/* * The main header file for SIP. * * Copyright (c) 2007 * Riverbank Computing Limited * * This file is part of SIP. * * This copy of SIP is licensed for use under the terms of the SIP License * Agreement. See the file LICENSE for more details. * * SIP is supplied WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ #ifndef SIP_H #define SIP_H #include #include #ifdef TRUE #undef TRUE #endif #ifdef FALSE #undef FALSE #endif #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define DEFAULT_OFILE_EXT ".o" /* Default object file extension. */ #define MAX_NR_ARGS 20 /* Max. nr. args. to a function or template. */ /* For convenience. */ #define classBaseName(cd) ((cd)->iff->name->text) #define classFQCName(cd) ((cd)->iff->fqcname) /* Handle module flags. */ #define MOD_HAS_DELAYED_DTORS 0x0001 /* It has a class with a delayed dtor. */ #define hasDelayedDtors(m) ((m)->modflags & MOD_HAS_DELAYED_DTORS) #define setHasDelayedDtors(m) ((m)->modflags |= MOD_HAS_DELAYED_DTORS) /* Handle section flags. */ #define SECT_IS_PUBLIC 0x01 /* It is public. */ #define SECT_IS_PROT 0x02 /* It is protected. */ #define SECT_IS_PRIVATE 0x04 /* It is private. */ #define SECT_IS_SLOT 0x08 /* It is a slot. */ #define SECT_IS_SIGNAL 0x10 /* It is a signal. */ #define SECT_MASK 0x1f /* The mask of all flags. */ /* Handle class flags. These are combined with the section flags. */ #define CLASS_HAS_ENUMS 0x00000100 /* It has enums. */ #define CLASS_HAS_SIGSLOTS 0x00000200 /* It has signals or slots. */ #define CLASS_IS_ABSTRACT 0x00000400 /* It is an abstract class. */ #define CLASS_HAS_SHADOW 0x00000800 /* It is has a shadow class. */ #define CLASS_IS_OPAQUE 0x00001000 /* It is opaque. */ #define CLASS_HAS_VAR_HANDLERS 0x00002000 /* It has variable handlers. */ #define CLASS_DTOR_RELEASE_GIL 0x00004000 /* The dtor releases the GIL. */ #define CLASS_IS_PROTECTED 0x00008000 /* It is protected. */ #define CLASS_IS_PROTECTED_SAV 0x00010000 /* It is protected (saved). */ #define CLASS_IS_RENAMED 0x00020000 /* It has a different Python name. */ #define CLASS_IS_INCOMPLETE 0x00040000 /* The specification is incomplete. */ #define CLASS_CAN_CREATE 0x00080000 /* It has usable ctors. */ #define CLASS_IS_EXTERNAL 0x00100000 /* It is external. */ #define CLASS_IS_DELAYED_DTOR 0x00200000 /* The dtor is delayed. */ #define CLASS_NO_DEFAULT_CTORS 0x00400000 /* Don't create default ctors. */ #define CLASS_QOBJECT_SUB 0x00800000 /* It is derived from TQObject. */ #define CLASS_DTOR_HOLD_GIL 0x01000000 /* The dtor holds the GIL. */ #define hasEnums(cd) ((cd)->classflags & CLASS_HAS_ENUMS) #define setHasEnums(cd) ((cd)->classflags |= CLASS_HAS_ENUMS) #define hasSigSlots(cd) ((cd)->classflags & CLASS_HAS_SIGSLOTS) #define setHasSigSlots(cd) ((cd)->classflags |= CLASS_HAS_SIGSLOTS) #define isAbstractClass(cd) ((cd)->classflags & CLASS_IS_ABSTRACT) #define setIsAbstractClass(cd) ((cd)->classflags |= CLASS_IS_ABSTRACT) #define hasShadow(cd) ((cd)->classflags & CLASS_HAS_SHADOW) #define setHasShadow(cd) ((cd)->classflags |= CLASS_HAS_SHADOW) #define resetHasShadow(cd) ((cd)->classflags &= ~CLASS_HAS_SHADOW) #define isOpaque(cd) ((cd)->classflags & CLASS_IS_OPAQUE) #define setIsOpaque(cd) ((cd)->classflags |= CLASS_IS_OPAQUE) #define hasVarHandlers(cd) ((cd)->classflags & CLASS_HAS_VAR_HANDLERS) #define setHasVarHandlers(cd) ((cd)->classflags |= CLASS_HAS_VAR_HANDLERS) #define isProtectedClass(cd) ((cd)->classflags & CLASS_IS_PROTECTED) #define setIsProtectedClass(cd) ((cd)->classflags |= CLASS_IS_PROTECTED) #define resetIsProtectedClass(cd) ((cd)->classflags &= ~CLASS_IS_PROTECTED) #define wasProtectedClass(cd) ((cd)->classflags & CLASS_IS_PROTECTED_SAV) #define setWasProtectedClass(cd) ((cd)->classflags |= CLASS_IS_PROTECTED_SAV) #define resetWasProtectedClass(cd) ((cd)->classflags &= ~CLASS_IS_PROTECTED_SAV) #define isReleaseGILDtor(c) ((cd)->classflags & CLASS_DTOR_RELEASE_GIL) #define setIsReleaseGILDtor(c) ((cd)->classflags |= CLASS_DTOR_RELEASE_GIL) #define isRenamedClass(cd) ((cd)->classflags & CLASS_IS_RENAMED) #define setIsRenamedClass(cd) ((cd)->classflags |= CLASS_IS_RENAMED) #define isIncomplete(cd) ((cd)->classflags & CLASS_IS_INCOMPLETE) #define setIsIncomplete(cd) ((cd)->classflags |= CLASS_IS_INCOMPLETE) #define canCreate(cd) ((cd)->classflags & CLASS_CAN_CREATE) #define setCanCreate(cd) ((cd)->classflags |= CLASS_CAN_CREATE) #define resetCanCreate(cd) ((cd)->classflags &= ~CLASS_CAN_CREATE) #define isExternal(cd) ((cd)->classflags & CLASS_IS_EXTERNAL) #define setIsExternal(cd) ((cd)->classflags |= CLASS_IS_EXTERNAL) #define isDelayedDtor(cd) ((cd)->classflags & CLASS_IS_DELAYED_DTOR) #define setIsDelayedDtor(cd) ((cd)->classflags |= CLASS_IS_DELAYED_DTOR) #define noDefaultCtors(cd) ((cd)->classflags & CLASS_NO_DEFAULT_CTORS) #define setNoDefaultCtors(cd) ((cd)->classflags |= CLASS_NO_DEFAULT_CTORS) #define isQObjectSubClass(cd) ((cd)->classflags & CLASS_QOBJECT_SUB) #define setIsQObjectSubClass(cd) ((cd)->classflags |= CLASS_QOBJECT_SUB) #define isHoldGILDtor(c) ((cd)->classflags & CLASS_DTOR_HOLD_GIL) #define setIsHoldGILDtor(c) ((cd)->classflags |= CLASS_DTOR_HOLD_GIL) #define isPublicDtor(cd) ((cd)->classflags & SECT_IS_PUBLIC) #define setIsPublicDtor(cd) ((cd)->classflags |= SECT_IS_PUBLIC) #define isProtectedDtor(cd) ((cd)->classflags & SECT_IS_PROT) #define isPrivateDtor(cd) ((cd)->classflags & SECT_IS_PRIVATE) #define isDtor(cd) ((cd)->classflags & (SECT_IS_PUBLIC | SECT_IS_PROT | SECT_IS_PRIVATE)) /* Handle ctor flags. These are combined with the section flags. */ #define CTOR_RELEASE_GIL 0x00000100 /* The ctor releases the GIL. */ #define CTOR_EXPLICIT 0x00000200 /* The ctor is explicit. */ #define CTOR_CAST 0x00000400 /* The ctor is a cast. */ #define CTOR_HOLD_GIL 0x00000800 /* The ctor holds the GIL. */ #define isPublicCtor(c) ((c)->ctorflags & SECT_IS_PUBLIC) #define setIsPublicCtor(c) ((c)->ctorflags |= SECT_IS_PUBLIC) #define isProtectedCtor(c) ((c)->ctorflags & SECT_IS_PROT) #define setIsProtectedCtor(c) ((c)->ctorflags |= SECT_IS_PROT) #define isPrivateCtor(c) ((c)->ctorflags & SECT_IS_PRIVATE) #define setIsPrivateCtor(c) ((c)->ctorflags |= SECT_IS_PRIVATE) #define isReleaseGILCtor(c) ((c)->ctorflags & CTOR_RELEASE_GIL) #define setIsReleaseGILCtor(c) ((c)->ctorflags |= CTOR_RELEASE_GIL) #define isExplicitCtor(c) ((c)->ctorflags & CTOR_EXPLICIT) #define setIsExplicitCtor(c) ((c)->ctorflags |= CTOR_EXPLICIT) #define isCastCtor(c) ((c)->ctorflags & CTOR_CAST) #define isHoldGILCtor(c) ((c)->ctorflags & CTOR_HOLD_GIL) #define setIsHoldGILCtor(c) ((c)->ctorflags |= CTOR_HOLD_GIL) /* Handle member flags. */ #define MEMBR_NUMERIC 0x0001 /* It is a numeric slot. */ #define isNumeric(m) ((m)->memberflags & MEMBR_NUMERIC) #define setIsNumeric(m) ((m)->memberflags |= MEMBR_NUMERIC) /* Handle enum flags. These are combined with the section flags. */ #define ENUM_WAS_PROT 0x00000100 /* It was defined as protected. */ #define ENUM_IS_RENAMED 0x00000200 /* It has been renamed. */ #define isProtectedEnum(e) ((e)->enumflags & SECT_IS_PROT) #define setIsProtectedEnum(e) ((e)->enumflags |= SECT_IS_PROT) #define resetIsProtectedEnum(e) ((e)->enumflags &= ~SECT_IS_PROT) #define wasProtectedEnum(e) ((e)->enumflags & ENUM_WAS_PROT) #define setWasProtectedEnum(e) ((e)->enumflags |= ENUM_WAS_PROT) #define resetWasProtectedEnum(e) ((e)->enumflags &= ~ENUM_WAS_PROT) #define isRenamedEnum(e) ((e)->enumflags & ENUM_IS_RENAMED) #define setIsRenamedEnum(e) ((e)->enumflags |= ENUM_IS_RENAMED) /* Handle hierarchy flags. */ #define HIER_IS_DUPLICATE 0x0001 /* It is a super class duplicate. */ #define HIER_HAS_DUPLICATE 0x0002 /* It has a super class duplicate. */ #define isDuplicateSuper(m) ((m)->mroflags & HIER_IS_DUPLICATE) #define setIsDuplicateSuper(m) ((m)->mroflags |= HIER_IS_DUPLICATE) #define hasDuplicateSuper(m) ((m)->mroflags & HIER_HAS_DUPLICATE) #define setHasDuplicateSuper(m) ((m)->mroflags |= HIER_HAS_DUPLICATE) /* Handle overload flags. These are combined with the section flags. */ #define OVER_IS_VIRTUAL 0x00000100 /* It is virtual. */ #define OVER_IS_ABSTRACT 0x00000200 /* It is abstract. */ #define OVER_IS_CONST 0x00000400 /* It is a const function. */ #define OVER_IS_STATIC 0x00000800 /* It is a static function. */ #define OVER_IS_AUTOGEN 0x00001000 /* It is auto-generated. */ #define OVER_IS_NEW_THREAD 0x00002000 /* It is in a new thread. */ #define OVER_IS_FACTORY 0x00004000 /* It is a factory method. */ #define OVER_XFERRED_BACK 0x00008000 /* Ownership is transferred back. */ #define OVER_RELEASE_GIL 0x00010000 /* The function releases the GIL. */ #define OVER_IS_VIRTUAL_REIMP 0x00020000 /* It is a re-implementation of a virtual. */ #define OVER_DONT_DEREF_SELF 0x00040000 /* For comparison operators, don't dereference self. */ #define OVER_HOLD_GIL 0x00080000 /* The function holds the GIL. */ #define isPublic(o) ((o)->overflags & SECT_IS_PUBLIC) #define setIsPublic(o) ((o)->overflags |= SECT_IS_PUBLIC) #define isProtected(o) ((o)->overflags & SECT_IS_PROT) #define setIsProtected(o) ((o)->overflags |= SECT_IS_PROT) #define isPrivate(o) ((o)->overflags & SECT_IS_PRIVATE) #define setIsPrivate(o) ((o)->overflags |= SECT_IS_PRIVATE) #define isSlot(o) ((o)->overflags & SECT_IS_SLOT) #define setIsSlot(o) ((o)->overflags |= SECT_IS_SLOT) #define isSignal(o) ((o)->overflags & SECT_IS_SIGNAL) #define setIsSignal(o) ((o)->overflags |= SECT_IS_SIGNAL) #define isVirtual(o) ((o)->overflags & OVER_IS_VIRTUAL) #define setIsVirtual(o) ((o)->overflags |= OVER_IS_VIRTUAL) #define isAbstract(o) ((o)->overflags & OVER_IS_ABSTRACT) #define setIsAbstract(o) ((o)->overflags |= OVER_IS_ABSTRACT) #define isConst(o) ((o)->overflags & OVER_IS_CONST) #define setIsConst(o) ((o)->overflags |= OVER_IS_CONST) #define isStatic(o) ((o)->overflags & OVER_IS_STATIC) #define setIsStatic(o) ((o)->overflags |= OVER_IS_STATIC) #define isAutoGen(o) ((o)->overflags & OVER_IS_AUTOGEN) #define setIsAutoGen(o) ((o)->overflags |= OVER_IS_AUTOGEN) #define resetIsAutoGen(o) ((o)->overflags &= ~OVER_IS_AUTOGEN) #define isNewThread(o) ((o)->overflags & OVER_IS_NEW_THREAD) #define setIsNewThread(o) ((o)->overflags |= OVER_IS_NEW_THREAD) #define isFactory(o) ((o)->overflags & OVER_IS_FACTORY) #define setIsFactory(o) ((o)->overflags |= OVER_IS_FACTORY) #define isResultTransferredBack(o) ((o)->overflags & OVER_XFERRED_BACK) #define setIsResultTransferredBack(o) ((o)->overflags |= OVER_XFERRED_BACK) #define isReleaseGIL(o) ((o)->overflags & OVER_RELEASE_GIL) #define setIsReleaseGIL(o) ((o)->overflags |= OVER_RELEASE_GIL) #define isVirtualReimp(o) ((o)->overflags & OVER_IS_VIRTUAL_REIMP) #define setIsVirtualReimp(o) ((o)->overflags |= OVER_IS_VIRTUAL_REIMP) #define dontDerefSelf(o) ((o)->overflags & OVER_DONT_DEREF_SELF) #define setDontDerefSelf(o) ((o)->overflags |= OVER_DONT_DEREF_SELF) #define isHoldGIL(o) ((o)->overflags & OVER_HOLD_GIL) #define setIsHoldGIL(o) ((o)->overflags |= OVER_HOLD_GIL) /* Handle variable flags. */ #define VAR_IS_STATIC 0x01 /* It is a static variable. */ #define VAR_NEEDS_HANDLER 0x02 /* It the variable needs a handler. */ #define isStaticVar(v) ((v)->varflags & VAR_IS_STATIC) #define setIsStaticVar(v) ((v)->varflags |= VAR_IS_STATIC) #define needsHandler(v) ((v)->varflags & VAR_NEEDS_HANDLER) #define setNeedsHandler(v) ((v)->varflags |= VAR_NEEDS_HANDLER) /* Handle argument flags. */ #define ARG_IS_REF 0x0001 /* It is a reference. */ #define ARG_IS_CONST 0x0002 /* It is a const. */ #define ARG_XFERRED 0x0004 /* Ownership is transferred. */ #define ARG_THIS_XFERRED 0x0008 /* Ownership of this is transferred. */ #define ARG_XFERRED_BACK 0x0010 /* Ownership is transferred back. */ #define ARG_ARRAY 0x0020 /* Used as an array. */ #define ARG_ARRAY_SIZE 0x0040 /* Used as an array size. */ #define ARG_ALLOW_NONE 0x0080 /* Allow None as a value. */ #define ARG_GET_WRAPPER 0x0100 /* Get the wrapper object. */ #define ARG_IN 0x0200 /* It passes an argument. */ #define ARG_OUT 0x0400 /* It returns a result. */ #define ARG_CONSTRAINED 0x0800 /* Suppress type conversion. */ #define isReference(a) ((a)->argflags & ARG_IS_REF) #define setIsReference(a) ((a)-> argflags |= ARG_IS_REF) #define resetIsReference(a) ((a)->argflags &= ~ARG_IS_REF) #define isConstArg(a) ((a)->argflags & ARG_IS_CONST) #define setIsConstArg(a) ((a)->argflags |= ARG_IS_CONST) #define resetIsConstArg(a) ((a)->argflags &= ~ARG_IS_CONST) #define isTransferred(a) ((a)->argflags & ARG_XFERRED) #define setIsTransferred(a) ((a)->argflags |= ARG_XFERRED) #define isThisTransferred(a) ((a)->argflags & ARG_THIS_XFERRED) #define setIsThisTransferred(a) ((a)->argflags |= ARG_THIS_XFERRED) #define isTransferredBack(a) ((a)->argflags & ARG_XFERRED_BACK) #define setIsTransferredBack(a) ((a)->argflags |= ARG_XFERRED_BACK) #define isArray(a) ((a)->argflags & ARG_ARRAY) #define setArray(a) ((a)->argflags |= ARG_ARRAY) #define isArraySize(a) ((a)->argflags & ARG_ARRAY_SIZE) #define setArraySize(a) ((a)->argflags |= ARG_ARRAY_SIZE) #define isAllowNone(a) ((a)->argflags & ARG_ALLOW_NONE) #define setAllowNone(a) ((a)->argflags |= ARG_ALLOW_NONE) #define isGetWrapper(a) ((a)->argflags & ARG_GET_WRAPPER) #define setGetWrapper(a) ((a)->argflags |= ARG_GET_WRAPPER) #define isInArg(a) ((a)->argflags & ARG_IN) #define setIsInArg(a) ((a)->argflags |= ARG_IN) #define isOutArg(a) ((a)->argflags & ARG_OUT) #define setIsOutArg(a) ((a)->argflags |= ARG_OUT) #define isConstrained(a) ((a)->argflags & ARG_CONSTRAINED) #define setIsConstrained(a) ((a)->argflags |= ARG_CONSTRAINED) #define resetIsConstrained(a) ((a)->argflags &= ~ARG_CONSTRAINED) /* Handle name flags. */ #define NAME_IS_USED 0x01 /* It is used in the main module. */ #define NAME_IS_CLASS 0x02 /* It is the name of a class. */ #define isUsedName(n) ((n)->nameflags & NAME_IS_USED) #define setIsUsedName(n) ((n)->nameflags |= NAME_IS_USED) #define resetIsUsedName(n) ((n)->nameflags &= ~NAME_IS_USED) #define isClassName(n) ((n)->nameflags & NAME_IS_CLASS) #define setIsClassName(n) ((n)->nameflags |= NAME_IS_CLASS) #define resetIsClassName(n) ((n)->nameflags &= ~NAME_IS_CLASS) /* Handle virtual handler flags. */ #define VH_IS_DUPLICATE 0x01 /* It is a duplicate. */ #define VH_TRANSFERS 0x02 /* It transfers ownership of the result. */ #define isDuplicateVH(vh) ((vh)->vhflags & VH_IS_DUPLICATE) #define setIsDuplicateVH(vh) ((vh)->vhflags |= VH_IS_DUPLICATE) #define resetIsDuplicateVH(vh) ((vh)->vhflags &= ~VH_IS_DUPLICATE) #define isTransferVH(vh) ((vh)->vhflags & VH_TRANSFERS) #define setIsTransferVH(vh) ((vh)->vhflags |= VH_TRANSFERS) /* Slot types. */ typedef enum { str_slot, unicode_slot, int_slot, long_slot, float_slot, len_slot, contains_slot, add_slot, concat_slot, sub_slot, mul_slot, repeat_slot, div_slot, mod_slot, and_slot, or_slot, xor_slot, lshift_slot, rshift_slot, iadd_slot, iconcat_slot, isub_slot, imul_slot, irepeat_slot, idiv_slot, imod_slot, iand_slot, ior_slot, ixor_slot, ilshift_slot, irshift_slot, invert_slot, call_slot, getitem_slot, setitem_slot, delitem_slot, lt_slot, le_slot, eq_slot, ne_slot, gt_slot, ge_slot, cmp_slot, nonzero_slot, neg_slot, pos_slot, abs_slot, repr_slot, hash_slot, no_slot } slotType; /* * Argument types. Always add new ones at the end because the numeric values * can appear in generated code. */ typedef enum { no_type, defined_type, class_type, struct_type, void_type, enum_type, template_type, signal_type, slot_type, rxcon_type, rxdis_type, slotcon_type, slotdis_type, ustring_type, string_type, short_type, ushort_type, cint_type, int_type, uint_type, long_type, ulong_type, float_type, cfloat_type, double_type, cdouble_type, bool_type, mapped_type, pyobject_type, pytuple_type, pylist_type, pydict_type, pycallable_type, pyslice_type, qobject_type, function_type, pytype_type, ellipsis_type, longlong_type, ulonglong_type, anyslot_type, cbool_type, sstring_type, wstring_type } argType; /* Value types. */ typedef enum { qchar_value, string_value, numeric_value, real_value, scoped_value, fcall_value } valueType; /* Version types. */ typedef enum { time_qualifier, platform_qualifier, feature_qualifier } qualType; /* Interface file types. */ typedef enum { exception_iface, mappedtype_iface, namespace_iface, class_iface } ifaceFileType; /* A software license. */ typedef struct { char *type; /* The license type. */ char *licensee; /* The licensee. */ char *timestamp; /* The timestamp. */ char *sig; /* The signature. */ } licenseDef; /* A version qualifier. */ typedef struct _qualDef { char *name; /* The qualifier name. */ qualType qtype; /* The qualifier type. */ struct _moduleDef *module; /* The defining module. */ int line; /* Timeline if it is a time. */ int order; /* Order if it is a time. */ struct _qualDef *next; /* Next in the list. */ } qualDef; /* A scoped name. */ typedef struct _scopedNameDef { char *name; /* The name. */ struct _scopedNameDef *next; /* Next in the scope list. */ } scopedNameDef; /* A name. */ typedef struct _nameDef { int nameflags; /* The name flags. */ struct _moduleDef *module; /* The main module. */ char *text; /* The text of the name. */ struct _nameDef *next; /* Next in the list. */ } nameDef; /* * A node in the tree of classes used to determine the order in which the * classes need to be created. */ typedef struct _nodeDef { int ordered; /* Set if in order. */ struct _classDef *cd; /* The class. */ struct _nodeDef *parent; /* The parent. */ struct _nodeDef *child; /* The first child. */ struct _nodeDef *next; /* The next sibling. */ } nodeDef; /* A module definition. */ typedef struct _moduleDef { char *fullname; /* The full module name. */ char *name; /* The module base name. */ int version; /* The module version. */ int modflags; /* The module flags. */ int modulenr; /* The module number. */ char *file; /* The filename. */ qualDef *qualifiers; /* The list of qualifiers. */ nodeDef root; /* Root of class tree. */ int nrtimelines; /* The nr. of timelines. */ int nrclasses; /* The nr. of classes. */ int nrexceptions; /* The nr. of exceptions. */ int nrmappedtypes; /* The nr. of mapped types. */ int nrenums; /* The nr. of named enums. */ int nrtypedefs; /* The nr. of typedefs. */ int nrvirthandlers; /* The nr. of virtual handlers. */ struct _virtHandlerDef *virthandlers; /* The virtual handlers. */ licenseDef *license; /* The software license. */ struct _moduleListDef *allimports; /* The list of all imports. */ struct _moduleListDef *imports; /* The list of direct imports. */ struct _moduleDef *next; /* Next in the list. */ } moduleDef; /* An entry in a linked module list. */ typedef struct _moduleListDef { moduleDef *module; /* The module itself. */ struct _moduleListDef *next; /* The next in the list. */ } moduleListDef; /* A literal code block. */ typedef struct _codeBlock { char *frag; /* The code itself. */ char *filename; /* The original file. */ int linenr; /* The line in the file. */ struct _codeBlock *next; /* Next in the list. */ } codeBlock; /* The arguments to a throw specifier. */ typedef struct _throwArgs { int nrArgs; /* The number of arguments. */ struct _exceptionDef *args[MAX_NR_ARGS]; /* The arguments. */ } throwArgs; /* An exception. */ typedef struct _exceptionDef { int exceptionnr; /* The exception number. */ struct _ifaceFileDef *iff; /* The interface file. */ char *pyname; /* The exception Python name. */ struct _classDef *cd; /* The exception class. */ char *bibase; /* The builtin base exception. */ struct _exceptionDef *base; /* The defined base exception. */ codeBlock *hdrcode; /* Optional header code. */ codeBlock *raisecode; /* Raise exception code. */ struct _exceptionDef *next; /* The next in the list. */ } exceptionDef; /* A value. */ typedef struct _valueDef { valueType vtype; /* The type. */ char vunop; /* Any unary operator. */ char vbinop; /* Any binary operator. */ union { char vqchar; /* Quoted character value. */ long vnum; /* Numeric value. */ double vreal; /* Real value. */ char *vstr; /* String value. */ scopedNameDef *vscp; /* Scoped value. */ struct _fcallDef *fcd; /* Function call. */ } u; struct _valueDef *next; /* Next in the expression. */ } valueDef; /* A member function argument (or result). */ typedef struct { argType atype; /* The type. */ char *name; /* The name. */ int argflags; /* The argument flags. */ int nrderefs; /* Nr. of dereferences. */ valueDef *defval; /* The default value. */ union { struct _signatureDef *sa; /* If it is a function. */ struct _templateDef *td; /* If it is a template. */ struct _scopedNameDef *snd; /* If it is a defined type. */ struct _classDef *cd; /* If it is a class. */ struct _enumDef *ed; /* If it is an enum. */ struct _scopedNameDef *sname; /* If it is a struct. */ struct _mappedTypeDef *mtd; /* If it is a mapped type. */ } u; } argDef; /* An entry in a linked argument list. */ typedef struct _argList { argDef arg; /* The argument itself. */ struct _argList *next; /* Next in the list. */ } argList; /* A function call. */ typedef struct _fcallDef { argDef type; /* The type. */ int nrArgs; /* The number of arguments. */ struct _valueDef *args[MAX_NR_ARGS]; /* The arguments. */ } fcallDef; /* An interface file