/* This is the new twindecoration kcontrol module Copyright (c) 2004, Sandro Giessl Copyright (c) 2001 Karol Szwed http://gallium.n3.net/ Supports new twin configuration plugins, and titlebar button position modification via dnd interface. Based on original "twintheme" (Window Borders) Copyright (C) 2001 Rik Hemsley (rikkus) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "buttons.h" #include "pixmaps.h" #define BUTTONDRAGMIMETYPE "application/x-kde_twindecoration_buttons" ButtonDrag::ButtonDrag( Button btn, TQWidget* parent, const char* name) : TQStoredDrag( BUTTONDRAGMIMETYPE, parent, name) { TQByteArray data; TQDataStream stream(data, IO_WriteOnly); stream << btn.name; stream << btn.icon; stream << btn.type.unicode(); stream << (int) btn.duplicate; stream << (int) btn.supported; setEncodedData( data ); } bool ButtonDrag::canDecode( TQDropEvent* e ) { return e->provides( BUTTONDRAGMIMETYPE ); } bool ButtonDrag::decode( TQDropEvent* e, Button& btn ) { TQByteArray data = e->data( BUTTONDRAGMIMETYPE ); if ( data.size() ) { e->accept(); TQDataStream stream(data, IO_ReadOnly); stream >> btn.name; stream >> btn.icon; ushort type; stream >> type; btn.type = TQChar(type); int duplicate; stream >> duplicate; btn.duplicate = duplicate; int supported; stream >> supported; btn.supported = supported; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } Button::Button() { } Button::Button(const TQString& n, const TQBitmap& i, TQChar t, bool d, bool s) : name(n), icon(i), type(t), duplicate(d), supported(s) { } Button::~Button() { } // helper function to deal with the Button's bitmaps more easily... TQPixmap bitmapPixmap(const TQBitmap& bm, const TQColor& color) { TQPixmap pm(bm.size() ); pm.setMask(bm); TQPainter p(&pm); p.setPen(color); p.drawPixmap(0,0,bm); p.end(); return pm; } ButtonSource::ButtonSource(TQWidget *parent, const char* name) : TDEListView(parent, name) { setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Expanding); setResizeMode(TQListView::AllColumns); setDragEnabled(true); setAcceptDrops(true); setDropVisualizer(false); setSorting(-1); header()->setClickEnabled(false); header()->hide(); addColumn(i18n("Buttons") ); } ButtonSource::~ButtonSource() { } TQSize ButtonSource::sizeHint() const { // make the sizeHint height a bit smaller than the one of TQListView... if ( cachedSizeHint().isValid() ) return cachedSizeHint(); constPolish(); TQSize s( header()->sizeHint() ); if ( verticalScrollBar()->isVisible() ) s.setWidth( s.width() + style().pixelMetric(TQStyle::PM_ScrollBarExtent) ); s += TQSize(frameWidth()*2,frameWidth()*2); // size hint: 4 lines of text... s.setHeight( s.height() + fontMetrics().lineSpacing()*3 ); setCachedSizeHint( s ); return s; } void ButtonSource::hideAllButtons() { TQListViewItemIterator it(this); while (it.current() ) { it.current()->setVisible(false); ++it; } } void ButtonSource::showAllButtons() { TQListViewItemIterator it(this); while (it.current() ) { it.current()->setVisible(true); ++it; } } void ButtonSource::showButton( TQChar btn ) { TQListViewItemIterator it(this); while (it.current() ) { ButtonSourceItem *item = dynamic_cast(it.current() ); if (item && item->button().type == btn) { it.current()->setVisible(true); return; } ++it; } } void ButtonSource::hideButton( TQChar btn ) { TQListViewItemIterator it(this); while (it.current() ) { ButtonSourceItem *item = dynamic_cast(it.current() ); if (item && item->button().type == btn && !item->button().duplicate) { it.current()->setVisible(false); return; } ++it; } } bool ButtonSource::acceptDrag(TQDropEvent* e) const { return acceptDrops() && ButtonDrag::canDecode(e); } TQDragObject *ButtonSource::dragObject() { ButtonSourceItem *i = dynamic_cast(selectedItem() ); if (i) { ButtonDrag *bd = new ButtonDrag(i->button(), viewport(), "button_drag"); bd->setPixmap(bitmapPixmap(i->button().icon, colorGroup().foreground() )); return bd; } return 0; } ButtonDropSiteItem::ButtonDropSiteItem(const Button& btn) : m_button(btn) { } ButtonDropSiteItem::~ButtonDropSiteItem() { } Button ButtonDropSiteItem::button() { return m_button; } int ButtonDropSiteItem::width() { // return m_button.icon.width(); return 20; } int ButtonDropSiteItem::height() { // return m_button.icon.height(); return 20; } void ButtonDropSiteItem::draw(TQPainter *p, const TQColorGroup& cg, TQRect r) { // p->fillRect(r, cg.base() ); if (m_button.supported) p->setPen(cg.foreground() ); else p->setPen(cg.mid() ); TQBitmap &i = m_button.icon; p->drawPixmap(r.left()+(r.width()-i.width())/2, r.top()+(r.height()-i.height())/2, i); } ButtonDropSite::ButtonDropSite( TQWidget* parent, const char* name ) : TQFrame( parent, name ), m_selected(0) { setAcceptDrops( TRUE ); setFrameShape( WinPanel ); setFrameShadow( Raised ); setMinimumHeight( 26 ); setMaximumHeight( 26 ); setMinimumWidth( 250 ); // Ensure buttons will fit } ButtonDropSite::~ButtonDropSite() { clearLeft(); clearRight(); } void ButtonDropSite::clearLeft() { while (!buttonsLeft.isEmpty() ) { ButtonDropSiteItem *item = buttonsLeft.first(); if (removeButton(item) ) { emit buttonRemoved(item->button().type); delete item; } } } void ButtonDropSite::clearRight() { while (!buttonsRight.isEmpty() ) { ButtonDropSiteItem *item = buttonsRight.first(); if (removeButton(item) ) { emit buttonRemoved(item->button().type); delete item; } } } void ButtonDropSite::dragMoveEvent( TQDragMoveEvent* e ) { TQPoint p = e->pos(); if (leftDropArea().contains(p) || rightDropArea().contains(p) || buttonAt(p) ) { e->accept(); // 2 pixel wide drop visualizer... TQRect r = contentsRect(); int x = -1; if (leftDropArea().contains(p) ) { x = leftDropArea().left(); } else if (rightDropArea().contains(p) ) { x = rightDropArea().right()+1; } else { ButtonDropSiteItem *item = buttonAt(p); if (item) { if (p.x() < item->rect.left()+item->rect.width()/2 ) { x = item->rect.left(); } else { x = item->rect.right()+1; } } } if (x != -1) { TQRect tmpRect(x, r.y(), 2, r.height() ); if (tmpRect != m_oldDropVisualizer) { cleanDropVisualizer(); m_oldDropVisualizer = tmpRect; update(tmpRect); } } } else { e->ignore(); cleanDropVisualizer(); } } void ButtonDropSite::cleanDropVisualizer() { if (m_oldDropVisualizer.isValid()) { TQRect rect = m_oldDropVisualizer; m_oldDropVisualizer = TQRect(); // rect is invalid update(rect); } } void ButtonDropSite::dragEnterEvent( TQDragEnterEvent* e ) { if ( ButtonDrag::canDecode( e ) ) e->accept(); } void ButtonDropSite::dragLeaveEvent( TQDragLeaveEvent* /* e */ ) { cleanDropVisualizer(); } void ButtonDropSite::dropEvent( TQDropEvent* e ) { cleanDropVisualizer(); TQPoint p = e->pos(); // collect information where to insert the dropped button ButtonList *buttonList = 0; ButtonList::iterator buttonPosition; if (leftDropArea().contains(p) ) { buttonList = &buttonsLeft; buttonPosition = buttonsLeft.end(); } else if (rightDropArea().contains(p) ) { buttonList = &buttonsRight; buttonPosition = buttonsRight.begin(); } else { ButtonDropSiteItem *aboveItem = buttonAt(p); if (!aboveItem) return; // invalid drop. hasn't occured _over_ a button (or left/right dropArea), return... ButtonList::iterator it; if (!getItemIterator(aboveItem, buttonList, it) ) { // didn't find the aboveItem. unlikely to happen since buttonAt() already seems to have found // something valid. anyway... return; } // got the list and the aboveItem position. now