=begin This is a ruby version of Jim Bublitz's pytde program, translated by Richard Dale =end require 'Korundum' require 'uimodules/uiwidgets.rb' require 'uimodules/uidialogs.rb' require 'uimodules/uimenus.rb' require 'uimodules/uimisc.rb' require 'uimodules/uixml.rb' $listItems = {"Dialogs" => {"KDE::AboutDialog" => ["KDE::AboutApplication", "KDE::AboutContainer", "KDE::ImageTrackLabel", "KDE::AboutContainerBase", "KDE::AboutContributor", "KDE::AboutWidget"], "KDE::AboutKDE" => [], "KDE::BugReport" => [], "KDE::ColorDialog" => [], "KDE::Dialog" => [], "KDE::DialogBase" => ["KDE::DialogBaseButton", "KDE::DialogBase::SButton", "KDE::DialogBaseTile"], "KDE::FontDialog" => [], "KDE::KeyDialog" => [], "KDE::InputDialog" => [], "KDE::MessageBox" => [], "KDE::PasswordDialog" => [], "KDE::Wizard" => []}, "Widgets" => {"KDE::AnimWidget" => [], "KDE::AuthIcon" => ["KDE::RootPermsIcon", "KDE::WritePermsIcon"], "KDE::ButtonBox" => [], "KDE::CharSelect" => ["KDE::CharSelectTable"], "KDE::ColorButton" => [], "KDE::ColorCells" => [], "KDE::ColorCombo" => [], "KDE::ColorPatch" => [], "KDE::ComboBox" => [], "KDE::CompletionBox" => [], "KDE::ContainerLayout" => ["KDE::ContainerLayout::KContainerLayoutItem"], "KDE::Cursor" => [], "KDE::DatePicker" => ["KDE::DateInternalMonthPicker", "KDE::DateInternalYearSelector"], "KDE::DateTable" => [], "KDE::DualColorButton" => [], "KDE::EditListBox" => [], "KDE::FontChooser" => [], "KDE::HSSelector" => [], "KDE::IconView" => [], "KDE::JanusWidget" => ["KDE::JanusWidget::IconListBox"], "KDE::KeyChooser" => [], "KDE::Led" => [], "KDE::LineEdit" => [], "KDE::ListBox" => [], "KDE::ListView" => [], "KDE::NumInput" => ["KDE::DoubleNumInput", "KDE::IntNumInput"], "KDE::PaletteTable" => [], "KDE::PasswordEdit" => [], "KDE::Progress" => [], "KDE::RootPixmap" => [], "KDE::MainWindow" => [], "KDE::RestrictedLine" => [], "KDE::Ruler" => [], "KDE::Selector" => ["KDE::GradientSelector", "KDE::ValueSelector", "KDE::HSSelector", "KDE::XYSelector"], "KDE::Separator" => [], "KDE::SqueezedTextLabel" => [], "KDE::TabCtl" => [], "KDE::TextBrowser" => [], "KDE::TextEdit" => ["KDE::EdFind", "KDE::EdGotoLine", "KDE::EdReplace"], "KDE::URLLabel" => []}, "XML" => {"KDE::ActionCollection" => [], "KDE::EditToolbar" => [], "KDE::EditToolbarWidget" => [], "KDE::XMLGUIBuilder" => [], "KDE::XMLGUIClient" => ["KDE::XMLGUIClient::DocStruct"], "KDE::XMLGUIFactory" => []}, "Menus/Toolbars" => {"KDE::AccelMenu" => [], "KDE::Action" => ["KDE::FontAction", "KDE::FontSizeAction", "KDE::ListAction", "KDE::RecentFilesAction", "KDE::RadioAction", "KDE::SelectAction", "KDE::ToggleAction"], "KDE::ActionMenu" => [], "KDE::ActionSeparator" => [], "KDE::ContextMenuManager" => [], "KDE::DCOPActionProxy" => [], "KDE::HelpMenu" => [], "KDE::MenuBar" => [], "KDE::PanelApplet" => [], "KDE::PanelExtension" => [], "KDE::PanelMenu" => [], "KDE::PopupFrame" => [], "KDE::PopupMenu" => [], "KDE::PopupTitle" => [], "KDE::StatusBar" => [], "KDE::StatusBarLabel" => [], "KDE::StdAction" => [], "KDE::ToolBar" => ["KDE::ToolBarButton", "KDE::ToolBarButtonList", "KDE::ToolBarPopupAction", "KDE::ToolBarRadioGroup", "KDE::ToolBarSeparator"], "KDE::WindowListMenu" => []}, "Other" => {"KDE::AlphaPainter" => [], "KDE::CModule" => [], "KDE::Color" => [], "KDE::ColorDrag" => [], "KDE::Command" => ["KDE::MacroCommand"], "KDE::CommandHistory" => [], "KDE::DateValidator" => [], "KDE::DockWindow" => ["KDE::DockButton_Private - KPanelMenu", "KDE::DockButton_Private", "KDE::DockSplitter", "KDE::DockTabCtl_PrivateStruct", "KDE::DockWidgetAbstractHeader", "KDE::DockWidgetAbstractHeaderDrag", "KDE::DockWidgetHeader", "KDE::DockWidgetHeaderDrag", "KDE::DockWidgetPrivate"], "KDE::DoubleValidator" => [], "KDE::IntValidator" => [], "KDE::PixmapIO" => [], "KDE::SharedPixmap" => [], "KDE::SystemTray" => [], "KDE::ThemeBase" => ["KDE::ThemeCache", "KDE::ThemePixmap", "KDE::ThemeStyle"], "QXEmbed" => []}} BLANK_MSG = <UISampler - provides examples of Korundum widgets

