/***************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak You can Freely distribute this program under the GNU General Public License. See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. ******************************************************************/ /* This file contains things relevant to direct user actions, such as responses to global keyboard shortcuts, or selecting actions from the window operations menu. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "client.h" #include "workspace.h" #include #include "killwindow.h" #include "tabbox.h" namespace KWinInternal { //**************************************** // Workspace //**************************************** TQPopupMenu* Workspace::clientPopup() { if ( !popup ) { popup = new TQPopupMenu; popup->setCheckable( TRUE ); popup->setFont(TDEGlobalSettings::menuFont()); connect( popup, TQT_SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), this, TQT_SLOT( clientPopupAboutToShow() ) ); connect( popup, TQT_SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, TQT_SLOT( clientPopupActivated(int) ) ); advanced_popup = new TQPopupMenu( popup ); advanced_popup->setCheckable( TRUE ); advanced_popup->setFont(TDEGlobalSettings::menuFont()); connect( advanced_popup, TQT_SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, TQT_SLOT( clientPopupActivated(int) ) ); advanced_popup->insertItem( SmallIconSet( "go-up" ), i18n("Keep &Above Others")+'\t'+keys->shortcut("Window Above Other Windows").seq(0).toString(), Options::KeepAboveOp ); advanced_popup->insertItem( SmallIconSet( "go-down" ), i18n("Keep &Below Others")+'\t'+keys->shortcut("Window Below Other Windows").seq(0).toString(), Options::KeepBelowOp ); advanced_popup->insertItem( SmallIconSet( "view-fullscreen" ), i18n("&Fullscreen")+'\t'+keys->shortcut("Window Fullscreen").seq(0).toString(), Options::FullScreenOp ); advanced_popup->insertItem( i18n("&No Border")+'\t'+keys->shortcut("Window No Border").seq(0).toString(), Options::NoBorderOp ); advanced_popup->insertItem( i18n("Shad&ow"), Options::ShadowOp ); advanced_popup->insertItem( SmallIconSet("key_bindings"), i18n("Window &Shortcut...")+'\t'+keys->shortcut("Setup Window Shortcut").seq(0).toString(), Options::SetupWindowShortcutOp ); advanced_popup->insertSeparator(); advanced_popup->insertItem( SmallIconSet( "suspend" ), i18n("&Suspend Application"), Options::SuspendWindowOp ); advanced_popup->insertItem( SmallIconSet( "application-x-executable" ), i18n("&Resume Application"), Options::ResumeWindowOp ); advanced_popup->insertSeparator(); advanced_popup->insertItem( SmallIconSet( "wizard" ), i18n("&Special Window Settings..."), Options::WindowRulesOp ); advanced_popup->insertItem( SmallIconSet( "wizard" ), i18n("&Special Application Settings..."), Options::ApplicationRulesOp ); popup->insertItem(i18n("Ad&vanced"), advanced_popup ); desk_popup_index = popup->count(); if (options->useTranslucency){ TQPopupMenu *trans_popup = new TQPopupMenu( popup ); TQVBox *transBox = new TQVBox(trans_popup); transButton = new TQPushButton(transBox, "transButton"); TQToolTip::add(transButton, i18n("Reset opacity to default value")); transSlider = new TQSlider(0, 100, 1, 100, TQt::Horizontal, transBox, "transSlider"); TQToolTip::add(transSlider, i18n("Slide this to set the window's opacity")); connect(transButton, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(resetClientOpacity())); connect(transButton, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), trans_popup, TQT_SLOT(hide())); connect(transSlider, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), TQT_SLOT(setTransButtonText(int))); connect(transSlider, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(setPopupClientOpacity(int))); // connect(transSlider, TQT_SIGNAL(sliderReleased()), trans_popup, TQT_SLOT(hide())); trans_popup->insertItem(transBox); popup->insertItem(i18n("&Opacity"), trans_popup ); } popup->insertItem( SmallIconSet( "move" ), i18n("&Move")+'\t'+keys->shortcut("Window Move").seq(0).toString(), Options::MoveOp ); popup->insertItem( i18n("Re&size")+'\t'+keys->shortcut("Window Resize").seq(0).toString(), Options::ResizeOp ); popup->insertItem( i18n("Mi&nimize")+'\t'+keys->shortcut("Window Minimize").seq(0).toString(), Options::MinimizeOp ); popup->insertItem( i18n("Ma&ximize")+'\t'+keys->shortcut("Window Maximize").seq(0).toString(), Options::MaximizeOp ); popup->insertItem( i18n("Sh&ade")+'\t'+keys->shortcut("Window Shade").seq(0).toString(), Options::ShadeOp ); popup->insertSeparator(); if (!TDEGlobal::config()->isImmutable() && !kapp->authorizeControlModules(Workspace::configModules(true)).isEmpty()) { popup->insertItem(SmallIconSet( "configure" ), i18n("Configur&e Window Behavior..."), this, TQT_SLOT( configureWM() )); popup->insertSeparator(); } popup->insertItem( SmallIconSet( "window-close" ), i18n("&Close")+'\t'+keys->shortcut("Window Close").seq(0).toString(), Options::CloseOp ); } return popup; } //sets the transparency of the client to given value(given by slider) void Workspace::setPopupClientOpacity(int value) { active_popup_client->setCustomOpacityFlag(true); value = 100 - value; value<100?active_popup_client->setOpacity(true, (uint)((value/100.0)*0xffffffff)):active_popup_client->setOpacity(false,0xffffffff); } void Workspace::setTransButtonText(int value) { value = 100 - value; if(value < 0) transButton->setText(" 0 %"); else if (value >= 100 ) transButton->setText("100 %"); else if(value < 10) transButton->setText(" "+TQString::number(value)+" %"); else if(value < 100) transButton->setText(" "+TQString::number(value)+" %"); } void Workspace::resetClientOpacity() { active_popup_client->setCustomOpacityFlag(false); active_popup_client->updateOpacity(); transSlider->setValue(100-active_popup_client->opacityPercentage()); setTransButtonText(100-active_popup_client->opacityPercentage()); } /*! The client popup menu will become visible soon. Adjust the items according to the respective popup client. */ void Workspace::clientPopupAboutToShow() { if ( !active_popup_client || !popup ) return; if ( numberOfDesktops() == 1 ) { delete desk_popup; desk_popup = 0; } else { initDesktopPopup(); } popup->setItemEnabled( Options::ResizeOp, active_popup_client->isResizable() ); popup->setItemEnabled( Options::MoveOp, active_popup_client->isMovable() ); popup->setItemEnabled( Options::MaximizeOp, active_popup_client->isMaximizable() ); popup->setItemChecked( Options::MaximizeOp, active_popup_client->maximizeMode() == Client::MaximizeFull ); // This should be checked also when hover unshaded popup->setItemChecked( Options::ShadeOp, active_popup_client->shadeMode() != ShadeNone ); popup->setItemEnabled( Options::ShadeOp, active_popup_client->isShadeable()); advanced_popup->setItemChecked( Options::KeepAboveOp, active_popup_client->keepAbove() ); advanced_popup->setItemChecked( Options::KeepBelowOp, active_popup_client->keepBelow() ); advanced_popup->setItemChecked( Options::FullScreenOp, active_popup_client->isFullScreen() ); advanced_popup->setItemEnabled( Options::FullScreenOp, active_popup_client->userCanSetFullScreen() ); advanced_popup->setItemEnabled( Options::SuspendWindowOp, active_popup_client->isSuspendable() ); advanced_popup->setItemEnabled( Options::ResumeWindowOp, active_popup_client->isResumeable() ); advanced_popup->setItemChecked( Options::NoBorderOp, active_popup_client->noBorder() ); advanced_popup->setItemEnabled( Options::NoBorderOp, active_popup_client->userCanSetNoBorder() ); advanced_popup->setItemEnabled( Options::ShadowOp, (options->shadowWindowType(active_popup_client->windowType()) && options->shadowEnabled(active_popup_client->isActive())) ); advanced_popup->setItemChecked( Options::ShadowOp, active_popup_client->isShadowed() ); popup->setItemEnabled( Options::MinimizeOp, active_popup_client->isMinimizable() ); popup->setItemEnabled( Options::CloseOp, active_popup_client->isCloseable() ); if (options->useTranslucency) { transSlider->setValue(100-active_popup_client->opacityPercentage()); setTransButtonText(100-active_popup_client->opacityPercentage()); } } void Workspace::initDesktopPopup() { if (desk_popup) return; desk_popup = new TQPopupMenu( popup ); desk_popup->setCheckable( TRUE ); desk_popup->setFont(TDEGlobalSettings::menuFont()); connect( desk_popup, TQT_SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotSendToDesktop(int) ) ); connect( desk_popup, TQT_SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), this, TQT_SLOT( desktopPopupAboutToShow() ) ); popup->insertItem(i18n("To &Desktop"), desk_popup, -1, desk_popup_index ); } /*! Adjusts the desktop popup to the current values and the location of the popup client. */ void Workspace::desktopPopupAboutToShow() { if ( !desk_popup ) return; desk_popup->clear(); desk_popup->insertItem( i18n("&All Desktops"), 0 ); if ( active_popup_client && active_popup_client->isOnAllDesktops() ) desk_popup->setItemChecked( 0, TRUE ); desk_popup->insertSeparator( -1 ); int id; const int BASE = 10; for ( int i = 1; i <= numberOfDesktops(); i++ ) { TQString basic_name("%1 %2"); if (iinsertItem( basic_name .arg(i) .arg( desktopName(i).replace( '&', "&&" )), i ); if ( active_popup_client && !active_popup_client->isOnAllDesktops() && active_popup_client->desktop() == i ) desk_popup->setItemChecked( id, TRUE ); } } void Workspace::closeActivePopup() { if( active_popup ) { active_popup->close(); active_popup = NULL; active_popup_client = NULL; } } /*! Create the global accel object \c keys. */ void Workspace::initShortcuts() { keys = new TDEGlobalAccel( this ); // a separate TDEGlobalAccel is needed for the shortcut for disabling global shortcuts, // otherwise it would also disable itself disable_shortcuts_keys = new TDEGlobalAccel( this ); disable_shortcuts_keys->disableBlocking( true ); #define IN_KWIN #include "twinbindings.cpp" readShortcuts(); } void Workspace::readShortcuts() { keys->readSettings(); disable_shortcuts_keys->readSettings(); cutWalkThroughDesktops = keys->shortcut("Walk Through Desktops"); cutWalkThroughDesktopsReverse = keys->shortcut("Walk Through Desktops (Reverse)"); cutWalkThroughDesktopList = keys->shortcut("Walk Through Desktop List"); cutWalkThroughDesktopListReverse = keys->shortcut("Walk Through Desktop List (Reverse)"); cutWalkThroughWindows = keys->shortcut("Walk Through Windows"); cutWalkThroughWindowsReverse = keys->shortcut("Walk Through Windows (Reverse)"); cutWalkThroughApps = keys->shortcut("Walk Through Windows of Same Application"); cutWalkThroughAppsReverse = keys->shortcut("Walk Through Windows of Same Application (Reverse)"); keys->updateConnections(); disable_shortcuts_keys->updateConnections(); delete popup; popup = NULL; // so that it's recreated next time desk_popup = NULL; } void Workspace::setupWindowShortcut( Client* c ) { assert( client_keys_dialog == NULL ); keys->suspend( true ); disable_shortcuts_keys->suspend( true ); client_keys->suspend( true ); client_keys_dialog = new ShortcutDialog( c->shortcut()); client_keys_client = c; connect( client_keys_dialog, TQT_SIGNAL( dialogDone( bool )), TQT_SLOT( setupWindowShortcutDone( bool ))); TQRect r = clientArea( ScreenArea, c ); TQSize size = client_keys_dialog->sizeHint(); TQPoint pos = c->pos() + c->clientPos(); if( pos.x() + size.width() >= r.right()) pos.setX( r.right() - size.width()); if( pos.y() + size.height() >= r.bottom()) pos.setY( r.bottom() - size.height()); client_keys_dialog->move( pos ); client_keys_dialog->show(); active_popup = client_keys_dialog; active_popup_client = c; } void Workspace::setupWindowShortcutDone( bool ok ) { keys->suspend( false ); disable_shortcuts_keys->suspend( false ); client_keys->suspend( false ); if( ok ) { client_keys_client->setShortcut( TDEShortcut( client_keys_dialog->shortcut()).toString()); } closeActivePopup(); delete client_keys_dialog; client_keys_dialog = NULL; client_keys_client = NULL; } void Workspace::clientShortcutUpdated( Client* c ) { TQString key = TQString::number( c->window()); client_keys->remove( key ); if( !c->shortcut().isNull()) { client_keys->insert( key, key ); client_keys->setShortcut( key, c->shortcut()); client_keys->setSlot( key, c, TQT_SLOT( shortcutActivated())); client_keys->setActionEnabled( key, true ); } client_keys->updateConnections(); } void Workspace::clientPopupActivated( int id ) { WindowOperation op = static_cast< WindowOperation >( id ); Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; TQString type; switch( op ) { case FullScreenOp: if( !c->isFullScreen() && c->userCanSetFullScreen()) type = "fullscreenaltf3"; break; case NoBorderOp: if( !c->noBorder() && c->userCanSetNoBorder()) type = "noborderaltf3"; break; default: break; }; if( !type.isEmpty()) helperDialog( type, c ); performWindowOperation( c, op ); } void Workspace::performWindowOperation( Client* c, Options::WindowOperation op ) { if ( !c ) return; if (op == Options::MoveOp || op == Options::UnrestrictedMoveOp ) TQCursor::setPos( c->geometry().center() ); if (op == Options::ResizeOp || op == Options::UnrestrictedResizeOp ) TQCursor::setPos( c->geometry().bottomRight()); switch ( op ) { case Options::MoveOp: c->performMouseCommand( Options::MouseMove, TQCursor::pos() ); break; case Options::UnrestrictedMoveOp: c->performMouseCommand( Options::MouseUnrestrictedMove, TQCursor::pos() ); break; case Options::ResizeOp: c->performMouseCommand( Options::MouseResize, TQCursor::pos() ); break; case Options::UnrestrictedResizeOp: c->performMouseCommand( Options::MouseUnrestrictedResize, TQCursor::pos() ); break; case Options::CloseOp: c->closeWindow(); break; case Options::MaximizeOp: c->maximize( c->maximizeMode() == Client::MaximizeFull ? Client::MaximizeRestore : Client::MaximizeFull ); break; case Options::HMaximizeOp: c->maximize( c->maximizeMode() ^ Client::MaximizeHorizontal ); break; case Options::VMaximizeOp: c->maximize( c->maximizeMode() ^ Client::MaximizeVertical ); break; case Options::RestoreOp: c->maximize( Client::MaximizeRestore ); break; case Options::MinimizeOp: c->minimize(); break; case Options::ShadeOp: c->performMouseCommand( Options::MouseShade, TQCursor::pos()); break; case Options::ShadowOp: c->setShadowed( !c->isShadowed() ); break; case Options::OnAllDesktopsOp: c->setOnAllDesktops( !c->isOnAllDesktops() ); break; case Options::FullScreenOp: c->setFullScreen( !c->isFullScreen(), true ); break; case Options::NoBorderOp: c->setUserNoBorder( !c->isUserNoBorder()); break; case Options::KeepAboveOp: { StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker( this ); bool was = c->keepAbove(); c->setKeepAbove( !c->keepAbove() ); if( was && !c->keepAbove()) raiseClient( c ); break; } case Options::KeepBelowOp: { StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker( this ); bool was = c->keepBelow(); c->setKeepBelow( !c->keepBelow() ); if( was && !c->keepBelow()) lowerClient( c ); break; } case Options::OperationsOp: c->performMouseCommand( Options::MouseShade, TQCursor::pos()); break; case Options::SuspendWindowOp: c->suspendWindow(); break; case Options::ResumeWindowOp: c->resumeWindow(); break; case Options::WindowRulesOp: editWindowRules( c, false ); break; case Options::ApplicationRulesOp: editWindowRules( c, true ); break; case Options::SetupWindowShortcutOp: setupWindowShortcut( c ); break; case Options::LowerOp: lowerClient(c); break; case Options::NoOp: break; } } /*! Performs a mouse command on this client (see options.h) */ bool Client::performMouseCommand( Options::MouseCommand command, TQPoint globalPos, bool handled ) { bool replay = FALSE; switch (command) { case