determine if the item should be inserted // before aboveItem or after aboveItem. TQRect aboveItemRect = aboveItem->rect; if (!aboveItemRect.isValid() ) return; if (p.x() < aboveItemRect.left()+aboveItemRect.width()/2 ) { // insert before the item buttonPosition = it; } else { if (it != buttonList->end() ) buttonPosition = ++it; else buttonPosition = it; // already at the end(), can't increment the iterator! } } // know where to insert the button. now see if we can use an existing item (drag within the widget = move) // orneed to create a new one ButtonDropSiteItem *buttonItem = 0; if (e->source() == this && m_selected) { ButtonList *oldList = 0; ButtonList::iterator oldPos; if (getItemIterator(m_selected, oldList, oldPos) ) { if (oldPos == buttonPosition) return; // button didn't change its position during the drag... oldList->remove(oldPos); buttonItem = m_selected; } else { return; // m_selected not found, return... } } else { // create new button from the drop object... Button btn; if (ButtonDrag::decode(e, btn) ) { buttonItem = new ButtonDropSiteItem(btn); } else { return; // something has gone wrong while we were trying to decode the drop event } } // now the item can actually be inserted into the list! :) (*buttonList).insert(buttonPosition, buttonItem); emit buttonAdded(buttonItem->button().type); emit changed(); recalcItemGeometry(); update(); } bool ButtonDropSite::getItemIterator(ButtonDropSiteItem *item, ButtonList* &list, ButtonList::iterator &iterator) { if (!item) return false; ButtonList::iterator it = buttonsLeft.find(item); // try the left list first... if (it == buttonsLeft.end() ) { it = buttonsRight.find(item); // try the right list... if (it == buttonsRight.end() ) { return false; // item hasn't been found in one of the list, return... } else { list = &buttonsRight; iterator = it; } } else { list = &buttonsLeft; iterator = it; } return true; } TQRect ButtonDropSite::leftDropArea() { // return a 10 pixel drop area... TQRect r = contentsRect(); int leftButtonsWidth = calcButtonListWidth(buttonsLeft); return TQRect(r.left()+leftButtonsWidth, r.top(), 10, r.height() ); } TQRect ButtonDropSite::rightDropArea() { // return a 10 pixel drop area... TQRect r = contentsRect(); int rightButtonsWidth = calcButtonListWidth(buttonsRight); return TQRect(r.right()-rightButtonsWidth-10, r.top(), 10, r.height() ); } void ButtonDropSite::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent* e ) { // TODO: only start the real drag after some drag distance m_selected = buttonAt(e->pos() ); if (m_selected) { ButtonDrag *bd = new ButtonDrag(m_selected->button(), this); bd->setPixmap(bitmapPixmap(m_selected->button().icon, colorGroup().foreground() ) ); bd->dragMove(); } } void ButtonDropSite::resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent*) { recalcItemGeometry(); } void ButtonDropSite::recalcItemGeometry() { TQRect r = contentsRect(); // update the geometry of the items in the left button list int offset = r.left(); for (ButtonList::const_iterator it = buttonsLeft.begin(); it != buttonsLeft.end(); ++it) { int w = (*it)->width(); (*it)->rect = TQRect(offset, r.top(), w, (*it)->height() ); offset += w; } // the right button list... offset = r.right() - calcButtonListWidth(buttonsRight); for (ButtonList::const_iterator it = buttonsRight.begin(); it != buttonsRight.end(); ++it) { int w = (*it)->width(); (*it)->rect = TQRect(offset, r.top(), w, (*it)->height() ); offset += w; } } ButtonDropSiteItem *ButtonDropSite::buttonAt(TQPoint p) { // try to find the item in the left button list for (ButtonList::const_iterator it = buttonsLeft.begin(); it != buttonsLeft.end(); ++it) { if ( (*it)->rect.contains(p) ) { return *it; } } // try to find the item in the right button list for (ButtonList::const_iterator it = buttonsRight.begin(); it != buttonsRight.end(); ++it) { if ( (*it)->rect.contains(p) ) { return *it; } } return 0; } bool ButtonDropSite::removeButton(ButtonDropSiteItem *item) { if (!item) return false; // try to remove the item from the left button list if (buttonsLeft.remove(item) >= 1) { return true; } // try to remove the item from the right button list if (buttonsRight.remove(item) >= 1) { return true; } return false; } int ButtonDropSite::calcButtonListWidth(const ButtonList& btns) { int w = 0; for (ButtonList::const_iterator it = btns.begin(); it != btns.end(); ++it) { w += (*it)->width(); } return w; } bool ButtonDropSite::removeSelectedButton() { bool succ = removeButton(m_selected); if (succ) { emit buttonRemoved(m_selected->button().type); emit changed(); delete m_selected; m_selected = 0; recalcItemGeometry(); update(); // repaint... } return succ; } void ButtonDropSite::drawButtonList(TQPainter *p, const ButtonList& btns, int offset) { for (ButtonList::const_iterator it = btns.begin(); it != btns.end(); ++it) { TQRect itemRect = (*it)->rect; if (itemRect.isValid() ) { (*it)->draw(p, colorGroup(), itemRect); } offset += (*it)->width(); } } void ButtonDropSite::drawContents( TQPainter* p ) { int leftoffset = calcButtonListWidth( buttonsLeft ); int rightoffset = calcButtonListWidth( buttonsRight ); int offset = 3; TQRect r = contentsRect(); // Shrink by 1 r.moveBy(1 + leftoffset, 1); r.setWidth( r.width() - 2 - leftoffset - rightoffset ); r.setHeight( r.height() - 2 ); drawButtonList( p, buttonsLeft, offset ); TQColor c1( 0x0A, 0x5F, 0x89 ); // KDE 2 titlebar default colour p->fillRect( r, c1 ); p->setPen( Qt::white ); p->setFont( TQFont( TDEGlobalSettings::generalFont().family(), 12, TQFont::Bold) ); p->drawText( r, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter, i18n("TDE") ); offset = geometry().width() - 3 - rightoffset; drawButtonList( p, buttonsRight, offset ); if (m_oldDropVisualizer.isValid() ) { p->fillRect(m_oldDropVisualizer, Dense4Pattern); } } ButtonSourceItem::ButtonSourceItem(TQListView * parent, const Button& btn) : TQListViewItem(parent), m_button(btn), m_dirty(true) { setButton(btn); } ButtonSourceItem::~ButtonSourceItem() { } void ButtonSourceItem::paintCell(TQPainter *p, const TQColorGroup &cg, int column, int width, int align) { // we need the color group cg, so to the work here, not in setButton... if (m_dirty) { if (m_button.supported) { setPixmap(0, bitmapPixmap(m_button.icon, cg.foreground() ) ); } else { setPixmap(0, bitmapPixmap(m_button.icon, cg.mid() ) ); } m_dirty = false; } if (m_button.supported) { TQListViewItem::paintCell(p,cg,column,width,align); } else { // grey out unsupported buttons TQColorGroup cg2 = cg; cg2.setColor(TQColorGroup::Text, cg.mid() ); TQListViewItem::paintCell(p,cg2,column,width,align); } } void ButtonSourceItem::setButton(const Button& btn) { m_button = btn; m_dirty = true; // update the pixmap when in paintCell()... if (btn.supported) { setText(0, btn.name); } else { setText(0, i18n("%1 (unavailable)").arg(btn.name) ); } } Button ButtonSourceItem::button() const { return m_button; } ButtonPositionWidget::ButtonPositionWidget(TQWidget *parent, const char* name) : TQWidget(parent,name), m_factory(0) { TQVBoxLayout *layout = new TQVBoxLayout(this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint() ); setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Maximum); TQLabel* label = new TQLabel( this ); m_dropSite = new ButtonDropSite( this ); label->setAlignment( int( TQLabel::WordBreak ) ); label->setText( i18n( "To