#!/usr/bin/env python import sys from qt import * from qtsql import * from frmconnect import frmConnect from dbpar import * TRUE = 1 FALSE = 0 def createConnection(): driver = DB_DRIVER # all qt examples use QSqlDatabase::addDatabase, but # this never returns NULL in my experience drivers = map(str, QSqlDatabase.drivers()) if driver in drivers: dlg = dbConnect(driver) #TODO: make connection parameters accessible return dlg.exec_loop() else: QMessageBox.warning(None, "Database Error", "<%s> database driver not found!\n\n" "Please make sure, that this database adaptor\n" "is available in your Qt installation.\n" % (driver), QMessageBox.Abort | QMessageBox.Escape) return FALSE class dbConnect(frmConnect): def __init__(self, driver, parent = None): frmConnect.__init__(self, parent) self.hostnames = DB_HOSTNAMES self.hostname = DB_HOSTNAMES[0] self.databases = DB_DATABASES self.database = DB_DATABASES[0] self.username = DB_USERNAME self.password = DB_PASSWORD self.dbdriver = driver self.txtName.setText(self.username) self.txtPasswd.setText(self.password) map(self.cmbServer.insertItem, self.hostnames) map(self.cmbDatabase.insertItem, self.databases) self.connect(self.buttonHelp, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.buttonHelp_clicked) def accept(self): self.hostname = self.cmbServer.currentText() self.database = self.cmbDatabase.currentText() self.username = self.txtName.text() self.password = self.txtPasswd.text() db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase(self.dbdriver) if db: db.setHostName(self.hostname) db.setDatabaseName(self.database) db.setUserName(self.username) db.setPassword(self.password) if db.open(): frmConnect.accept(self) else: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Database Error", "Cannot open %s database on %s!\n\n%s\n%s\n" % (self.database, self.hostname, db.lastError().driverText(), db.lastError().databaseText()), " Ooops ") def buttonHelp_clicked(self): QMessageBox.information(self, "About Connecting", "Here you specify userid, password, host and database\n" "for the PyQt sql examples. If you encounter any problems,\n" "please read the README file in this folder before posting.\n\n" "Thanks,\nHans-Peter Jansen \n") if __name__ == "__main__": app = QApplication(sys.argv) if createConnection(): print "ok" else: print "cancel"