/* * The main module for SIP. * * Copyright (c) 2007 * Riverbank Computing Limited * * This file is part of SIP. * * This copy of SIP is licensed for use under the terms of the SIP License * Agreement. See the file LICENSE for more details. * * SIP is supplied WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "sip.h" #ifndef PACKAGE #define PACKAGE "sip" #endif #define VERSION "4.6 (4.6)" /* Global variables - see sip.h for their meaning. */ char *sipVersion; stringList *includeDirList; static char *sipPackage = PACKAGE; static int warnings = FALSE; static void help(void); static void version(void); static void usage(void); static char parseopt(int,char **,char *,char **,int *,char **); static int parseInt(char *,char); int main(int argc,char **argv) { char *filename, *docFile, *codeDir, *srcSuffix, *flagFile; char arg, *optarg, *buildFile, *apiFile, *xmlFile; int optnr, exceptions, tracing, releaseGIL, parts; FILE *file; sipSpec spec; stringList *versions, *xfeatures; /* Initialise. */ sipVersion = VERSION; includeDirList = NULL; versions = NULL; xfeatures = NULL; buildFile = NULL; codeDir = NULL; docFile = NULL; srcSuffix = NULL; flagFile = NULL; apiFile = NULL; xmlFile = NULL; exceptions = FALSE; tracing = FALSE; releaseGIL = FALSE; parts = 0; /* Parse the command line. */ optnr = 1; while ((arg = parseopt(argc, argv, "hVa:b:ec:d:gI:j:m:rs:t:wx:z:", &flagFile, &optnr, &optarg)) != '\0') switch (arg) { case 'a': /* Where to generate the API file. */ apiFile = optarg; break; case 'm': /* Where to generate the XML file. */ xmlFile = optarg; break; case 'b': /* Generate a build file. */ buildFile = optarg; break; case 'e': /* Enable exceptions. */ exceptions = TRUE; break; case 'g': /* Always release the GIL. */ releaseGIL = TRUE; break; case 'j': /* Generate the code in this number of parts. */ parts = parseInt(optarg,'j'); break; case 'z': /* Read a file for the next flags. */ if (flagFile != NULL) fatal("The -z flag cannot be specified in an argument file\n"); flagFile = optarg; break; case 'c': /* Where to generate the code. */ codeDir = optarg; break; case 'd': /* Where to generate the documentation. */ docFile = optarg; break; case 't': /* Which platform or version to generate code for. */ appendString(&versions,optarg); break; case 'x': /* Which features are disabled. */ appendString(&xfeatures,optarg); break; case 'I': /* Where to get included files from. */ appendString(&includeDirList,optarg); break; case 'r': /* Enable tracing. */ tracing = TRUE; break; case 's': /* The suffix to use for source files. */ srcSuffix = optarg; break; case 'w': /* Enable warning messages. */ warnings = TRUE; break; case 'h': /* Help message. */ help(); break; case 'V': /* Display the version number. */ version(); break; default: usage(); } if (optnr < argc) { file = NULL; filename = argv[optnr++]; if (optnr < argc) usage(); } else { file = stdin; filename = "stdin"; } /* Parse the input file. */ parse(&spec,file,filename,versions,xfeatures); /* Verify and transform the parse tree. */ transform(&spec); /* Generate code. */ generateCode(&spec, codeDir, buildFile, docFile, srcSuffix, exceptions, tracing, releaseGIL, parts, xfeatures); /* Generate the API file. */ if (apiFile != NULL) generateAPI(&spec, apiFile); /* Generate the XML export. */ if (xmlFile != NULL) generateXML(&spec, xmlFile); /* All done. */ return 0; } /* * Parse the next command line argument - similar to UNIX getopts(). Allow a * flag to specify that a file contains further arguments. */ static char parseopt(int argc,char **argv,char *opts,char **flags,int *optnrp, char **optargp) { char arg, *op, *fname; int optnr; static FILE *fp = NULL; /* Deal with any file first. */ fname = *flags; if (fname != NULL && fp == NULL && (fp = fopen(fname,"r")) == NULL) fatal("Unable to open %s\n",fname); if (fp != NULL) { char buf[200], *cp, *fname; int ch; fname = *flags; cp = buf; while ((ch = fgetc(fp)) != EOF) { /* Skip leading whitespace. */ if (cp == buf && isspace(ch)) continue; if (ch == '\n') break; if (cp == &buf[sizeof (buf) - 1]) fatal("A flag in %s is too long\n",fname); *cp++ = (char)ch; } *cp = '\0'; if (ch == EOF) { fclose(fp); fp = NULL; *flags = NULL; } /* * Get the option character and any optional argument from