=begin This is a ruby version of Jim Bublitz's pytde program, translated by Richard Dale =end require 'Korundum' module UIWidgets class Page1 < TQt::Object slots 'restrict(int)' def initialize(parent) super page = parent.addPage() x = 10 y = 10 editLbl = TQt::Label.new("KTextEdit", page) editLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 50, 20) editLbl.show() textList = ["Now is the winter of our discontent\n", "made glorious summer by this sun of York;\n", "and all the clouds that lour'd upon our house\n", "in the deep bosom of the ocean buried.\n"] parent.edit = KDE::TextEdit.new(page) parent.edit.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 300, 100) textList.each do |line| parent.edit.insert(line) end parent.edit.show() y = y + 125 searchBtn = TQt::PushButton.new("Search", page) replaceBtn = TQt::PushButton.new("Replace", page) gotoBtn = TQt::PushButton.new("GoTo Line", page) searchBtn.setGeometry(x, y, 60, 22) replaceBtn.setGeometry(x + 90, y, 60, 22) gotoBtn.setGeometry(x + 180, y, 60, 22) # page.connect(searchBtn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), parent.edit, SLOT('search()')) # page.connect(replaceBtn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), parent.edit, SLOT('replace()')) # page.connect(gotoBtn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), parent.edit, SLOT('doGotoLine()')) searchBtn.show() replaceBtn.show() gotoBtn.show() y = y + 35 lineeditLbl = TQt::Label.new("KLineEdit", page) lineeditLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 70, 20) lineeditLbl.show() lineedit = KDE::LineEdit.new(page) lineedit.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 100, 20) lineedit.show() intLbl = TQt::Label.new("KIntNumInput", page) intLbl.setGeometry(x + 195, y + 35, 95, 20) intLbl.show() intNum = KDE::IntNumInput.new(5, page) intNum.setGeometry(x + 195, y + 55, 175, 50) # intNum.setSuffix(" GB") # intNum.setPrefix("hdc ") intNum.setLabel("Capacity") intNum.setRange(0, 10, 1, true) intNum.show() y = y + 50 dblLbl = TQt::Label.new("KDoubleNumInput", page) dblLbl.setGeometry(x + 195, y + 80, 115, 20) dblLbl.show() dblNum = KDE::DoubleNumInput.new(page) dblNum.setValue(2.5) dblNum.setGeometry(x + 195, y + 100, 175, 50) dblNum.setLabel("Variable") dblNum.setRange(0.0, 10.0, 0.5, true) dblNum.show() restricteditLbl = TQt::Label.new("KRestrictedLine", page) restricteditLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 95, 20) restricteditLbl.show() @restrictlineedit = KDE::RestrictedLine.new(page) @restrictlineedit.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 100, 20) @restrictlineedit.show() buttons = ["Numbers Only", "Upper Case Only", "Lower Case Only"] n = buttons.length @validLbl = TQt::Label.new("", page) @validLbl.setGeometry(x, y + 50, 250, 20) @validLbl.show() grp = TQt::ButtonGroup.new(n, TQt::Vertical, "Select valid chars", page, "button grp") grp.setGeometry(x, y + 75, 150, 5+30*n) (0...n).each { |i| TQt::RadioButton.new(buttons[i], grp) } connect(grp, SIGNAL("clicked(int)"), SLOT('restrict(int)')) grp.find(0).setChecked(true) restrict(0) grp.show() page.show() $kapp.processEvents() y = y + 195 sqzLbl = TQt::Label.new("This text is too long to fit in the label below", page) sqzLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 350, 20) sqzLbl.show() sqzLbl1 = TQt::Label.new("KSqueezedTxtLabel:", page) sqzLbl1.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 120, 20) sqzLbl1.show() squeeze = KDE::SqueezedTextLabel.new("This text is too long to fit in the label below", page) squeeze.setGeometry(x + 125, y + 20, 125, 20) squeeze.setBackgroundMode(TQt::Widget::PaletteBase) squeeze.show() end def restrict(which) r = {0 => "0123456789", 1 => "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPTQRSTUVWXYZ", 2 => "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"} @restrictlineedit.setValidChars(r[which]) @validLbl.setText("Valid: " + @restrictlineedit.validChars()) end end class Page2 def initialize(parent) page = parent.addPage() x1 = 10 y1 = 10 x2 = 240 y2 = 100 cbLbl = TQt::Label.new("KComboBox", page) cbLbl.setGeometry(x1, y1, 