Select a dialog/widget/menu/etc example from the tree at left END_OF_STRING class MainWin < KDE::MainWindow TREE_WIDTH = 220 slots 'lvClicked(TQListViewItem*)' attr_accessor :edit, :currentPageObj def initialize(*args) super setCaption("Samples of Korundum widget usage") # The following leave about 375 x 390 for the rt hand panel mainGeom = TQt::Rect.new(0, 0, 640, 500) setGeometry(mainGeom) # create the main view - list view on the left and an # area to display frames on the right @mainView = TQt::Splitter.new(self, "main view") @tree = KDE::ListView.new(@mainView, "tree") @page = TQt::WidgetStack.new(@mainView, "page") blankPage = TQt::Widget.new(@page, "blank") blankPage.setGeometry(0, 0, 375, 390) blankPage.setBackgroundMode(TQt::Widget::PaletteBase) blankLbl = TQt::Label.new(BLANK_MSG, blankPage) blankLbl.setGeometry(40, 10, 380, 150) blankLbl.setBackgroundMode(TQt::Widget::PaletteBase) blankPM = TQt::Pixmap.new("rbtestimage.png") pmLbl = TQt::Label.new("", blankPage) pmLbl.setPixmap(blankPM) pmLbl.setGeometry(40, 160, 300, 200) pmLbl.setBackgroundMode(TQt::Widget::PaletteBase) @page.addWidget(blankPage, 1) @page.raiseWidget(1) setCentralWidget(@mainView) initListView() connect(@tree, TQ_SIGNAL("clicked(TQListViewItem*)"), self, TQ_SLOT('lvClicked(TQListViewItem*)')) @edit = nil @currentPageObj = nil @prefix = {"Dialogs" => "UIDialogs::dlg", "Widgets" => "UIWidgets::wid", "XML" => "UIXML::xml", "Menus/Toolbars" => "UIMenus::menu", "Other" => "UIMisc::misc"} end def initListView() @tree.addColumn("Category", TREE_WIDTH - 21) # tree.setMaximumWidth(treeWidth) @mainView.setSizes([TREE_WIDTH, 375]) @tree.setRootIsDecorated(true) @tree.setVScrollBarMode(TQt::ScrollView::AlwaysOn) topLevel = $listItems.keys() topLevel.each do |item_1| parent = TQt::ListViewItem.new(@tree, String.new(item_1)) secondLevel = $listItems[item_1].keys() secondLevel.each do |item_2| child = TQt::ListViewItem.new(parent, String.new(item_2)) $listItems[item_1][item_2].each do |item_3| TQt::ListViewItem.new(child, String.new(item_3)) end end end end def lvClicked(lvItem) if lvItem.nil? return end if $listItems.keys().include?(lvItem.text(0)) return end p = lvItem.parent() if $listItems.keys().include?(p.text(0)) pfx = @prefix[p.text(0)] funcCall = pfx + lvItem.text(0).sub("KDE::","K") + "(self)" else pfx = @prefix[p.parent().text(0)] funcCall = pfx + lvItem.parent().text(0).sub("KDE::","K") + "(self)" end eval funcCall end def addPage() @edit = nil @currentPageObj = nil current = @page.widget(2) if !current.nil? @page.removeWidget(current) current.dispose end newPage = TQt::Widget.new(@page) newPage.setGeometry(0, 0, 375, 390) # newPage.setBackgroundMode(TQWidget.PaletteBase) @page.addWidget(newPage, 2) @page.raiseWidget(2) return newPage end end #-------------------- main ------------------------------------------------ appName = "UISampler" about = KDE::AboutData.new("uisampler", appName, "0.1") KDE::CmdLineArgs.init(ARGV, about) app = KDE::Application.new() mainWindow = MainWin.new(nil, "main window") mainWindow.show app.exec