path: root/kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 267 deletions
diff --git a/kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/ b/kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala/
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-//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
-package org.kde.koala;
-import org.kde.qt.Qt;
-import org.kde.qt.TQKeySequence;
-import org.kde.qt.QtSupport;
-import org.kde.qt.TQKeyEvent;
- A KKey object represents a single key with possible modifiers
- (Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Win). It can represent both keys which are
- understood by Qt as well as those which are additionally supported
- by the underlying system (e.g. X11).
- @short A KKey object represents a single key with possible modifiers (Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Win).
- @see KKeyNative
- @see KKeySequence
- @see TDEShortcut
-public class KKey implements QtSupport {
- private long _qt;
- private boolean _allocatedInJavaWorld = true;
- protected KKey(Class dummy){}
- /**
- The number of flags.
- @short The number of flags.
- @see ModFlag
- */
- public static final int MOD_FLAG_COUNT = 4;
- public static final int QtWIN = (Qt.META);
- /**
- Flags to represent the modifiers. You can combine modifiers
- by ORing them.
- @short Flags to represent the modifiers.
- */
- public static final int SHIFT = 0x01;
- public static final int CTRL = 0x02;
- public static final int ALT = 0x04;
- public static final int WIN = 0x08;
- /**
- Creates a new null KKey.
- @short Creates a new null KKey.
- @see #clear
- @see #isNull
- @see #null
- */
- public KKey() {
- newKKey();
- }
- private native void newKKey();
- /**
- Creates a new key for the given Qt key code.
- @param keyQt the qt keycode
- @short Creates a new key for the given Qt key code.
- @see org.kde.qt.Qt#Key
- */
- public KKey(int keyQt) {
- newKKey(keyQt);
- }
- private native void newKKey(int keyQt);
- /**
- Creates a new key from the first key code of the given key sequence.
- @param keySeq the key sequence that contains the key
- @short Creates a new key from the first key code of the given key sequence.
- */
- public KKey(TQKeySequence keySeq) {
- newKKey(keySeq);
- }
- private native void newKKey(TQKeySequence keySeq);
- /**
- Extracts the key from the given key event.
- @param keyEvent the key event to get the key from
- @short Extracts the key from the given key event.
- */
- public KKey(TQKeyEvent keyEvent) {
- newKKey(keyEvent);
- }
- private native void newKKey(TQKeyEvent keyEvent);
- /**
- Copy constructor.
- @short Copy constructor.
- */
- public KKey(KKey key) {
- newKKey(key);
- }
- private native void newKKey(KKey key);
- /**
- Creates a new key from the given description. The form of the description
- is "[modifier+[modifier+]]+key", for example "e", "CTRL+q" or
- "CTRL+ALT+DEL". Allowed modifiers are "SHIFT", "CTRL", "ALT", "WIN" and
- "META". "WIN" and "META" are equivalent. Modifiers are not case-sensitive.
- @param key the description of the key
- @short Creates a new key from the given description.
- @see KKeyServer#Sym#init
- */
- public KKey(String key) {
- newKKey(key);
- }
- private native void newKKey(String key);
- /**
- @short
- */
- public KKey(int key, int mod) {
- newKKey(key,mod);
- }
- private native void newKKey(int key, int mod);
- /**
- Clears the key. The key is null after calling this function.
- @short Clears the key.
- @see #isNull
- */
- public native void clear();
- /**
- Initializes the key with the given Qt key code.
- @param keyQt the qt keycode
- @return true if successful, false otherwise
- @short Initializes the key with the given Qt key code.
- @see org.kde.qt.Qt#Key
- */
- public native boolean init(int keyQt);
- /**
- Initializes the key with the first key code of the given key sequence.
- @param keySeq the key sequence that contains the key
- @return true if successful, false otherwise
- @short Initializes the key with the first key code of the given key sequence.
- */
- public native boolean init(TQKeySequence keySeq);
- /**
- Initializes the key by extracting the code from the given key event.
- @param keyEvent the key event to get the key from
- @return true if successful, false otherwise
- @short Initializes the key by extracting the code from the given key event.
- */
- public native boolean init(TQKeyEvent keyEvent);
- /**
- Copies the given key.
- @param key the key to copy
- @return true if successful, false otherwise
- @short Copies the given key.
- */
- public native boolean init(KKey key);
- /**
- Initializes the key with the given description. The form of the description
- is "[modifier+[modifier+]]+key", for example "e", "CTRL+q" or
- "CTRL+ALT+DEL". Allowed modifiers are "SHIFT", "CTRL", "ALT", "WIN" and
- "META". "WIN" and "META" are equivalent. Modifiers are not case-sensitive.
- @param key the description of the key
- @return true if successful, false otherwise
- @short Initializes the key with the given description.
- @see KKeyServer#Sym#init
- */
- public native boolean init(String key);
- /**
- @short
- */
- public native boolean init(int key, int mod);
- /**
- Returns true if the key is null (after clear() or empty
- constructor).
- @return true if the key is null
- @short Returns true if the key is null (after clear() or empty constructor).
- @see #clear
- @see #null
- */
- public native boolean isNull();
- /**
- @short
- */
- public native int sym();
- /**
- @short
- */
- public native int modFlags();
- /**
- Compares this key with the given KKey object. Returns a negative
- number if the given KKey is larger, 0 if they are equal and
- a positive number this KKey is larger. The returned value
- is the difference between the symbol or, if the symbols
- are equal, the difference between the encoded modifiers.
- @param key the key to compare with this key
- @return a negative number if the given KKey is larger, 0 if
- they are equal and a positive number this KKey is larger
- @short Compares this key with the given KKey object.
- */
- public native int compare(KKey key);
- /**
- Compares the symbol and modifiers of both keys.
- @short Compares the symbol and modifiers of both keys.
- @see #compare
- */
- public native boolean op_equals(KKey key);
- /**
- Compares the symbol and modifiers of both keys.
- @short Compares the symbol and modifiers of both keys.
- @see #compare
- */
- public native boolean op_not_equals(KKey key);
- /**
- Compares the symbol and modifiers of both keys.
- @short Compares the symbol and modifiers of both keys.
- @see #compare
- */
- public native boolean op_lt(KKey key);
- /**
- Returns the qt key code.
- @return the qt key code or 0 if there is no key set.
- @short Returns the qt key code.
- @see org.kde.qt.Qt#Key
- */
- public native int keyCodeQt();
- /**
- Returns a human-readable representation of the key in the form
- "modifier+key". Note that the representation is localised,
- use toStringInternal() for cases like saving to configuration files.
- @return the string representation of the key
- @short Returns a human-readable representation of the key in the form "modifier+key".
- @see #toStringInternal
- */
- public native String toString();
- /**
- Returns an untranslated text representation of the key in the form
- "modifier+key", suitable e.g. for saving in configuration files.
- @short Returns an untranslated text representation of the key in the form "modifier+key", suitable e.
- */
- public native String toStringInternal();
- /**
- @short
- */
- public native void simplify();
- /**
- Returns a null key.
- @return the null key
- @short Returns a null key.
- @see #isNull
- @see #clear
- */
- public static native KKey nil();
- /**
- Returns a user-readable representation of the given modifiers.
- @param f the modifiers to convert
- @return the string representation of the modifiers
- @short Returns a user-readable representation of the given modifiers.
- */
- public static native String modFlagLabel(int f);
- /** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */
- protected native void finalize() throws InternalError;
- /** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */
- public native void dispose();
- /** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */
- public native boolean isDisposed();