75, 20) cbLbl.show() combo = KDE::ComboBox.new(page) combo.insertStringList(["One", "Two", "Three"]) combo.setGeometry(x1, y1 + 20, 100, 25) combo.show() ccbLbl = TQt::Label.new("KColorCombo", page) ccbLbl.setGeometry(x2, y1, 100, 20) ccbLbl.show() colorCombo = KDE::ColorCombo.new(page) colorCombo.setGeometry(x2, y1 + 20, 100, 25) colorCombo.show() editListBox = KDE::EditListBox.new("KEditListBox", page) editListBox.setGeometry(x1, y2, 220, 175) editListBox.insertStringList(["One", "Two", "Three"]) editListBox.show() lbLbl = TQt::Label.new("KListBox", page) lbLbl.setGeometry(x2, y2, 100, 20) lbLbl.show() listBox = KDE::ListBox.new(page) listBox.setGeometry(x2, y2 + 20, 100, 100) listBox.insertStringList(["One", "Two", "Three"]) listBox.show() end end class Page3 def initialize(parent) page = parent.addPage() x = 10 y = 10 fontLbl = TQt::Label.new("KFontChooser", page) fontLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 95, 20) fontLbl.show() fontChoose = KDE::FontChooser.new(page) fontChoose.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 375, 300) fontChoose.show() y = y + 330 end end class Page4 def initialize(parent) page = parent.addPage() x = 10 y = 10 cbLbl = TQt::Label.new("KColorButton", page) cbLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 75, 20) cbLbl.show() cb = KDE::ColorButton.new(page) cb.setColor(TQt::Color.new(255, 0, 0)) cb.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 30, 30) cb.show() ccbLbl = TQt::Label.new("KColorCombo", page) ccbLbl.setGeometry(x + 150, y, 100, 20) ccbLbl.show() colorCombo = KDE::ColorCombo.new(page) colorCombo.setGeometry(x + 150, y + 20, 100, 25) colorCombo.show() y = y + 60 cpLbl = TQt::Label.new("KColorPatch", page) cpLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 75, 20) cpLbl.show() cp = KDE::ColorPatch.new(page) cp.setColor(TQt::Color.new(255, 0, 0)) cp.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 20, 20) cp.show() x = x + 150 ccLbl = TQt::Label.new("KColorCells", page) ccLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 75, 20) ccLbl.show() cc = KDE::ColorCells.new(page, 1, 5) cc.setColor(0, TQt::Color.new(0, 0, 0)) cc.setColor(1, TQt::Color.new(255, 0, 0)) cc.setColor(2, TQt::Color.new(0, 255, 0)) cc.setColor(3, TQt::Color.new(0, 0, 255)) cc.setColor(4, TQt::Color.new(255, 255, 255)) cc.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 100, 20) cc.show() x = 10 y = y + 50 dcLbl = TQt::Label.new("KDualColorButton", page) dcLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 105, 20) dcLbl.show() dc = KDE::DualColorButton.new(TQt::Color.new(255, 0, 0), TQt::Color.new(0, 0, 0), page) dc.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 40, 40) dc.show() gsLbl = TQt::Label.new("KGradientSelector", page) gsLbl.setGeometry(x + 80, y + 30, 110, 20) gsLbl.show() gs = KDE::GradientSelector.new(page) gs.setGeometry(x + 80, y + 50, 250, 20) gs.setColors(TQt::Color.new(255, 0, 0), TQt::Color.new(255, 255, 0)) gs.show() y = y + 80 hsLbl = TQt::Label.new("KHSSelector", page) hsLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 95, 20) hsLbl.show() hs = KDE::HSSelector.new(page) hs.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 350, 80) hs.show() y = y + 110 ptLbl = TQt::Label.new("KPaletteTable", page) ptLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 95, 20) ptLbl.show() pt = KDE::PaletteTable.new(page, 340, 24) pt.setPalette("Royal") pt.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 340, 40) pt.show() end end class Page5 def initialize(parent) page = parent.addPage() x = 10 y = 10 rpLbl = TQt::Label.new("KRootPermsIcon", page) rpLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 95, 20) rpLbl.show() rp = KDE::RootPermsIcon.new(page) rp.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 32, 32) rp.show() wpLbl = TQt::Label.new("KWritePermsIcon", page) wpLbl.setGeometry(x + 125, y, 95, 20) wpLbl.show() wp = KDE::WritePermsIcon.new("/usr/bin/gcc", page) wp.setGeometry(x + 125, y + 20, 32, 32) wp.show() y = y + 75 pw1Lbl = TQt::Label.new("KPasswordEdit - echo *", page) pw1Lbl.setGeometry(x, y, 150, 20) pw1Lbl.show() pw1 = KDE::PasswordEdit.new(KDE::PasswordEdit::OneStar, page, "") pw1.