#!/usr/bin/env kjscmd StdDirs.addResourceType("envelopemaker", StdDirs.kde_default("data") + "/envelopemaker"); var win = new KMainWindow(this); var view = Factory.loadui(StdDirs.findResource("envelopemaker", "EnvelopeMakerUI.ui"), this, win); //var view = Factory.loadui("EnvelopeMakerUI.ui", this, win); var Print = view.child('print'); var Save = view.child('save'); var Exit = view.child('exit'); Print.connect(Print, 'clicked()', this, 'print'); Save.connect(Save, 'clicked()', this, 'save'); Exit.connect(Exit, 'clicked()', this, 'exit'); var env = new envelope(); env.init(); win.setCentralWidget(view); win.setCaption("EnvelopeMaker"); win.show(); application.exec(); function setupEnvelope() { var fontName = /(.+)[,](.+)[,](.+)[,](.+)[,](.+)[,](.+)[,](.+)[,](.+)[,](.+)[,](.+)/.exec(view.child('font').font); env.returnfont = fontName[1]; env.returnpointsize = fontName[2]; env.mailfont = fontName[1]; env.mailpointsize = fontName[2]; env.retAddress[0] = view.child('retAddress1').text; env.retAddress[1] = view.child('retAddress2').text; env.retAddress[2] = view.child('retAddress3').text; env.retAddress[3] = view.child('retAddress4').text; env.mailAddress[0] = view.child('mailAddress1').text; env.mailAddress[1] = view.child('mailAddress2').text; env.mailAddress[2] = view.child('mailAddress3').text; env.mailAddress[3] = view.child('mailAddress4').text; if ( view.child('barcode').checked ) { if( env.getZip() == "" ) { alert("You must enter a valid 9 digit Zipcode"); return false; } } return true; } function print() { if (setupEnvelope() ) { var dcop = new DCOPClient(); if( dcop.attach() ) { var ps = env.header(); ps += env.returnAddress(); ps += env.mailingAddress(); if( view.child('barcode').checked ) ps += env.barcode(); ps += env.footer(); if ( !dcop.send("kprinterservice", "printer", "printStream(const QString&)", ps ) ) { alert("There was an error talking to the KPrinterService, please check that it is running."); } } } } function save() { if (setupEnvelope() ) { var ps = env.header(); ps += env.returnAddress(); ps += env.mailingAddress(); if( view.child('barcode').checked ) ps += env.barcode(); ps += env.footer(); var fileName = StdDialog.getSaveFileName(); if( fileName != "") { System.writeFile(fileName, ps); } } } function envelope() { this.init = function() { this.leftmargin = 0.30; this.ewidth = 9.5; this.eheight = 4.125; this.linepos = 0; this.normalpaper = 11; this.normalwidth = 8.5; this.feedcenter = this.normalwidth/2 - this.eheight/2 this.topmargin = 0.30 + this.feedcenter; this.x0 = 0; this.y0 = Math.round((this.normalpaper - this.ewidth) * 72); this.xpos = Math.round(0.40*72*this.ewidth); this.ypos = Math.round(-0.40*72*this.eheight); this.xloc = Math.round(this.x0 + (this.topmargin * 72)); this.yloc = Math.round(this.y0 + (this.leftmargin * 72)); this.returnfont = "Times-Roman"; this.returnpointsize = 12; this.mailfont = "Times-Roman"; this.mailpointsize = 10; this.retAddress = ["Ian Reinhart Geiser","601 Coach Hill Ct","West Chester PA, 19380"]; this.mailAddress = ["SourceXtreme, Inc","1149 Broad Run Road","Coatesville, PA 39380-9176"]; this.zipcode = "0"; } this.getZip = function() { var mailAddress = /.+,[\s]*.{2,2}[\s]+([\d]{5,5})[-]*([\d]{4,4})/.exec(this.mailAddress); if( mailAddress ) return mailAddress[1] + mailAddress[2]; else return ""; } this.header = function() { var ps = ""; ps += "%!\n"; ps += "% EnvelopeMaker\n"; // Page size // Comm #10 Envelope 297 x 684 // C5 Envelope 461 x 648 // DL Envelope 312 x 624 ps += "newpath\n"; return ps; } this.returnAddress = function() // Return address { var ps = this.xloc + " " + this.yloc + " translate\n"; ps += "90 rotate"; for ( var idx = 0; idx < this.retAddress.length; ++idx) { if( this.retAddress[idx] != "") { ps += "/" + this.returnfont + " findfont " + this.returnpointsize + " scalefont setfont\n"; ps += "0 " + this.linepos + " moveto\n"; ps += "(" + this.retAddress[idx] + ") show\n"; this.linepos -= this.returnpointsize; } } return ps; } this.mailingAddress = function() // Mailing Address { var ps = ""; for ( var idx = 0; idx < this.mailAddress.length; ++idx) { if( this.mailAddress[idx] != "") { ps += "/" + this.mailfont + " findfont " + this.mailpointsize + " scalefont setfont\n"; ps += this.xpos + " " + this.ypos + " moveto\n"; ps += "(" + this.mailAddress[idx] + ") show\n"; this.ypos -= this.mailpointsize; } } return ps; } this.footer = function() { return "showpage\n"; } this.barcode = function() { this.zipcode = this.getZip(); if( this.zipcode.length != 9) return ""; var ps = ""; this.xpos = Math.round((this.ewidth - 3.875) * 72); this.ypos = Math.round((-1 * this.eheight + 0.375) * 72); var code = [ [1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 1, 0],[1, 0, 1, 0, 0] ]; var ziparray = new Array(10); var zipsum = 0; for ( var idx = 0; idx < this.zipcode.length; ++idx) { ziparray[idx] = this.zipcode.substring(idx, idx+1); zipsum += ziparray[idx]; } var correctcode = 10 - zipsum % 10; if( correctcode == 10) correctcode = 0; ziparray[9] = correctcode; // Set our barcode dimensions to the POSTNET spec. // Width = 0.02" // Space between CL's (pitch) = 0.05" // Height of 1's = 0.125" // Height of 0's = 0.05" var pitch = 3.6; //points var linewidth = 1.44; //points var height = 0; var pos = 0; ps += "newpath\n"; ps += this.xpos + " " + this.ypos + " translate\n"; ps += pos + " 0 moveto\n"; ps += linewidth + " setlinewidth\n"; // Frame bar var height = Math.round(0.125 * 72); ps += "0 " + height + " rlineto\n"; // Actual barcode for( var idx = 0; idx < ziparray.length; ++idx) { for (var idx2 = 0; idx2 < code[ ziparray[idx] ].length; ++idx2) { pos = Math.round(pos + pitch); ps += pos + " 0 moveto\n"; var line = code[ ziparray[idx] ][idx2]; height = Math.round((0.05 + line * 0.075) * 72); ps += "0 " + height + " rlineto\n"; } } // Frame bar pos = Math.round(pos + pitch); ps += pos + " 0 moveto\n"; height = Math.round(0.125 * 72); ps += "0 " + height + " rlineto\n"; ps += "stroke\n"; return ps; } }