// This is the SIP interface definition for QCString. // // Copyright (c) 2007 // Riverbank Computing Limited // // This file is part of PyQt. // // This copy of PyQt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later // version. // // PyQt is supplied in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more // details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with // PyQt; see the file LICENSE. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, // Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. %ExportedDoc QCString (Qt v2+) A Python string can be used whenever a QCString can be used. A QCString can be converted to a Python string using the Python str() function. QCString &sprintf const char *format ... Not implemented. short toShort bool *ok = 0 This returns a tuple of the short result and the ok value. ushort toUShort bool *ok = 0 This returns a tuple of the ushort result and the ok value. int toInt bool *ok = 0 This returns a tuple of the int result and the ok value. uint toUInt bool *ok = 0 This returns a tuple of the uint result and the ok value. long toLong bool *ok = 0 This returns a tuple of the long result and the ok value. ulong toULong bool *ok = 0 This returns a tuple of the ulong result and the ok value. float toFloat bool *ok = 0 This returns a tuple of the float result and the ok value. double toDouble bool *ok = 0 This returns a tuple of the double result and the ok value. %End %If (Qt_2_00 -) class QCString : QByteArray { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QCString(); QCString(int); QCString(const QCString &); QCString(const char *); QCString(const char *,uint); bool isNull() const; bool isEmpty() const; uint length() const; bool resize(uint); bool truncate(uint); bool fill(char,int = -1); QCString copy() const; // QCString &sprintf(const char *,...); // int find(char,int = 0,bool = 1) const; int find(const char *,int = 0,bool = 1) const; int find(const QRegExp &,int = 0) const; // int findRev(char,int = -1,bool = 1) const; int findRev(const char *,int = -1,bool = 1) const; int findRev(const QRegExp &,int = -1) const; // int contains(char,bool = 1) const; int contains(const char *,bool = 1) const; int contains(const QRegExp &) const; QCString left(uint) const; QCString right(uint) const; QCString mid(uint,uint = 0xffffffff) const; QCString leftJustify(uint,char = ' ',bool = 0) const; QCString rightJustify(uint,char = ' ',bool = 0) const; QCString lower() const; QCString upper() const; QCString stripWhiteSpace() const; QCString simplifyWhiteSpace() const; QCString &insert(uint,const char *); // QCString &insert(uint,char); QCString &append(const char *); QCString &prepend(const char *); QCString &remove(uint,uint); QCString &replace(uint,uint,const char *); QCString &replace(const QRegExp &,const char *); %If (Qt_3_1_0 -) // QCString &replace(char,const char *); QCString &replace(const char *,const char *); // QCString &replace(char,char); %End short toShort(bool * = 0) const; ushort toUShort(bool * = 0) const; int toInt(bool * = 0) const; uint toUInt(bool * = 0) const; long toLong(bool * = 0) const; ulong toULong(bool * = 0) const; float toFloat(bool * = 0) const; double toDouble(bool * = 0) const; QCString &setStr(const char *); // QCString &setNum(short); // QCString &setNum(ushort); QCString &setNum(int /Constrained/); // QCString &setNum(uint); // QCString &setNum(long); // QCString &setNum(ulong); // QCString &setNum(float,char = 'g',int = 6); QCString &setNum(double,char = 'g',int = 6); bool setExpand(uint,char); SIP_PYOBJECT __str__(); %MethodCode const char *s; Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS s = *sipCpp; Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS if (s == NULL) s = ""; sipRes = PyString_FromString(s); %End %ConvertToTypeCode // Allow a Python string whenever a QCString is expected. if (sipIsErr == NULL) return (PyString_Check(sipPy) || sipCanConvertToInstance(sipPy,sipClass_QCString,SIP_NO_CONVERTORS)); if (PyString_Check(sipPy)) { *sipCppPtr = new QCString(PyString_AS_STRING(sipPy)); return sipGetState(sipTransferObj); } *sipCppPtr = reinterpret_cast(sipConvertToInstance(sipPy,sipClass_QCString,sipTransferObj,SIP_NO_CONVERTORS,0,sipIsErr)); return 0; %End }; %End