/* * Copyright (C) 2001-2003, Richard J. Moore <rich@kde.org> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <tqobject.h> #include <tqobjectlist.h> #include <tqdialog.h> #include <tqlistbox.h> #include <tqlistview.h> #include <tqmetaobject.h> #include <tqregexp.h> #include <tqsignal.h> #include <tqstrlist.h> #include <tqtimer.h> #include <tqvariant.h> #include <tqdatetime.h> #include <tqstringlist.h> #include <private/qucom_p.h> #include <private/qucomextra_p.h> #ifndef QT_ONLY #include <klistview.h> #include <kurl.h> #else // QT_ONLY #include "qtstubs.h" #endif // QT_ONLY #include <kjs/interpreter.h> #include <kjs/types.h> #include <kjs/ustring.h> #include "kjsembedpart.h" #include "jssecuritypolicy.h" #include "global.h" #include "jsfactory.h" #include "slotproxy.h" #include "jsvalueproxy.h" #include "jsopaqueproxy.h" #include "jsobjectproxy_imp.h" #include "slotutils.h" namespace KJSEmbed { namespace Bindings { JSSlotUtils::JSSlotUtils() { } JSSlotUtils::~JSSlotUtils() { } bool JSSlotUtils::connect( TQObject *sender, const char *sig, TQObject *recv, const char *dest ) { if ( (!sender) || (!recv) ) return false; // Source TQString si = TQString("2%1").arg(sig); const char *sigc = si.ascii(); // Connect to slot if ( recv->metaObject()->findSlot(dest, true) >= 0 ) { TQString sl = TQString("1%1").arg(dest); const char *slotc = sl.ascii(); //kdDebug(80001) << "connect: "<<sender->name()<<" "<<sigc<<", slot "<<recv->name()<<" "<<slotc<< endl; bool ok = TQObject::connect( sender, sigc, recv, slotc ); if (ok) return true; } // Connect to signal if ( recv->metaObject()->findSignal(dest, true) >= 0 ) { TQString si2 = TQString("2%1").arg(dest); const char *sig2c = si2.ascii(); kdDebug(80001) << "connect: "<<sender->name()<<" "<<sigc<<", sig "<<recv->name()<<" "<<sig2c<< endl; bool ok = TQObject::connect( sender, sigc, recv, sig2c ); if (ok) return true; } return false; } KJS::Boolean JSSlotUtils::disconnect( KJS::ExecState */*exec*/, KJS::Object &/*self*/, TQObject *sender, const char *sig, TQObject *recv, const char *dest ) { if ( (!sender) || (!recv) ) return KJS::Boolean(false); bool ok; // Source TQString si = TQString("2%1").arg(sig); const char *sigc = si.ascii(); // Disconnect from slot if ( recv->metaObject()->findSlot(dest, true) >= 0 ) { TQString sl = TQString("1%1").arg(dest); const char *slotc = sl.ascii(); //kdDebug(80001) << "disconnect: "<<sender->name()<<" "<<sigc<<", slot "<<recv->name()<<" "<<slotc<< endl; ok = TQObject::disconnect( sender, sigc, recv, slotc ); if (ok) return KJS::Boolean(ok); } // Disonnect to signal if ( recv->metaObject()->findSignal(dest, true) >= 0 ) { TQString si2("2"); si2 = si2 + dest; const char *sig2c = si2.ascii(); //kdDebug(80001)<< "disconnect: "<<sender->name()<<" "<<sigc<<", sig "<<recv->name()<<" "<<sig2c<< endl; ok = TQObject::disconnect( sender, sigc, recv, sig2c ); if (ok) return KJS::Boolean(ok); } return KJS::Boolean(false); } KJS::Value JSSlotUtils::extractValue( KJS::ExecState *exec, TQUObject *uo, JSObjectProxy *parent ) { TQCString typenm( uo->type->desc() ); kdDebug(80001) << "JSSlotUtils:extractValue() " << typenm << endl; if ( typenm == "null" ) return KJS::Null(); else if ( typenm == "bool" ) return KJS::Boolean( static_QUType_bool.get(uo) ); else if ( typenm == "int" ) return KJS::Number( static_QUType_int.get(uo) ); else if ( typenm == "double" ) return KJS::Number( static_QUType_double.get(uo) ); else if ( typenm == "charstar" ) return KJS::String( static_QUType_charstar.get(uo) ); else if ( typenm == "TQString" ) return KJS::String( static_QUType_TQString.get(uo) ); else