()->dirs()->dirs()->findDirs( "data", "konqueror/dirtree" ); TQStringList::ConstIterator eIt = blah.begin(); TQStringList::ConstIterator eEnd = blah.end(); for (; eIt != eEnd; ++eIt ) kdDebug(1201) << "KonqSidebarTree::scanDir findDirs got me " << *eIt << endl; // end debug code */ for (TQStringList::const_iterator ddit=dirtree_dirs.begin();ddit!=dirtree_dirs.end();++ddit) { TQString dirtree_dir=*ddit; if (dirtree_dir==path) continue; // if ( !dirtree_dir.isEmpty() && dirtree_dir != path ) { TQDir globalDir( dirtree_dir ); Q_ASSERT( globalDir.isReadable() ); // Only copy the entries that don't exist yet in the local dir TQStringList globalDirEntries = globalDir.entryList(); TQStringList::ConstIterator eIt = globalDirEntries.begin(); TQStringList::ConstIterator eEnd = globalDirEntries.end(); for (; eIt != eEnd; ++eIt ) { //kdDebug(1201) << "KonqSidebarTree::scanDir dirtree_dir contains " << *eIt << endl; if ( *eIt != "." && *eIt != ".." && !entries.contains( *eIt ) && !dirEntries.contains( *eIt ) ) { // we don't have that one yet -> copy it. TQString cp("cp -R -- "); cp += TDEProcess::quote(dirtree_dir + *eIt); cp += " "; cp += TDEProcess::quote(path); kdDebug(1201) << "KonqSidebarTree::scanDir executing " << cp << endl; ::system( TQFile::encodeName(cp) ); } } } } // hack to make TQDir refresh the lists dir.setPath(path); entries = dir.entryList( TQDir::Files ); dirEntries = dir.entryList( TQDir::Dirs ); dirEntries.remove( "." ); dirEntries.remove( ".." ); } } TQStringList::ConstIterator eIt = entries.begin(); TQStringList::ConstIterator eEnd = entries.end(); for (; eIt != eEnd; ++eIt ) { TQString filePath = TQString( *eIt ).prepend( path ); KURL u; u.setPath( filePath ); TQString foundMimeName = KMimeType::findByURL( u, 0, true )->name(); if ( (foundMimeName == "application/x-desktop") || (foundMimeName == "media/builtin-mydocuments") || (foundMimeName == "media/builtin-mycomputer") || (foundMimeName == "media/builtin-mynetworkplaces") || (foundMimeName == "media/builtin-printers") || (foundMimeName == "media/builtin-trash") || (foundMimeName == "media/builtin-webbrowser") ) loadTopLevelItem( parent, filePath ); } eIt = dirEntries.begin(); eEnd = dirEntries.end(); for (; eIt != eEnd; eIt++ ) { TQString newPath = TQString( path ).append( *eIt ).append( '/' ); if ( newPath == TDEGlobalSettings::autostartPath() ) continue; loadTopLevelGroup( parent, newPath ); } } void KonqSidebarTree::loadTopLevelGroup( KonqSidebarTreeItem *parent, const TQString &path ) { TQDir dir( path ); TQString name = dir.dirName(); TQString icon = "folder"; bool open = false; kdDebug(1201) << "Scanning " << path << endl; TQString dotDirectoryFile = TQString( path ).append( "/.directory" ); if ( TQFile::exists( dotDirectoryFile ) ) { kdDebug(1201) << "Reading the .directory" << endl; KSimpleConfig cfg( dotDirectoryFile, true ); cfg.setDesktopGroup(); name = cfg.readEntry( "Name", name ); icon = cfg.readEntry( "Icon", icon ); //stripIcon( icon ); open = cfg.readBoolEntry( "Open", open ); } KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem *item; if ( parent ) { kdDebug(1201) << "KonqSidebarTree::loadTopLevelGroup Inserting new group under parent " << endl; item = new KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem( parent, 0 /* no module */, path ); } else item = new KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem( this, 0 /* no module */, path ); item->setText( 0, name ); item->setPixmap( 0, SmallIcon( icon ) ); item->setListable( false ); item->setClickable( false ); item->setTopLevelGroup( true ); item->setOpen( open ); m_topLevelItems.append( item ); kdDebug(1201) << "Inserting group " << name << " " << path << endl; scanDir( item, path ); if ( item->childCount() == 0 ) item->setExpandable( false ); } void KonqSidebarTree::loadTopLevelItem( KonqSidebarTreeItem *parent, const TQString &filename ) { KDesktopFile cfg( filename, true ); cfg.setDollarExpansion(true); TQFileInfo