/***************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak You can Freely distribute this program under the GNU General Public License. See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. ******************************************************************/ #ifndef KWIN_CLIENT_H #define KWIN_CLIENT_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "options.h" #include "workspace.h" #include "kdecoration.h" #include "rules.h" class TQTimer; class KProcess; class KStartupInfoData; namespace KWinInternal { class Workspace; class Client; class WinInfo; class SessionInfo; class Bridge; class Client : public TQObject, public KDecorationDefines { Q_OBJECT public: Client( Workspace *ws ); Window window() const; Window frameId() const; Window wrapperId() const; Window decorationId() const; Workspace* workspace() const; const Client* transientFor() const; Client* transientFor(); bool isTransient() const; bool isModalSystemNotification() const; bool groupTransient() const; bool wasOriginallyGroupTransient() const; ClientList mainClients() const; // call once before loop , is not indirect bool hasTransient( const Client* c, bool indirect ) const; const ClientList& transients() const; // is not indirect void checkTransient( Window w ); Client* findModal(); const Group* group() const; Group* group(); void checkGroup( Group* gr = NULL, bool force = false ); void changeClientLeaderGroup( Group* gr ); // prefer isXXX() instead NET::WindowType windowType( bool direct = false, int supported_types = SUPPORTED_WINDOW_TYPES_MASK ) const; const WindowRules* rules() const; void removeRule( Rules* r ); void setupWindowRules( bool ignore_temporary ); void applyWindowRules(); void updateWindowRules(); TQRect geometry() const; TQSize size() const; TQSize minSize() const; TQSize maxSize() const; TQPoint pos() const; TQRect rect() const; int x() const; int y() const; int width() const; int height() const; TQPoint clientPos() const; // inside of geometry() TQSize clientSize() const; bool windowEvent( XEvent* e ); virtual bool eventFilter( TQObject* o, TQEvent* e ); bool manage( Window w, bool isMapped ); void releaseWindow( bool on_shutdown = false ); enum Sizemode // how to resize the window in order to obey constains (mainly aspect ratios) { SizemodeAny, SizemodeFixedW, // try not to affect width SizemodeFixedH, // try not to affect height SizemodeMax // try not to make it larger in either direction }; TQSize adjustedSize( const TQSize&, Sizemode mode = SizemodeAny ) const; TQSize adjustedSize() const; TQPixmap icon() const; TQPixmap miniIcon() const; bool isActive() const; void setActive( bool, bool updateOpacity = true ); int desktop() const; void setDesktop( int ); bool isOnDesktop( int d ) const; bool isOnCurrentDesktop() const; bool isOnAllDesktops() const; void setOnAllDesktops( bool set ); bool isOnScreen( int screen ) const; // true if it's at least partially there int screen() const; // the screen where the center is // !isMinimized() && not hidden, i.e. normally visible on some virtual desktop bool isShown( bool shaded_is_shown ) const; bool isShade() const; // true only for ShadeNormal ShadeMode shadeMode() const; // prefer isShade() void setShade( ShadeMode mode ); bool isShadeable() const; bool isMinimized() const; bool isMaximizable() const; TQRect geometryRestore() const; MaximizeMode maximizeModeRestore() const; MaximizeMode maximizeMode() const; bool isMinimizable() const; void setMaximize( bool vertically, bool horizontally ); void setFullScreen( bool set, bool user ); bool isFullScreen() const; bool isFullScreenable( bool fullscreen_hack = false ) const; bool userCanSetFullScreen() const; TQRect geometryFSRestore() const { return geom_fs_restore; } // only for session saving int fullScreenMode() const { return fullscreen_mode; } // only for session saving bool isUserNoBorder() const; void setUserNoBorder( bool set ); bool userCanSetNoBorder() const; bool noBorder() const; bool skipTaskbar( bool from_outside = false ) const; void setSkipTaskbar( bool set, bool from_outside ); bool skipPager() const; void setSkipPager( bool ); bool keepAbove() const; void setKeepAbove( bool ); bool keepBelow() const; void setKeepBelow( bool ); Layer layer() const; Layer belongsToLayer() const; void invalidateLayer(); void setModal( bool modal ); bool isModal() const; // auxiliary functions, depend on the