KALYPTUS -- C, Objective-C and Java bindings generator

Version 0.9

KALYPTUS creates language bindings for Qt and KDE C++ libraries
directly from the headers. Documentation embedded in special doc
comments in the source is translated to an appropriate format for
the target language.


You need perl 5.005 or greater to run kalyptus.


If you are running this straight from CVS, you will need to run 

	make -f Makefile.cvs

before building.

This should install kalyptus:

./configure; make; make install


Richard Dale - kdoc adaption, C/Objective-C/Java code generation.

Sirtaj Singh Kang for writing the original kdoc utility (kalyptus was
derived from kdoc).

Copyright(C) 2001, Lost Highway Ltd


Copyright(C) 1999, Sirtaj Singh Kang <taj@kde.org>
Distributed under the GPL.



Here are some of the shell commands that were used in the conversion process:

Remove any Q_OVERRIDE macros from the Qt headers, and remove EXPORT_DOCKCLASS from the
KDE headers

# Generate Java and C++ sources. Copy all the target headers to directory 'test/tmp'
kalyptus -fjava test/tmp/*.h test/tmp/dom/*.h test/tmp/kio/*.h test/tmp/kdeprint/*.h \
   test/tmp/kjs/*.h test/tmp/kparts/*.h test/tmp/kdesu/*.h test/ktextedit/*.h test/tmp/libkmid/*.h

# Shorten generated filenames
mv DOM__Node.cpp DOMNode.cpp
mv DOM__Node.java DOMNode.java
mv DOM__Document.cpp DOMDocument.cpp
mv DOM__Document.java DOMDocument.java
for FILE in *__* ; do
 NAME=`echo $FILE | sed -e 's/^.*__//'`;
 echo $NAME;
 mv $FILE $NAME;
mv SlaveInterface.cpp Slave.cpp
mv SlaveInterface.java Slave.java

# Edit and Compile the generated java
cd kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala

# Build C++ JNI .h header files
cd qtjava/javalib/org/kde/qt
for FILE in *.class ; do NAME=`echo $FILE | sed 's/.class//'`; echo $NAME; javah  -classpath '../../..' org.kde.qt.$NAME ; done
for FILE in org_kde* ; do NAME=`echo $FILE | sed -e 's/org_kde_qt_//'`; echo $NAME; mv $FILE $NAME; done

cd kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala
for FILE in *.class ; do NAME=`echo $FILE | sed 's/.class//'`; echo $NAME; javah  -classpath '../../..:../../../../../qtjava/javalib/qtjava.jar' org.kde.koala.$NAME ; done
for FILE in org_kde* ; do NAME=`echo $FILE | sed -e 's/org_kde_koala_//'`; echo $NAME; mv $FILE $NAME; done
# Copy headers to kdejava/koala/kdejava

# Check that  the JNI .h function names match the .cpp ones
cd kdejava/koala/org/kde/koala
grep ^Java_ *.cpp | sed -e 's/^[^:]*:\([^(]*\).*/\1/'  | grep -v '[/]' | sort | uniq > cpp.fns
grep Java_ *.h | awk '{ print $4 }' |  grep -v '[/]' | sort | uniq > h.fns
kompare h.fns cpp.fns
# Reconcile and fix any differences

# Edit and compile the generated .cpp and .h files with KDevelop