// package com.werpu.simplemail; /** * SimpleMailFrm * This is the main window from of the simple mail application * @author Werner Punz werpu@gmx.at * This class was generated by Qt Designer and then converted to Java and * redesigned to fit into the KDE Framework */ import org.kde.qt.*; import org.kde.koala.*; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.LinkedList; class SimpleMailFrm extends KMainWindow { TQGroupBox groupBox1; KLineEdit txtServer; KLineEdit txtUserName; KPasswordEdit txtPassword; TQLabel textLabel1; TQLabel textLabel2; TQLabel textLabel3; KLineEdit txtFrom; KLineEdit txtTo; KLineEdit txtBCC; TQLabel textLabel4; TQLabel textLabel6; TQLabel textLabel5; KPushButton btSend; KPushButton btCancel; TQMultiLineEdit txtMessage; TQGridLayout form1Layout; TQGridLayout groupBox1Layout; KApplication parentApp = null; public SimpleMailFrm(KApplication kApp) { super( null, null,0); parentApp = kApp; resize( 582, 486 ); setCaption( trUtf8( "Simple Mailer" ) ); TQGroupBox centralBox = new TQGroupBox((TQWidget) this,""); form1Layout = new TQGridLayout(centralBox, 1, 1, 11, 6, "form1Layout"); groupBox1 = new TQGroupBox( centralBox, "groupBox1" ); groupBox1.setTitle( trUtf8( "Mailserver data" ) ); groupBox1.setColumnLayout(0, Qt.Vertical ); groupBox1.layout().setSpacing( 6 ); groupBox1.layout().setMargin( 11 ); groupBox1Layout = new TQGridLayout( groupBox1.layout() ); groupBox1Layout.setAlignment( Qt.AlignTop ); txtServer = new KLineEdit( groupBox1, "txtServer" ); groupBox1Layout.addWidget( txtServer, 0, 1 ); txtUserName = new KLineEdit( groupBox1, "txtUserName" ); groupBox1Layout.addWidget( txtUserName, 1, 1 ); txtPassword = new KPasswordEdit( groupBox1, "txtPassword" ); groupBox1Layout.addWidget( txtPassword, 2, 1 ); textLabel1 = new TQLabel( groupBox1, "textLabel1" ); textLabel1.setText( trUtf8( "Server" ) ); groupBox1Layout.addWidget( textLabel1, 0, 0 ); textLabel2 = new TQLabel( groupBox1, "textLabel2" ); textLabel2.setText( trUtf8( "Username" ) ); groupBox1Layout.addWidget( textLabel2, 1, 0 ); textLabel3 = new TQLabel( groupBox1, "textLabel3" ); textLabel3.setText( trUtf8( "Password" ) ); groupBox1Layout.addWidget( textLabel3, 2, 0 ); txtFrom = new KLineEdit( groupBox1, "txtFrom" ); groupBox1Layout.addWidget( txtFrom, 0, 3 ); txtTo = new KLineEdit( groupBox1, "txtTo" ); groupBox1Layout.addWidget( txtTo, 1, 3 ); txtBCC = new KLineEdit( groupBox1, "txtBCC" ); groupBox1Layout.addWidget( txtBCC, 2, 3 ); textLabel4 = new TQLabel( groupBox1, "textLabel4" ); textLabel4.setText( trUtf8( "From" ) ); groupBox1Layout.addWidget( textLabel4, 0, 2 ); textLabel6 = new TQLabel( groupBox1, "textLabel6" ); textLabel6.setText( trUtf8( "BCC" ) ); groupBox1Layout.addWidget( textLabel6, 2, 2 ); textLabel5 = new TQLabel( groupBox1, "textLabel5" ); textLabel5.setText( trUtf8( "To" ) ); groupBox1Layout.addWidget( textLabel5, 1, 2 ); form1Layout.addMultiCellWidget( groupBox1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); btSend = new KPushButton( centralBox, "btSend" ); btSend.setText( trUtf8( "Send" ) ); form1Layout.addWidget( btSend, 2, 0 ); btCancel = new KPushButton( centralBox, "btCancel" ); btCancel.setText( trUtf8( "Cancel" ) ); form1Layout.addWidget( btCancel, 2, 1 ); txtMessage = new TQMultiLineEdit(centralBox, "txtMessage" ); form1Layout.addMultiCellWidget( txtMessage, 1, 1, 0, 1 ); setCentralWidget(centralBox); // tab order setTabOrder( txtServer, txtUserName ); setTabOrder( txtUserName, txtPassword ); setTabOrder( txtPassword, txtFrom ); setTabOrder( txtFrom, txtTo ); setTabOrder( txtTo, txtBCC ); setTabOrder( txtBCC, txtMessage ); setTabOrder( txtMessage, btSend ); setTabOrder( btSend, btCancel ); setEventHandlers(); } //---------------------------------------------------------- // Getter Methods to access the data outside of the // current class //---------------------------------------------------------- public String getServer() { return txtServer.text(); } public String getUserName() { return txtUserName.text(); } public String getPassword() { return txtPassword.text(); } public String getFrom() { return txtFrom.text(); } public String getTo() { return txtTo.text(); } public String getBCC() { return txtBCC.text(); } public String getMessage() { return txtMessage.text(); } void setEventHandlers() { connect( btCancel, SIGNAL("clicked()"), parentApp, SLOT("quit()")); connect( btSend,SIGNAL("clicked()"),this,SLOT("sendMail()")); } //-------------------------------------------- // Slots //------------------------------------------- public void sendMail() { String server = getServer(); String userName = getUserName(); String password = getPassword(); String from = getFrom(); String to = getTo(); String message = getMessage(); LinkedList bccs = getBCCs(); try { MailHelper mailer = new MailHelper(); mailer.setMessage(message); mailer.setSubject("Simple Mail"); mailer.setSender(from); mailer.setRecipient(to); mailer.addCCAddress(bccs.iterator()); mailer.setServer(server); mailer.setUsername(userName); mailer.setPassword(password); mailer.send(); } catch (Exception ex) { KMessageBox.error(this , ex.getMessage()); return; } KMessageBox.information(this,"Mail was successfully sent!"); } //------------------------------------- //Helpers //------------------------------------- /** * Split the BCCs into single entries if nedded */ LinkedList getBCCs() { LinkedList retVal = new LinkedList(); String bcc = getBCC(); StringTokenizer splitter = new StringTokenizer(bcc,",;"); while(splitter.hasMoreTokens()) retVal.add(splitter.nextToken()); return retVal; } }