if ( typenm == "TQVariant" ) return convertToValue( exec, static_QUType_TQVariant.get(uo) ); else if ( typenm == "ptr" ) { void *ptr = static_QUType_ptr.get(uo); // If it's a TQObject and we know the parent if ( ptr && parent ) { TQObject *qobj = (TQObject *)(ptr); // Crash in kst return parent->part()->factory()->createProxy( exec, qobj, parent); } } kdWarning(80001) << "JSSlotUtils:extractValue() Failed (" << typenm << ")" << endl; TQString msg = i18n( "Value of type (%1) is not supported." ).arg( typenm ); throwError(exec, msg,KJS::TypeError); return KJS::Null(); } // // Add a value to a TQUObject. // void JSSlotUtils::implantInt( KJS::ExecState *exec, TQUObject *uo, const KJS::Value &v ) { static_QUType_int.set( uo, v.toInteger( exec ) ); } void JSSlotUtils::implantCharStar( KJS::ExecState *exec, TQUObject *uo, const KJS::Value &v ) { static_QUType_charstar.set( uo, v.toString( exec ).ascii() ); } void JSSlotUtils::implantBool( KJS::ExecState *exec, TQUObject *uo, const KJS::Value &v ) { static_QUType_bool.set( uo, v.toBoolean( exec ) ); } void JSSlotUtils::implantDouble( KJS::ExecState *exec, TQUObject *uo, const KJS::Value &v ) { static_QUType_double.set( uo, v.toNumber( exec ) ); } void JSSlotUtils::implantTQString( KJS::ExecState *exec, TQUObject *uo, const KJS::Value &v ) { static_QUType_TQString.set( uo, v.toString(exec).qstring() ); } void JSSlotUtils::implantCString( KJS::ExecState *exec, TQUObject *uo, const KJS::Value &v ) { static_QUType_charstar.set( uo, v.toString(exec).ascii() ); } void JSSlotUtils::implantURL( KJS::ExecState *exec, TQUObject *uo, const KJS::Value &v,KURL *url ) { *url = TQString( v.toString(exec).qstring() ); static_QUType_ptr.set( uo, url ); } void JSSlotUtils::implantColor( KJS::ExecState *exec, TQUObject *uo, const KJS::Value &v, TQColor *color ) { bool ok; TQString s( v.toString(exec).qstring() ); if ( s.startsWith("#") ) { TQRegExp re("#([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]){3,4}"); re.setCaseSensitive( false ); if ( re.search(s) != -1 ) { uint r = re.cap(1).toUInt(&ok, 16); uint g = re.cap(2).toUInt(&ok, 16); uint b = re.cap(3).toUInt(&ok, 16); if ( re.numCaptures() == 3 ) *color = TQColor(r,g,b); else if ( re.numCaptures() == 4 ) { uint a = re.cap(4).toUInt(&ok, 16); uint pix = r; pix = pix << 8; pix = pix | g; pix = pix << 8; pix = pix | b; pix = pix << 8; pix = pix | a; *color = TQColor( tqRgba(r,g,b,a), pix ); } } } else { // Try for a named color *color = TQColor( s ); } static_QUType_ptr.set( uo, color ); } void JSSlotUtils::implantPoint( KJS::ExecState *exec, TQUObject *uo, const KJS::Value &v, TQPoint *point ) { KJS::Object o = v.toObject( exec ); if ( !o.isValid() ) return; int x, y; KJS::Identifier zero("0"), one("1"), ex("x"), wi("y"); if ( o.hasProperty(exec, zero) && o.hasProperty(exec, one) ) { x = o.get( exec, zero ).toInteger(exec); y = o.get( exec, one ).toInteger(exec); } else if ( o.hasProperty(exec, ex) && o.hasProperty(exec, wi) ) { x = o.get( exec, ex ).toInteger(exec); y = o.get( exec, wi ).toInteger(exec); } else return; *point = TQPoint( x, y ); static_QUType_ptr.set( uo, point ); } void JSSlotUtils::implantSize( KJS::ExecState *exec, TQUObject *uo, const KJS::Value &v, TQSize *size ) { KJS::Object o = v.toObject( exec ); if ( !o.isValid() ) return; int w, h; KJS::Identifier zero("0"), one("1"), wid("width"), hih("height"); if ( o.hasProperty(exec, zero) && o.hasProperty(exec, one) ) { w = o.get( exec, zero ).toInteger(exec); h = o.get( exec, one ).toInteger(exec); } else if ( o.hasProperty(exec, wid) && o.hasProperty(exec, hih) ) { w = o.get( exec, wid ).toInteger(exec); h = o.get( exec, hih ).toInteger(exec); } else return; *size = TQSize( w, h ); static_QUType_ptr.set( uo, size ); } void JSSlotUtils::implantRect( KJS::ExecState *exec, TQUObject *uo, const KJS::Value &v, TQRect *rect ) { KJS::Object o = v.toObject( exec ); if ( !o.isValid() ) return; int x, y, w, h; KJS::Identifier zero("0"), one("1"), two("2"), three("3"); KJS::Identifier ex("x"), wi("y"), wid("width"), hih("height"); if ( o.hasProperty(exec, zero) && o.hasProperty(exec, one) && o.hasProperty(exec, two) && o.hasProperty(exec, three) ) { x = o.get( exec, zero ).toInteger(exec); y = o.get( exec, one ).toInteger(exec); w = o.get( exec, two ).toInteger(exec); h = o.get( exec, three ).toInteger(exec); } else if ( o.hasProperty(exec, ex) && o.hasProperty(exec, wi) && o.hasProperty(exec, wid) && o.hasProperty(exec, hih) ) { x = o.get( exec, ex ).toInteger(exec); y = o.get( exec, wi ).toInteger(exec); w = o.get( exec, wid ).toInteger(exec); h = o.get( exec, hih ).toInteger(exec); } else return; *rect = TQRect( x, y, w, h ); static_QUType_ptr.set( uo, rect ); } void JSSlotUtils::implantDate( KJS::ExecState *exec, TQUObject *uo, const KJS::Value &v, TQDate *date ) { TQDateTime jsDate = convertDateToDateTime(exec, v); date->setYMD( jsDate.date().year(), jsDate.date().month(), jsDate.date().day() ); static_QUType_ptr.set( uo, date ); } void JSSlotUtils::implantStringList(KJS::ExecState *exec, TQUObject *uo, const KJS::Value &v, TQStringList *lst ) { *lst = convertArrayToStringList(exec,v); static_QUType_ptr.set(uo,lst); } void JSSlotUtils::implantTime( KJS::ExecState *exec, TQUObject *uo, const KJS::Value &v, TQTime *time ) { TQDateTime jsDate = convertDateToDateTime(exec, v); time->setHMS( jsDate.time().hour(), jsDate.time().minute(), jsDate.time().second() ); static_QUType_ptr.set( uo, time ); } void JSSlotUtils::implantDateTime( KJS::ExecState *exec, TQUObject *uo, const KJS::Value &v, TQDateTime *datetime ) { TQDateTime jsDate = convertDateToDateTime(exec, v); datetime->setDate( jsDate.date() ); datetime->setTime( jsDate.time() ); static_QUType_ptr.set( uo, datetime ); } void JSSlotUtils::implantPixmap( KJS::ExecState *exec, TQUObject *uo, const KJS::Value &v, TQPixmap *pix ) { *pix = convertToVariant(exec, v).toPixmap() ; static_QUType_ptr.set( uo, pix ); } bool JSSlotUtils::implantTQVariant( KJS::ExecState *, TQUObject *uo, const KJS::Value &v) { JSValueProxy *prx = JSProxy::toValueProxy( v.imp() ); if ( !prx ) return false; kdDebug(80001) << "We got a " << prx->typeName() << endl; static_QUType_TQVariant.set( uo, prx->toVariant() ); return true; } bool JSSlotUtils::implantValueProxy( KJS::ExecState *, TQUObject *uo, const KJS::Value &val, const TQString &clazz ) { JSValueProxy *prx = JSProxy::toValueProxy( val.imp() ); if ( !prx ) return false; if ( prx->typeName() != clazz ) return false; kdDebug(80001) << "We got a " << prx->typeName() << " and is valid " << prx->toVariant().isValid() << endl; TQVariant var = prx->toVariant(); kdDebug(80001) << "We got a " << var.typeName()<< " and is valid " << var.isValid() << endl; static_QUType_TQVariant.set( uo, var ); return var.isValid(); } bool JSSlotUtils::implantOpaqueProxy( KJS::ExecState *, TQUObject *uo, const KJS::Value &v, const TQString &clazz ) { JSOpaqueProxy *prx = JSProxy::toOpaqueProxy( v.imp() ); if ( !prx ) return false; if ( prx->typeName() != clazz ) return false; static_QUType_ptr.set( uo, prx->toNative<void>() ); return true; } bool JSSlotUtils::implantObjectProxy( KJS::ExecState *, TQUObject *uo, const KJS::Value &v, const TQString &clazz ) { JSObjectProxy *prx = JSProxy::toObjectProxy( v.imp() ); if ( !prx ) return false; if ( !prx->object()->inherits( clazz.latin1() ) ) return false; static_QUType_ptr.set( uo, prx->toObjectProxy()->object() ); return true; } int JSSlotUtils::findSignature( const TQString &sig ) { // No args if ( sig.contains("()") ) return SignatureNone; // One arg if ( sig.contains("(int)") ) return SignatureInt; else if ( sig.contains("(uint)") ) return SignatureUInt; else if ( sig.contains("(long)") ) return SignatureLong; else if ( sig.contains("(ulong)") ) return SignatureULong; else if ( sig.contains("(bool)") ) return SignatureBool; else if ( sig.contains("(double)") ) return SignatureDouble; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQString&)") ) return SignatureString; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQCString&)") ) return SignatureCString; else if ( sig.contains("(const char*)") ) return SignatureCString; else if ( sig.contains("(const KURL&)") ) return SignatureURL; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQColor&)") ) return SignatureColor; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQPoint&)") ) return SignaturePoint; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQRect&)") ) return SignatureRect; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQSize&)") ) return SignatureSize; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQPixmap&)") ) return SignaturePixmap; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQFont&)") ) return SignatureFont; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQDate&)") ) return SignatureDate; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQTime&)") ) return SignatureTime; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQDateTime&)") ) return SignatureDateTime; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQImage&)") ) return SignatureImage; else if ( sig.contains("(TQWidget*)") ) return SignatureTQWidget; // Two args else if ( sig.contains("(const TQDate&, const TQDate&)") ) return SignatureDateDate; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQColor&, const TQString&)") ) return SignatureColorString; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQString&,const TQString&,const TQString&)") ) return SignatureStringStringString; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQString&,const TQString&)") ) return SignatureStringString; else if ( sig.contains("(int,int)") ) return SignatureIntInt; else if ( sig.contains("(int,int,int,int)") ) return SignatureIntIntIntInt; else if ( sig.contains("(int,int,int,int,int)") ) return SignatureIntIntIntIntInt; else if ( sig.contains("(int,int,int,int,bool)") ) return SignatureIntIntIntIntBool; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQString&,int)") ) return SignatureStringInt; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQString&,uint)") ) return SignatureStringInt; else if ( sig.contains("(const KURL&,const KURL&)") ) return SignatureURLURL; else if ( sig.contains("(const KURL&,const TQString&)") ) return SignatureURLString; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQString&,const KURL&)") ) return SignatureStringURL; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQRect&,bool)") ) return SignatureRectBool; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQString&,bool)") ) return SignatureStringBool; else if ( sig.contains("(int,bool)") ) return SignatureIntBool; else if ( sig.contains("(int,int,bool)") ) return SignatureIntIntBool; else if ( sig.contains("(int,int,const TQString&)") ) return