/*************************************************************************** * $Id$ ** * Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** * This file is part of an example program for Qt. This example * program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation. ** ****************************************************************************/ import org.kde.qt.*; import java.util.*; class HelpWindow extends QMainWindow { private QTextBrowser browser; private QComboBox pathCombo; private int backwardId, forwardId; private String selectedURL; private ArrayList history = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList bookmarks = new ArrayList(); private HashMap mHistory = new HashMap(); private HashMap mBookmarks = new HashMap(); private QPopupMenu hist, bookm; HelpWindow( String home_, String _path ) { this(home_, _path, null, null); } HelpWindow( String home_, String _path, QWidget parent, String name ) { super( parent, name, WDestructiveClose ); readHistory(); readBookmarks(); browser = new QTextBrowser( this ); browser.mimeSourceFactory().setFilePath( new String[] { _path } ); browser.setFrameStyle( QFrame.Panel | QFrame.Sunken ); connect( browser, SIGNAL(" textChanged()"), this, SLOT(" textChanged()") ); setCentralWidget( browser ); if ( !home_.equals("") ) browser.setSource( home_ ); connect( browser, SIGNAL(" highlighted( String)"), statusBar(), SLOT(" message( String)") ); resize( 640,700 ); QPopupMenu file = new QPopupMenu( this ); file.insertItem( tr("&New Window"), this, SLOT(" newWindow()"), new QKeySequence(CTRL+Key_N) ); file.insertItem( tr("&Open File"), this, SLOT(" openFile()"), new QKeySequence(CTRL+Key_O) ); file.insertItem( tr("&Print"), this, SLOT(" print()"), new QKeySequence(CTRL+Key_P) ); file.insertSeparator(); file.insertItem( tr("&Close"), this, SLOT(" close()"), new QKeySequence(CTRL+Key_Q) ); file.insertItem( tr("E&xit"), qApp(), SLOT(" closeAllWindows()"), new QKeySequence(CTRL+Key_X) ); // The same three icons are used twice each. QIconSet icon_back = new QIconSet( new QPixmap("back.xpm") ); QIconSet icon_forward = new QIconSet( new QPixmap("forward.xpm") ); QIconSet icon_home = new QIconSet( new QPixmap("home.xpm") ); QPopupMenu go = new QPopupMenu( this ); backwardId = go.insertItem( icon_back, tr("&Backward"), browser, SLOT(" backward()"), new QKeySequence(CTRL+Key_Left) ); forwardId = go.insertItem( icon_forward, tr("&Forward"), browser, SLOT(" forward()"), new QKeySequence(CTRL+Key_Right) ); go.insertItem( icon_home, tr("&Home"), browser, SLOT(" home()") ); QPopupMenu help = new QPopupMenu( this ); help.insertItem( tr("&About ..."), this, SLOT(" about()") ); help.insertItem( tr("About &Qt ..."), this, SLOT(" aboutQt()") ); hist = new QPopupMenu( this ); Iterator it = history.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String item = (String) it.next(); mHistory.put(new Integer(hist.insertItem( item )), item); } connect( hist, SIGNAL(" activated( int )"), this, SLOT(" histChosen( int )") ); bookm = new QPopupMenu( this ); bookm.insertItem( tr( "Add Bookmark" ), this, SLOT(" addBookmark()") ); bookm.insertSeparator(); Iterator it2 = bookmarks.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { String item = (String) it2.next(); mBookmarks.put(new Integer(bookm.insertItem( item )), item); } connect( bookm, SIGNAL(" activated( int )"), this, SLOT(" bookmChosen( int )") ); menuBar().insertItem( tr("&File"), file ); menuBar().insertItem( tr("&Go"), go ); menuBar().insertItem( tr( "History" ), hist ); menuBar().insertItem( tr( "Bookmarks" ), bookm ); menuBar().insertSeparator(); menuBar().insertItem( tr("&Help"), help ); menuBar().setItemEnabled( forwardId, false); menuBar().setItemEnabled( backwardId, false); connect( browser, SIGNAL(" backwardAvailable( boolean )"), this, SLOT(" setBackwardAvailable( boolean )") ); connect( browser, SIGNAL(" forwardAvailable( boolean )"), this, SLOT(" setForwardAvailable( boolean )") ); QToolBar toolbar = new QToolBar( this ); addToolBar( toolbar, "Toolbar"); QToolButton button; button = new QToolButton( icon_back, tr("Backward"), "", browser, SLOT("backward()"), toolbar ); connect( browser, SIGNAL(" backwardAvailable(boolean)"), button, SLOT(" setEnabled(boolean)") ); button.setEnabled( false ); button = new QToolButton( icon_forward, tr("Forward"), "", browser, SLOT("forward()"), toolbar ); connect( browser, SIGNAL(" forwardAvailable(boolean)"), button, SLOT(" setEnabled(boolean)") ); button.setEnabled( false ); button = new QToolButton( icon_home, tr("Home"), "", browser, SLOT("home()"), toolbar ); toolbar.addSeparator(); pathCombo = new QComboBox( true, toolbar ); connect( pathCombo, SIGNAL(" activated( String )"), this, SLOT(" pathSelected( String )") ); toolbar.setStretchableWidget( pathCombo ); setRightJustification( true ); setDockEnabled( DockLeft, false ); setDockEnabled( DockRight, false ); pathCombo.insertItem( home_ ); browser.setFocus(); } void setBackwardAvailable( boolean b) { menuBar().setItemEnabled( backwardId, b); } void setForwardAvailable( boolean b) { menuBar().setItemEnabled( forwardId, b); } void textChanged() { if ( browser.documentTitle() == null ) { setCaption( "Qt Example - Helpviewer - " + browser.context() ); selectedURL = browser.context(); } else { setCaption( "Qt Example - Helpviewer - " + browser.documentTitle() ) ; selectedURL = browser.documentTitle(); } if ( !selectedURL.equals("") && pathCombo != null ) { boolean exists = false; int i; for ( i = 0; i < pathCombo.count(); ++i ) { if ( pathCombo.text( i ) == selectedURL ) { exists = true; break; } } if ( !exists ) { pathCombo.insertItem( selectedURL, 0 ); pathCombo.setCurrentItem( 0 ); mHistory.put( new Integer(hist.insertItem( selectedURL )), selectedURL); } else pathCombo.setCurrentItem( i ); selectedURL = null; } } public void cleanUp() { history.clear(); Iterator it = mHistory.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) history.add(it.next()); QFile f = new QFile( QDir.currentDirPath() + "/.history" ); f.open( QIODevice.IO_WriteOnly ); QTextStream t = new QTextStream( f ); Iterator it1 = history.iterator(); while (it1.hasNext()) { String item = (String) it1.next(); t.writeRawBytes( item, item.length() ); t.writeRawBytes( "\n", 1 ); } f.close(); bookmarks.clear(); Iterator it3 = mBookmarks.values().iterator(); while (it3.hasNext()) bookmarks.add(it3.next()); QFile f2 = new QFile( QDir.currentDirPath() + "/.bookmarks" ); f2.open( QIODevice.IO_WriteOnly ); QTextStream t2 = new QTextStream( f2 ); Iterator it2 = bookmarks.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { String item = (String) it2.next(); t2.writeRawBytes( item, item.length() ); t2.writeRawBytes( "\n", 1 ); } f2.close(); } void about() { QMessageBox.about( this, "HelpViewer Example", "