Options::MouseRaise: workspace()->raiseClient( this ); break; case Options::MouseLower: workspace()->lowerClient( this ); break; case Options::MouseShade : toggleShade(); cancelShadeHover(); break; case Options::MouseSetShade: setShade( ShadeNormal ); cancelShadeHover(); break; case Options::MouseUnsetShade: setShade( ShadeNone ); cancelShadeHover(); break; case Options::MouseOperationsMenu: if ( isActive() && options->clickRaise ) autoRaise(); workspace()->showWindowMenu( globalPos, this ); break; case Options::MouseToggleRaiseAndLower: workspace()->raiseOrLowerClient( this ); break; case Options::MouseActivateAndRaise: replay = isActive(); // for clickraise mode workspace()->takeActivity( this, ActivityFocus | ActivityRaise, handled && replay ); workspace()->setActiveScreenMouse( globalPos ); break; case Options::MouseActivateAndLower: workspace()->requestFocus( this ); workspace()->lowerClient( this ); workspace()->setActiveScreenMouse( globalPos ); break; case Options::MouseActivate: replay = isActive(); // for clickraise mode workspace()->takeActivity( this, ActivityFocus, handled && replay ); workspace()->setActiveScreenMouse( globalPos ); break; case Options::MouseActivateRaiseAndPassClick: workspace()->takeActivity( this, ActivityFocus | ActivityRaise, handled ); workspace()->setActiveScreenMouse( globalPos ); replay = TRUE; break; case Options::MouseActivateAndPassClick: workspace()->takeActivity( this, ActivityFocus, handled ); workspace()->setActiveScreenMouse( globalPos ); replay = TRUE; break; case Options::MouseActivateRaiseAndMove: case Options::MouseActivateRaiseAndUnrestrictedMove: workspace()->raiseClient( this ); workspace()->requestFocus( this ); workspace()->setActiveScreenMouse( globalPos ); if( options->moveMode == Options::Transparent && isMovable()) move_faked_activity = workspace()->fakeRequestedActivity( this ); // fallthrough case Options::MouseMove: case Options::MouseUnrestrictedMove: { if (!isMovable()) break; if( moveResizeMode ) finishMoveResize( false ); mode = PositionCenter; buttonDown = TRUE; moveOffset = TQPoint( globalPos.x() - x(), globalPos.y() - y()); // map from global invertedMoveOffset = rect().bottomRight() - moveOffset; unrestrictedMoveResize = ( command == Options::MouseActivateRaiseAndUnrestrictedMove || command == Options::MouseUnrestrictedMove ); setCursor( mode ); if( !startMoveResize()) { buttonDown = false; setCursor( mode ); } break; } case Options::MouseResize: case Options::MouseUnrestrictedResize: { if (!isResizable() || isShade()) break; if( moveResizeMode ) finishMoveResize( false ); buttonDown = TRUE; moveOffset = TQPoint( globalPos.x() - x(), globalPos.y() - y()); // map from global int x = moveOffset.x(), y = moveOffset.y(); bool left = x < width() / 3; bool right = x >= 2 * width() / 3; bool top = y < height() / 3; bool bot = y >= 2 * height() / 3; if (top) mode = left ? PositionTopLeft : (right ? PositionTopRight : PositionTop); else if (bot) mode = left ? PositionBottomLeft : (right ? PositionBottomRight : PositionBottom); else mode = (x < width() / 2) ? PositionLeft : PositionRight; invertedMoveOffset = rect().bottomRight() - moveOffset; unrestrictedMoveResize = ( command == Options::MouseUnrestrictedResize ); setCursor( mode ); if( !startMoveResize()) { buttonDown = false; setCursor( mode ); } break; } case Options::MouseMaximize: maximize( Client::MaximizeFull ); break; case Options::MouseRestore: maximize( Client::MaximizeRestore ); break; case Options::MouseMinimize: minimize(); break; case Options::MouseAbove: { StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker( workspace()); if( keepBelow()) setKeepBelow( false ); else setKeepAbove( true ); break; } case Options::MouseBelow: { StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker( workspace()); if( keepAbove()) setKeepAbove( false ); else setKeepBelow( true ); break; } case