windowType bool wantsTabFocus() const; bool wantsInput() const; bool hasNETSupport() const; bool isMovable() const; bool isDesktop() const; bool isDock() const; bool isToolbar() const; bool isTopMenu() const; bool isMenu() const; bool isNormalWindow() const; // normal as in 'NET::Normal or NET::Unknown non-transient' bool isDialog() const; bool isSplash() const; bool isUtility() const; // returns true for "special" windows and false for windows which are "normal" // (normal=window which has a border, can be moved by the user, can be closed, etc.) // true for Desktop, Dock, Splash, Override and TopMenu (and Toolbar??? - for now) // false for Normal, Dialog, Utility and Menu (and Toolbar??? - not yet) TODO bool isSpecialWindow() const; bool isResizable() const; bool isCloseable() const; // may be closed by the user (may have a close button) void takeActivity( int flags, bool handled, allowed_t ); // takes ActivityFlags as arg (in utils.h) void takeFocus( allowed_t ); void demandAttention( bool set = true ); void setMask( const TQRegion& r, int mode = X::Unsorted ); TQRegion mask() const; void updateDecoration( bool check_workspace_pos, bool force = false ); void checkBorderSizes(); // drop shadow bool isShadowed() const; void setShadowed(bool shadowed); Window shadowId() const; // Aieee, a friend function! Unpleasant, yes, but it's needed by // raiseClient() to redraw a window's shadow when it is active prior to // being raised. friend void Workspace::raiseClient(Client *); // Wouldn't you know it, friend functions breed. This one's needed to // enable a DCOP function that causes all shadows obscuring a changed // window to be redrawn. friend void Workspace::updateOverlappingShadows(WId); // tqshape extensions bool tqshape() const; void updateShape(); void setGeometry( int x, int y, int w, int h, ForceGeometry_t force = NormalGeometrySet ); void setGeometry( const TQRect& r, ForceGeometry_t force = NormalGeometrySet ); void move( int x, int y, ForceGeometry_t force = NormalGeometrySet ); void move( const TQPoint & p, ForceGeometry_t force = NormalGeometrySet ); // plainResize() simply resizes void plainResize( int w, int h, ForceGeometry_t force = NormalGeometrySet ); void plainResize( const TQSize& s, ForceGeometry_t force = NormalGeometrySet ); // resizeWithChecks() resizes according to gravity, and checks workarea position void resizeWithChecks( int w, int h, ForceGeometry_t force = NormalGeometrySet ); void resizeWithChecks( const TQSize& s, ForceGeometry_t force = NormalGeometrySet ); void keepInArea( TQRect area, bool partial = false ); void growHorizontal(); void shrinkHorizontal(); void growVertical(); void shrinkVertical(); bool providesContextHelp() const; KShortcut shortcut() const; void setShortcut( const TQString& cut ); bool performMouseCommand( Options::MouseCommand, TQPoint globalPos, bool handled = false ); TQCString windowRole() const; TQCString sessionId(); TQCString resourceName() const; TQCString resourceClass() const; TQCString wmCommand(); TQCString wmClientMachine( bool use_localhost ) const; Window wmClientLeader() const; pid_t pid() const; TQRect adjustedClientArea( const TQRect& desktop, const TQRect& area ) const; Colormap colormap() const; // updates visibility depending on being shaded, virtual desktop, etc. void updateVisibility(); // hides a client - basically like minimize, but without effects, it's simply hidden void hideClient( bool hide ); TQString caption( bool full = true ) const; void updateCaption(); void keyPressEvent( uint key_code ); // FRAME ?? void updateMouseGrab(); Window moveResizeGrabWindow() const; const TQPoint calculateGravitation( bool invert, int gravity = 0 ) const; // FRAME public? void NETMoveResize( int x_root, int y_root, NET::Direction direction ); void NETMoveResizeWindow( int flags, int x, int y, int width, int height ); void restackWindow( Window above, int detail, NET::RequestSource source, Time timestamp, bool send_event = false ); void gotPing( Time timestamp ); static TQCString staticWindowRole(WId); static TQCString staticSessionId(WId); static TQCString staticWmCommand(WId); static TQCString staticWmClientMachine(WId); static Window staticWmClientLeader(WId); void checkWorkspacePosition(); void updateUserTime( Time time = CurrentTime ); Time userTime() const; bool hasUserTimeSupport() const; bool ignoreFocusStealing() const; // does 