// This is the SIP interface definition for QComboBox. // // Copyright (c) 2007 // Riverbank Computing Limited // // This file is part of PyQt. // // This copy of PyQt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later // version. // // PyQt is supplied in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more // details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with // PyQt; see the file LICENSE. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, // Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. %ExportedDoc QComboBox QComboBox is fully implemented. %End class QComboBox : QWidget { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QComboBox(QWidget * /TransferThis/ = 0,char * = 0); QComboBox(bool,QWidget * /TransferThis/ = 0,char * = 0); int count() const; %If (Qt_2_00 -) void insertStringList(QStringList &,int = -1); %End void insertStrList(const QStrList *,int = -1); // void insertStrList(const QStrList &,int = -1); // void insertStrList(const char **,int = -1,int = -1); %If (- Qt_2_00) void insertItem(const char *,int = -1); %End %If (Qt_2_00 -) void insertItem(const QString &,int = -1); %End void insertItem(const QPixmap &,int = -1); %If (Qt_2_1_0 -) void insertItem(const QPixmap &,const QString &,int = -1); %End void removeItem(int); %If (- Qt_3_0_0) void clear(); %End int currentItem() const; %If (- Qt_2_00) void setCurrentItem(int); %End %If (Qt_2_00 -) virtual void setCurrentItem(int); %End %If (- Qt_2_00) const char *currentText() const; %End %If (Qt_2_00 -) QString currentText() const; %End %If (Qt_3_0_0 -) virtual void setCurrentText(const QString &); %End %If (- Qt_2_00) const char *text(int) const; %End %If (Qt_2_00 -) QString text(int) const; %End const QPixmap *pixmap(int) const; %If (- Qt_2_00) void changeItem(const char *,int); %End %If (Qt_2_00 -) void changeItem(const QString &,int); %End void changeItem(const QPixmap &,int); %If (Qt_2_1_0 -) void changeItem(const QPixmap &,const QString &,int); %End bool autoResize() const; %If (- Qt_2_00) void setAutoResize(bool); %End %If (Qt_2_00 -) virtual void setAutoResize(bool); %End QSize sizeHint() const; %If (Qt_2_00 - Qt_3_0_0) virtual QSizePolicy sizePolicy() const; %End %If (- Qt_2_00) void setBackgroundColor(const QColor &); void setStyle(GUIStyle); %End %If (Qt_2_00 - Qt_3_0_0) virtual void setBackgroundColor(const QColor &); %End %If (- Qt_2_00) void setPalette(const QPalette &); void setFont(const QFont &); void setEnabled(bool); %End %If (Qt_2_00 - Qt_3_0_0) virtual void setPalette(const QPalette &); virtual void setFont(const QFont &); virtual void setEnabled(bool); %End %If (Qt_3_0_0 -) void setPalette(const QPalette &); void setFont(const QFont &); void setEnabled(bool); %End %If (- Qt_2_00) void setSizeLimit(int); %End %If (Qt_2_00 -) virtual void setSizeLimit(int); %End int sizeLimit() const; %If (- Qt_2_00) void setMaxCount(int); %End %If (Qt_2_00 -) virtual void setMaxCount(int); %End int maxCount() const; enum Policy { NoInsertion, AtTop, AtCurrent, AtBottom, AfterCurrent, BeforeCurrent }; %If (- Qt_2_00) void setInsertionPolicy(Policy); %End %If (Qt_2_00 -) virtual void setInsertionPolicy(Policy); %End Policy insertionPolicy() const; %If (- Qt_2_00) void setValidator(QValidator *); QValidator *validator() const; %End %If (Qt_2_00 -) virtual void setValidator(const QValidator *); const QValidator *validator() const; %End %If (- Qt_2_00) void setListBox(QListBox *); %End %If (Qt_2_00 -) virtual void setListBox(QListBox *); %End QListBox *listBox() const; %If (Qt_3_0_0 -) virtual void setLineEdit(QLineEdit *); %End %If (Qt_2_1_0 -) QLineEdit *lineEdit() const; %End %If (- Qt_2_00) void setAutoCompletion(bool); %End %If (Qt_2_00 -) virtual void setAutoCompletion(bool); %End bool autoCompletion() const; bool eventFilter(QObject *,QEvent *); %If (Qt_2_1_0 -) void setDuplicatesEnabled(bool); bool duplicatesEnabled() const; %End %If (Qt_2_2_0 -) bool editable() const; void setEditable(bool); %End %If (Qt_3_0_0 -) virtual void popup(); %End %If (Qt_3_3_0 -) void hide(); %End public slots: %If (Qt_3_0_0 -) void clear(); %End void clearValidator(); void clearEdit(); %If (- Qt_2_00) void setEditText(const char *); %End %If (Qt_2_00 -) virtual void setEditText(const QString &); %End signals: void activated(int); void highlighted(int); %If (- Qt_2_00) void activated(const char *); void highlighted(const char *); %End %If (Qt_2_00 -) void activated(const QString &); void highlighted(const QString &); void textChanged(const QString &); %End protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *); void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *); void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *); void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *); void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *); void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *); void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *); void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *); %If (Qt_3_1_1 -) void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *); %End %If (Qt_3_1_0 -) void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *); %End %If (- Qt_3_0_0) void popup(); %End %If (Qt_2_00 -) void styleChange(QStyle &); void updateMask(); %End private: QComboBox(const QComboBox &); };