add or remove titlebar buttons, simply drag items " "between the available item list and the titlebar preview. Similarly, " "drag items within the titlebar preview to re-position them.") ); m_buttonSource = new ButtonSource(this, "button_source"); layout->addWidget(label); layout->addWidget(m_dropSite); layout->addWidget(m_buttonSource); connect( m_dropSite, TQT_SIGNAL(buttonAdded(TQChar)), m_buttonSource, TQT_SLOT(hideButton(TQChar)) ); connect( m_dropSite, TQT_SIGNAL(buttonRemoved(TQChar)), m_buttonSource, TQT_SLOT(showButton(TQChar)) ); connect( m_buttonSource, TQT_SIGNAL(dropped(TQDropEvent*, TQListViewItem*)), m_dropSite, TQT_SLOT(removeSelectedButton()) ); connect( m_dropSite, TQT_SIGNAL(changed()), TQT_SIGNAL(changed()) ); // insert all possible buttons into the source (backwards to keep the preferred order...) bool dummy; new ButtonSourceItem(m_buttonSource, getButton('R', dummy) ); new ButtonSourceItem(m_buttonSource, getButton('L', dummy) ); new ButtonSourceItem(m_buttonSource, getButton('B', dummy) ); new ButtonSourceItem(m_buttonSource, getButton('F', dummy) ); new ButtonSourceItem(m_buttonSource, getButton('X', dummy) ); new ButtonSourceItem(m_buttonSource, getButton('A', dummy) ); new ButtonSourceItem(m_buttonSource, getButton('I', dummy) ); new ButtonSourceItem(m_buttonSource, getButton('H', dummy) ); new ButtonSourceItem(m_buttonSource, getButton('S', dummy) ); new ButtonSourceItem(m_buttonSource, getButton('M', dummy) ); new ButtonSourceItem(m_buttonSource, getButton('_', dummy) ); } ButtonPositionWidget::~ButtonPositionWidget() { } void ButtonPositionWidget::setDecorationFactory(KDecorationFactory *factory) { if (!factory) return; m_factory = factory; // get the list of supported buttons if (m_factory->supports(KDecorationDefines::AbilityAnnounceButtons) ) { TQString supportedButtons; if (m_factory->supports(KDecorationDefines::AbilityButtonMenu) ) supportedButtons.append('M'); if (m_factory->supports(KDecorationDefines::AbilityButtonOnAllDesktops) ) supportedButtons.append('S'); if (m_factory->supports(KDecorationDefines::AbilityButtonSpacer) ) supportedButtons.append('_'); if (m_factory->supports(KDecorationDefines::AbilityButtonHelp) ) supportedButtons.append('H'); if (m_factory->supports(KDecorationDefines::AbilityButtonMinimize) ) supportedButtons.append('I'); if (m_factory->supports(KDecorationDefines::AbilityButtonMaximize) ) supportedButtons.append('A'); if (m_factory->supports(KDecorationDefines::AbilityButtonClose) ) supportedButtons.append('X'); if (m_factory->supports(KDecorationDefines::AbilityButtonAboveOthers) ) supportedButtons.append('F'); if (m_factory->supports(KDecorationDefines::AbilityButtonBelowOthers) ) supportedButtons.append('B'); if (m_factory->supports(KDecorationDefines::AbilityButtonShade) ) supportedButtons.append('L'); if (m_factory->supports(KDecorationDefines::AbilityButtonResize) ) supportedButtons.append('R'); m_supportedButtons = supportedButtons; } else { // enable only buttons available before AbilityButton* introduction m_supportedButtons = "MSHIAX_"; } // update the button lists... // 1. set status on the source items... TQListViewItemIterator it(m_buttonSource); while (it.current() ) { ButtonSourceItem *i = dynamic_cast(it.current() ); if (i) { Button b = i->button(); b.supported = m_supportedButtons.contains(b.type); i->setButton(b); } ++it; } // 2. rebuild the drop site items... setButtonsLeft(buttonsLeft() ); setButtonsRight(buttonsRight() ); } Button ButtonPositionWidget::getButton(TQChar type, bool& success) { success = true; if (type == 'R') { TQBitmap bmp(resize_width, resize_height, resize_bits, true); bmp.setMask(bmp); return