path: root/python/pykde/sip/kparts/browserextension.sip
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Diffstat (limited to 'python/pykde/sip/kparts/browserextension.sip')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 603 deletions
diff --git a/python/pykde/sip/kparts/browserextension.sip b/python/pykde/sip/kparts/browserextension.sip
deleted file mode 100644
index 494b8662..00000000
--- a/python/pykde/sip/kparts/browserextension.sip
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,603 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2006 Jim Bublitz <>
-// Earlier copyrights 1998 - 2005 Jim Bublitz and/or Phil Thompson
-// may also apply
-// Generated by preSip
-// module kparts version KDE 3.5.3
-// This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
-// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
-// License along with this library; see the file COPYING.
-// If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-namespace KParts
-class URLArgs
-#include <browserextension.h>
-#include <sipkioKIOMetaData.h>
- URLArgs ();
- URLArgs (const KParts::URLArgs&);
- URLArgs (bool, int, int, const QString& = QString ::null );
- QStringList docState;
- bool reload;
- int xOffset;
- int yOffset;
- QString serviceType;
- QByteArray postData;
- void setContentType (const QString&);
- QString contentType () const;
- void setDoPost (bool);
- bool doPost () const;
- void setLockHistory (bool);
- bool lockHistory () const;
-%If ( KDE_3_1_0 - )
- void setNewTab (bool);
- bool newTab () const;
- QMap<QString,QString>& metaData ();
- QString frameName;
- bool trustedSource;
-%If ( KDE_3_1_3 - )
- bool redirectedRequest () const;
- void setRedirectedRequest (bool);
-%If ( KDE_3_4_0 - )
- void setForcesNewWindow (bool);
- bool forcesNewWindow () const;
-//ig URLArgsPrivate* d;
-}; // class URLArgs
-class WindowArgs
-#include <browserextension.h>
- WindowArgs ();
- WindowArgs (const KParts::WindowArgs&);
- WindowArgs (const QRect&, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool);
- WindowArgs (int, int, int, int, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool);
- int x;
- int y;
- int width;
- int height;
- bool fullscreen;
- bool menuBarVisible;
- bool toolBarsVisible;
- bool statusBarVisible;
- bool resizable;
- bool lowerWindow;
-%If ( KDE_3_5_0 - )
- bool scrollBarsVisible;
-//ig WindowArgsPrivate* d;
-}; // class WindowArgs
-class OpenURLEvent : KParts::Event
-#include <browserextension.h>
- OpenURLEvent (KParts::ReadOnlyPart*, const KURL&, const KParts::URLArgs& = KParts ::URLArgs ());
- KParts::ReadOnlyPart* part () const;
- KURL url () const;
- KParts::URLArgs args () const;
- static bool test (const QEvent*);
-}; // class OpenURLEvent
-class BrowserExtension : QObject
-#include <browserextension.h>
- BrowserExtension (KParts::ReadOnlyPart* /TransferThis/, const char* = 0);
-%If ( KDE_3_2_0 - )
- typedef uint PopupFlags;
-%If ( KDE_3_4_0 - )
- enum
- {
- DefaultPopupItems,
- ShowNavigationItems,
- ShowUp,
- ShowReload,
- ShowBookmark,
- ShowCreateDirectory,
- ShowTextSelectionItems,
- NoDeletion
- };
- virtual void setURLArgs (const KParts::URLArgs&);
- KParts::URLArgs urlArgs () const;
- virtual int xOffset ();
- virtual int yOffset ();
- virtual void saveState (QDataStream&);
- virtual void restoreState (QDataStream&);
- bool isURLDropHandlingEnabled () const;
- void setURLDropHandlingEnabled (bool);
- void setBrowserInterface (KParts::BrowserInterface*);
- KParts::BrowserInterface* browserInterface () const;
- bool isActionEnabled (const char*) const;
-%If ( KDE_3_5_0 - )
- QString actionText (const char*) const;
- typedef QMap<QCString,QCString> ActionSlotMap;
- static KParts::BrowserExtension::ActionSlotMap actionSlotMap ();
- static KParts::BrowserExtension::ActionSlotMap* actionSlotMapPtr ();
- static KParts::BrowserExtension* childObject (QObject*);
-%If ( KDE_3_2_0 - )
- void pasteRequest ();
- void enableAction (const char*, bool);
-%If ( KDE_3_5_0 - )
- void setActionText (const char*, const QString&);