definition. */ typedef struct _ifaceFileDef { nameDef *name; /* The name. */ ifaceFileType type; /* Interface file type. */ scopedNameDef *fqcname; /* The fully qualified C++ name. */ moduleDef *module; /* The owning module. */ struct _ifaceFileList *used; /* Interface files used. */ struct _ifaceFileDef *next; /* Next in the list. */ } ifaceFileDef; /* An entry in a linked interface file list. */ typedef struct _ifaceFileList { ifaceFileDef *iff; /* The interface file itself. */ int header; /* If needed in the .h file. */ struct _ifaceFileList *next; /* Next in the list. */ } ifaceFileList; /* A mapped type. */ typedef struct _mappedTypeDef { argDef type; /* The type being mapped. */ int mappednr; /* The mapped type number. */ ifaceFileDef *iff; /* The interface file. */ codeBlock *hdrcode; /* Header code. */ codeBlock *convfromcode; /* Convert from C++ code. */ codeBlock *convtocode; /* Convert to C++ code. */ struct _mappedTypeDef *next; /* Next in the list. */ } mappedTypeDef; /* A function signature. */ typedef struct _signatureDef { argDef result; /* The result. */ int nrArgs; /* The number of arguments. */ argDef args[MAX_NR_ARGS]; /* The arguments. */ } signatureDef; /* A list of function signatures. */ typedef struct _signatureList { struct _signatureDef *sd; /* The signature. */ struct _signatureList *next; /* Next in the list. */ } signatureList; /* A template type. */ typedef struct _templateDef { scopedNameDef *fqname; /* The name. */ signatureDef types; /* The types. */ } templateDef; /* A list of virtual handlers. */ typedef struct _virtHandlerDef { int virthandlernr; /* The nr. of the virtual handler. */ int vhflags; /* The virtual handler flags. */ signatureDef *pysig; /* The Python signature. */ signatureDef *cppsig; /* The C++ signature. */ struct _moduleDef *module; /* The defining module. */ codeBlock *virtcode; /* Virtual handler code. */ struct _virtHandlerDef *next; /* Next in the list. */ } virtHandlerDef; /* A typedef definition. */ typedef struct _typedefDef { scopedNameDef *fqname; /* The fully qualified name. */ struct _classDef *ecd; /* The enclosing class. */ moduleDef *module; /* The owning module. */ argDef type; /* The actual type. */ struct _typedefDef *next; /* Next in the list. */ } typedefDef; /* A variable definition. */ typedef struct _varDef { nameDef *pyname; /* The variable Python name. */ scopedNameDef *fqcname; /* The fully qualified C/C++ name. */ struct _classDef *ecd; /* The enclosing class. */ moduleDef *module; /* The owning module. */ int varflags; /* The variable flags. */ argDef type; /* The actual type. */ codeBlock *accessfunc; /* The access function. */ codeBlock *getcode; /* The get code. */ codeBlock *setcode; /* The set code. */ struct _varDef *next; /* Next in the list. */ } varDef; /* An overloaded member function definition. */ typedef struct _overDef { char *cppname; /* The C++ name. */ int overflags; /* The overload flags. */ struct _memberDef *common; /* Common parts. */ signatureDef pysig; /* The Python signature. */ signatureDef *cppsig; /* The C++ signature. */ throwArgs *exceptions; /* The exceptions. */ codeBlock *methodcode; /* Method code. */ virtHandlerDef *virthandler; /* The virtual handler. */ char *prehook; /* The pre-hook name. */ char *posthook; /* The post-hook name. */ struct _overDef *next; /* Next in the list. */ } overDef; /* An overloaded constructor definition. */ typedef struct _ctorDef { int ctorflags; /* The ctor flags. */ signatureDef pysig; /* The Python signature. */ signatureDef *cppsig; /* The C++ signature, NULL if /NoDerived/. */ throwArgs *exceptions; /* The exceptions. */ codeBlock *methodcode; /* Method code. */ char *prehook; /* The pre-hook name. */ char *posthook; /* The post-hook name. */ struct _ctorDef *next; /* Next in the list. */ } ctorDef; /* An enumerated type member definition. */ typedef struct _enumMemberDef { nameDef *pyname; /* The Python name. */ char *cname; /* The C/C++ name. */ struct _enumDef *ed; /* The enclosing enum. */ struct _enumMemberDef *next; /* Next in the list. */ } enumMemberDef; /* An enumerated type definition. */ typedef struct _enumDef { int enumflags; /* The enum flags. */ scopedNameDef *fqcname; /* The name (may be NULL). */ nameDef *pyname; /* The Python name (may be NULL). */ int enumnr; /* The enum number. */ struct _classDef *ecd; /* The enclosing class. */ struct _classDef *pcd; /* The publishing class. */ moduleDef *module; /* The owning module. */ enumMemberDef *members; /* The list of members. */ struct _memberDef *slots; /* The list of slots. */ struct _overDef *overs; /* The list of slot overloads. */ struct _enumDef *next; /* Next in the list. */ } enumDef; /* An member function definition. */ typedef struct _memberDef { nameDef *pyname; /* The Python name. */ int memberflags; /* The member flags. */ slotType slot; /* The slot type. */ moduleDef *module; /* The owning module. */ struct _memberDef *next; /* Next in the list. */ } memberDef; /* A list of visible member functions. */ typedef struct _visibleList { memberDef *m; /* The member definition. */ struct _classDef *cd; /* The class. */ struct _visibleList *next; /* Next in the list. */ } visibleList; /* An entry in a linked class list. */ typedef struct _classList { struct _classDef *cd; /* The class itself. */ struct _classList *next; /* Next in the list. */ } classList; /* A virtual overload definition. */ typedef struct _virtOverDef { overDef o; /* The overload. */ struct _classDef *scope; /* The overload scope. */ struct _virtOverDef *next; /* Next in the list. */ } virtOverDef; /* A class that appears in a class's hierarchy. */ typedef struct _mroDef { struct _classDef *cd; /* The class. */ int mroflags; /* The hierarchy flags. */ struct _mroDef *next; /* The next in the list. */ } mroDef; /* A class definition. */ typedef struct _classDef { int classflags; /* The class flags. */ int userflags; /* The user type flags. */ int classnr; /* The class number. */ char *pyname; /* The Python name. */ ifaceFileDef *iff; /* The interface file. */ struct _classDef *ecd; /* The enclosing scope. */ struct _classDef *real; /* The real class if this is a proxy or extender. */ nodeDef *node; /* Position in class tree. */ classList *supers; /* The parent classes. */ mroDef *mro; /* The super-class hierarchy. */ templateDef *td; /* The instantiated template. */ ctorDef *ctors; /* The constructors. */ ctorDef *defctor; /* The default ctor. */ codeBlock *dealloccode; /* Handwritten dealloc code. */ codeBlock *dtorcode; /* Handwritten dtor code. */ throwArgs *dtorexceptions; /* The dtor exceptions. */ memberDef *members; /* The member functions. */ overDef *overs; /* The overloads. */ argList *casts; /* The operator casts. */ virtOverDef *vmembers; /* The virtual members. */ visibleList *visible; /* The visible members. */ codeBlock *cppcode; /* Class C++ code. */ codeBlock *hdrcode; /* Class header code. */ codeBlock *convtosubcode; /* Convert to sub C++ code. */ struct _classDef *subbase; /* Sub-class base class. */ codeBlock *convtocode; /* Convert to C++ code. */ codeBlock *travcode; /* Traverse code. */ codeBlock *clearcode; /* Clear code. */ codeBlock *readbufcode; /* Read buffer code. */ codeBlock *writebufcode; /* Write buffer code. */ codeBlock *segcountcode; /* Segment count code. */ codeBlock *charbufcode; /* Character buffer code. */ struct _classDef *next; /* Next in the list. */ } classDef; /* A class template definition. */ typedef struct _classTmplDef { signatureDef sig; /* The template arguments. */ classDef *cd; /* The class itself. */ struct _classTmplDef *next; /* The next in the list. */ } classTmplDef; /* A mapped type template definition. */ typedef struct _mappedTypeTmplDef { signatureDef sig; /* The template arguments. */ mappedTypeDef *mt; /* The mapped type itself. */ struct _mappedTypeTmplDef *next; /* The next in the list. */ } mappedTypeTmplDef; /* The parse tree corresponding to the specification file. */ typedef struct { moduleDef *module; /* This module. */ moduleDef *modules; /* The list of modules. */ nameDef *namecache; /* The name cache. */ ifaceFileDef *ifacefiles; /* The list of interface files. */ classDef *classes; /* The list of classes. */ classTmplDef *classtemplates; /* The list of class templates. */ classDef *proxies; /* The list of proxy classes. */ exceptionDef *exceptions; /* The list of exceptions. */ mappedTypeDef *mappedtypes; /* The mapped