Options::MousePreviousDesktop: workspace()->windowToPreviousDesktop( this ); break; case Options::MouseNextDesktop: workspace()->windowToNextDesktop( this ); break; case Options::MouseOpacityMore: if (opacity_ < 0xFFFFFFFF) { if (opacity_ < 0xF3333333) { setOpacity(TRUE, opacity_ + 0xCCCCCCC); custom_opacity = true; } else { setOpacity(FALSE, 0xFFFFFFFF); custom_opacity = false; } } break; case Options::MouseOpacityLess: if (opacity_ > 0) { setOpacity(TRUE, (opacity_ > 0xCCCCCCC) ? opacity_ - 0xCCCCCCC : 0); custom_opacity = true; } break; case Options::MouseNothing: replay = TRUE; break; } return replay; } // KDE4 remove me void Workspace::showWindowMenuAt( unsigned long, int, int ) { slotWindowOperations(); } void Workspace::slotActivateAttentionWindow() { if( attention_chain.count() > 0 ) activateClient( attention_chain.first()); } void Workspace::slotSwitchDesktopNext() { int d = currentDesktop() + 1; if ( d > numberOfDesktops() ) { if ( options->rollOverDesktops ) { d = 1; } else { return; } } setCurrentDesktop(d); } void Workspace::slotSwitchDesktopPrevious() { int d = currentDesktop() - 1; if ( d <= 0 ) { if ( options->rollOverDesktops ) d = numberOfDesktops(); else return; } setCurrentDesktop(d); } void Workspace::slotSwitchDesktopRight() { int desktop = desktopToRight( currentDesktop()); if( desktop == currentDesktop()) return; setCurrentDesktop( desktop ); } void Workspace::slotSwitchDesktopLeft() { int desktop = desktopToLeft( currentDesktop()); if( desktop == currentDesktop()) return; setCurrentDesktop( desktop ); } void Workspace::slotSwitchDesktopUp() { int desktop = desktopUp( currentDesktop()); if( desktop == currentDesktop()) return; setCurrentDesktop( desktop ); } void Workspace::slotSwitchDesktopDown() { int desktop = desktopDown( currentDesktop()); if( desktop == currentDesktop()) return; setCurrentDesktop( desktop ); } void Workspace::slotSwitchToDesktop( int i ) { setCurrentDesktop( i ); } void Workspace::slotWindowToDesktop( int i ) { Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; if( i >= 1 && i <= numberOfDesktops() && c && !c->isDesktop() && !c->isDock() && !c->isTopMenu()) sendClientToDesktop( c, i, true ); } void Workspace::slotSwitchToScreen( int i ) { setCurrentScreen( i ); } void Workspace::slotSwitchToNextScreen() { slotSwitchToScreen(( activeScreen() + 1 ) % numScreens()); } void Workspace::slotWindowToScreen( int i ) { Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; if( i >= 0 && i <= numScreens() && c && !c->isDesktop() && !c->isDock() && !c->isTopMenu()) { sendClientToScreen( c, i ); } } void Workspace::slotWindowToNextScreen() { Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; if( c && !c->isDesktop() && !c->isDock() && !c->isTopMenu()) { sendClientToScreen( c, ( c->screen() + 1 ) % numScreens()); } } /*! Maximizes the popup client */ void Workspace::slotWindowMaximize() { Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; if ( c ) performWindowOperation( c, Options::MaximizeOp ); } /*! Maximizes the popup client vertically */ void Workspace::slotWindowMaximizeVertical() { Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; if ( c ) performWindowOperation( c, Options::VMaximizeOp ); } /*! Maximizes the popup client horiozontally */ void Workspace::slotWindowMaximizeHorizontal() { Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; if ( c ) performWindowOperation( c, Options::HMaximizeOp ); } /*! Minimizes the popup client */ void Workspace::slotWindowMinimize() { Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; performWindowOperation( c, Options::MinimizeOp ); } /*! Shades/unshades the popup client respectively */ void Workspace::slotWindowShade() { Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; performWindowOperation( c, Options::ShadeOp ); } /*! Raises the popup client */ void Workspace::slotWindowRaise() { Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; if ( c ) raiseClient( c ); } /*! Lowers the popup client */ void Workspace::slotWindowLower() { Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; if ( c ) lowerClient( c ); } /*! Does a toggle-raise-and-lower on the popup client; */ void Workspace::slotWindowRaiseOrLower() { Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; if ( c ) raiseOrLowerClient( c ); } void Workspace::slotWindowOnAllDesktops() { Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; if( c ) c->setOnAllDesktops( !c->isOnAllDesktops()); } void Workspace::slotWindowFullScreen() { Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; if( c ) performWindowOperation( c, Options::FullScreenOp ); } void Workspace::slotWindowNoBorder() { Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; if( c ) performWindowOperation( c, Options::NoBorderOp ); } void Workspace::slotWindowAbove() { Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; if( c ) performWindowOperation( c, Options::KeepAboveOp ); } void Workspace::slotWindowBelow() { Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; if( c ) performWindowOperation( c, Options::KeepBelowOp ); } void Workspace::slotSetupWindowShortcut() { Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; if( c ) performWindowOperation( c, Options::SetupWindowShortcutOp ); } /*! Move window to next desktop */ void Workspace::slotWindowToNextDesktop() { windowToNextDesktop( active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client ); } void Workspace::windowToNextDesktop( Client* c ) { int d = currentDesktop() + 1; if ( d > numberOfDesktops() ) d = 1; if (c && !c->isDesktop() && !c->isDock() && !c->isTopMenu()) { setClientIsMoving( c ); setCurrentDesktop( d ); setClientIsMoving( NULL ); } } /*! Move window to previous desktop */ void Workspace::slotWindowToPreviousDesktop() { windowToPreviousDesktop( active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client ); } void Workspace::windowToPreviousDesktop( Client* c ) { int d = currentDesktop() - 1; if ( d <= 0 ) d = numberOfDesktops(); if (c && !c->isDesktop() && !c->isDock() && !c->isTopMenu()) { setClientIsMoving( c ); setCurrentDesktop( d ); setClientIsMoving( NULL ); } } void Workspace::slotWindowToDesktopRight() { int d = desktopToRight( currentDesktop()); if( d == currentDesktop()) return; Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; if (c && !c->isDesktop() && !c->isDock() && !c->isTopMenu()) { setClientIsMoving( c ); setCurrentDesktop( d ); setClientIsMoving( NULL ); } } void Workspace::slotWindowToDesktopLeft() { int d = desktopToLeft( currentDesktop()); if( d == currentDesktop()) return; Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; if (c && !c->isDesktop() && !c->isDock() && !c->isTopMenu()) { setClientIsMoving( c ); setCurrentDesktop( d ); setClientIsMoving( NULL ); } } void Workspace::slotWindowToDesktopUp() { int d = desktopUp( currentDesktop()); if( d == currentDesktop()) return; Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; if (c && !c->isDesktop() && !c->isDock() && !c->isTopMenu()) { setClientIsMoving( c ); setCurrentDesktop( d ); setClientIsMoving( NULL ); } } void Workspace::slotWindowToDesktopDown() { int d = desktopDown( currentDesktop()); if( d == currentDesktop()) return; Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; if (c && !c->isDesktop() && !c->isDock() && !c->isTopMenu()) { setClientIsMoving( c ); setCurrentDesktop( d ); setClientIsMoving( NULL ); } } /*! Kill Window feature, similar to xkill */ void Workspace::slotKillWindow() { KillWindow kill( this ); kill.start(); } /*! Suspend Window feature */ void Workspace::slotSuspendWindow() { active_popup_client->suspendWindow(); } /*! Resume Window feature */ void Workspace::slotResumeWindow() { active_popup_client->resumeWindow(); } /*! Sends the popup client to desktop \a desk Internal slot for the window operation menu */ void