This directory holds a copy of: * SIP 4.2.1, Python binding generator for C++ from Riverbank Computing. Published under basically the Python License. (=GPL compatible) * PyQt (PyQt-x11-gpl-3.14.1), Python bindings for Qt from Riverbank Computing. Published under the GPL. * PyKDE snapshot 20050628, Python bindings for KDE from Riverbank Computing. Published under the GPL. This set of software has been patched to work 'out of the box' with this version of KDE. If you want QScintilla support (needed by the Eric3 Python IDE), then be sure to install QScintilla before building these bindings. QScintilla can be downloaded from here: All things related to development with Qt/KDE using Python can be discussed on the PyKDE mailing list: Maintainer: Simon Edwards