path: root/kjsembed/docs/build-docs.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kjsembed/docs/build-docs.js')
1 files changed, 230 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kjsembed/docs/build-docs.js b/kjsembed/docs/build-docs.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..04f276c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kjsembed/docs/build-docs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env kjscmd
+function write_page( name, body )
+ var markUp = "";
+ markUp += '<html>\n';
+ markUp += '<head>\n';
+ markUp += '<title>' + name + '</title>\n';
+ markUp += '<style type="text/css"><!--\n';
+ markUp += 'h1 { text-align: center; background-color: #ccccff; }\n';
+ markUp += 'h2 { background-color: #eeeeff; }\n';
+ markUp += 'h3 { background-color: #eeeeff; }\n';
+ markUp += 'th { background-color: #cccccc; }\n';
+ markUp += 'td { background-color: #eeeeee; }\n';
+ markUp += '--></style>\n';
+ markUp += '</head>\n';
+ markUp += '<body>\n';
+ markUp += '<a href="index.html">All Objects</a>';
+ markUp += '| <a href="index-static.html">Statics</a>';
+ markUp += '| <a href="index-objects.html">Objects</a>';
+ markUp += '| <a href="index-kjsembedobjects.html">KJSEmbed Objects</a>';
+ markUp += '| <a href="index-qtobjects.html">Qt Objects</a>';
+ markUp += '| <a href="index-kdeobjects.html">KDE Objects</a>';
+ markUp += '| <a href="index-exceptions.html">Exceptions</a>';
+ markUp += '| <a href="index-nocreate.html">Uncreatable Objects</a>\n';
+ markUp += '<h1>' + name + '</h1>\n';
+ markUp += '<hr>\n';
+ markUp += body;
+ markUp += '<hr>\n';
+ markUp += '</body>\n';
+ markUp += '</html>\n';
+ return markUp;
+function write_classlist( title, intro, classlist )
+ text = '<h3>'+title+'</h3>';
+ text += intro;
+ text += '<ul>\n';
+ var hrefroot = '';
+ for ( var i = 0; i < classlist.length; i++ )
+ {
+ text += '<li>';
+ var href = classlist[i].toLowerCase() + '.html';
+ href = href.replace( /.*::/, '' );
+ var name = classlist[i];
+ text += '<a href="' + hrefroot + href + '">' + name + '</a>\n';
+ }
+ text += '</ul>\n';
+ return text;
+function write_classes( title, desc, sections )
+ var txt = desc;
+ for ( var i = 0; i < sections.length; i += 3 ) {
+ txt += write_classlist( sections[ i ], sections[ i+1 ], sections[ i+2 ] );
+ }
+ return write_page( title, txt );
+function generate_docs_object( name, obj )
+ var fileText = write_page( name,
+ 'Bindings for the ' + name + ' class.<br />' + dump(obj) );
+ System.writeFile("jsref/" + name.toLowerCase() + ".html", fileText);
+function generate_docs_nocreate( name )
+ var fileText = write_page( name,
+ 'Bindings for the ' + name + ' class.<br />'
+ + 'This class is understood by the interpreter, but cannot be created from scripts.' );
+ System.writeFile("jsref/" + name.toLowerCase() + ".html", fileText);
+// Document the static objects
+function document_statics( statics )
+ for ( var idx = 0; idx < statics.length; idx++ ) {
+ var name = statics[idx];
+ try
+ {
+ var obj = eval( name );
+ var fileText = write_page( name,
+ 'Bindings for the static ' + name + ' object.' + dump(obj) );
+ System.writeFile("jsref/" + name.toLowerCase() + ".html", fileText);
+ }
+ catch(x)
+ {
+ println("Error: " + x );
+ }
+ }
+// Build script that will document the constructable objects
+function document_constructable( objects )
+ for ( var idx = 0; idx < objects.length; idx++ )
+ {
+ println('Document class: ' + objects[idx] );
+ try {
+ generate_docs_object( objects[idx], Factory.createObject( objects[idx] ));
+ println(', Success');
+ }
+ catch(x) {
+ println(', Error ' + x );
+ generate_docs_nocreate( objects[idx] );
+ nocreate.push( objects[idx] );
+ }
+ }
+//// Main
+var statics = [ 'Factory', 'System', 'Global', 'StdDialog',
+ 'StdAction', 'StdDirs', 'StdIcons', 'Qt' ];
+qttps = [];
+kdetps = [];
+kjsetps = [];
+other = [];
+nocreate = [];
+var expts = [ 'ReferenceError', 'EvalError', 'RangeError', 'TypeError' ];
+tps = Factory.types().sort();
+cons = Factory.constructors().sort();
+cons += 'Part';
+for ( var i=0; i < tps.length; i++ ) {
+ if ( /^Q/.test(tps[i]) ) {
+ qttps.push( tps[i] );
+ }
+ else if ( /^KJSEmbed::/.test(tps[i]) ) {
+ if ( tps[i] != 'KJSEmbed::Bindings::JSDCOPInterface' ) {
+ kjsetps.push( tps[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( /^K/.test(tps[i]) ) {
+ kdetps.push( tps[i] );
+ }
+ else {
+ other.push( tps[i] );
+ }
+// Generate object reference pages
+document_constructable( tps );
+document_statics( statics );
+document_statics( expts );
+generate_docs_object( 'TextStream', System.stdin );
+generate_docs_object( 'Application', application );
+generate_docs_object( 'KJSEmbedPart', part );
+generate_docs_object( 'QListViewItem', new QListViewItem(new QListView()) );
+generate_docs_object( 'QCheckListItem', new QCheckListItem(new QListView()) );
+generate_docs_object( 'QCanvasText', new QCanvasText(new QCanvas()) );
+other.push( 'Application' );
+// Generate index pages
+index = [ 'Static Objects',
+ 'Statics that are available to scripts as JS objects.',
+ statics,
+ 'Object Types',
+ 'The non-widget objects that are defined for scripts.',
+ other,
+ 'KJSEmbed Objects',
+ 'KDE objects that are available to scripts as JS objects.',
+ kjsetps,
+ 'Qt Objects',
+ 'Qt objects that are available to scripts as JS objects.',
+ qttps,
+ 'KDE Objects',
+ 'KDE objects that are available to scripts as JS objects.',
+ kdetps,
+ 'Exception Types',
+ 'Exceptions that are defined for scripts.',
+ expts,
+ 'Unconstructable Types',
+ 'Known type that scripts cannot create.',
+ nocreate
+ ];
+System.writeFile( "jsref/index.html",
+ write_classes( 'All Scriptable Objects',
+ 'The full set of objects that can be accessed by scripts.',
+ index ) );
+System.writeFile( "jsref/index-static.html", write_classes( index[0], index[1], ['','',index[2]] ) );
+System.writeFile( "jsref/index-objects.html", write_classes( index[3], index[4], ['','',index[5]] ) );
+System.writeFile( "jsref/index-kjsembedobjects.html", write_classes( index[6], index[7], ['','',index[8]] ) );
+System.writeFile( "jsref/index-qtobjects.html", write_classes( index[9], index[10], ['','',index[11]] ) );
+System.writeFile( "jsref/index-kdeobjects.html", write_classes( index[12], index[13], ['','',index[14]] ) );
+System.writeFile( "jsref/index-exceptions.html", write_classes( index[15], index[16], ['','',index[17]] ) );
+System.writeFile( "jsref/index-nocreate.html", write_classes( index[18], index[19], ['','',index[20]] ) );