SignatureIntIntString; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQString&,bool,int)") ) return SignatureStringBoolInt; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQString&,bool,bool)") ) return SignatureStringBoolBool; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQString&,int,int)") ) return SignatureStringIntInt; else if ( sig.contains("(int,const TQColor&,bool)") ) return SignatureIntColorBool; else if ( sig.contains("(int,const TQColor&)") ) return SignatureIntColor; else if ( sig.contains("(int,int,float,float)") ) return SignatureIntIntFloatFloat; else if ( sig.contains("(const TQString&,bool,bool,bool)") ) return SignatureStringBoolBoolBool; else if ( sig.contains("(int,int,int,int,int,int)") ) return SignatureIntIntIntIntIntInt; // Handle anything that falls through if ( sig.contains("TQString") || sig.contains("TQColor") || sig.contains("int") || sig.contains("bool") || sig.contains("float") || sig.contains("KURL") || sig.contains("TQVariant") || sig.contains("TQSize") || sig.contains("TQRect") || sig.contains("TQPixmap") || sig.contains("TQCString") || sig.contains("TQPoint") || sig.contains("double") || sig.contains("TQFont") || sig.contains("TQDate") || sig.contains("TQTime") || sig.contains("TQDateTime") || sig.contains("TQStringList") || sig.contains("TQWidget") || sig.contains("TQObject") || sig.contains("TQPen") || sig.contains("TQImage") ) return SignatureCustom; kdWarning(80001) << "findSignature: not supported type " << sig << endl; return SignatureNotSupported; } #define MAX_SUPPORTED_ARGS (12) KJS::Value JSSlotUtils::invokeSlot( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &, const KJS::List &args, JSObjectProxyImp *proxyimp ) { TQUObject uo[ MAX_SUPPORTED_ARGS ] = { TQUObject(), TQUObject(), TQUObject(), TQUObject(), TQUObject(), TQUObject(), TQUObject(), TQUObject(), TQUObject(), TQUObject(), TQUObject(), TQUObject() }; KJS::Value retValue; JSObjectProxy *proxy = proxyimp->objectProxy(); TQCString slotname( proxyimp->slotName() ); int sigid = proxyimp->signature(); TQPtrList<uint> uintlist; uintlist.setAutoDelete(true); TQObject *obj = proxy->object(); int slotid = obj->metaObject()->findSlot( slotname, true ); if ( slotid == -1 ) { TQString msg = i18n( "Slot %1 was not found." ).arg( slotname ); return throwError(exec, msg,KJS::ReferenceError); } if ( args.size() > MAX_SUPPORTED_ARGS ) { TQString msg = i18n( "Slots with more than %1 arguments are not supported." ).arg( MAX_SUPPORTED_ARGS ); return throwError(exec, msg,KJS::ReferenceError); } // Keep args in scope for duration of the method. KURL url[MAX_SUPPORTED_ARGS]; TQColor color[MAX_SUPPORTED_ARGS]; TQPoint point[MAX_SUPPORTED_ARGS]; TQSize size[MAX_SUPPORTED_ARGS]; TQRect rect[MAX_SUPPORTED_ARGS]; TQDate date[MAX_SUPPORTED_ARGS]; TQDateTime datetime[MAX_SUPPORTED_ARGS]; TQTime time[MAX_SUPPORTED_ARGS]; TQPixmap pix[MAX_SUPPORTED_ARGS]; TQStringList slst[MAX_SUPPORTED_ARGS]; bool notsupported = true; if ( args.size() == 1 ) { //kdDebug( 80001 ) << "One Arg" << endl; switch (sigid) { case SignatureInt: implantInt( exec, uo+1, args[0] ); break; case SignatureBool: implantBool( exec, uo+1, args[0] ); break; case SignatureString: implantTQString( exec, uo+1, args[0] ); break; case SignatureCString: implantCString( exec, uo+1, args[0] ); break; case SignatureDouble: implantDouble( exec, uo+1, args[0] ); break; case SignatureURL: implantURL( exec, uo+1, args[0], &url[0] ); break; case SignatureColor: implantColor( exec, uo+1, args[0], &color[0] ); break; case SignaturePoint: implantPoint( exec, uo+1, args[0], &point[0] ); break; case SignatureSize: