//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT.
package org.kde.qt;

import org.kde.qt.Qt;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class QRegExp implements QtSupport {
	private long _qt;
	private boolean _allocatedInJavaWorld = true;
	protected QRegExp(Class dummy){}

	public static final int CaretAtZero = 0;
	public static final int CaretAtOffset = 1;
	public static final int CaretWontMatch = 2;

	public QRegExp() {
	private native void newQRegExp();
	public QRegExp(String pattern, boolean caseSensitive, boolean wildcard) {
	private native void newQRegExp(String pattern, boolean caseSensitive, boolean wildcard);
	public QRegExp(String pattern, boolean caseSensitive) {
	private native void newQRegExp(String pattern, boolean caseSensitive);
	public QRegExp(String pattern) {
	private native void newQRegExp(String pattern);
	public QRegExp(QRegExp rx) {
	private native void newQRegExp(QRegExp rx);
	public native boolean op_equals(QRegExp rx);
	public native boolean op_not_equals(QRegExp rx);
	public native boolean isEmpty();
	public native boolean isValid();
	public native String pattern();
	public native void setPattern(String pattern);
	public native boolean caseSensitive();
	public native void setCaseSensitive(boolean sensitive);
	public native boolean wildcard();
	public native void setWildcard(boolean wildcard);
	public native boolean minimal();
	public native void setMinimal(boolean minimal);
	public native boolean exactMatch(String str);
	public native int match(String str, int index, int[] len, boolean indexIsStart);
	public native int match(String str, int index, int[] len);
	public native int match(String str, int index);
	public native int match(String str);
	public native int search(String str, int offset, int caretMode);
	public native int search(String str, int offset);
	public native int search(String str);
	public native int searchRev(String str, int offset, int caretMode);
	public native int searchRev(String str, int offset);
	public native int searchRev(String str);
	public native int matchedLength();
	public native int numCaptures();
	public native ArrayList capturedTexts();
	public native String cap(int nth);
	public native String cap();
	public native int pos(int nth);
	public native int pos();
	public native String errorString();
	public static native String escape(String str);
	/** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */
	protected native void finalize() throws InternalError;
	/** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */
	public native void dispose();
	/** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */
	public native boolean isDisposed();