types. */ mappedTypeTmplDef *mappedtypetemplates; /* The list of mapped type templates. */ int qobjclass; /* TQObject class, -1 if none. */ enumDef *enums; /* List of enums. */ varDef *vars; /* List of variables. */ memberDef *othfuncs; /* List of other functions. */ overDef *overs; /* Global overloads. */ typedefDef *typedefs; /* List of typedefs. */ codeBlock *copying; /* Software license. */ codeBlock *exphdrcode; /* Exported header code. */ codeBlock *hdrcode; /* Header code. */ codeBlock *cppcode; /* Global C++ code. */ codeBlock *docs; /* Documentation. */ codeBlock *preinitcode; /* Pre-initialisation code. */ codeBlock *postinitcode; /* Post-initialisation code. */ codeBlock *unitcode; /* Compilation unit code. */ ifaceFileList *used; /* Interface files used. */ int sigslots; /* Set if signals or slots are used. */ int genc; /* Set if we are generating C code. */ struct _stringList *options; /* The list of options. */ } sipSpec; /* A list of strings. */ typedef struct _stringList { const char *s; /* The string. */ struct _stringList *next; /* The next in the list. */ } stringList; /* File specific context information for the parser. */ typedef struct _parserContext { int ifdepth; /* The depth of nested if's. */ moduleDef *prevmod; /* The previous module. */ } parserContext; extern char *sipVersion; /* The version of SIP. */ extern stringList *includeDirList; /* The include directory list for SIP files. */ void parse(sipSpec *,FILE *,char *,stringList *,stringList *); void parserEOF(char *,parserContext *); void transform(sipSpec *); void generateCode(sipSpec *,char *,char *,char *,char *,int,int,int,int,stringList *); void generateAPI(sipSpec *pt, const char *apiFile); void generateXML(sipSpec *pt, const char *xmlFile); void generateExpression(valueDef *vd, FILE *fp); void warning(char *,...); void fatal(char *,...); void fatalScopedName(scopedNameDef *); void setInputFile(FILE *,char *,parserContext *,int); void *sipMalloc(size_t); char *sipStrdup(char *); char *concat(const char *, ...); void append(char **,char *); ifaceFileList *addToUsedList(ifaceFileList **, ifaceFileDef *); int excludedFeature(stringList *,qualDef *); int sameSignature(signatureDef *,signatureDef *,int); int sameTemplateSignature(signatureDef *sd1, signatureDef *sd2, int deep); int sameScopedName(scopedNameDef *,scopedNameDef *); int sameBaseType(argDef *,argDef *); char *scopedNameTail(scopedNameDef *); scopedNameDef *text2scopePart(char *); scopedNameDef *copyScopedName(scopedNameDef *); void appendScopedName(scopedNameDef **,scopedNameDef *); void freeScopedName(scopedNameDef *); void appendToClassList(classList **,classDef *); void prcode(FILE *fp, const char *fmt, ...); void prOverloadName(FILE *fp, overDef *od); void prScopedPythonName(FILE *fp, classDef *scope, const char *pyname); void prOverloadDecl(FILE *fp, overDef *od, int defval); int isIntReturnSlot(memberDef *md); int isLongReturnSlot(memberDef *md); int isVoidReturnSlot(memberDef *md); int isNumberSlot(memberDef *md); int isRichCompareSlot(memberDef *md); mappedTypeDef *allocMappedType(argDef *type); void appendString(stringList **headp, const char *s); void appendTypeStrings(scopedNameDef *ename, signatureDef *patt, signatureDef *src, signatureDef *known, scopedNameDef **names, scopedNameDef **values); codeBlock *templateCode(sipSpec *pt, ifaceFileList **used, codeBlock *ocb, scopedNameDef *names, scopedNameDef *values); ifaceFileDef *findIfaceFile(sipSpec *pt, moduleDef *mod, scopedNameDef *fqname, ifaceFileType iftype, argDef *ad); int optNoEmitters(sipSpec *pt); int optRegisterTypes(sipSpec *pt); int optQ_OBJECT4(sipSpec *pt); void yywarning(char *); /* These are only here because bison publically references them. */ /* Represent a set of option flags. */ #define MAX_NR_FLAGS 5 typedef enum { bool_flag, string_flag, name_flag, opt_name_flag, integer_flag } flagType; typedef struct { char *fname; /* The flag name. */ flagType ftype; /* The flag type. */ union { /* The flag value. */ char *sval; /* A string value. */ long ival; /* An integer value. */ } fvalue; } optFlag; typedef struct { int nrFlags; /* The number of flags. */ optFlag flags[MAX_NR_FLAGS]; /* Each flag. */ } optFlags; #endif