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 100, 20) pw1.show() y = y + 50 pw2Lbl = TQt::Label.new("KPasswordEdit - echo ***", page) pw2Lbl.setGeometry(x, y, 150, 20) pw2Lbl.show() pw2 = KDE::PasswordEdit.new(KDE::PasswordEdit::ThreeStars, page, "") pw2.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 100, 20) pw2.show() y = y + 50 pw3Lbl = TQt::Label.new("KPasswordEdit - no echo", page) pw3Lbl.setGeometry(x, y, 150, 20) pw3Lbl.show() pw3 = KDE::PasswordEdit.new(KDE::PasswordEdit::NoEcho, page, "") pw3.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 100, 20) pw3.show() y = y + 50 urlLbl = TQt::Label.new("KURLLabel", page) urlLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 100, 20) urlLbl.show() url = KDE::URLLabel.new("http://developer.kde.org/language-bindings/ruby/", "Korundum", page) url.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 100, 20) url.setUseTips(true) url.setTipText("http://developer.kde.org/language-bindings/ruby/") url.show() x = 70 y = y + 50 bbLbl = TQt::Label.new("KButtonBox", page) bbLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 75, 20) bbLbl.show() bbox = KDE::ButtonBox.new(page, TQt::Horizontal) bbox.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 300, 22) bbox.addButton("Button 1") bbox.addButton("Button 2") bbox.addButton("Button 3") bbox.show() y = y + 50 # dbLbl = TQt::Label.new("KDirectionButton", page) # dbLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 95, 20) # dbLbl.show() # dbUp = KDE::DirectionButton.new(TQt::t::UpArrow, page) # dbDown = KDE::DirectionButton.new(TQt::t::DownArrow, page) # dbRight = KDE::DirectionButton.new(TQt::t::RightArrow, page) # dbLeft = KDE::DirectionButton.new(TQt::t::LeftArrow, page) # dbUp.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 22, 22) # dbDown.setGeometry(x + 30, y + 20, 22, 22) # dbRight.setGeometry(x + 60, y + 20, 22, 22) # dbLeft.setGeometry(x + 90, y + 20, 22, 22) # dbUp.show() # dbDown.show() # dbRight.show() # dbLeft.show() x = x + 150 # kbLbl = TQt::Label.new("KKeyButton", page) # kbLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 95, 20) # kbLbl.show() # kb = KDE::KeyButton.new(page) # kb.setText("Enter") # kb.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 50, 32) # kb.show() x = 70 y = y + 50 # tbLbl = TQt::Label.new("KTabButton", page) # tbLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 95, 20) # tbLbl.show() # tbUp = KDE::TabButton.new(TQt::t::UpArrow, page) # tbDown = KDE::TabButton.new(TQt::t::DownArrow, page) # tbRight = KDE::TabButton.new(TQt::t::RightArrow, page) # tbLeft = KDE::TabButton.new(TQt::t::LeftArrow, page) # tbUp.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 22, 25) # tbDown.setGeometry(x + 30, y + 20, 22, 25) # tbRight.setGeometry(x + 60, y + 20, 22, 25) # tbLeft.setGeometry(x + 90, y + 20, 22, 25) # tbUp.show() # tbDown.show() # tbRight.show() # tbLeft.show() end end class Page6 < TQt::Object slots 'toggleClicked()' def initialize(parent) super page = parent.addPage() x = 20 y = 10 red = TQt::Color.new(255, 0, 0) green = TQt::Color.new(0, 255, 0) yellow = TQt::Color.new(255, 255, 0) blue = TQt::Color.new(0, 0, 255) ledcolor = [red, green, yellow, blue] ledshape = [KDE::Led::Rectangular, KDE::Led::Circular] ledlook = [KDE::Led::Flat, KDE::Led::Raised, KDE::Led::Sunken] ledsize = [10, 18, 25] @ledlist = [] ledlook.each do |look| ledcolor.each do |color| ledshape.each do |shape| ledsize.each do |size| led = KDE::Led.new(color, KDE::Led::On, look, shape, page) led.setGeometry(x, y, size, size) @ledlist << led led.show() x = x + 50 end x = x + 50 end x = 20 y = y + 30 end y = y + 10 end toggle = TQt::PushButton.new("Toggle", page) toggle.setGeometry(150, 400, 60, 22) toggle.show() connect(toggle, SIGNAL("clicked()"), SLOT('toggleClicked()')) page.show() end def toggleClicked() @ledlist.each { |led| led.toggle() } end end class Page7 < TQt::Object slots 'add1()' def initialize(parent) super page = parent.addPage() x = 10 y = 10 tabLbl = TQt::Label.new("KTabCtl", page) tabLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 95, 20) tabLbl.show() tab = KDE::TabCtl.new(page) tab.