=begin This is a ruby version of Jim Bublitz's pytde program, translated by Richard Dale =end =begin This template constructs an application with menus, toolbar and statusbar, HOWEVER it is not recommended this template actually be used. It presents the "KDE 1.0" method for constructing menus and toolbars - later versions of KDE have introduced better(easier and more powerful) methods for doing this job - see other menuapp*.rb templates for these methods =end =begin Copyright 2003 Jim Bublitz Terms and Conditions Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KDE::IND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of the copyright holder shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the copyright holder. =end require 'Korundum' class MainWin < KDE::MainWindow TOOLBAR_NEW = 1 TOOLBAR_OPEN = 2 TOOLBAR_SAVE = 3 TOOLBAR_CUT = 4 TOOLBAR_COPY = 5 TOOLBAR_PASTE = 6 STATUSBAR_LEFT = 1 STATUSBAR_MIDDLE = 2 STATUSBAR_RIGHT = 3 slots 'slotNew()', 'slotOpen()', 'slotSave()', 'slotSaveAs()', 'slotPrint()', 'slotQuit()', 'slotUndo()', 'slotRedo()', 'slotCut()', 'slotCopy()', 'slotPaste()', 'slotFind()', 'slotFindNext()', 'slotReplace()', 'slotSpecial()' def initialize(*args) super initMenus() initToolBar() initStatusBar() end def initMenus() fileMenu = Qt::PopupMenu.new(self) # "File" menu items fileMenu.insertItem(i18n("New"), self, SLOT('slotNew()'), Qt::KeySequence.new(KDE::StdAccel.openNew().keyCodeQt())) fileMenu.insertItem(i18n("Open"), self, SLOT('slotOpen()'), Qt::KeySequence.new(KDE::StdAccel.open().keyCodeQt())) fileMenu.insertSeparator() fileMenu.insertItem(i18n("Save"), self, SLOT('slotSave()'), Qt::KeySequence.new(KDE::StdAccel.save().keyCodeQt())) fileMenu.insertItem(i18n("SaveAs"), self, SLOT('slotSaveAs()')) fileMenu.insertSeparator() fileMenu.insertItem(i18n("Print"), self, SLOT('slotPrint()'), Qt::KeySequence.new(KDE::StdAccel.print().keyCodeQt())) fileMenu.insertSeparator() fileMenu.insertItem(i18n("&Quit"), self, SLOT('slotQuit()'), Qt::KeySequence.new(KDE::StdAccel.quit().keyCodeQt())) menuBar().insertItem(i18n("&File"), fileMenu) editMenu = Qt::PopupMenu.new(self) # "Edit" menu items editMenu.insertItem(i18n("Undo"), self, SLOT('slotUndo()'), Qt::KeySequence.new(KDE::StdAccel.undo().keyCodeQt())) editMenu.insertItem(i18n("Redo"), self, SLOT('slotRedo()'), Qt::KeySequence.new(KDE::StdAccel.redo().keyCodeQt())) editMenu.insertSeparator() editMenu.insertItem(i18n("Cut"), self, SLOT('slotCut()'), Qt::KeySequence.new(KDE::StdAccel.cut().keyCodeQt())) editMenu.insertItem(i18n("Copy"), self, SLOT('slotCopy()'), Qt::KeySequence.new(KDE::StdAccel.copy().keyCodeQt())) editMenu.insertItem(i18n("Paste"), self, SLOT('slotPaste()'), Qt::KeySequence.new(KDE::StdAccel.paste().keyCodeQt())) editMenu.insertSeparator() editMenu.insertItem(i18n("Find"), self, SLOT('slotFind()'), Qt::KeySequence.new(KDE::StdAccel.find().keyCodeQt())) editMenu.insertItem(i18n("Find Next"), self, SLOT('slotFindNext()'), Qt::KeySequence.new(KDE::StdAccel.findNext().keyCodeQt())) editMenu.insertItem(i18n("Replace"), self, SLOT('slotReplace()'), Qt::KeySequence.new(KDE::StdAccel.replace().keyCodeQt())) menuBar().insertItem(i18n("&Edit"), editMenu) helpMenu = helpMenu("") menuBar().insertItem(i18n("&Help"), helpMenu) end def initToolBar() icons = KDE::IconLoader.new() toolBar().insertButton(icons.loadIcon("filenew", KDE::Icon::Toolbar), TOOLBAR_NEW, SIGNAL("clicked(int)"), self, SLOT('slotNew()'), true, "New") toolBar().insertButton(icons.loadIcon("fileopen", KDE::Icon::Toolbar), TOOLBAR_OPEN, SIGNAL("clicked(int)"), self, SLOT('slotOpen()'), true, "Open") toolBar().insertButton(icons.loadIcon("filesave", KDE::Icon::Toolbar), TOOLBAR_SAVE, SIGNAL("clicked(int)"), self, SLOT('slotSave()'), true, "Save") toolBar().insertButton(icons.loadIcon("editcut", KDE::Icon::Toolbar), TOOLBAR_CUT, SIGNAL("clicked(int)"), self, SLOT('slotCut()'), true, "Cut") toolBar().insertButton(icons.loadIcon("editcopy", KDE::Icon::Toolbar), TOOLBAR_COPY, SIGNAL("clicked(int)"), self, SLOT('slotCopy()'), true, "Copy") toolBar().insertButton(icons.loadIcon("editpaste", KDE::Icon::Toolbar), TOOLBAR_PASTE, SIGNAL("clicked(int)"), self, SLOT('slotPaste()'), true, "Paste") end def initStatusBar() statusBar().insertItem("", STATUSBAR_LEFT, 1000, true) statusBar().insertItem("", STATUSBAR_MIDDLE, 1000, true) statusBar().insertItem("", STATUSBAR_RIGHT, 1000, true) end #-------------------- slots ----------------------------------------------- def slotNew(id = -1) notImpl("New") end def slotOpen(id = -1) notImpl("Open") end def slotSave(id = -1) notImpl("Save") end def slotSaveAs() notImpl("Save As") end def slotPrint() notImpl("Print") end def slotQuit() notImpl("Qt::uit") end def slotUndo() notImpl("Undo") end def slotRedo() notImpl("Redo") end def slotCut(id = -1) notImpl("Cut") end def slotCopy(id = -1) notImpl("Copy") end def slotPaste(id = -1) notImpl("Paste") end def slotFind() notImpl("Find") end def slotFindNext() notImpl("Find Next") end def slotReplace() notImpl("Replace") end def notImpl(item = "Feature") statusBar().changeItem("#{item} not implemented", STATUSBAR_LEFT) KDE::MessageBox.error(self, "#{item} not implemented", "Not Implemented") statusBar().changeItem("", STATUSBAR_LEFT) end end #-------------------- main ------------------------------------------------ description = "A basic application template" version = "1.0" aboutData = KDE::AboutData.new("", "", version, description, KDE::AboutData::License_GPL, "(C) 2003 whoever the author is") aboutData.addAuthor("author1", "whatever they did", "email@somedomain") aboutData.addAuthor("author2", "they did something else", "another@email.address") KDE::CmdLineArgs.init(ARGV, aboutData) KDE::CmdLineArgs.addCmdLineOptions([["+files", "File to open", ""]]) app = KDE::Application.new() mainWindow = MainWin.new(nil, "main window") mainWindow.show app.exec