'delete c;' static void deleteClient( Client* c, allowed_t ); static bool resourceMatch( const Client* c1, const Client* c2 ); static bool belongToSameApplication( const Client* c1, const Client* c2, bool active_hack = false ); static void readIcons( Window win, TQPixmap* icon, TQPixmap* miniicon ); void minimize( bool avoid_animation = false ); void unminimize( bool avoid_animation = false ); void closeWindow(); void killWindow(); void maximize( MaximizeMode ); void toggleShade(); void showContextHelp(); void cancelShadeHover(); void cancelAutoRaise(); void destroyClient(); void checkActiveModal(); void setOpacity(bool translucent, uint opacity = 0); void setShadowSize(uint shadowSize); void updateOpacity(); void updateShadowSize(); bool hasCustomOpacity(){return custom_opacity;} void setCustomOpacityFlag(bool custom = true); bool getWindowOpacity(); int opacityPercentage(); void checkAndSetInitialRuledOpacity(); uint ruleOpacityInactive(); uint ruleOpacityActive(); unsigned int opacity(); bool isBMP(); void setBMP(bool b); bool touches(const Client* c); void setShapable(bool b); bool hasStrut() const; private slots: void autoRaise(); void shadeHover(); void shortcutActivated(); void updateOpacityCache(); private: friend class Bridge; // FRAME virtual void processMousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent* e ); private: // TODO cleanup the order of things in the .h file // use Workspace::createClient() virtual ~Client(); // use destroyClient() or releaseWindow() Position mousePosition( const TQPoint& ) const; void setCursor( Position m ); void setCursor( const TQCursor& c ); void animateMinimizeOrUnminimize( bool minimize ); TQPixmap animationPixmap( int w ); // transparent stuff void drawbound( const TQRect& geom ); void clearbound(); void doDrawbound( const TQRect& geom, bool clear ); // handlers for X11 events bool mapRequestEvent( XMapRequestEvent* e ); void unmapNotifyEvent( XUnmapEvent*e ); void destroyNotifyEvent( XDestroyWindowEvent*e ); void configureRequestEvent( XConfigureRequestEvent* e ); void propertyNotifyEvent( XPropertyEvent* e ); void clientMessageEvent( XClientMessageEvent* e ); void enterNotifyEvent( XCrossingEvent* e ); void leaveNotifyEvent( XCrossingEvent* e ); void focusInEvent( XFocusInEvent* e ); void focusOutEvent( XFocusOutEvent* e ); bool buttonPressEvent( Window w, int button, int state, int x, int y, int x_root, int y_root ); bool buttonReleaseEvent( Window w, int button, int state, int x, int y, int x_root, int y_root ); bool motionNotifyEvent( Window w, int state, int x, int y, int x_root, int y_root ); // drop shadows void drawIntersectingShadows(); void drawOverlappingShadows(bool waitForMe); TQRegion getExposedRegion(TQRegion occludedRegion, int x, int y, int w, int h, int thickness, int xOffset, int yOffset); void imposeCachedShadow(TQPixmap &pixmap, TQRegion exposed); void imposeRegionShadow(TQPixmap &pixmap, TQRegion occluded, TQRegion exposed, int thickness, double maxOpacity = 0.75); void processDecorationButtonPress( int button, int state, int x, int y, int x_root, int y_root ); private slots: void pingTimeout(); void processKillerExited(); void demandAttentionKNotify(); void drawShadow(); void drawShadowAfter(Client *after); void drawDelayedShadow(); void removeShadow(); signals: void shadowDrawn(); private: // ICCCM, 4.1.4 , NETWM 2.5.1 void setMappingState( int s ); int mappingState() const; bool isIconicState() const; bool isNormalState() const; bool isManaged() const; // returns false if this client is not yet managed void updateAllowedActions( bool force = false ); TQSize sizeForClientSize( const TQSize&, Sizemode mode = SizemodeAny, bool noframe = false ) const; void changeMaximize( bool horizontal, bool vertical, bool adjust ); void checkMaximizeGeometry(); int checkFullScreenHack( const TQRect& geom ) const; // 0 - none, 1 - one xinerama screen, 2 - full area void updateFullScreenHack( const TQRect& geom ); void getWmNormalHints(); void getMotifHints(); void getIcons(); void getWmClientLeader(); void getWmClientMachine(); void fetchName(); void fetchIconicName(); TQString readName() const; void setCaption( const TQString& s, bool force = false ); bool hasTransientInternal( const Client* c, bool indirect, ConstClientList& set ) const; void finishWindowRules(); void setShortcutInternal( const KShortcut& cut ); void