import org.kde.qt.*; import org.kde.koala.*; public class Test{ static String description = "DCOP test application for Java"; /** * test the DCOP stuff. * * This test doesn't simply construct a DCOPClient, because * dcop needs the eventloop (app.exec()) */ public static void main(String[] argv){ KAboutData aboutData = new KAboutData( "test", "Test", "0.1", description, KAboutData.License_GPL, "(C) 2002 Gert-Jan van der Heiden"); TDECmdLineArgs.init( argv, aboutData ); TDEApplication app = new TDEApplication(); app.dcopClient().registerAs("JavaTest", false); JavaDCOPObject object = new JavaDCOPObject(); app.exec(); } static{ qtjava.initialize(); kdejava.initialize(); } }