the * line. */ if (buf[0] != '\0') { if (buf[0] != '-' || buf[1] == '\0') fatal("An non-flag was given in %s\n",fname); arg = buf[1]; /* Find any optional argument. */ for (cp = &buf[2]; *cp != '\0'; ++cp) if (!isspace(*cp)) break; if (*cp == '\0') cp = NULL; else cp = sipStrdup(cp); *optargp = cp; if ((op = strchr(opts,arg)) == NULL) fatal("An invalid flag was given in %s\n",fname); if (op[1] == ':' && cp == NULL) fatal("Missing flag argument in %s\n",fname); if (op[1] != ':' && cp != NULL) fatal("Unexpected flag argument in %s\n",fname); return arg; } } /* Check there is an argument and it is a switch. */ optnr = *optnrp; if (optnr >= argc || argv[optnr] == NULL || argv[optnr][0] != '-') return '\0'; /* Check it is a valid switch. */ arg = argv[optnr][1]; if (arg == '\0' || (op = strchr(opts,arg)) == NULL) usage(); /* Check for the switch parameter, if any. */ if (op[1] == ':') { if (argv[optnr][2] != '\0') { *optargp = &argv[optnr][2]; ++optnr; } else if (optnr + 1 >= argc || argv[optnr + 1] == NULL) usage(); else { *optargp = argv[optnr + 1]; optnr += 2; } } else if (argv[optnr][2] != '\0') usage(); else { *optargp = NULL; ++optnr; } *optnrp = optnr; return arg; } /* * Parse an integer option. */ static int parseInt(char *arg, char opt) { char *endptr; int val; val = strtol(arg, &endptr, 10); if (*arg == '\0' || *endptr != '\0') fatal("Invalid integer argument for -%c flag\n", opt); return val; } /* * Append a string to a list of them. */ void appendString(stringList **headp, const char *s) { stringList *sl; /* Create the new entry. */ sl = sipMalloc(sizeof (stringList)); sl -> s = s; sl -> next = NULL; /* Append it to the list. */ while (*headp != NULL) headp = &(*headp) -> next; *headp = sl; } /* * Display a warning message. */ void warning(char *fmt,...) { static int start = TRUE; va_list ap; if (!warnings) return; if (start) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Warning: ",sipPackage); start = FALSE; } va_start(ap,fmt); vfprintf(stderr,fmt,ap); va_end(ap); if (strchr(fmt,'\n') != NULL) start = TRUE; } /* * Display all or part of a one line error message describing a fatal error. * If the message is complete (it has a newline) then the program exits. */ void fatal(char *fmt,...) { static int start = TRUE; va_list ap; if (start) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: ",sipPackage); start = FALSE; } va_start(ap,fmt); vfprintf(stderr,fmt,ap); va_end(ap); if (strchr(fmt,'\n') != NULL) exit(1); } /* * Display the SIP version number on stdout and exit with zero exit status. */ static void version(void) { printf("%s\n",sipVersion); exit(0); } /* * Display the help message on stdout and exit with zero exit status. */ static void help(void) { printf( "Usage:\n" " %s [-h] [-V] [-a file] [-c dir] [-d file] [-e] [-g] [-I dir] [-j #] [-m file] [-r] [-s suffix] [-t version] [-w] [-x feature] [-z file] [file]\n" "where:\n" " -h display this help message\n" " -V display the %s version number\n" " -a file the name of the QScintilla API file [default not generated]\n" " -b file the name of the build file [default none generated]\n" " -c dir the name of the code directory [default not generated]\n" " -d file the name of the documentation file [default not generated]\n" " -e enable support for exceptions [default disabled]\n" " -g always release and reacquire the GIL [default only when specified]\n" " -I dir look in this directory when including files\n" " -j # split the generated code into # files [default 1 per class]\n" " -m file the name of the XML export file [default not generated]\n" " -r generate code with tracing enabled [default disabled]\n" " -s suffix the suffix to use for C or C++ source files [default \".c\" or \".cpp\"]\n" " -t tag the version/platform to generate code for\n" " -w enable warning messages\n" " -x feature this feature is disabled\n" " -z file the name of a file containing more command line flags\n" " file the name of the specification file [default stdin]\n" ,sipPackage,sipPackage); exit(0); } /* * Display the usage message. */ static void usage(void) { fatal("Usage: %s [-h] [-V] [-a file] [-b file] [-c dir] [-d file] [-e] [-g] [-I dir] [-j #] [-m file] [-r] [-s suffix] [-t tag] [-w] [-x feature] [-z file] [file]\n",sipPackage); }