=begin This is a ruby version of Jim Bublitz's pytde program, translated by Richard Dale =end require 'Korundum' module UIDialogs class CustomDlg < KDE::Dialog slots 'dlgClicked()', 'okClicked()', 'cancelClicked()' def initialize(parent, name = "custom dlg", modal = false) super(parent, name, modal) x = 20 y = 10 rLbl = TQt::Label.new("r", self) gLbl = TQt::Label.new("g", self) bLbl = TQt::Label.new("b", self) @rEd = TQt::LineEdit.new("64", self) @gEd = TQt::LineEdit.new("64", self) @bEd = TQt::LineEdit.new("64", self) dlgBtn = TQt::PushButton.new("Set/Get Color", self) okBtn = TQt::PushButton.new("OK", self) canBtn = TQt::PushButton.new("Cancel", self) rLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 25, 20) gLbl.setGeometry(x + 30, y, 25, 20) bLbl.setGeometry(x + 60, y, 25, 20) y = y + 20 @rEd.setGeometry(x, y, 25, 20) @gEd.setGeometry(x + 30, y, 25, 20) @bEd.setGeometry(x + 60, y, 25, 20) y = y + 30 dlgBtn.setGeometry(x, y, 90, 22) y = y + 30 okBtn.setGeometry(x, y, 40, 22) canBtn.setGeometry(x + 50, y, 40, 22) connect(dlgBtn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), SLOT('dlgClicked()')) connect(okBtn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), SLOT('okClicked()')) connect(canBtn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), SLOT('cancelClicked()')) end def dlgClicked() # get some(numerical) color values from the original dialog red = @rEd.text().to_i green = @gEd.text().to_i blue = @bEd.text().to_I # convert the numbers to a TQt::Color color = TQt::Color.new(red, green, blue) # invoke the dialog(getColor is a 'static' call) # initialize with the colors from above(in color) # color will also hold the new value chosen in the # KDE::ColorDialog result = KDE::ColorDialog.getColor(color, self) # get the numerical color values back # red, green, blue = color.rgb() # update the TQt::LineEdits in the original dialog @rEd.setText(red.to_s) @gEd.setText(green.to_s) @bEd.setText(blue.to_s) end def okClicked() done(1) end def cancelClicked() done(0) end end class MessageDlg < KDE::Dialog slots 'launch(int)' def initialize(parent, name = "message dlg", modal = false) super(parent, name, modal) buttons = ["QuestionYesNo", "WarningYesNo", "WarningContinueCancel", "WarningYesNoCancel", "Information", "SSLMessageBox", "Sorry", "Error", "QuestionYesNoCancel"] n = buttons.length grp = TQt::ButtonGroup.new(n, TQt::Vertical, "MessageBoxes", self, "button grp") grp.setGeometry(10, 10, 200, 30*n) (0...n).each { |i| TQt::RadioButton.new(buttons[i], grp) } connect(grp, SIGNAL("clicked(int)"), SLOT('launch(int)')) end def launch(which) which += 1 # TQt::ButtonGroup id's start at 0, but the KDE::MessageBox enum starts at 1 if which == KDE::MessageBox::QuestionYesNo KDE::MessageBox.questionYesNo(self, "This is a questionYesNo message box\nThere is also a list version of this dialog",\ "questionYesNo") elsif which == KDE::MessageBox::WarningYesNo KDE::MessageBox.warningYesNo(self, "This is a warningYesNo message box", "warningYesNo") elsif which == KDE::MessageBox::WarningContinueCancel KDE::MessageBox.warningContinueCancel(self, "This is a warningContinueCancel message box", "warningContinueCancel"); elsif which == KDE::MessageBox::WarningYesNoCancel KDE::MessageBox.warningYesNoCancel(self, "This is a warningYesNoCancel message box", "warningYesNoCancel") elsif which == KDE::MessageBox::Information KDE::MessageBox.information(self, "This is an information message box", "Information") # elsif which == KDE::MessageBox::SSLMessageBox # KDE::MessageBox.SSLMessageBox(self, "This is an SSLMessageBox message box", "not implemented yet") elsif which == KDE::MessageBox::Sorry KDE::MessageBox.sorry(self, "This is a 'sorry' message box", "Sorry") elsif which == KDE::MessageBox::Error