//Auto-generated by kalyptus. DO NOT EDIT. package org.trinitydesktop.qt; import org.trinitydesktop.qt.Qt; import java.util.ArrayList; /** See {@link TQDataTableSignals} for signals emitted by TQDataTable */ public class TQDataTable extends TQTable { protected TQDataTable(Class dummy){super((Class) null);} public static final int RefreshData = 1; public static final int RefreshColumns = 2; public static final int RefreshAll = 3; public native TQMetaObject metaObject(); public native String className(); public TQDataTable(TQWidget parent, String name) { super((Class) null); newTQDataTable(parent,name); } private native void newTQDataTable(TQWidget parent, String name); public TQDataTable(TQWidget parent) { super((Class) null); newTQDataTable(parent); } private native void newTQDataTable(TQWidget parent); public TQDataTable() { super((Class) null); newTQDataTable(); } private native void newTQDataTable(); public TQDataTable(TQSqlCursor cursor, boolean autoPopulate, TQWidget parent, String name) { super((Class) null); newTQDataTable(cursor,autoPopulate,parent,name); } private native void newTQDataTable(TQSqlCursor cursor, boolean autoPopulate, TQWidget parent, String name); public TQDataTable(TQSqlCursor cursor, boolean autoPopulate, TQWidget parent) { super((Class) null); newTQDataTable(cursor,autoPopulate,parent); } private native void newTQDataTable(TQSqlCursor cursor, boolean autoPopulate, TQWidget parent); public TQDataTable(TQSqlCursor cursor, boolean autoPopulate) { super((Class) null); newTQDataTable(cursor,autoPopulate); } private native void newTQDataTable(TQSqlCursor cursor, boolean autoPopulate); public TQDataTable(TQSqlCursor cursor) { super((Class) null); newTQDataTable(cursor); } private native void newTQDataTable(TQSqlCursor cursor); public native void addColumn(String fieldName, String label, int width, TQIconSet iconset); public native void addColumn(String fieldName, String label, int width); public native void addColumn(String fieldName, String label); public native void addColumn(String fieldName); public native void removeColumn(int col); public native void setColumn(int col, String fieldName, String label, int width, TQIconSet iconset); public native void setColumn(int col, String fieldName, String label, int width); public native void setColumn(int col, String fieldName, String label); public native void setColumn(int col, String fieldName); public native String nullText(); public native String trueText(); public native String falseText(); public native int dateFormat(); public native boolean confirmEdits(); public native boolean confirmInsert(); public native boolean confirmUpdate(); public native boolean confirmDelete(); public native boolean confirmCancels(); public native boolean autoDelete(); public native boolean autoEdit(); public native String filter(); public native ArrayList sort(); public native void setSqlCursor(TQSqlCursor cursor, boolean autoPopulate, boolean autoDelete); public native void setSqlCursor(TQSqlCursor cursor, boolean autoPopulate); public native void setSqlCursor(TQSqlCursor cursor); public native void setSqlCursor(); public native TQSqlCursor sqlCursor(); public native void setNullText(String nullText); public native void setTrueText(String trueText); public native void setFalseText(String falseText); public native void setDateFormat(int f); public native void setConfirmEdits(boolean confirm); public native void setConfirmInsert(boolean confirm); public native void setConfirmUpdate(boolean confirm); public native void setConfirmDelete(boolean confirm); public native void setConfirmCancels(boolean confirm); public native void setAutoDelete(boolean enable); public native void setAutoEdit(boolean autoEdit); public native void setFilter(String filter); public native void setSort(String[] sort); public native void setSort(TQSqlIndex sort); public native void refresh(int mode); public native void sortColumn(int col, boolean ascending, boolean wholeRows); public native void sortColumn(int col, boolean ascending); public native void sortColumn(int col); public native String text(int row, int col); public native TQVariant value(int row, int col); public native TQSqlRecord currentRecord(); public native void installEditorFactory(TQSqlEditorFactory f); public native void installPropertyMap(TQSqlPropertyMap m); public native int numCols(); public native int numRows(); public native void setNumCols(int c); public native void setNumRows(int r); public native boolean findBuffer(TQSqlIndex idx, int atHint); public native boolean findBuffer(TQSqlIndex idx); public native void hideColumn(int col); public native void showColumn(int col); public native void find(String str, boolean caseSensitive, boolean backwards); public native void sortAscending(int col); public native void sortDescending(int col); public native void refresh(); public native void setColumnWidth(int col, int w); public native void adjustColumn(int col); public native void setColumnStretchable(int col, boolean stretch); public native void swapColumns(int col1, int col2, boolean swapHeaders); public native void swapColumns(int col1, int col2); public static native String tr(String arg1, String arg2); public static native String tr(String arg1); protected native boolean insertCurrent(); protected native boolean updateCurrent(); protected native boolean deleteCurrent(); protected native int confirmEdit(int m); protected native int confirmCancel(int m); protected native void handleError(TQSqlError e); protected native boolean beginInsert(); protected native TQWidget beginUpdate(int row, int col, boolean replace); public native boolean eventFilter(TQObject o, TQEvent e); protected native void keyPressEvent(TQKeyEvent arg1); protected native void resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent arg1); protected native void contentsMousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent e); protected native void contentsContextMenuEvent(TQContextMenuEvent e); protected native void endEdit(int row, int col, boolean accept, boolean replace); protected native TQWidget createEditor(int row, int col, boolean initFromCell); protected native void activateNextCell(); protected native int indexOf(int i); protected native void reset(); protected native void setSize(TQSqlCursor sql); protected native void repaintCell(int row, int col); public native void paintCell(TQPainter p, int row, int col, TQRect cr, boolean selected, TQColorGroup cg); protected native void paintField(TQPainter p, TQSqlField field, TQRect cr, boolean selected); protected native void drawContents(TQPainter p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch); protected native int fieldAlignment(TQSqlField field); protected native void columnClicked(int col); protected native void resizeData(int len); public native TQTableItem item(int row, int col); public native void setItem(int row, int col, TQTableItem item); public native void clearCell(int row, int col); public native void setPixmap(int row, int col, TQPixmap pix); public native void takeItem(TQTableItem i); /** Deletes the wrapped C++ instance */ protected native void finalize() throws InternalError; /** Delete the wrapped C++ instance ahead of finalize() */ public native void dispose(); /** Has the wrapped C++ instance been deleted? */ public native boolean isDisposed(); }