inf( filename ); TQString path = filename; TQString name = TDEIO::decodeFileName( inf.fileName() ); if ( name.length() > 8 && name.right( 8 ) == ".desktop" ) name.truncate( name.length() - 8 ); if ( name.length() > 7 && name.right( 7 ) == ".kdelnk" ) name.truncate( name.length() - 7 ); name = cfg.readEntry( "Name", name ); KonqSidebarTreeModule * module = 0L; // Here's where we need to create the right module... // ### TODO: make this TDETrader/KLibrary based. TQString moduleName = cfg.readEntry( "X-TDE-TreeModule" ); TQString showHidden=cfg.readEntry("X-TDE-TreeModule-ShowHidden"); if (moduleName.isEmpty()) moduleName="Directory"; kdDebug(1201) << "##### Loading module: " << moduleName << " file: " << filename << endl; getModule func; func = getPluginFactory(moduleName); if (func!=0) { kdDebug(1201)<<"showHidden: "<setText( 0, name ); item->setPixmap( 0, SmallIcon( cfg.readIcon() )); module->addTopLevelItem( item ); m_topLevelItems.append( item ); m_lstModules.append( module ); bool open = cfg.readBoolEntry( "Open", false ); if ( open && item->isExpandable() ) item->setOpen( true ); } void KonqSidebarTree::slotAnimation() { MapCurrentOpeningFolders::Iterator it = m_mapCurrentOpeningFolders.begin(); MapCurrentOpeningFolders::Iterator end = m_mapCurrentOpeningFolders.end(); for (; it != end; ++it ) { uint & iconNumber = it.data().iconNumber; TQString icon = TQString::fromLatin1( it.data().iconBaseName ).append( TQString::number( iconNumber ) ); it.key()->setPixmap( 0, SmallIcon( icon)); iconNumber++; if ( iconNumber > it.data().iconCount ) iconNumber = 1; } } void KonqSidebarTree::startAnimation( KonqSidebarTreeItem * item, const char * iconBaseName, uint iconCount, const TQPixmap * originalPixmap ) { const TQPixmap *pix = originalPixmap ? originalPixmap : item->pixmap(0); if (pix) { m_mapCurrentOpeningFolders.insert( item, AnimationInfo( iconBaseName, iconCount, *pix ) ); if ( !m_animationTimer->isActive() ) m_animationTimer->start( 50 ); } } void KonqSidebarTree::stopAnimation( KonqSidebarTreeItem * item ) { MapCurrentOpeningFolders::Iterator it = m_mapCurrentOpeningFolders.find(item); if ( it != m_mapCurrentOpeningFolders.end() ) { item->setPixmap( 0, it.data().originalPixmap ); m_mapCurrentOpeningFolders.remove( item ); if (m_mapCurrentOpeningFolders.isEmpty()) m_animationTimer->stop(); } } KonqSidebarTreeItem * KonqSidebarTree::currentItem() const { return static_cast( selectedItem() ); } void KonqSidebarTree::setContentsPos( int x, int y ) { if ( !m_scrollingLocked ) TDEListView::setContentsPos( x, y ); } void KonqSidebarTree::slotItemRenamed(TQListViewItem* item, const TQString &name, int col) { Q_ASSERT(col==0); if (col != 0) return; assert(item); KonqSidebarTreeItem * treeItem = static_cast(item); treeItem->rename( name ); } void KonqSidebarTree::enableActions( bool copy, bool cut, bool paste, bool trash, bool del, bool rename) { enableAction( "copy", copy ); enableAction( "cut", cut ); enableAction( "paste", paste ); enableAction( "trash", trash ); enableAction( "del", del ); enableAction( "rename", rename ); } bool KonqSidebarTree::tabSupport() { // see if the newTab() dcop function is available (i.e. the sidebar is embedded into konqueror) DCOPRef ref(kapp->dcopClient()->appId(), topLevelWidget()->name()); DCOPReply reply = ref.call("functions()"); if (reply.isValid()) { QCStringList funcs; reply.get(funcs, "QCStringList"); for (QCStringList::ConstIterator it = funcs.begin(); it != funcs.end(); ++it) { if ((*it) == "void newTab(TQString url)") { return true; break; } } } return false; } void KonqSidebarTree::showToplevelContextMenu() { KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem *item = 0; KonqSidebarTreeItem *treeItem = currentItem(); if (treeItem && treeItem->isTopLevelItem()) item = static_cast(treeItem); if (!m_collection) { m_collection = new TDEActionCollection( this, "bookmark actions" ); (void) new TDEAction( i18n("&Create New