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 300, 100) page1 = TQt::Widget.new(tab) p1Lbl = TQt::Label.new("This is page 1", page1) p1Lbl.setGeometry(20, 20, 100, 20) page2 = TQt::Widget.new(tab) p2Lbl = TQt::Label.new("This is page 2", page2) p2Lbl.setGeometry(50, 20, 100, 20) page3 = TQt::Widget.new(tab) p3Lbl = TQt::Label.new("This is page 3", page3) p3Lbl.setGeometry(20, 50, 100, 20) tab.addTab(page1, "Tab 1") tab.addTab(page2, "Tab 2") tab.addTab(page3, "Tab 3") tab.show() x = 10 y = 150 progLbl = TQt::Label.new("KProgress", page) progLbl.setGeometry(x, y + 50, 95, 20) progLbl.show() @p1 = KDE::Progress.new(page) @p2 = KDE::Progress.new(15, page) @p1.setTotalSteps(25) @p2.setTotalSteps(25) @p1.setGeometry(x, y + 80, 125, 20) @p2.setGeometry(x, y + 120, 125, 20) @p2.setPercentageVisible(false) @p1.show() @p2.show() @total = 0 y = y + 150 sepLbl = TQt::Label.new("KSeparator", page) sepLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 95, 20) sepLbl.show() sep = KDE::Separator.new(TQt::Frame::HLine, page) sep.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 75, 10) sep.show() page.show() @timer = TQt::Timer.new(page) connect(@timer, SIGNAL('timeout()'), SLOT('add1()')) @timer.start(100) add1() end def add1() @total = @total + 1 @p1.advance(1) @p2.advance(1) if @total == 26 @timer.stop end end end class Page8 def initialize(parent) page = parent.addPage() x = 40 y = 10 dpLbl = TQt::Label.new("KDatePicker", page) dpLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 95, 20) dpLbl.show() dp = KDE::DatePicker.new(page) dp.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 300, 170) dp.show() y = y + 210 dtLbl = TQt::Label.new("KDateTable", page) dtLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 95, 20) dtLbl.show() dt = KDE::DateTable.new(page) dt.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 300, 130) dt.show() end end class PageThisApp def initialize(parent) page = parent.addPage() x = 10 y = 10 taLbl = TQt::Label.new("This application uses KMainWindow as its top level widget\n and KListView in the"\ " left-hand panel", page) taLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 300, 60) taLbl.show() end end class PageNotImpl def initialize(parent) page = parent.addPage() x = 10 y = 10 niLbl = TQt::Label.new("Nothing is currently implemented for this widget", page) niLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 300, 20) niLbl.show() end end class CSDlg < KDE::Dialog slots 'closeClicked()' def initialize(parent, name = "char select dlg", modal = false) super(parent, name, modal) setGeometry(150, 50, 700, 320) x = 10 y = 10 csLbl = TQt::Label.new("KCharSelect", self) csLbl.setGeometry(x, y, 95, 20) csLbl.show() cs = KDE::CharSelect.new(self, "chselect", nil, TQt::Char.new(0), 0) cs.setGeometry(x, y + 20, 680, 250) cs.show() closeBtn = TQt::PushButton.new("Close", self) closeBtn.setGeometry( 610, 280, 60, 22) closeBtn.show() connect(closeBtn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), SLOT('closeClicked()')) end def closeClicked() done(1) end end def UIWidgets.widKAnimWidget(parent) parent.currentPageObj = PageNotImpl.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKAuthIcon(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page5.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKButtonBox(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page5.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKCharSelect(parent) dlg = CSDlg.new(parent) dlg.show() end def UIWidgets.widKColorButton(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page4.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKColorCells(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page4.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKColorCombo(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page2.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKColorPatch(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page4.