implantSize( exec, uo+1, args[0], &size[0] ); break; case SignatureRect: implantRect( exec, uo+1, args[0], &rect[0] ); break; default: notsupported = true; break; } } else if ( args.size() == 2 ) { //kdDebug( 80001 ) << "Two Args" << endl; switch (sigid) { case SignatureIntInt: implantInt( exec, uo+1, args[0] ); implantInt( exec, uo+2, args[1] ); break; case SignatureStringInt: implantTQString( exec, uo+1, args[0] ); implantInt( exec, uo+2, args[1] ); break; case SignatureRectBool: implantRect( exec, uo+1, args[0], &rect[0] ); implantBool( exec, uo+2, args[1] ); break; case SignatureStringString: implantTQString( exec, uo+1, args[0] ); implantTQString( exec, uo+2, args[1] ); break; case SignatureStringBool: implantTQString( exec, uo+1, args[0] ); implantBool( exec, uo+2, args[1] ); break; case SignatureIntColor: implantInt( exec, uo+1, args[0] ); implantColor( exec, uo+2, args[1], &color[0] ); break; case SignatureURLURL: implantURL( exec, uo+1, args[0], &url[0] ); implantURL( exec, uo+2, args[1], &url[1] ); break; case SignatureURLString: implantURL( exec, uo+1, args[0], &url[0] ); implantTQString( exec, uo+2, args[1] ); break; case SignatureStringURL: implantTQString( exec, uo+1, args[0] ); implantURL( exec, uo+2, args[1], &url[0] ); break; default: notsupported = true; break; } } else { //kdDebug( 80001 ) << args.size() << " Args" << endl; notsupported = false; switch (sigid) { case SignatureNone: break; case SignatureStringStringString: if ( args.size() != 3 ) return KJS::Null(); implantTQString( exec, uo+1, args[0] ); implantTQString( exec, uo+2, args[1] ); implantTQString( exec, uo+3, args[2] ); break; case SignatureIntIntString: if ( args.size() != 3 ) return KJS::Null(); implantInt( exec, uo+1, args[0] ); implantInt( exec, uo+2, args[1] ); implantTQString( exec, uo+3, args[2] ); break; case SignatureIntIntIntInt: if ( args.size() != 4 ) return KJS::Null(); implantInt( exec, uo+1, args[0] ); implantInt( exec, uo+2, args[1] ); implantInt( exec, uo+3, args[2] ); implantInt( exec, uo+4, args[3] ); break; case SignatureIntIntIntIntBool: if ( args.size() != 5 ) return KJS::Null(); implantInt( exec, uo+1, args[0] ); implantInt( exec, uo+2, args[1] ); implantInt( exec, uo+3, args[2] ); implantInt( exec, uo+4, args[3] ); implantBool( exec, uo+5, args[4] ); break; case SignatureIntIntIntIntIntInt: if ( args.size() != 6 ) return KJS::Null(); implantInt( exec, uo+1, args[0] ); implantInt( exec, uo+2, args[1] ); implantInt( exec, uo+3, args[2] ); implantInt( exec, uo+4, args[3] ); implantInt( exec, uo+5, args[4] ); implantInt( exec, uo+6, args[5] ); break; default: notsupported = true; } } if ( notsupported ) { //kdDebug( 80001 ) << "Trying method 2" << endl; // Rip apart the call signature to get the args slow but effective. notsupported = false; int argsStart = slotname.find('('); int argsEnd = slotname.find(')'); TQString fargs = slotname.mid( argsStart+1, argsEnd-argsStart-1 ); // Iterate over the parameters TQStringList argList = TQStringList::split(',', fargs, true); uint count = TQMIN( argList.count(), MAX_SUPPORTED_ARGS ); kdDebug( 80001 ) << "======== arg count " << count << endl; for( uint idx = 0; idx < count; idx++ ) { kdDebug( 80001 ) << "======== Handling arg " << idx << endl; TQString arg = argList[idx]; arg = arg.replace("const", ""); arg = arg.replace("&", ""); arg = arg.simplifyWhiteSpace(); kdDebug( 80001 ) << "Testing " << arg.latin1() << endl; if(arg.contains("uint") == 1) { unsigned int *unsignedint=new uint; *unsignedint=args[idx].toUInt32(exec); uintlist.append(unsignedint); static_QUType_ptr.set( uo+1+idx, unsignedint) ; } else