/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2000 Alexander Neundorf This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tdeio_floppy.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace TDEIO; extern "C" { TDE_EXPORT int kdemain(int argc, char **argv); } int kdemain( int argc, char **argv ) { TDEInstance instance( "tdeio_floppy" ); if (argc != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: tdeio_floppy protocol domain-socket1 domain-socket2\n"); exit(-1); } kdDebug(7101) << "Floppy: kdemain: starting" << endl; FloppyProtocol slave(argv[2], argv[3]); slave.dispatchLoop(); return 0; } void getDriveAndPath(const TQString& path, TQString& drive, TQString& rest) { drive=TQString::null; rest=TQString::null; TQStringList list=TQStringList::split("/",path); for (TQStringList::Iterator it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); it++) { if (it==list.begin()) drive=(*it)+":"; else rest=rest+"/"+(*it); } } FloppyProtocol::FloppyProtocol (const TQCString &pool, const TQCString &app ) :SlaveBase( "floppy", pool, app ) ,m_mtool(0) ,m_stdoutBuffer(0) ,m_stderrBuffer(0) ,m_stdoutSize(0) ,m_stderrSize(0) { kdDebug(7101)<<"Floppy::Floppy: -"<stdoutFD(),buffer,16*1024); if (length<=0) return 0; //+1 gives us room for a terminating 0 char *newBuffer=new char[length+m_stdoutSize+1]; kdDebug(7101)<<"Floppy::readStdout(): length: "<stderrFD(),buffer,16*1024); kdDebug(7101)<<"Floppy::readStderr(): read "< -1) { error( TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Could not access drive %1.\nThe drive is still busy.\nWait until it is inactive and then try again.").arg(drive)); } else if ((line.find("Disk full") > -1) || (line.find("No free cluster") > -1)) { error( TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Could not write to file %1.\nThe disk in drive %2 is probably full.").arg(url.prettyURL(),drive)); } //file not found else if (line.find("not found") > -1) { error( TDEIO::ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, url.prettyURL()); } //no disk else if (line.find("not configured") > -1) { error( TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Could not access %1.\nThere is probably no disk in the drive %2").arg(url.prettyURL(),drive)); } else if (line.find("No such device") > -1) { error( TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Could not access %1.\nThere is probably no disk in the drive %2 or you do not have enough permissions to access the drive.").arg(url.prettyURL(),drive)); } else if (line.find("not supported") > -1) { error( TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Could not access %1.\nThe drive %2 is not supported.").arg(url.prettyURL(),drive)); } //not supported or no such drive else if (line.find("Permission denied") > -1) { error( TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Could not access %1.\nMake sure the floppy in drive %2 is a DOS-formatted floppy disk \nand that the permissions of the device file (e.g. /dev/fd0) are set correctly (e.g. rwxrwxrwx).").arg(url.prettyURL(),drive)); } else if (line.find("non DOS media") > -1) { error( TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Could not access %1.\nThe disk in drive %2 is probably not a DOS-formatted floppy disk.").arg(url.prettyURL(),drive)); } else if (line.find("Read-only") > -1) { error( TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Access denied.\nCould not write to %1.\nThe disk in drive %2 is probably write-protected.").arg(url.prettyURL(),drive)); } else if ((outputString.find("already exists") > -1) || (outputString.find("Skipping ") > -1)) { error( TDEIO::ERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST,url.prettyURL()); //return false; } else if (outputString.find("could not read boot sector") > -1) { error( TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Could not read boot sector for %1.\nThere is probably not any disk in drive %2.").arg(url.prettyURL(),drive)); //return false; } else { error( TDEIO::ERR_UNKNOWN, outputString); } return true; } void FloppyProtocol::listDir( const KURL& _url) { kdDebug(7101)<<"Floppy::listDir() "<<_url.path()<start()) { delete m_mtool; m_mtool=0; errorMissingMToolsProgram("mdir"); return; } int result; bool loopFinished(false); bool errorOccured(false); do { bool stdoutEvent; bool stderrEvent; result=m_mtool->select(1,0,stdoutEvent, stderrEvent); if (stdoutEvent) if (readStdout()==0) loopFinished=true; if (stderrEvent) { if (readStderr()==0) loopFinished=true; else if (stopAfterError(url,drive)) { loopFinished=true; errorOccured=true; } } } while (!loopFinished); delete m_mtool; m_mtool=0; //now mdir has finished //let's parse the output terminateBuffers(); if (errorOccured) return; TQString outputString(m_stdoutBuffer); TQTextIStream output(&outputString); TQString line; int totalNumber(0); int mode(0); UDSEntry entry; while (!output.atEnd()) { line=output.readLine(); kdDebug(7101)<<"Floppy::listDir(): line: -"<0) { name=line.mid(0,nameLength); TQString ext=line.mid(9,3); ext=ext.stripWhiteSpace(); if (!ext.isEmpty()) name+="."