- void openURLRequest (const KURL&, const KParts::URLArgs& = KParts ::URLArgs ());
- void openURLRequestDelayed (const KURL&, const KParts::URLArgs& = KParts ::URLArgs ());
- void openURLNotify ();
- void setLocationBarURL (const QString&);
- void setIconURL (const KURL&);
- void createNewWindow (const KURL&, const KParts::URLArgs& = KParts ::URLArgs ());
-//ig void createNewWindow (const KURL&, const KParts::URLArgs&, const KParts::WindowArgs&, KParts::ReadOnlyPart*&);
- void loadingProgress (int);
- void speedProgress (int);
- void infoMessage (const QString&);
- void popupMenu (const QPoint&, const KFileItemList&);
- void popupMenu (KXMLGUIClient*, const QPoint&, const KFileItemList&);
-%If ( KDE_3_2_0 - )
- void popupMenu (KXMLGUIClient*, const QPoint&, const KFileItemList&, const KParts::URLArgs&, KParts::BrowserExtension::PopupFlags);
- void popupMenu (const QPoint&, const KURL&, const QString&, mode_t = -1);
- void popupMenu (KXMLGUIClient*, const QPoint&, const KURL&, const QString&, mode_t = -1);
-%If ( KDE_3_2_0 - )
- void popupMenu (KXMLGUIClient*, const QPoint&, const KURL&, const KParts::URLArgs&, KParts::BrowserExtension::PopupFlags, mode_t = -1);
- void selectionInfo (const KFileItemList&);
- void selectionInfo (const QString&);
- void selectionInfo (const KURL::List&);
-%If ( KDE_3_1_0 - )
- void mouseOverInfo (const KFileItem*);
-%If ( KDE_3_2_0 - )
- void addWebSideBar (const KURL&, const QString&);
- void moveTopLevelWidget (int, int);
- void resizeTopLevelWidget (int, int);
-%If ( KDE_3_3_1 - )
- void requestFocus (KParts::ReadOnlyPart*);
-%If ( KDE_3_4_0 - )
- void setPageSecurity (int);
- typedef QMap<QCString,int> ActionNumberMap;
-//igx virtual void virtual_hook (int, void*);
-%If ( KDE_3_3_0 - KDE_3_4_0 )
- enum
- {
- DefaultPopupItems,
- ShowNavigationItems,
- ShowUp,
- ShowReload,
- ShowBookmark,
- ShowCreateDirectory,
- ShowTextSelectionItems
- };
-%If ( KDE_3_2_0 - KDE_3_3_0 )
- enum
- {
- DefaultPopupItems,
- ShowNavigationItems,
- ShowUp,
- ShowReload,
- ShowBookmark,
- ShowCreateDirectory
- };
-}; // class BrowserExtension
-class BrowserHostExtension : QObject
-#include <browserextension.h>
- BrowserHostExtension (KParts::ReadOnlyPart* /TransferThis/, const char* = 0);
- virtual QStringList frameNames () const;
- virtual const QPtrList<KParts::ReadOnlyPart> frames () const;
-%If ( KDE_3_3_0 - )
- KParts::BrowserHostExtension* findFrameParent (KParts::ReadOnlyPart*, const QString&);
- virtual bool openURLInFrame (const KURL&, const KParts::URLArgs&);
- static KParts::BrowserHostExtension* childObject (QObject*);
-//igx virtual void virtual_hook (int, void*);
-}; // class BrowserHostExtension
-%If ( KDE_3_1_0 - )
-class LiveConnectExtension : QObject
-#include <browserextension.h>
- enum Type
- {
- TypeVoid,
- TypeBool,
- TypeFunction,
- TypeNumber,
- TypeObject,
- TypeString
- };
-//ig typedef QValueList<QPair<Type,QString>> ArgList;
- LiveConnectExtension (KParts::ReadOnlyPart* /TransferThis/, const char* = 0);
- virtual bool get (const ulong, const QString&, KParts::LiveConnectExtension::Type&, ulong&, QString&);
- virtual bool put (const ulong, const QString&, const QString&);
- virtual bool call (const ulong, const QString&, const QStringList&, KParts::LiveConnectExtension::Type&, ulong&, QString&);
- virtual void unregister (const ulong);
- static KParts::LiveConnectExtension* childObject (QObject*);
-//ig virtual void partEvent (const ulong, const QString&, const KParts::LiveConnectExtension::ArgList&);
-}; // class LiveConnectExtension
-}; // namespace KParts
-%If ( - KDE_3_5_3 )
-//ig typedef QPtrList<KFileItem> KFileItemList;
-QMap<QCString,int> testQMapQCStringInt (QMap<QCString,int>);
-//takes dict | (QMap<QCString,int>)
-//returns (QMap<QCString,int>)
- sipRes = a0;
-%MappedType QMap<QCString,QCString>
-//converts a Python dict of QCString:QCString
-#include <qmap.h>
- // Convert to a Python dict
- if (!sipCpp)
- return PyDict_New();
- PyObject *dict;
- // Create the dictionary.
- if ((dict = PyDict_New()) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- // Get it.