if( arg.contains("int") == 1 ) implantInt( exec, uo+1+idx, args[idx] ); else if ( arg.contains("double") == 1 ) implantDouble(exec, uo+1+idx, args[idx]); else if ( arg.contains("TQStringList") == 1 ) implantStringList( exec, uo+1+idx, args[idx], &slst[idx] ); else if ( arg.contains("TQString") == 1 ) implantTQString(exec, uo+1+idx, args[idx] ); else if ( arg.contains("TQCString") == 1 ) implantCString(exec, uo+1+idx, args[idx] ); else if ( arg.contains("bool") == 1 ) implantBool( exec, uo+1+idx, args[idx] ); else if ( arg.contains("KURL") == 1 ) implantURL( exec, uo+1+idx, args[idx], &url[idx] ); else if ( arg.contains("TQColor") == 1 ) implantColor( exec, uo+1+idx, args[idx], &color[idx] ); else if ( arg.contains("TQPoint") == 1 ) implantPoint( exec, uo+1+idx, args[idx], &point[idx] ); else if ( arg.contains("TQSize") == 1 ) implantSize( exec, uo+1+idx, args[idx], &size[idx] ); else if ( arg.contains("TQRect") == 1 ) implantRect( exec, uo+1+idx, args[idx], &rect[idx] ); else if ( arg.contains("TQDate") == 1 ) implantDate( exec, uo+1+idx, args[idx], &date[idx] ); else if ( arg.contains("TQTime") == 1 ) implantTime( exec, uo+1+idx, args[idx], &time[idx] ); else if ( arg.contains("TQDateTime") == 1 ) implantDateTime( exec, uo+1+idx, args[idx], &datetime[idx] ); else if ( arg.contains("TQPixmap") == 1 ) implantPixmap( exec, uo+1+idx, args[idx], &pix[idx] ); else if ( arg.contains("char") == 1) implantCharStar( exec, uo+1+idx, args[idx] ); else if ( ( arg.contains("TQObject") == 1 ) || ( arg.contains("TQWidget") == 1 ) ) { kdDebug( 80001 ) << "Doing a TQObject" << endl; notsupported = !implantObjectProxy( exec, uo+1+idx, args[idx], "TQObject" ); } else if ( TQVariant::nameToType(arg.latin1()) != TQVariant::Invalid ) { bool ok = implantValueProxy( exec, uo+1+idx, args[idx], arg ); if ( !ok ) { notsupported = true; break; } else { kdDebug( 80001 ) << "Implanted the variant " << static_QUType_TQVariant.get(uo+1+idx).isValid() << endl; } } /* else if ( ( arg.contains("TQVariant") == 1 ) || ( arg.contains("TQPen") == 1 ) || (arg.contains("TQFont") == 1 ) || ( arg.contains("TQBrush") == 1 )) if(!implantTQVariant(exec, uo+1+idx, args[idx] )){ notsupported = true; break; } */ else if ( arg.contains("*") == 1 ) { TQRegExp re("(\\w+)\\*"); if ( re.search(arg) >= 0 ) { bool ok = implantObjectProxy( exec, uo+1+idx, args[idx], re.cap(1) ); if ( !ok ) { ok = implantOpaqueProxy( exec, uo+1+idx, args[idx], re.cap(1) ); if ( !ok ) { notsupported = true; break; } } } else { notsupported = true; break; } } else { notsupported = true; break; // Abort on the first unsupported parameter } } } if ( notsupported ) { kdWarning(80001) << "Signature " << slotname << " has not been implemented" << endl; return KJS::Null(); } else { kdDebug(80001) << "Call Signature: " << slotname << endl; obj->tqt_invoke( slotid, uo ); } // Handle return types TQCString ret( proxyimp->returnType() ); if ( ret.isEmpty() ) { // Basic type (void, int etc.) return extractValue( exec, uo ); } // Object type kdDebug(80001) << "Handling a pointer return of type " << ret << endl; if ( proxy->part()->factory()->isTQObject(ret) ) { kdDebug(80001) << "Return type is TQObject " << ret << endl; return extractValue( exec, uo, proxy ); } // Opaque type kdDebug(80001) << "Return type is opaque " << ret << endl; JSOpaqueProxy *opaque = new JSOpaqueProxy(static_QUType_ptr.get(uo), ret.data()); //opaque->setValue( ); KJS::Object opaqueObj( opaque ); opaque->addBindings( exec, opaqueObj ); return opaqueObj; } } // namespace KJSEmbed::Bindings } // namespace KJSEmbed // Local Variables: // c-basic-offset: 4 // End: