path: root/qtjava/javalib/org/kde/qt/
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Diffstat (limited to 'qtjava/javalib/org/kde/qt/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 160 deletions
diff --git a/qtjava/javalib/org/kde/qt/ b/qtjava/javalib/org/kde/qt/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6df025a3..00000000
--- a/qtjava/javalib/org/kde/qt/
+++ /dev/null
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-//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
-package org.kde.qt;
-import org.kde.qt.Qt;
- See {@link TQScrollViewSignals} for signals emitted by TQScrollView
-public class TQScrollView extends TQFrame {
- protected TQScrollView(Class dummy){super((Class) null);}
- public static final int Default = 0;
- public static final int Manual = 1;
- public static final int AutoOne = 2;
- public static final int AutoOneFit = 3;
- public static final int Auto = 0;
- public static final int AlwaysOff = 1;
- public static final int AlwaysOn = 2;
- public native TQMetaObject metaObject();
- public native String className();
- public TQScrollView(TQWidget parent, String name, int f) {
- super((Class) null);
- newTQScrollView(parent,name,f);
- }
- private native void newTQScrollView(TQWidget parent, String name, int f);
- public TQScrollView(TQWidget parent, String name) {
- super((Class) null);
- newTQScrollView(parent,name);
- }
- private native void newTQScrollView(TQWidget parent, String name);
- public TQScrollView(TQWidget parent) {
- super((Class) null);
- newTQScrollView(parent);
- }
- private native void newTQScrollView(TQWidget parent);
- public TQScrollView() {
- super((Class) null);
- newTQScrollView();
- }
- private native void newTQScrollView();
- public native void setResizePolicy(int arg1);
- public native int resizePolicy();
- public native void styleChange(TQStyle arg1);
- public native void removeChild(TQWidget child);
- public native void addChild(TQWidget child, int x, int y);
- public native void addChild(TQWidget child, int x);
- public native void addChild(TQWidget child);
- public native void moveChild(TQWidget child, int x, int y);
- public native int childX(TQWidget child);
- public native int childY(TQWidget child);
- public native boolean childIsVisible(TQWidget child);
- public native void showChild(TQWidget child, boolean yes);
- public native void showChild(TQWidget child);
- public native int vScrollBarMode();
- public native void setVScrollBarMode(int arg1);
- public native int hScrollBarMode();
- public native void setHScrollBarMode(int arg1);
- public native TQWidget cornerWidget();
- public native void setCornerWidget(TQWidget arg1);
- public native TQScrollBar horizontalScrollBar();
- public native TQScrollBar verticalScrollBar();
- public native TQWidget viewport();
- public native TQWidget clipper();
- public native int visibleWidth();
- public native int visibleHeight();
- public native int contentsWidth();
- public native int contentsHeight();
- public native int contentsX();
- public native int contentsY();
- public native void resize(int w, int h);
- public native void resize(TQSize arg1);
- public native void show();
- public native void updateContents(int x, int y, int w, int h);
- public native void updateContents(TQRect r);
- public native void updateContents();
- public native void repaintContents(int x, int y, int w, int h, boolean erase);
- public native void repaintContents(int x, int y, int w, int h);
- public native void repaintContents(TQRect r, boolean erase);
- public native void repaintContents(TQRect r);
- public native void repaintContents(boolean erase);
- public native void repaintContents();
- public native void contentsToViewport(int x, int y, int[] vx, int[] vy);
- public native void viewportToContents(int vx, int vy, int[] x, int[] y);
- public native TQPoint contentsToViewport(TQPoint arg1);
- public native TQPoint viewportToContents(TQPoint arg1);
- public native void enableClipper(boolean y);
- public native void setStaticBackground(boolean y);
- public native boolean hasStaticBackground();
- public native TQSize viewportSize(int arg1, int arg2);
- public native TQSize sizeHint();
- public native TQSize minimumSizeHint();
- public native void removeChild(TQObject child);
- public native boolean isHorizontalSliderPressed();
- public native boolean isVerticalSliderPressed();
- public native void setDragAutoScroll(boolean b);
- public native boolean dragAutoScroll();
- public native void disableSizeHintCaching();
- public native void resizeContents(int w, int h);
- public native void scrollBy(int dx, int dy);
- public native void setContentsPos(int x, int y);
- public native void ensureVisible(int x, int y);
- public native void ensureVisible(int x, int y, int xmargin, int ymargin);
- public native void center(int x, int y);
- public native void center(int x, int y, float xmargin, float ymargin);
- public native void updateScrollBars();
- public native void setEnabled(boolean enable);
- public static native String tr(String arg1, String arg2);
- public static native String tr(String arg1);
- protected native void drawContents(TQPainter arg1, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch);
- protected native void drawContentsOffset(TQPainter arg1, int ox, int oy, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch);
- protected native void contentsMousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent arg1);
- protected native void contentsMouseReleaseEvent(TQMouseEvent arg1);
- protected native void contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(TQMouseEvent arg1);
- protected native void contentsMouseMoveEvent(TQMouseEvent arg1);
- protected native void contentsDragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent arg1);
- protected native void contentsDragMoveEvent(TQDragMoveEvent arg1);
- protected native void contentsDragLeaveEvent(TQDragLeaveEvent arg1);
- protected native void contentsDropEvent(TQDropEvent arg1);
- protected native void contentsWheelEvent(TQWheelEvent arg1);
- protected native void contentsContextMenuEvent(TQContextMenuEvent arg1);
- protected native void viewportPaintEvent(TQPaintEvent arg1);
- protected native void viewportResizeEvent(TQResizeEvent arg1);
- protected native void viewportMousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent arg1);
- protected native void viewportMouseReleaseEvent(TQMouseEvent arg1);
- protected native void viewportMouseDoubleClickEvent(TQMouseEvent arg1);
- protected native void viewportMouseMoveEvent(TQMouseEvent arg1);
- protected native void viewportDragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent arg1);
- protected native void viewportDragMoveEvent(TQDragMoveEvent arg1);
- protected native void viewportDragLeaveEvent(TQDragLeaveEvent arg1);
- protected native void viewportDropEvent(TQDropEvent arg1);
- protected native void viewportWheelEvent(TQWheelEvent arg1);
- protected native void viewportContextMenuEvent(TQContextMenuEvent arg1);
- protected native void frameChanged();
- protected native void setMargins(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
- protected native int leftMargin();
- protected native int topMargin();
- protected native int rightMargin();
- protected native int bottomMargin();
- protected native boolean focusNextPrevChild(boolean next);
- protected native void setHBarGeometry(TQScrollBar hbar, int x, int y, int w, int h);
- protected native void setVBarGeometry(TQScrollBar vbar, int x, int y, int w, int h);
- protected native void resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent arg1);
- protected native void mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent arg1);
- protected native void mouseReleaseEvent(TQMouseEvent arg1);
- protected native void mouseDoubleClickEvent(TQMouseEvent arg1);
- protected native void mouseMoveEvent(TQMouseEvent arg1);
- protected native void wheelEvent(TQWheelEvent arg1);
- protected native void contextMenuEvent(TQContextMenuEvent arg1);
- public native boolean eventFilter(TQObject arg1, TQEvent e);
- protected native void setCachedSizeHint(TQSize sh);
- protected native TQSize cachedSizeHint();
- protected native void fontChange(TQFont arg1);
- /** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */
- protected native void finalize() throws InternalError;
- /** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */
- public native void dispose();
- /** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */
- public native boolean isDisposed();