Button(i18n("Resize"), bmp, 'R', false, m_supportedButtons.contains('R') ); } else if (type == 'L') { TQBitmap bmp(shade_width, shade_height, shade_bits, true); bmp.setMask(bmp); return Button(i18n("Shade"), bmp, 'L', false, m_supportedButtons.contains('L') ); } else if (type == 'B') { TQBitmap bmp(keepbelowothers_width, keepbelowothers_height, keepbelowothers_bits, true); bmp.setMask(bmp); return Button(i18n("Keep Below Others"), bmp, 'B', false, m_supportedButtons.contains('B') ); } else if (type == 'F') { TQBitmap bmp(keepaboveothers_width, keepaboveothers_height, keepaboveothers_bits, true); bmp.setMask(bmp); return Button(i18n("Keep Above Others"), bmp, 'F', false, m_supportedButtons.contains('F') ); } else if (type == 'X') { TQBitmap bmp(close_width, close_height, close_bits, true); bmp.setMask(bmp); return Button(i18n("Close"), bmp, 'X', false, m_supportedButtons.contains('X') ); } else if (type == 'A') { TQBitmap bmp(maximize_width, maximize_height, maximize_bits, true); bmp.setMask(bmp); return Button(i18n("Maximize"), bmp, 'A', false, m_supportedButtons.contains('A') ); } else if (type == 'I') { TQBitmap bmp(minimize_width, minimize_height, minimize_bits, true); bmp.setMask(bmp); return Button(i18n("Minimize"), bmp, 'I', false, m_supportedButtons.contains('I') ); } else if (type == 'H') { TQBitmap bmp(help_width, help_height, help_bits, true); bmp.setMask(bmp); return Button(i18n("Help"), bmp, 'H', false, m_supportedButtons.contains('H') ); } else if (type == 'S') { TQBitmap bmp(onalldesktops_width, onalldesktops_height, onalldesktops_bits, true); bmp.setMask(bmp); return Button(i18n("On All Desktops"), bmp, 'S', false, m_supportedButtons.contains('S') ); } else if (type == 'M') { TQBitmap bmp(menu_width, menu_height, menu_bits, true); bmp.setMask(bmp); return Button(i18n("Menu"), bmp, 'M', false, m_supportedButtons.contains('M') ); } else if (type == '_') { TQBitmap bmp(spacer_width, spacer_height, spacer_bits, true); bmp.setMask(bmp); return Button(i18n("--- spacer ---"), bmp, '_', true, m_supportedButtons.contains('_') ); } else { success = false; return Button(); } } TQString ButtonPositionWidget::buttonsLeft() const { ButtonList btns = m_dropSite->buttonsLeft; TQString btnString = ""; for (ButtonList::const_iterator it = btns.begin(); it != btns.end(); ++it) { btnString.append( (*it)->button().type ); } return btnString; } TQString ButtonPositionWidget::buttonsRight() const { ButtonList btns = m_dropSite->buttonsRight; TQString btnString = ""; for (ButtonList::const_iterator it = btns.begin(); it != btns.end(); ++it) { btnString.append( (*it)->button().type ); } return btnString; } void ButtonPositionWidget::setButtonsLeft(const TQString &buttons) { // to keep the button lists consistent, first remove all left buttons, then add buttons again... m_dropSite->clearLeft(); for (uint i = 0; i < buttons.length(); ++i) { bool succ = false; Button btn = getButton(buttons[i], succ); if (succ) { m_dropSite->buttonsLeft.append(new ButtonDropSiteItem(btn) ); m_buttonSource->hideButton(btn.type); } } m_dropSite->recalcItemGeometry(); m_dropSite->update(); } void ButtonPositionWidget::setButtonsRight(const TQString &buttons) { // to keep the button lists consistent, first remove all left buttons, then add buttons again... m_dropSite->clearRight(); for (uint i = 0; i < buttons.length(); ++i) { bool succ = false; Button btn = getButton(buttons[i], succ); if (succ) { m_dropSite->buttonsRight.append(new ButtonDropSiteItem(btn) ); m_buttonSource->hideButton(btn.type); } } m_dropSite->recalcItemGeometry(); m_dropSite->update(); } #include "buttons.moc" // vim: ts=4 // kate: space-indent off; tab-width 4;