Workspace::slotSendToDesktop( int desk ) { if ( !active_popup_client ) return; if ( desk == 0 ) { // the 'on_all_desktops' menu entry active_popup_client->setOnAllDesktops( !active_popup_client->isOnAllDesktops()); return; } sendClientToDesktop( active_popup_client, desk, false ); } /*! Shows the window operations popup menu for the activeClient() */ void Workspace::slotWindowOperations() { if ( !active_client ) return; TQPoint pos = active_client->pos() + active_client->clientPos(); showWindowMenu( pos.x(), pos.y(), active_client ); } void Workspace::showWindowMenu( const TQRect &pos, Client* cl ) { if (!kapp->authorizeTDEAction("twin_rmb")) return; if( !cl ) return; if( active_popup_client != NULL ) // recursion return; if ( cl->isDesktop() || cl->isDock() || cl->isTopMenu() || cl->isModalSystemNotification()) return; active_popup_client = cl; TQPopupMenu* p = clientPopup(); active_popup = p; int x = pos.left(); int y = pos.bottom(); if (y == pos.top()) p->exec( TQPoint( x, y ) ); else { TQRect area = clientArea(ScreenArea, TQPoint(x, y), currentDesktop()); clientPopupAboutToShow(); // needed for sizeHint() to be correct :-/ int popupHeight = p->sizeHint().height(); if (y + popupHeight < area.height()) p->exec( TQPoint( x, y ) ); else p->exec( TQPoint( x, pos.top() - popupHeight ) ); } // active popup may be already changed (e.g. the window shortcut dialog) if( active_popup == p ) closeActivePopup(); } /*! Closes the popup client */ void Workspace::slotWindowClose() { if ( tab_box->isVisible()) return; Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; performWindowOperation( c, Options::CloseOp ); } /*! Starts keyboard move mode for the popup client */ void Workspace::slotWindowMove() { Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; performWindowOperation( c, Options::UnrestrictedMoveOp ); } /*! Starts keyboard resize mode for the popup client */ void Workspace::slotWindowResize() { Client* c = active_popup_client ? active_popup_client : active_client; performWindowOperation( c, Options::UnrestrictedResizeOp ); } void Client::setShortcut( const TQString& _cut ) { TQString cut = rules()->checkShortcut( _cut ); if( cut.isEmpty()) return setShortcutInternal( TDEShortcut()); // Format: // base+(abcdef)base+(abcdef) // E.g. Alt+Ctrl+(ABCDEF) Win+X,Win+(ABCDEF) if( !cut.contains( '(' ) && !cut.contains( ')' ) && !cut.contains( ' ' )) { if( workspace()->shortcutAvailable( TDEShortcut( cut ), this )) setShortcutInternal( TDEShortcut( cut )); else setShortcutInternal( TDEShortcut()); return; } TQValueList< TDEShortcut > keys; TQStringList groups = TQStringList::split( ' ', cut ); for( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = groups.begin(); it != groups.end(); ++it ) { TQRegExp reg( "(.*\\+)\\((.*)\\)" ); if( reg.search( *it ) > -1 ) { TQString base = reg.cap( 1 ); TQString list = reg.cap( 2 ); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < list.length(); ++i ) { TDEShortcut c( base + list[ i ] ); if( !c.isNull()) keys.append( c ); } } } for( TQValueList< TDEShortcut >::ConstIterator it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it ) { if( _shortcut == *it ) // current one is in the list return; } for( TQValueList< TDEShortcut >::ConstIterator it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it ) { if( workspace()->shortcutAvailable( *it, this )) { setShortcutInternal( *it ); return; } } setShortcutInternal( TDEShortcut()); } void Client::setShortcutInternal( const TDEShortcut& cut ) { if( _shortcut == cut ) return; _shortcut = cut; updateCaption(); workspace()->clientShortcutUpdated( this ); } bool Workspace::shortcutAvailable( const TDEShortcut& cut, Client* ignore ) const { // TODO check global shortcuts etc. for( ClientList::ConstIterator it = clients.begin(); it != clients.end(); ++it ) { if( (*it) != ignore && (*it)->shortcut() == cut ) return false; } return true; } } // namespace