/* * tdeprintfax - a small fax utility * Copyright (C) 2001 Michael Goffioul * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "faxctrl.h" #include "tdeprintfax.h" #include "defcmds.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define quote(x) TDEProcess::quote(x) /** \brief Return a string for the page size. * * @param size the page size, which is actually of type @c TQPrinter::PageSize * @return a pointer to a static string for the name of the page size. */ char const* pageSizeText(int size) { switch(size) { case TQPrinter::A4: return "a4"; case TQPrinter::Legal: return "legal"; case TQPrinter::Letter: return "letter"; default: return "letter"; } } /** \brief Return the default page size. */ static TQString pageSize() { TDEConfig *conf = TDEGlobal::config(); conf->setGroup("Fax"); return conf->readEntry("Page", pageSizeText(TDEGlobal::locale()->pageSize())); } static TQString stripNumber( const TQString& s ) { TDEConfig *conf = TDEGlobal::config(); conf->setGroup( "Personal" ); // removes any non-numeric character, except ('+','*','#') (hope it's supported by faxing tools) TQString strip_s = s; strip_s.replace( TQRegExp( "[^\\d+*#]" ), "" ); if ( strip_s.find( '+' ) != -1 && conf->readBoolEntry( "ReplaceIntChar", false ) ) strip_s.replace( "+", conf->readEntry( "ReplaceIntCharVal" ) ); return strip_s; } static TQString tagList( int n, ... ) { TQString t; va_list ap; va_start( ap, n ); for ( int i=0; i%name_{iftrue??iffalse}. Either * @em iftrue or @em iffalse can be empty (or both, but that would * be silly). For example, if the fax software uses the * option @c -l for low resolution, you might use %res_{??-l}, * and if it uses high resolution, use %res_{-h??}. As an * abbreviation, omit the trailing ?, e.g., %res_{-h}. * * By the way, when using multiple, adjacent question marks, * always be careful about inadvertently using trigraphs. * Always escape the second and subsequent question marks, to be safe. * I suppose question marks are not the best string to use, * but I think they work well for the end-user. * * @param match the string to process * @param value the Boolean value to control the processing * @return the new value of the tag */ static TQString processTag( const TQString& match, bool value) { TQString v; int p = match.find( '_' ); if ( p != -1 && match[ p+1 ] == '{' ) { // Find the ?? that separates the iftrue from the iffalse parts. int q = match.find( "?\?", p+2 ); if ( q == -1 ) { // No iffalse part if (value) v = match.mid( p+2 ); // else value is false, so leave v empty. } else if ( value ) // Extract only the iftrue part v = match.mid( p+2, q-p-2 ); else // Extract only the iffalse part v = match.mid( q+2, match.length()-q-3 ); } // Else the string is malformed: no _ or no { after the _ // In either case, there isn't much the program can do, // so just leave the result string empty. return v; } static TQString processTag( const TQString& match, const TQString& value ) { TQString v; int p = match.find( '_' ); if ( p != -1 ) { if ( value.isEmpty() ) v = ""; else { if ( match[ p+1 ] == '{' ) { v = match.mid( p+2, match.length()-p-3 ); v.replace( "@@", quote( value ) ); } else v = ( "-" + match.mid( p+1 ) + " " + quote( value ) ); } } else v = quote( value ); return v; } static bool isTag( const TQString& m, const TQString& t ) { return ( m == t || m.startsWith( t+"_" ) ); } static TQString replaceTags( const TQString& s, const TQString& tags, KdeprintFax *fax = NULL, const KdeprintFax::FaxItem& item = KdeprintFax::FaxItem() ) { // unquote variables (they will be replaced with quoted values later) TQValueStack stack; TDEConfig *conf = TDEGlobal::config(); TQString cmd = s; bool issinglequote=false; bool isdoublequote=false; TQRegExp re_noquote("(\\$\\(|\\)|\\(|\"|'|\\\\|`|"+tags+")"); TQRegExp re_singlequote("('|"+tags+")"); TQRegExp