Folder..."), "folder-new", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotCreateFolder() ), m_collection, "create_folder"); (void) new TDEAction( i18n("Delete Folder"), "edit-delete", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotDelete() ), m_collection, "delete_folder"); (void) new TDEAction( i18n("Rename"), 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotRename() ), m_collection, "rename"); (void) new TDEAction( i18n("Delete Link"), "edit-delete", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotDelete() ), m_collection, "delete_link"); (void) new TDEAction( i18n("Properties"), "edit", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotProperties() ), m_collection, "item_properties"); (void) new TDEAction( i18n("Open in New Window"), "window-new", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotOpenNewWindow() ), m_collection, "open_window"); (void) new TDEAction( i18n("Open in New Tab"), "tab_new", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotOpenTab() ), m_collection, "open_tab"); (void) new TDEAction( i18n("Copy Link Address"), "edit-copy", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotCopyLocation() ), m_collection, "copy_location"); } TQPopupMenu *menu = new TQPopupMenu; if (item) { if (item->isTopLevelGroup()) { m_collection->action("rename")->plug(menu); m_collection->action("delete_folder")->plug(menu); menu->insertSeparator(); m_collection->action("create_folder")->plug(menu); } else { if (tabSupport()) m_collection->action("open_tab")->plug(menu); m_collection->action("open_window")->plug(menu); m_collection->action("copy_location")->plug(menu); menu->insertSeparator(); m_collection->action("rename")->plug(menu); m_collection->action("delete_link")->plug(menu); } menu->insertSeparator(); m_collection->action("item_properties")->plug(menu); } else { m_collection->action("create_folder")->plug(menu); } m_currentTopLevelItem = item; menu->exec( TQCursor::pos() ); delete menu; m_currentTopLevelItem = 0; } void KonqSidebarTree::slotCreateFolder() { TQString path; TQString name = i18n("New Folder"); while(true) { name = KInputDialog::getText(i18n("Create New Folder"), i18n("Enter folder name:"), name); if (name.isEmpty()) return; if (m_currentTopLevelItem) path = m_currentTopLevelItem->path(); else path = m_dirtreeDir.dir.path(); if (!path.endsWith("/")) path += "/"; path = path + name; if (!TQFile::exists(path)) break; name = name + "-2"; } TDEGlobal::dirs()->makeDir(path); loadTopLevelGroup(m_currentTopLevelItem, path); } void KonqSidebarTree::slotDelete() { if (!m_currentTopLevelItem) return; m_currentTopLevelItem->del(); } void KonqSidebarTree::slotRename() { if (!m_currentTopLevelItem) return; m_currentTopLevelItem->rename(); } void KonqSidebarTree::slotProperties() { if (!m_currentTopLevelItem) return; KURL url; url.setPath(m_currentTopLevelItem->path()); KPropertiesDialog *dlg = new KPropertiesDialog( url ); dlg->setFileNameReadOnly(true); dlg->exec(); delete dlg; } void KonqSidebarTree::slotOpenNewWindow() { if (!m_currentTopLevelItem) return; emit createNewWindow( m_currentTopLevelItem->externalURL() ); } void KonqSidebarTree::slotOpenTab() { if (!m_currentTopLevelItem) return; DCOPRef ref(kapp->dcopClient()->appId(), topLevelWidget()->name()); ref.call( "newTab(TQString)", m_currentTopLevelItem->externalURL().url() ); } void KonqSidebarTree::slotCopyLocation() { if (!m_currentTopLevelItem) return; KURL url = m_currentTopLevelItem->externalURL(); kapp->clipboard()->setData( new KURLDrag(url, 0), TQClipboard::Selection ); kapp->clipboard()->setData( new KURLDrag(url, 0), TQClipboard::Clipboard ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void KonqSidebarTreeToolTip::maybeTip( const TQPoint &point ) { TQListViewItem *item = m_view->itemAt( point ); if ( item ) { TQString text = static_cast( item )->toolTipText(); if ( !text.isEmpty() ) tip ( m_view->itemRect( item ), text ); } } #include "konq_sidebartree.moc"