KDE::MessageBox.error(self, "No - this isn't really an error\nIt's an error message box\n", "Error") elsif which == KDE::MessageBox::QuestionYesNoCancel KDE::MessageBox.questionYesNoCancel(self, "No - this isn't really an error\nIt's an QuestionYesNoCancel message box\n", "QuestionYesNoCancel") end end end def UIDialogs.dlgTDEAboutDialog(parent) dlg = KDE::AboutDialog.new(parent, 'about dialog', false) dlg.setLogo(TQt::Pixmap.new("rbtestimage.png")) dlg.setTitle("UISampler for Korundum") dlg.setAuthor("Jim Bublitz", "jbublitz@nwinternet.com", "http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk", "\n\nPyKDE -- Python bindings\n\tfor KDE") dlg.setMaintainer("Richard Dale", "Richard_Dale@tipitina.demon.co.uk", "http://developer.kde.org/language-bindings/ruby/",\ "\n\nKorundum -- Ruby bindings\n\tfor KDE") dlg.addContributor("KDE bindings list", "kde-bindings@kde.org", nil, nil) dlg.show() end def UIDialogs.dlgKBugReport(parent) dlg = KDE::BugReport.new(parent) dlg.exec() end def UIDialogs.dlgTDEAboutKDE(parent) dlg = KDE::AboutKDE.new(parent, "about kde", false) dlg.show() end def UIDialogs.dlgKColorDialog(parent) dlg = KDE::ColorDialog.new(parent, "color dlg", false) dlg.show() end def UIDialogs.dlgKDialog(parent) dlg = CustomDlg.new(parent) dlg.show() end def UIDialogs.dlgKDialogBase(parent) caption = "KDialogBase sample" text_ = "This is a KDialogBase example" dlg = KDE::DialogBase.new(parent, "sample_dialog", false, caption, KDE::DialogBase::Ok | KDE::DialogBase::Cancel, KDE::DialogBase::Ok, true ) page = dlg.makeVBoxMainWidget(); # making 'page' the parent inserts the widgets in # the VBox created above label = TQt::Label.new( caption, page, "caption" ); lineedit = TQt::LineEdit.new(text_, page, "lineedit" ); lineedit.setMinimumWidth(dlg.fontMetrics().maxWidth()*20); label0 = TQt::Label.new("Border widths", page) # widths = dlg.getBorderWidths() # labelA = TQt::Label.new("Upper Left X: " + widths[0].to_s, page) # labelB = TQt::Label.new("Upper Left Y: " + widths[0].to_s, page) # labelC = TQt::Label.new("Lower Right X: " + str(c), page) # labelD = TQt::Label.new("Lower Right Y: " + str(d), page) dlg.show() end def UIDialogs.dlgTDEFontDialog(parent) dlg = KDE::FontDialog.new(parent, "font dlg", false, false) dlg.show() end def UIDialogs.dlgKKeyDialog(parent) # This really doesn't do anything except pop up the dlg keys = KDE::Accel.new(parent) # keys.insertItem( i18n( "Zoom in" ), "Zoom in", "+" ) keys.readSettings(); KDE::KeyDialog.configure(keys, true) end def UIDialogs.dlgKInputDialog(parent) ok = TQt::Boolean.new result = KDE::InputDialog.getText("Enter text", "", "", ok) # puts "result: %s" % result # puts "ok: %s" % ok # pop up another dlg to show what happened in the KDE::LineEditDlg if !ok.nil? KDE::MessageBox.information(parent, "OK was pressed\nText: " + result, "KDE::InputDialog result") else KDE::MessageBox.information(parent, "Cancel pressed\nText", "KDE::InputDialog result") end end def UIDialogs.dlgKMessageBox(parent) dlg = MessageDlg.new(parent) dlg.show() end def UIDialogs.dlgKPasswordDialog(parent) password = "" result = KDE::PasswordDialog.getPassword(password, "Enter password(just a test)") puts "password: #{password}" end def UIDialogs.dlgKWizard(parent) wiz = KDE::Wizard.new(parent) page1 = TQt::Widget.new(wiz) p1Lbl = TQt::Label.new("This is page 1", page1) p1Lbl.setGeometry(20, 20, 100, 20) page2 = TQt::Widget.new(wiz) p2Lbl = TQt::Label.new("This is page 2", page2) p2Lbl.setGeometry(50, 20, 100, 20) page3 = TQt::Widget.new(wiz) p3Lbl = TQt::Label.new("This is page 3", page3) p3Lbl.setGeometry(80, 20, 100, 20) wiz.addPage(page1, "Page 1") wiz.addPage(page2, "Page 2") wiz.addPage(page3, "Page 3") wiz.show() end if $0 == __FILE__ puts puts "Please run uisampler.rb" puts end end