- const QMap<QCString,QCString> cppmap = *sipCpp;
- QMap<QCString,QCString>::ConstIterator it;
- for (it = cppmap.begin (); it != cppmap.end (); ++it)
- {
- QCString acpp = it.key ();
- QCString bcpp = ();
- PyObject *ainst;
- PyObject *binst;
- if (((ainst = sipBuildResult (NULL, "N", new QCString (acpp), sipClass_QCString)) == NULL)
- || ((binst = sipBuildResult (NULL, "N", new QCString (bcpp), sipClass_QCString)) == NULL)
- || (PyDict_SetItem (dict, ainst, binst) < 0))
- {
- Py_XDECREF (ainst);
- Py_XDECREF (binst);
- Py_DECREF (dict);
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- return dict;
- // Convert a Python dictionary to a QMap on the heap.
- if (sipIsErr == NULL)
- return PyDict_Check(sipPy);
- QMap<QCString,QCString> *cppmap = new QMap<QCString,QCString>;
- PyObject *aelem, *belem;
- int pos = 0;
- QCString *acpp;
- QCString *bcpp;
- while (PyDict_Next(sipPy, &pos, &aelem, &belem))
- {
- int iserr = 0;
- acpp = (QCString *)sipForceConvertTo_QCString (aelem, &iserr);
- bcpp = (QCString *)sipForceConvertTo_QCString (belem, &iserr);
- if (iserr)
- {
- *sipIsErr = 1;
- delete cppmap;
- return 0;
- }
- cppmap->insert (*acpp, *bcpp);
- }
- *sipCppPtr = cppmap;
- return 1;
-%MappedType QMap<QCString,int>
-//converts a Python dict of QCString:int
-#include <qmap.h>
- // Convert to a Python dict
- if (!sipCpp)
- return PyDict_New();
- PyObject *dict;
- // Create the dictionary.
- if ((dict = PyDict_New()) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- // Get it.
- const QMap<QCString,int> cppmap = *sipCpp;
- QMap<QCString,int>::ConstIterator it;
- for (it = cppmap.begin (); it != cppmap.end (); ++it)
- {
- QCString acpp = it.key ();
- int bcpp = ();
- PyObject *ainst;
- PyObject *binst;
- if (((ainst = sipBuildResult (NULL, "N", new QCString (acpp), sipClass_QCString)) == NULL)
- || ((binst = PyInt_FromLong (bcpp)) < 0)
- || (PyDict_SetItem (dict, ainst, binst) < 0))
- {
- Py_XDECREF (ainst);
- Py_XDECREF (binst);
- Py_DECREF (dict);
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- return dict;
- // Convert a Python dictionary to a QMap on the heap.
- if (sipIsErr == NULL)
- return PyDict_Check(sipPy);
- QMap<QCString,int> *cppmap = new QMap<QCString,int>;
- PyObject *aelem, *belem;
- int pos = 0;
- QCString *acpp;
- int bcpp;
- while (PyDict_Next(sipPy, &pos, &aelem, &belem))
- {
- int iserr = 0;
- if (iserr || !PyInt_Check (belem))
- {
- *sipIsErr = 1;
- delete cppmap;
- return 0;
- }
- acpp = (QCString *)sipForceConvertTo_QCString (aelem, &iserr);
- bcpp = PyInt_AS_LONG (belem);
- cppmap->insert (*acpp, bcpp);
- }
- *sipCppPtr = cppmap;
- return 1;
-%MappedType QPtrList<KParts::ReadOnlyPart>
-//converts a Python list of KParts.ReadOnlyPart
-#include <qptrlist.h>
- if (!sipCpp)
- return PyList_New (0);
- PyObject *pylist;
- // Create the list
- if ((pylist = PyList_New(0)) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- // Get it.
- QPtrList<KParts::ReadOnlyPart> *cpplist = (QPtrList<KParts::ReadOnlyPart> *)sipCpp;
- KParts::ReadOnlyPart *cpp;
- PyObject *inst;
- // the loop depends on the type of iterator the tmeplate makes available
- for(cpp = cpplist->first (); cpp != 0; cpp = cpplist->next () )
- {
- if (((inst = sipConvertFromInstance (cpp, sipClass_KParts_ReadOnlyPart, sipTransferObj)) == NULL)
- || PyList_Append (pylist, inst) < 0)
- {
- Py_DECREF (pylist);
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- return pylist;
- if (sipIsErr == NULL)
- return PyList_Check(sipPy);
- QPtrList<KParts::ReadOnlyPart> *cpplist = new QPtrList<KParts::ReadOnlyPart>;
- PyObject *elem;
- KParts::ReadOnlyPart *cpp;
- int iserr = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < PyList_Size (sipPy); i++)
- {
- elem = PyList_GET_ITEM (sipPy, i);
- cpp = (KParts::ReadOnlyPart *)sipForceConvertTo_KParts_ReadOnlyPart (elem, &iserr);
- if (iserr)
- {
- *sipIsErr = 1;
- delete cpplist;
- return 0;
- }
- cpplist->append (cpp);
- }
- *sipCppPtr = cpplist;
- return 1;