//package com.werpu.simplemail; import org.kde.qt.*; import org.kde.koala.*; /** * * @author Werner Punz werpu@gmx.at * This is a simple mailer to demonstrate the connection * of KDE Java with java packages. * It demonstrates the connection between KDEJava and the javamail API * to send mails from a KDE Application box via the SMTP protocol * Note:The javamail and activation jar files have to be in your classpath! * */ public class SimpleMailer extends TDEApplication{ static { qtjava.initialize(); kdejava.initialize(); } public SimpleMailer() { super(); SimpleMailFrm mainWidget = new SimpleMailFrm(this); this.setMainWidget(mainWidget); mainWidget.show(); this.exec(); } /** * Entry point for the program */ public static void main(String [] argv) { TDECmdLineArgs.init(argv, "simplemailer", "SimpleMailer", "Simple Mailing Application", "0.1"); SimpleMailer mailClnt = new SimpleMailer(); } }