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKComboBox(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page2.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKCompletionBox(parent) parent.currentPageObj = PageNotImpl.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKContainerLayout(parent) parent.currentPageObj = PageNotImpl.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKCursor(parent) parent.currentPageObj = PageNotImpl.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKDatePicker(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page8.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKDateTable(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page8.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKDirectionButton(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page5.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKDualColorButton(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page4.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKTextEdit(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page1.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKEditListBox(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page2.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKFontChooser(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page3.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKHSSelector(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page4.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKIconView(parent) parent.currentPageObj = PageNotImpl.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKJanusWidget(parent) parent.currentPageObj = PageNotImpl.new(parent) end #def UIWidgets.widKKeyButton(parent) # parent.currentPageObj = Page5.new(parent) def UIWidgets.widKKeyChooser(parent) parent.currentPageObj = PageNotImpl.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKLed(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page6.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKLineEdit(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page1.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKListBox(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page2.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKListView(parent) parent.currentPageObj = PageThisApp.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKNumInput(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page1.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKPaletteTable(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page4.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKPasswordEdit(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page5.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKProgress(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page7.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKRootPixmap(parent) parent.currentPageObj = PageNotImpl.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKMainWindow(parent) parent.currentPageObj = PageThisApp.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKRestrictedLine(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page1.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKRuler(parent) parent.currentPageObj = PageNotImpl.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKSelector(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page4.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKSeparator(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page7.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKSqueezedTextLabel(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page1.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKTabButton(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page5.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKTabCtl(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page7.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKTextBrowser(parent) parent.currentPageObj = PageNotImpl.new(parent) end def UIWidgets.widKURLLabel(parent) parent.currentPageObj = Page5.new(parent) end if $0 == __FILE__ puts puts "Please run uisampler.rb" puts end end