updateWorkareaDiffs(); void checkDirection( int new_diff, int old_diff, TQRect& rect, const TQRect& area ); static int computeWorkareaDiff( int left, int right, int a_left, int a_right ); void configureRequest( int value_mask, int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, int gravity, bool from_tool ); NETExtendedStrut strut() const; int checkShadeGeometry( int w, int h ); void postponeGeometryUpdates( bool postpone ); bool startMoveResize(); void finishMoveResize( bool cancel ); void leaveMoveResize(); void checkUnrestrictedMoveResize(); void handleMoveResize( int x, int y, int x_root, int y_root ); void positionGeometryTip(); void grabButton( int mod ); void ungrabButton( int mod ); void resetMaximize(); void resizeDecoration( const TQSize& s ); void setDecoHashProperty(uint topHeight, uint rightWidth, uint bottomHeight, uint leftWidth); void unsetDecoHashProperty(); void pingWindow(); void killProcess( bool ask, Time timestamp = CurrentTime ); void updateUrgency(); static void sendClientMessage( Window w, Atom a, Atom protocol, long data1 = 0, long data2 = 0, long data3 = 0 ); void embedClient( Window w, const XWindowAttributes &attr ); void detectNoBorder(); void detectShapable(); void destroyDecoration(); void updateFrameExtents(); void rawShow(); // just shows it void rawHide(); // just hides it Time readUserTimeMapTimestamp( const KStartupInfoId* asn_id, const KStartupInfoData* asn_data, bool session ) const; Time readUserCreationTime() const; static bool sameAppWindowRoleMatch( const Client* c1, const Client* c2, bool active_hack ); void startupIdChanged(); Window client; Window wrapper; Window frame; KDecoration* decoration; Workspace* wspace; Bridge* bridge; int desk; bool buttonDown; bool moveResizeMode; bool move_faked_activity; Window move_resize_grab_window; bool unrestrictedMoveResize; bool isMove() const { return moveResizeMode && mode == PositionCenter; } bool isResize() const { return moveResizeMode && mode != PositionCenter; } Position mode; TQPoint moveOffset; TQPoint invertedMoveOffset; TQRect moveResizeGeom; TQRect initialMoveResizeGeom; XSizeHints xSizeHint; void sendSyntheticConfigureNotify(); int mapping_state; void readTransient(); Window verifyTransientFor( Window transient_for, bool set ); void addTransient( Client* cl ); void removeTransient( Client* cl ); void removeFromMainClients(); void cleanGrouping(); void checkGroupTransients(); void setTransient( Window new_transient_for_id ); Client* transient_for; Window transient_for_id; Window original_transient_for_id; ClientList transients_list; // SELI make this ordered in stacking order? ShadeMode shade_mode; uint active :1; uint deleting : 1; // true when doing cleanup and destroying the client uint keep_above : 1; // NET::KeepAbove (was stays_on_top) uint is_tqshape :1; uint skip_taskbar :1; uint original_skip_taskbar :1; // unaffected by KWin uint Pdeletewindow :1; // does the window understand the DeleteWindow protocol? uint Ptakefocus :1;// does the window understand the TakeFocus protocol? uint Ptakeactivity : 1; // does it support _NET_WM_TAKE_ACTIVITY uint Pcontexthelp : 1; // does the window understand the ContextHelp protocol? uint Pping : 1; // does it support _NET_WM_PING? uint input :1; // does the window want input in its wm_hints uint skip_pager : 1; uint motif_noborder : 1; uint motif_may_resize : 1; uint motif_may_move :1; uint motif_may_close : 1; uint keep_below : 1; // NET::KeepBelow uint minimized : 1; uint hidden : 1; // forcibly hidden by calling hide() uint modal : 1; // NET::Modal uint noborder : 1; uint user_noborder : 1; uint urgency : 1; // XWMHints, UrgencyHint uint ignore_focus_stealing : 1; // don't apply focus stealing prevention to this client uint demands_attention : 1; WindowRules client_rules; void getWMHints(); void readIcons(); void getWindowProtocols(); TQPixmap icon_pix; TQPixmap miniicon_pix; TQCursor cursor; // FullScreenHack - non-NETWM fullscreen (noborder,size of desktop) // DON'T reorder - saved to config files !!! enum FullScreenMode { FullScreenNone, FullScreenNormal, FullScreenHack }; FullScreenMode fullscreen_mode; MaximizeMode max_mode; TQRect geom_restore; TQRect geom_fs_restore; MaximizeMode maxmode_restore; int workarea_diff_x, workarea_diff_y; WinInfo* info; TQTimer* autoRaiseTimer; TQTimer* shadeHoverTimer; Colormap cmap; TQCString resource_name; TQCString