This example implements a simple HTML help viewer " + "using Qt's rich text capabilities

" + "

It's just about 100 lines of Java code, so don't expect too much :-)

" ); } void aboutQt() { QMessageBox.aboutQt( this, "QBrowser" ); } void openFile() { String fn = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( "", "", this ); if ( !fn.equals("") ) browser.setSource( fn ); } void newWindow() { ( new HelpWindow(browser.source(), "qbrowser") ).show(); } void print() { QPrinter printer = new QPrinter();//(QPrinter.HighResolution ); printer.setFullPage(true); if ( printer.setup( this ) ) { QPainter p = new QPainter( printer ); QPaintDeviceMetrics metrics = new QPaintDeviceMetrics(p.device()); int dpix = metrics.logicalDpiX(); int dpiy = metrics.logicalDpiY(); int margin = 72; // pt QRect body = new QRect(margin*dpix/72, margin*dpiy/72, metrics.width()-margin*dpix/72*2, metrics.height()-margin*dpiy/72*2 ); QFont font = new QFont("times", 10); ArrayList filePaths = browser.mimeSourceFactory().filePath(); String file = ""; Iterator it = filePaths.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { file = new QUrl( new QUrl((String) it.next()), new QUrl( browser.source() ).path() ).path(); if ( QFile.exists( file ) ) break; else file = ""; } if ( file.equals("") ) return; QFile f = new QFile( file ); if ( !f.open( QIODevice.IO_ReadOnly ) ) return; QTextStream ts = new QTextStream( f ); QSimpleRichText richText = new QSimpleRichText( ts.read(), font, browser.context(), browser.styleSheet(), browser.mimeSourceFactory(), body.height() ); richText.setWidth( p, body.width() ); QRect view = new QRect( body.topLeft(), body.bottomRight() ); int page = 1; do { richText.draw( p, body.left(), body.top(), view, colorGroup() ); view.moveBy( 0, body.height() ); p.translate( 0 , -body.height() ); p.setFont( font ); p.drawText( view.right() - p.fontMetrics().width( new Integer(page).toString() ), view.bottom() + p.fontMetrics().ascent() + 5, new Integer(page).toString() ); if ( view.top() >= richText.height() ) break; printer.newPage(); page++; } while (true); } } void pathSelected( String _path ) { browser.setSource( _path ); Iterator it = mHistory.values().iterator(); boolean exists = false; while (it.hasNext()) { if ( ((String) it.next()).equals(_path) ) { exists = true; break; } } if ( !exists ) mHistory.put( new Integer(hist.insertItem( _path )), _path); } void readHistory() { if ( QFile.exists( QDir.currentDirPath() + "/.history" ) ) { QFile f = new QFile( QDir.currentDirPath() + "/.history" ); f.open( QIODevice.IO_ReadOnly ); QTextStream t = new QTextStream( f ); while ( !t.atEnd() ) { String item = t.readLine(); history.add((Object) item); } f.close(); while ( history.size() > 20 ) history.remove( 0 ); } } void readBookmarks() { if ( QFile.exists( QDir.currentDirPath() + "/.bookmarks" ) ) { QFile f = new QFile( QDir.currentDirPath() + "/.bookmarks" ); f.open( QIODevice.IO_ReadOnly ); QTextStream t = new QTextStream( f ); while ( !t.atEnd() ) { String item = t.readLine(); bookmarks.add((Object) item); } f.close(); } } void histChosen( int i ) { if ( mHistory.containsKey( new Integer(i) ) ) browser.setSource( (String) mHistory.get( new Integer(i) ) ); } void bookmChosen( int i ) { if ( mBookmarks.containsKey( new Integer(i) ) ) browser.setSource( (String) mBookmarks.get( new Integer(i) ) ); } void addBookmark() { mBookmarks.put( new Integer(bookm.insertItem( caption() )), browser.context() ); } }