re_doublequote("(\\$\\(|\"|\\\\|`|"+tags+")"); for ( int i = re_noquote.search(cmd); i != -1; i = (issinglequote?re_singlequote.search(cmd,i) :isdoublequote?re_doublequote.search(cmd,i) :re_noquote.search(cmd,i)) ) { if (cmd[i]=='(') // (...) { // assert(isdoublequote == false) stack.push(isdoublequote); i++; } else if (cmd[i]=='$') // $(...) { stack.push(isdoublequote); isdoublequote = false; i+=2; } else if (cmd[i]==')') // $(...) or (...) { if (!stack.isEmpty()) isdoublequote = stack.pop(); else tqWarning("Parse error."); i++; } else if (cmd[i]=='\'') { issinglequote=!issinglequote; i++; } else if (cmd[i]=='"') { isdoublequote=!isdoublequote; i++; } else if (cmd[i]=='\\') i+=2; else if (cmd[i]=='`') { // Replace all `...` with safer $(...) cmd.replace (i, 1, "$("); TQRegExp re_backticks("(`|\\\\`|\\\\\\\\|\\\\\\$)"); for ( int i2=re_backticks.search(cmd,i+2); i2!=-1; i2=re_backticks.search(cmd,i2) ) { if (cmd[i2] == '`') { cmd.replace (i2, 1, ")"); i2=cmd.length(); // leave loop } else { // remove backslash and ignore following character cmd.remove (i2, 1); i2++; } } // Leave i unchanged! We need to process "$(" } else { TQString match, v; // get match if (issinglequote) match=re_singlequote.cap(); else if (isdoublequote) match=re_doublequote.cap(); else match=re_noquote.cap(); // substitute %variables // settings if ( isTag( match, "%dev" ) ) { conf->setGroup("Fax"); v = processTag( match, conf->readEntry("Device", "modem") ); } else if (isTag( match, "%server" )) { conf->setGroup( "Fax" ); v = conf->readEntry("Server"); if (v.isEmpty()) v = getenv("FAXSERVER"); if (v.isEmpty()) v = TQString::fromLatin1("localhost"); v = processTag( match, v ); } else if (isTag( match, "%page" )) { conf->setGroup( "Fax" ); v = processTag( match, pageSize() ); } else if (isTag( match, "%res" )) { conf->setGroup( "Fax" ); v = processTag(match, conf->readEntry("Resolution", "High") == "High"); } else if (isTag( match, "%user" )) { conf->setGroup("Personal"); v = processTag(match, conf->readEntry("Name", getenv("USER"))); } else if (isTag( match, "%from" )) { conf->setGroup( "Personal" ); v = processTag(match, conf->readEntry("Number")); } else if (isTag( match, "%email" )) { KEMailSettings e; v = processTag(match, e.getSetting(KEMailSettings::EmailAddress)); } // arguments else if (isTag( match, "%number" )) v = processTag( match, stripNumber( item.number) ); else if (isTag( match, "%rawnumber" )) v = processTag( match, item.number ); else if (isTag( match, "%name" )) v = processTag(match, item.name); else if (isTag( match, "%comment" )) v = processTag(match, fax->comment()); else if (isTag( match, "%enterprise" )) v = processTag(match, item.enterprise); else if ( isTag( match, "%time" ) ) v = processTag( match, fax->time() ); else if ( isTag( match, "%subject" ) ) v = processTag( match, fax->subject() ); else if (isTag( match, "%cover" )) v = processTag(match, fax->cover()); // %variable inside of a quote? if (isdoublequote) v='"'+v+'"'; else if (issinglequote) v="'"+v+"'"; cmd.replace (i, match.length(), v); i+=v.length(); } } return cmd; } FaxCtrl::FaxCtrl(TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : TQObject(parent, name) { m_process = new TDEProcess(); m_process->setUseShell(true); connect(m_process, TQT_SIGNAL(receivedStdout(TDEProcess*,char*,int)), TQT_SLOT(slotReceivedStdout(TDEProcess*,char*,int))); connect(m_process, TQT_SIGNAL(receivedStderr(TDEProcess*,char*,int)), TQT_SLOT(slotReceivedStdout(TDEProcess*,char*,int))); connect(m_process, TQT_SIGNAL(processExited(TDEProcess*)), TQT_SLOT(slotProcessExited(TDEProcess*))); connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(faxSent(bool)), TQT_SLOT(cleanTempFiles())); m_logview = 0; } FaxCtrl::~FaxCtrl() { slotCloseLog(); delete m_process; } bool FaxCtrl::send(KdeprintFax *f) { m_command = faxCommand(); if (m_command.isEmpty()) return false; // replace tags common to all fax "operations" m_command = replaceTags( m_command, tagList( 11, "%dev", "%server", "%page", "%res", "%user", "%from", "%email", "%comment", "%time", "%subject", "%cover" ), f ); m_log = TQString::null; m_filteredfiles.clear(); cleanTempFiles(); m_files = f->files(); m_faxlist = f->faxList(); addLogTitle( i18n( "Converting input files to PostScript" ) ); filter(); return true; } void FaxCtrl::slotReceivedStdout(TDEProcess*, char *buffer, int len) { TQCString str(buffer, len); kdDebug() << "Received stdout: " << str << endl; addLog(TQString(str)); } void FaxCtrl::slotProcessExited(TDEProcess*) { // we exited a process: if there's still entries in m_files, this was a filter // process, else this was the fax process bool ok = (m_process->normalExit() && ((m_process->exitStatus() & (m_files.count() > 0 ? 0x1 : 0xFFFFFFFF)) == 0)); if ( ok ) { if ( m_files.count() > 0 ) { // remove first element m_files.remove(m_files.begin()); if (m_files.count() > 0) filter(); else sendFax(); } else if ( !m_faxlist.isEmpty() ) sendFax(); else faxSent( true ); } else { emit faxSent(false); } } TQString FaxCtrl::faxCommand() { TDEConfig *conf = TDEGlobal::config(); conf->setGroup("System"); TQString sys = conf->readPathEntry("System", "efax"); TQString cmd; if (sys == "hylafax") cmd = conf->readPathEntry("HylaFax", hylafax_default_cmd); else if (sys == "mgetty") cmd = conf->readPathEntry("Mgetty", mgetty_default_cmd); else if ( sys == "other" ) cmd = conf->readPathEntry( "Other", TQString::null ); else cmd = conf->readPathEntry("EFax", efax_default_cmd); if (cmd.startsWith("%exe_")) cmd = defaultCommand(cmd); return cmd; } void FaxCtrl::sendFax() { if ( m_command.find( "%files" ) != -1 ) { // replace %files tag TQString filestr; for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it=m_filteredfiles.begin(); it!=m_filteredfiles.end(); ++it) filestr += (quote(*it)+" "); m_command.replace("%files", filestr); } if ( !m_faxlist.isEmpty() ) { KdeprintFax::FaxItem item = m_faxlist.first(); m_faxlist.remove(m_faxlist.begin()); addLogTitle( i18n( "Sending fax to %1 (%2)" ).arg( item.number ).arg( item.name ) ); TQString cmd = replaceTags( m_command, tagList( 4, "%number", "%name", "%enterprise", "%rawnumber" ), NULL, item ); m_process->clearArguments(); *m_process << cmd; addLog(i18n("Sending to fax using: %1").arg(cmd)); if (!m_process->start(TDEProcess::NotifyOnExit, TDEProcess::AllOutput)) emit faxSent(false); else emit message(i18n("Sending fax to %1...").arg( item.number )); } } void FaxCtrl::filter() { if (m_files.count() > 0) { TQString mimeType = KMimeType::findByURL(KURL(m_files[0]), 0, true)->name(); if (mimeType == "application/postscript" || mimeType == "image/tiff") { emit message(i18n("Skipping %1...").arg(m_files[0])); m_filteredfiles.prepend(m_files[0]); m_files.remove(m_files.begin()); filter(); } else { TQString tmp = locateLocal("tmp","tdeprintfax_") + kapp->randomString(8); m_filteredfiles.prepend(tmp); m_tempfiles.append(tmp); m_process->clearArguments(); *m_process << locate("data","tdeprintfax/anytops") << "-m" << TDEProcess::quote(locate("data","tdeprintfax/faxfilters")) << TQString::fromLatin1("--mime=%1").arg(mimeType) << "-p" << pageSize() << TDEProcess::quote(m_files[0]) << TDEProcess::quote(tmp); if (!m_process->start(TDEProcess::NotifyOnExit, TDEProcess::AllOutput)) emit faxSent(false); else emit message(i18n("Filtering %1...").arg(m_files[0])); } } else { sendFax(); } } bool FaxCtrl::abort() { if (m_process->isRunning()) return m_process->kill(); else return false; } void FaxCtrl::viewLog(TQWidget *) { if (!m_logview) { TQWidget *topView = new TQWidget(0, "LogView", (WFlags)(WType_TopLevel|WStyle_DialogBorder|WDestructiveClose)); m_logview = new KTextEdit(topView); m_logview->setTextFormat( TQt::LogText ); m_logview->setWordWrap( TQTextEdit::WidgetWidth ); m_logview->setPaper( Qt::white ); //m_logview->setReadOnly(true); //m_logview->setWordWrap(TQTextEdit::NoWrap); TQPushButton *m_clear = new KPushButton(KStdGuiItem::clear(), topView); TQPushButton *m_close = new KPushButton(KStdGuiItem::close(), topView); TQPushButton *m_print = new KPushButton( KStdGuiItem::print(), topView ); TQPushButton *m_save = new KPushButton( KStdGuiItem::saveAs(), topView ); m_close->setDefault(true); connect(m_clear, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotClearLog())); connect(m_close, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotCloseLog())); connect(m_logview, TQT_SIGNAL(destroyed()), TQT_SLOT(slotCloseLog())); connect( m_print, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), TQT_SLOT( slotPrintLog() ) ); connect( m_save, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), TQT_SLOT( slotSaveLog() ) ); TQVBoxLayout *l0 = new TQVBoxLayout(topView, 10, 10); l0->addWidget(m_logview); TQHBoxLayout *l1 = new TQHBoxLayout(0, 0, 10); l0->addLayout(l1); l1->addStretch(1); l1->addWidget( m_save ); l1->addWidget( m_print ); l1->addWidget(m_clear); l1->addWidget(m_close); m_logview->setText(m_log); topView->resize(450, 350); topView->show(); } else { KWin::activateWindow(m_logview->parentWidget()->winId()); } } void FaxCtrl::addLogTitle( const TQString& s ) { TQString t( s ); t.prepend( '\n' ).append( '\n' ); addLog( t, true ); } void FaxCtrl::addLog(const TQString& s, bool isTitle) { TQString t = TQStyleSheet::escape(s); if ( isTitle ) t.prepend( "" ).append( "" ); m_log.append( t + '\n' ); if (m_logview) m_logview->append(t); } TQString FaxCtrl::faxSystem() { TDEConfig *conf = TDEGlobal::config(); conf->setGroup("System"); TQString s = conf->readEntry("System", "efax"); s[0] = s[0].upper(); return s; } void FaxCtrl::cleanTempFiles() { for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it=m_tempfiles.begin(); it!=m_tempfiles.end(); ++it) TQFile::remove(*it); m_tempfiles.clear(); } void FaxCtrl::slotClearLog() { m_log = TQString::null; if (m_logview) m_logview->clear(); } void FaxCtrl::slotCloseLog() { const TQObject *obj = sender(); if (m_logview) { TQTextEdit *view = m_logview; m_logview = 0; if (obj && obj->inherits("TQPushButton")) delete view->parentWidget(); kdDebug() << "slotClose()" << endl; } } void FaxCtrl::slotPrintLog() { if ( m_logview ) { KPrinter printer; printer.setDocName( i18n( "Fax log" ) ); printer.setDocFileName( "faxlog" ); if ( printer.setup( m_logview->topLevelWidget(), i18n( "Fax Log" ) ) ) { TQPainter painter( &printer ); TQPaintDeviceMetrics metric( &printer ); TQRect body( 0, 0, metric.width(), metric.height() ), view( body ); //TQString txt = m_logview->text(); TQString txt = m_log; txt.replace( '\n', "
" ); txt.prepend( "

" + i18n( "TDEPrint Fax Tool Log" ) + "

" ); kdDebug() << "Log: " << txt << endl; TQSimpleRichText richText( txt, m_logview->font() ); richText.setWidth( &painter, body.width() ); do { richText.draw( &painter, body.left(), body.top(), view, m_logview->colorGroup() ); view.moveBy( 0, body.height() ); painter.translate( 0, -body.height() ); if ( view.top() >= richText.height() ) break; printer.newPage(); } while ( true ); } } } void FaxCtrl::slotSaveLog() { if ( m_logview ) { TQString filename = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( TQString::null, TQString::null, m_logview ); if ( !filename.isEmpty() ) { TQFile f( filename ); if ( f.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { TQTextStream t( &f ); t << i18n( "TDEPrint Fax Tool Log" ) << endl; t << m_logview->text() << endl; f.close(); } else KMessageBox::error( m_logview, i18n( "Cannot open file for writing." ) ); } } } #include "faxctrl.moc"