+ext; } kdDebug(7101)<<"Floppy::createStatInfo() name 8.3= -"<41) { name=line.mid(42); kdDebug(7101)<<"Floppy::createStatInfo() name vfat: -"<") { //kdDebug(7101)<<"Floppy::createUDSEntry() isDir"<start()) { delete m_mtool; m_mtool=0; errorMissingMToolsProgram("mdir"); return info; } clearBuffers(); int result; bool loopFinished(false); bool errorOccured(false); do { bool stdoutEvent; bool stderrEvent; result=m_mtool->select(1,0,stdoutEvent, stderrEvent); if (stdoutEvent) if (readStdout()==0) loopFinished=true; if (stderrEvent) { if (readStderr()==0) loopFinished=true; else if (stopAfterError(url,drive)) { loopFinished=true; errorOccured=true; } } } while (!loopFinished); //kdDebug(7101)<<"Floppy::_stat(): delete m_mtool"<start()) { delete m_mtool; m_mtool=0; errorMissingMToolsProgram("mdir"); return -1; } clearBuffers(); int result; bool loopFinished(false); bool errorOccured(false); do { bool stdoutEvent; bool stderrEvent; result=m_mtool->select(1,0,stdoutEvent, stderrEvent); if (stdoutEvent) if (readStdout()==0) loopFinished=true; if (stderrEvent) { if (readStderr()==0) loopFinished=true; else if (stopAfterError(url,drive)) { loopFinished=true; errorOccured=true; } } } while (!loopFinished); //kdDebug(7101)<<"Floppy::freeSpace(): delete m_mtool"<_stat(url); if (info.isValid) { UDSEntry entry; createUDSEntry(info,entry); statEntry( entry ); finished(); //kdDebug(7101)<<"Floppy::stat(): ends"<start()) { delete m_mtool; m_mtool=0; errorMissingMToolsProgram("mmd"); return; } clearBuffers(); int result; bool loopFinished(false); bool errorOccured(false); do { bool stdoutEvent; bool stderrEvent; result=m_mtool->select(1,0,stdoutEvent, stderrEvent); if (stdoutEvent) if (readStdout()==0) loopFinished=true; if (stderrEvent) { if (readStderr()==0) loopFinished=true; else if (stopAfterError(url,drive)) { loopFinished=true; errorOccured=true; } } } while (!loopFinished); delete m_mtool; m_mtool=0; terminateBuffers(); if (errorOccured) return; finished(); } void FloppyProtocol::del( const KURL& url, bool isfile) { kdDebug(7101)<<"FloppyProtocol::del()"<start()) { delete m_mtool; m_mtool=0; errorMissingMToolsProgram(usingmdel ? TQString("mdel") : TQString("mrd")); return; } clearBuffers(); int result; bool loopFinished(false); bool errorOccured(false); do { bool stdoutEvent; bool stderrEvent; result=m_mtool->select(1,0,stdoutEvent, stderrEvent); if (stdoutEvent) if (readStdout()==0) loopFinished=true; if (stderrEvent) { if (readStderr()==0) loopFinished=true; else if (stopAfterError(url,drive)) { loopFinished=true; errorOccured=true; } } } while (!loopFinished); delete m_mtool; m_mtool=0; terminateBuffers(); if (errorOccured) return; finished(); } void FloppyProtocol::rename( const KURL &src, const KURL &dest, bool _overwrite ) { TQString srcPath(src.path()); TQString destPath(dest.path()); kdDebug(7101)<<"Floppy::rename() -"<start()) { delete m_mtool; m_mtool=0; errorMissingMToolsProgram("mren"); return; } clearBuffers(); int result; bool loopFinished(false); bool errorOccured(false); do { bool stdoutEvent; bool stderrEvent; result=m_mtool->select(1,0,stdoutEvent, stderrEvent); if (stdoutEvent) if (readStdout()==0) loopFinished=true; if (stderrEvent) { if (readStderr()==0) loopFinished=true; else if (stopAfterError(src,srcDrive)) { loopFinished=true; errorOccured=true; } } } while (!loopFinished); delete m_mtool; m_mtool=0; terminateBuffers(); if (errorOccured) return; finished(); } void FloppyProtocol::get( const KURL& url ) { TQString path(url.path()); kdDebug(7101)<<"Floppy::get() -"<_stat(url); //the error was already reported in _stat() if (info.isValid==false) return; totalSize( info.size); TQString drive; TQString floppyPath; getDriveAndPath(path,drive,floppyPath); if (floppyPath.isEmpty()) { finished(); return; } if (m_mtool!=0) delete m_mtool; //kdDebug(7101)<<"Floppy::stat(): create args"<start()) { delete m_mtool; m_mtool=0; errorMissingMToolsProgram("mcopy"); return; } clearBuffers(); int result; int bytesRead(0); TQByteArray array; bool loopFinished(false); bool errorOccured(false); do { bool stdoutEvent; bool stderrEvent; result=m_mtool->select(1,0,stdoutEvent, stderrEvent); if (stdoutEvent) { delete [] m_stdoutBuffer; m_stdoutBuffer=0; m_stdoutSize=0; if (readStdout()>0) { kdDebug(7101)<<"Floppy::get(): m_stdoutSize:"<start()) { delete m_mtool; m_mtool=0; errorMissingMToolsProgram("mcopy"); return; } clearBuffers(); int result(0); int bytesRead(0); TQByteArray array; //from file.cpp // Loop until we got 0 (end of data) do { bool stdoutEvent; bool stderrEvent; kdDebug(7101)<<"Floppy::put(): select()..."<select(0,100,stdoutEvent, stderrEvent); if (stdoutEvent) { if (readStdout()==0) result=0; } if (stderrEvent) { if (readStderr()==0) result=0; else if (stopAfterError(url,drive)) result=-1; kdDebug(7101)<<"Floppy::put(): error: result=="< 0) { bytesRead+=result; kdDebug(7101)<<"Floppy::put() bytesRead: "<freeSpaceLeft) { result=0; error( TDEIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("Could not write to file %1.\nThe disk in drive %2 is probably full.").arg(url.prettyURL(),drive)); } else { //kdDebug(7101)<<"Floppy::put(): writing..."<stdinFD(),buffer.data(), buffer.size()); kdDebug(7101)<<"Floppy::put(): after write(), wrote "< 0 ); if (result<0) { perror("writing to stdin"); error( TDEIO::ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FOR_WRITING, url.prettyURL()); return; } delete m_mtool; m_mtool=0; finished(); }