resource_class; TQCString client_machine; TQString cap_normal, cap_iconic, cap_suffix; WId wmClientLeaderWin; TQCString window_role; Group* in_group; Window window_group; Layer in_layer; TQTimer* ping_timer; KProcess* process_killer; Time ping_timestamp; Time user_time; unsigned long allowed_actions; TQRect frame_geometry; TQSize client_size; int postpone_geometry_updates; // >0 - new geometry is remembered, but not actually set bool pending_geometry_update; bool shade_geometry_change; int border_left, border_right, border_top, border_bottom; Client* shadowAfterClient; TQWidget* shadowWidget; TQMemArray activeOpacityCache; TQMemArray inactiveOpacityCache; TQMemArray* opacityCache; TQRegion tqshapeBoundingRegion; TQTimer* shadowDelayTimer; bool shadowMe; TQRegion _mask; static bool check_active_modal; // see Client::checkActiveModal() KShortcut _shortcut; friend struct FetchNameInternalPredicate; friend struct CheckIgnoreFocusStealingProcedure; friend struct ResetupRulesProcedure; friend class GeometryUpdatesPostponer; void show() { assert( false ); } // SELI remove after Client is no longer TQWidget void hide() { assert( false ); } uint opacity_; uint savedOpacity_; bool custom_opacity; uint rule_opacity_active; //translucency rules uint rule_opacity_inactive; //dto. //int shadeOriginalHeight; bool isBMP_; TQTimer* demandAttentionKNotifyTimer; friend bool performTransiencyCheck(); }; // helper for Client::postponeGeometryUpdates() being called in pairs (true/false) class GeometryUpdatesPostponer { public: GeometryUpdatesPostponer( Client* c ) : cl( c ) { cl->postponeGeometryUpdates( true ); } ~GeometryUpdatesPostponer() { cl->postponeGeometryUpdates( false ); } private: Client* cl; }; // NET WM Protocol handler class class WinInfo : public NETWinInfo { private: typedef KWinInternal::Client Client; // because of NET::Client public: WinInfo( Client* c, Display * display, Window window, Window rwin, const unsigned long pr[], int pr_size ); virtual void changeDesktop(int desktop); virtual void changeState( unsigned long state, unsigned long mask ); private: Client * m_client; }; inline Window Client::window() const { return client; } inline Window Client::frameId() const { return frame; } inline Window Client::wrapperId() const { return wrapper; } inline Window Client::decorationId() const { return decoration != NULL ? decoration->widget()->winId() : None; } inline Workspace* Client::workspace() const { return wspace; } inline const Client* Client::transientFor() const { return transient_for; } inline Client* Client::transientFor() { return transient_for; } inline bool Client::groupTransient() const { return transient_for_id == workspace()->rootWin(); } // needed because verifyTransientFor() may set transient_for_id to root window, // if the original value has a problem (window doesn't exist, etc.) inline bool Client::wasOriginallyGroupTransient() const { return original_transient_for_id == workspace()->rootWin(); } inline bool Client::isTransient() const { return transient_for_id != None; } inline const ClientList& Client::transients() const { return transients_list; } inline const Group* Client::group() const { return in_group; } inline Group* Client::group() { return in_group; } inline int Client::mappingState() const { return mapping_state; } inline TQCString Client::resourceName() const { return resource_name; // it is always lowercase } inline TQCString Client::resourceClass() const { return resource_class; // it is always lowercase } inline bool Client::isMinimized() const { return minimized; } inline bool Client::isActive() const { return active; } /*! Returns the virtual desktop within the workspace() the client window is located in, 0 if it isn't located on any special desktop (not mapped yet), or NET::OnAllDesktops. Do not use desktop() directly, use isOnDesktop() instead. */ inline int Client::desktop() const { return desk; } inline bool Client::isOnAllDesktops() const { return desk == NET::OnAllDesktops; } /*! Returns whether the client is on the virtual desktop \a d. This is always TRUE for onAllDesktops clients. */ inline bool Client::isOnDesktop( int d ) const { return desk == d || /*desk == 0 ||*/ isOnAllDesktops(); } inline bool Client::isShown( bool shaded_is_shown ) const { return !isMinimized() && ( !isShade() || shaded_is_shown ) && !hidden; } inline bool Client::isShade() const { return shade_mode == ShadeNormal; } inline ShadeMode Client::shadeMode() const { return shade_mode; } inline TQPixmap Client::icon() const { return icon_pix; } inline TQPixmap Client::miniIcon() const { return miniicon_pix; } inline TQRect Client::geometryRestore() const { return geom_restore; } inline Client::MaximizeMode Client::maximizeModeRestore() const { return maxmode_restore; } inline Client::MaximizeMode Client::maximizeMode() const { return max_mode; } inline bool Client::skipTaskbar( bool from_outside ) const { return from_outside ? original_skip_taskbar : skip_taskbar; } inline bool Client::skipPager() const { return skip_pager; } inline bool Client::keepAbove() const { return keep_above; } inline bool Client::keepBelow() const { return keep_below; } inline bool Client::tqshape() const { return is_tqshape; } inline bool Client::isFullScreen() const { return fullscreen_mode != FullScreenNone; } inline bool Client::isModal() const { return modal; } inline bool Client::hasNETSupport() const { return info->hasNETSupport(); } inline Colormap Client::colormap() const { return cmap; } inline pid_t Client::pid() const { return info->pid(); } inline void Client::invalidateLayer() { in_layer = UnknownLayer; } inline bool Client::isIconicState() const { return mapping_state == IconicState; } inline bool Client::isNormalState() const { return mapping_state == NormalState; } inline bool Client::isManaged() const { return mapping_state != WithdrawnState; } inline TQCString Client::windowRole() const { return window_role; } inline TQRect Client::geometry() const { return frame_geometry; } inline TQSize Client::size() const { return frame_geometry.size(); } inline TQPoint Client::pos() const { return frame_geometry.topLeft(); } inline int Client::x() const { return frame_geometry.x(); } inline int Client::y() const { return frame_geometry.y(); } inline int Client::width() const { return frame_geometry.width(); } inline int Client::height() const { return frame_geometry.height(); } inline TQRect Client::rect() const { return TQRect( 0, 0, width(), height()); } inline TQPoint Client::clientPos() const { return TQPoint( border_left, border_top ); } inline TQSize Client::clientSize() const { return client_size; } inline void Client::setGeometry( const TQRect& r, ForceGeometry_t force ) { setGeometry( r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), force ); } inline void Client::move( const TQPoint & p, ForceGeometry_t force ) { move( p.x(), p.y(), force ); } inline void Client::plainResize( const TQSize& s, ForceGeometry_t force ) { plainResize( s.width(), s.height(), force ); } inline bool Client::isShadowed() const { return shadowMe; } inline Window Client::shadowId() const { return shadowWidget != NULL ? shadowWidget->winId() : None; } inline void Client::resizeWithChecks( const TQSize& s, ForceGeometry_t force ) { resizeWithChecks( s.width(), s.height(), force ); } inline bool Client::hasUserTimeSupport() const { return info->userTime() != -1U; } inline bool Client::ignoreFocusStealing() const { return ignore_focus_stealing; } inline const WindowRules* Client::rules() const { return &client_rules; } KWIN_PROCEDURE( CheckIgnoreFocusStealingProcedure, cl->ignore_focus_stealing = options->checkIgnoreFocusStealing( cl )); inline Window Client::moveResizeGrabWindow() const { return move_resize_grab_window; } inline KShortcut Client::shortcut() const { return _shortcut; } inline bool Client::isBMP() { return isBMP_; } inline void Client::setBMP(bool b) { isBMP_ = b; } inline void Client::removeRule( Rules* rule ) { client_rules.remove( rule ); } #ifdef NDEBUG inline kndbgstream& operator<<( kndbgstream& stream, const Client* ) { return stream; } inline kndbgstream& operator<<( kndbgstream& stream, const ClientList& ) { return stream; } inline kndbgstream& operator<<( kndbgstream& stream, const ConstClientList& ) { return stream; } #else kdbgstream& operator<<( kdbgstream& stream, const Client* ); kdbgstream& operator<<( kdbgstream& stream, const ClientList& ); kdbgstream& operator<<( kdbgstream& stream, const ConstClientList& ); #endif KWIN_COMPARE_PREDICATE( WindowMatchPredicate, Window, cl->window() == value ); KWIN_COMPARE_PREDICATE( FrameIdMatchPredicate, Window, cl->frameId() == value ); KWIN_COMPARE_PREDICATE( WrapperIdMatchPredicate, Window, cl->wrapperId() == value ); } // namespace #endif